15 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kebugaran Kardiovaskular Pemain KU-16 Sekolah Sepak Bola Binataruna Tahun 2021

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    ABSTRAK Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi dan meningkatkan hasil cardiovaskuler pemain Bina Taruna. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian evaluasi program ini adalah Model CIPP (Daniel Stufflebeam) ditinjau dari tahapan produk. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh populasi pemain sepakbola KU-16 Sekolah Sepakbola Bina Taruna berjumlah 26 pemain. Sampel adalah sebagian atau wakil populasi untuk penelitian ini mengambil sampel  dengan menggunakan total sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan melakukan tes pengukuran VO2Max menggunakan Multistage Fitness Test (MFT). Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan, bahwa secara umum pelaksanaan program pembinaan sepak bola di Sekolah Sepak Bola Bina Taruna sudah berjalan dengan baik. evaluasi kardiovaskular pemain sepakbola ku16 Sekolah Sepak Bola Binataruna adalah sedang dengan pertimbangan presentasi terbanyak berapa pada kategori sedang dengan 15 pemain atau 57% dari 26 pemain. Evaluasi kebugaran kardiovaskular Pemain Sepakbola ku16 Sekolah Sepakbola Binataruna yang berkategori istimewa 0 pemain atau 0% , baik sekali 0 pemain atau 0%, baik 4 pemain atau 15%, sedang 15 pemain atau 57%, kurang 3 pemain atau 13%, kurang sekali 4 pemain atau 15%. Kata Kunci : Evaluasi, Kebugaran Kardiovaskular, KU16 Sepakbola  ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to evaluate and improve the cardiovascular outcomes of Bina Taruna players.The approach used in the evaluation research of this program is cipp model (Daniel Stufflebeam) reviewed from the product stage.The population in this study is the entire population of KU-16 Football School Bina Taruna football players numbering 26 players.The sample is a partial or representative of the population for this study taking samples using total sampling.Data collection techniques by conducting VO2Max measurement tests using Multistage Fitness Test (MFT).This research can be concluded, that in general the implementation of football coaching programs in the Bina Taruna Football School has been running well.Cardiovascular evaluation of my football players16 Binataruna School of Football is being considered the most presentations in the moderate category with 15 players or 57% of the 26 players.Evaluation of cardiovascular fitness of my Football Players16 Binataruna Football School which is special category 0 players or 0% , either once 0 players or 0%, either 4 players or 15%, medium 15 players or 57%, less 3 players or 13%, less once 4 players or 15%.  Keywords : Evaluation, Cardiovascular Fitness, KU16 Footbal

    The Effect of Agility Ladder Training on the Sickle Kick Speed of Pencak Silat Athletes of the Loyal Heart Brotherhood Terate Ngawi Branch

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    Sickle kick is a kick technique that is not easy for a martial arts athlete to do, this kicking technique is more difficult compared to direct kicks or straight kicks. The sickle kick requires flexibility and speed, as well as proper practice.  The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of agility ladder training method on the sickle kick speed of pencak silat athletes PerFraternity Setia Hati Terate (PSHT) Ngawi Regency. This type of research is a pseudo-experimental research that uses a non-equivalent posttest only control group design. The sample used in this study was 10 athletes divided into experimental and control classes. This data collection technique uses tests and measurements of sickle kick speed, the data that has been collected is processed and analyzed with descriptive statistics and uses t-tests to determine the results of research hypotheses. The results of this study have found that there is an effect of agility ladder training on sickle kick speed. This is indicated by a significant value (2-tailed) 0.004 < 0.005 then H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. Scores from the sickle kick speed test results were average for the experimental group of 25 and for the control group of 20. So this means that the average experimental group > control group, so it can be concluded that the agility ladder training method can have an influence on the speed of the pencak silat sickle kick of the Brotherhood of Loyal Heart Terate Ngawi Regenc

