32 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Pengelolaan Rumah Berkas Wajib Pajak di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama

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    File management debt collection letter of the taxpayer in the Tax Office Primary use the term home taxpayer files. Where in the maintenance of the file is still using the process of recording data on the ledger and the physical storage of records in a file cabinet. The amount of storage shelves and files are kept very much lead in the file search process takes a long time. Supervision existence archive documents is very difficult to do if you have to check the house when the order to each file.By utilizing databases and application managers, can be designed application manager of the file that works to help the storage of data files and check the existence of a letter to the home archive file. This application design using the Waterfall method using a structured approach flowmap, context diagrams, data flow diagrams and entity relationship diagrams as design data base.Management of application design house taxpayer files, intended in order to overcome the problems that occur in the Collection Section Tax Office Primary, so that the process of debt collection file management taxpayer for faster and easier.Keywords—Home Files, File Collection, Tax Debt, The Taxpaye

    Notifikasi Network Intrusion Detection System Menggunakan Media Aplikasi Telegram (Studi Kasus: Kantor Imigrasi Tasikmalaya)

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    Pada jaringan local area network sering terdapat keluhan seperti sering terjadinya gangguan pada server dimana gangguan tersebut bisa berasal dari pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab / penyusup (intruder) dengan memanfaatkan kelemahan sistem keamanan jaringan local area network yang terhubung dengan server baik itu melalui media kabel maupun nirkabel. Untuk menanggulangi hal tersebut diperlukan Intrusion Detection System untuk mendeteksi adanya aktivitas jaringan yang mencurigakan dan mengirimkan notifikasi peringatan kepada administrator dengan cepat dan efektif melalui media yang popular saat ini seperti aplikasi Telegram Messenger yang digunakan pada smartphone. Oleh karena itu dibangun suatu sistem deteksi dan notifikasi dengan menggunakan metode Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC). Penelitian dilakukan dengan tahapan-tahapan analysis, design, simulation prototyping, implementation, monitoring dan management. Sistem ini menggunakan Snort sebagai sensor IDS dengan database MySQL, Acidbase sebagai web front-end untuk mengelola data alerting yang dideteksi oleh snort, kemudian menggunakan account Bot API Telegram sebagai media notifikasi kepada administrator. Dengan diimplementasikannya telegram sebagai media notifikasi Intrusion Detection System ini, diharapkan administrator dapat mengetahui ada atau tidak adanya aktivitas mencurigakan yang mengancam keamanan jaringan, sehingga administrator dapat melakukan pemulihan sistem jaringan dengan cepa

    Teaching Style and Mental Representation of Teachers in Biology Learning Using Convention Picture

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    Activities of teacher’s working memory in representing a picture are important in the teaching and learning process. This study aimed to reveal the tendency of teacher’s mental representation and teacher’s teaching styles in biology class using convention pictures. This research used descriptive method. The research was conducted by involving four high school biology volunteer teachers of grade XI from four schools in Lebak, Banten, Indonesia. Teacher’s teaching styles were measured by questionnaires and rubrics adapted from Grasha and teacher’s mental representations were measured using worksheets and rubrics developed based on the Causal Network Elicitation Technique (CNET) model. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed two dominant teacher teaching styles; there were expert style and facilitator style. The mental representation of teachers when reading convention picture was in the category of good (2 teachers), adequate (1 teacher) and inadequate (1 teacher). A teacher with expert teaching style tends to have a good mental representation compared to a teacher with facilitator teaching style

    Identifikasi Pasar, Komoditas, dan Margin Bersih Usaha Pasar Rumput di Wilayah Pembibitan Sapi PO Kebumen Kabupaten Kebumen

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan tiga hal yaitu jumlah pasar rumput, jenis rumput dipasaran, dan margin bersih dari usaha. Pasar rumput muncul di wilayah pembibitan Sapi PO Kebumen karena keterbatasan waktu peternak mencari rumput dan pertambahan jumlah ternak.Waktu penelitian adalah dari Juli sampai dengan September 2019. Metode penelitian dilakukan secara survei dengan mengambil seluruh pemilik pasar rumput sebagai responden.Analisadata dilakukan dengandeskriptifkuantitatifdanstatistiksederhanasertanet profit margin (NPM). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa wilayah pembibitan sapi PO Kebumen meliputi enam kecamatan. Jumlah pasar rumput di enam kecamatan Wilayah Pembibitan Sapi PO Kebumen sebanyak 126 orang pemilik pasar rumput. Komoditas pakan yang dijual di pasar rumput terdiri dari tujuh jenis, yatu: jerami padi, rumput gajah, rumput gajah odot, jerami kacang tanah (rendeng), rumput alam, kangkung, dan dedak padi.Pakanyang paling banyak diperjual belikanadalahjeramipadi. Rata-rata pendapatan usaha pasar rumput sebesar Rp.418,110.39/hari dengan rata-rata Net Profit Margin sebesar 13.11%

    Formation of ionospheric irregularities over Southeast Asia during the 2015 St. Patrickˈs Day storm

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    We investigate the geospace response to the 2015 St. Patrickˈs Day storm leveraging on instruments spread over Southeast Asia (SEA), covering a wide longitudinal sector of the low-latitude ionosphere. A regional characterization of the storm is provided, identifying the peculiarities of ionospheric irregularity formation. The novelties of this work are the characterization in a broad longitudinal range and the methodology relying on the integration of data acquired by Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers, magnetometers, ionosondes, and Swarm satellites. This work is a legacy of the project EquatoRial Ionosphere Characterization in Asia (ERICA). ERICA aimed to capture the features of both crests of the equatorial ionospheric anomaly (EIA) and trough (EIT) by means of a dedicated measurement campaign. The campaign lasted from March to October 2015 and was able to observe the ionospheric variability causing effects on radio systems, GNSS in particular. The multiinstrumental and multiparametric observations of the region enabled an in-depth investigation of the response to the largest geomagnetic storm of the current solar cycle in a region scarcely reported in literature. Our work discusses the comparison between northern and southern crests of the EIA in the SEA region. The observations recorded positive and negative ionospheric storms, spread F conditions, scintillation enhancement and inhibition, and total electron content variability. The ancillary information on the local magnetic field highlights the variety of ionospheric perturbations during the different storm phases. The combined use of ionospheric bottomside, topside, and integrated information points out how the storm affects the F layer altitude and the consequent enhancement/suppression of scintillations.Published12211–122331A. Geomagnetismo e Paleomagnetismo2A. Fisica dell'alta atmosfera1IT. Reti di monitoraggio e Osservazioni5IT. Osservazioni satellitariJCR Journalope

    Peristiwa Super Storm

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    Karakteristik ternak dan karkas sapi untuk kebutuhan pasar tradisional dan pasar khusus

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    Karakteristik ternak dan karkas sapi untuk kebutuhan pasar tradisional dan pasar khusu