    Pengaruh Masase Lokal Ekstremitas Bawah Sebagai Pemulihan Pasif Terhadap Kekuatan Otot Tungkai Pemain Sepakbola

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek mekanis dari masase lokal ekstremitas bawah sebagai tindakan restoratif pasif pada kekuatan otot tungkai. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan design penelitian Non-randomized Pretest-Postest Group Design dimana satu kelompok sampel mendapatkan perawatan restoratif pasif berupa masase lokal ekstremitas bawah dan pada kelompok yang satunya sebagai kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian ini adalah ada penurunan kekuatan otot tungkai pada kelompok eksperimen setelah aktifitas yakni sebesar -20,95%, setelah pemulihan ada peningkatan sebesar 10,42%, artinya bahwa setelah aktifitas mengalami penurunan kekuatan sebesar 20,95%, sedangkan setelah pemulihan ada peningkatan sebesar 10,42%. Hasil penelitian pada kelompok eksperimen ada perbedaan besar dalam kompetensi kekuatan otot tungkai mahasiswa sebelum dan sesudah menerima masase lokal ekstremitas bawah. Pada kelompok kontrol tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan kekuatan otot tungkai mahasiswa sebelum dan sesudah pemulihan dengan duduk. Terdapat perbedaan kekuatan otot tungkai yang signifikan antara kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol setelah pemulihan. Pemulihan pasif dengan masase lokal ekstremitas bawah lebih cepat meningkatkan kekuatan otot tungkai jika dibandingkan pemulihan pasif dengan duduk setelah terjadi penurunan setelah aktivitas fisik.  Kata Kunci : Masase Lokal Ekstremitas Bawah, Pemulihan Pasif, Otot Tungkai.  ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the mechanical effects of the local masase of the lower extremities as a passive restorative action on the muscle strength of the limbs.This research method uses experimental method with non-randomized pretest-postest group design research where one sample group gets passive restorative care in the form of local masase lower extremities and in the other group as a control group.The result of this study was that there was a decrease in muscle strength in the experimental group after activity of -20.95%, after recovery there was an increase of 10.42%, meaning that after activity experienced a decrease in strength by 20.95%, while after recovery there was an increase of 10.42%.The results of the study in the experimental group there were major differences in the muscle strength competency of the student's limbs before and after receiving the local masase of the lower extremities.In the control group there were no significant differences between the muscle strength abilities of the student's limbs before and after recovery by sitting down.There were significant differences in limb muscle strength between the experimental and control groups after recovery.Passive recovery with local masase of the lower extremities more quickly increases the strength of the limb muscles when compared to passive recovery by sitting after a decrease after physical activity.  Keywords : Lower Extremity Local Massage, Passive Recovery, Limb Muscle

    Hubungan Antara Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Harga Diri Pada Pasien Ulkus Diabetikum Di Poliklinik Penyakit Dalam RSUD Dr. Moewardi

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    Diabetic Ulcers are the most feared complications of the disease patients with Diabetes because it can even cause death. Diabetic Ulcers caused by narrowing of the arteries in the legs and feet are on the symptoms of stubborn wounds, blackish-red and stinking, it can affect the patient’s psychological self esteem is the disruption of the patient that can lead to feelings of guilt or blame, aloof behavior, or avoidance of social interaction that can have an impact on the process even worse prognosis. Necessary efforts to increase self-esteem ulcer patients diabetikus one of them with increased family support. This study aims to analyze the existing relationship between family support and self-esteem in patients with Diabetic Ulcers at Internal Disease Polyclinic of RSUD Dr. Moewardi. This research is a quantitative research with cross sectional study design. Samples were 30 patients who came for treatment Diabetic Ulcers to Internal Disease Polyclinic of RSUD Dr. Moewardi on 18 November 2015-6 January 2016, with quota sampling technique. Collecting data using questionnaires were analyzed using Spearman rank test. Conclusion of the study are (1) the family support to patients with Diabetic Ulcers at Internal Disease Polyclinic of RSUD Dr. Moewardi most are good, (2) Price patient Diabetic Ulcers at Internal Disease Polyclinic of RSUD Dr. Moewardi mostly medium, and (3) there is a relationship between family support and self-esteem in patients with Diabetic Ulcers at Internal Disease Polyclinic of RSUD Dr. Moewardi


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar kemampuan gerak dasar manipulatif menggunakan alat bantu pembelajaran sederhana pada siswa kelas II  SDN Ploso I Kabupaten Pacitan tahun pelajaran 2018/2019.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, dengan tiap siklus terdiri atas perencanaan, pelaksanaan,observasi,dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas II SDN Ploso I Kabupaten Pacitan yang berjumlah 30 siswa yang terdiri dari 20 siswa putra dan 10 siswa putri. Sumber data berasal dari guru,peserta didik,dan peneliti. Tekhnik pengumpulan data adalah dengan observasi,penilaian dan dokumentasi. Validitas data menggunakan tekhnik triangulasi data. Analisis data menggunakan tekhnik deskriptif yang didasarkan pada analisis kualitatif dengan prosentase.Dari hasil penelitian ini analisis yang diperoleh dari kondisi awal siswa yang lulus hanya 9 siswa atau 30 %, di siklus pertama siswa yang lulus menjadi 16 siswa atau 53,34 % dan di siklus kedua siswa yang lulus menjadi 26 siswa atau 86,67 % sedangkan 4 siswa lainnya belum tuntas.Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan alat bantu pembelajaran sederhana dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar kemampuan gerak dasar manipulatif pada siswa kelas II  SDN Ploso I Kabupaten Pacitan tahun pelajaran 2018/2019.Â

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kompetensi Ketrampilan Gerak Dasar Lokomotor Lari Melalui Permainan Sederhana

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan gerak dasar lokomotor lari dengan berbagai variasi gerak lari dengan menggunakan berbagai jenis permainan sederhana.Strategi dalam penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan melalui 2 siklus dan pada setiap siklusnya. Sedang untuk mengaktifkan siswa dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan latihan-latihan yang diberikan kepada siswa dalam kelompok besar dan kelompok kecil. Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 02 Lego Kulon Kecamatan Kasreman Kabupaten Ngawi tahun ajaran 2019/2020, jumlah 20 siswa dengan jumlah siswa 12 siswa putri dan 8 siswa putra. Metode Penelitian Kelas ini diawali dengan perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan pelaksanaan tindakan, dan lakukan refleksi, dan teruskan perbaikan atau peningkatan yang diharapkan dapat diperoleh. Hasil penelitian pada nilai sikap Kompetensi Inti I (Sikap Spiritual) untuk 20 siswa, pada siklus I = 65% atau 13 siswa, dan pada siklus belajar II = 85% atau 17 siswa, dan dapat disingkirkan naik 20% atau 4 siswa. Pada nilai kompetensi Kompetensi Inti II (Sikap Sosial), pada siklus I = 60% atau 12 siswa, dan pada siklus belajar II = 85% atau 17 siswa, dan dapat disimpulkan pembelajaran naik 20% atau 5 siswa. Pada nilai kompetensi Kompetensi Inti (Aspek Pengetahuan) untuk 20 siswa, pada siklus I = 60% atau 12 siswa, dan pada siklus belajar II = 80% atau 16 siswa, dan dapat disimpulkan naik 20% atau 4 siswa.Pada nilai kompetensi Kompetensi Inti IV (Aspek Ketrampilan) untuk 20 siswa, pada siklus I = 65% atau 13 siswa, dan pada siklus belajar II = 85% atau 17 siswa, dan dapat disingkirkan naik 20% atau 4 siswa.DOI: 10.29408/porkes.v2i2.174

    Perbedaan Kadar Gula Darah Setelah Terapi Bekam Basah Dan Pijat Refleksi Pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Di Karangmalang Sragen

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    Diabetes mellitus is one of the non-communicable diseases that occur on a person because an increase blood glucose levels as a result of progressive insulin secretion because decreased insulin resistance. Many non-pharmacological therapy have been found to help reduce and control blood glucose levels, such as wet cupping therapy and reflexology. Wet cupping therapy can increase blood circulation in the pancreas and in the muscles so that increased insulin receptor sensitivity and glucose levels is decreased, whereas reflexology is able to provide stimulus that is capable to make blood circulate smoothly through the body. This research aimed to determin of the differences in blood glucose after wet cupping therapy and reflexology. This research method used pre-experimental design with two group pre-post design. Total sample in this study was 60 respondents, divided into 2 groups with 30 persons for wet cupping therapy and 30 persons for reflexology. The sampling method used accidental sampling. Data analysis techniques using paired sample t-test to find out blood sugar before and after theraphy in both groups, whereas difference test between wet cupping therapy and reflexology use independent sample t-test. From the result of test paired sample t-test showed that p-value 0.001 in both groups H0 was rejected, there are differences in blood glucose levels before and after wet cupping therapy and reflexology. From the result of independent sample t-test showed that p-value 0,046 and mean difference in both groups were -21.457, so H0 was rejected, there are differences in blood sugar levels after wet cupping therapy and after reflexology, and wet cupping therapy more effective than reflexology in reducing blood sugar levels

    Meningkatkan hasil belajar kemampuan gerak dasar manipulatif dengan menggunakan alat bantu pembelajaran sederhana di Sekolah Dasar

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    The purpose of this research is to improve learning outcomes capability of motion the base of manipulative manner using the tools simple learning to promote disorder to to their students the class iii of state elementary school sdn ploso ii district level pacitan the new school term of 2017 / 2018. The research is research ptk ) ( class action .This study was conducted in two cycles , with each cycle consists of planning , the implementation of , observation , and reflection .A subject of study were students class iii sdn ploso ii district pacitan covering 30 students consisting of 12 students 18 students son and daughter .The data derived from teachers , students , and researchers .Tekhnik data collection is by observation , assessment and documentation .The validity of the data using tekhnik triangulation .Data analysis using tekhnik descriptive based on close analysis of prosentase qualitative. From the result of this research of analysis that was obtained of the initial conditions of students who graduate only 9 a student or 30 % , in the first a notebook detailing the development of students who graduated into 16 there were students or 53,34 % and all that is in second keeps a notebook detailing the students who graduated into 26 students or 86,67 % while 4 other students from getting possessed have not been solved. Drawing conclusions from the study is by using the tools learning simple can improve learning outcomes capability of motion basic manipulative to their students class iii sdn ploso ii kabupaten pacitan years lessons 2017 / 2018

    Gambaran Kualitas Hidup Pada Pasien Gagal Jantung Kongestif di Kota Surakarta

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    Heart failure is the inability of the heart to maintain adequate cardiac output to meet metabolic needs. Heart failure disease is a with the highest death and long treatment so that it can affect the quality of life of patients. The purpose of this study to determine the quality of life quality in patients with congestive heart failure in Surakarta. The type of research conducted is quantitative, descriptive research design, Population in this study is congestive heart failure patients in Surakarta, amounting to 20 people. The technique used is total sampling, sample size 20 respondents. Measuring tool with questionnaire quality of life MacNew QOMI A total of 27 questions. Analysis of data with univariate. The results of this study are characteristics of patients with congestive heart failure in Surakarta majority aged 50-60 years. The majority of respondents have male gender. Most of respondent's education is SMA and SMP. The work of the respondents is mostly farmers / traders / laborers. Income of respondents mayoritas 2-3 million per month. The quality of life of patients with congestive heart failure is bad mayority 80%. Based on the results of the study expected that the community is expected to increase awareness of patients heart failure disease, so they can have a good quality of life and cam live life well. Keywords: Description, Quality of life, Congestive heart failur