10 research outputs found


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    Viewed from the theoretical and practical point of view, students’ self-perceptions on reading comprehension aspects can be used as a reference for pedagogical practices which can overcome the problems in understanding reading English texts. Referring to the importance of knowing the aspects of English learners in reading, this study identifies and analyzes the self-perceptions of English learners in reading. As the main data, scores on the self-perception scale in reading were collected from a self-perception survey using the Reader Self-Perception Scale (RSPS) questionnaire. The main data in the form of four aspects of self-perception, namely progress (P), observational comparison (OC), social feedback (SF), and physiological state (PS) were analyzed qualitatively to determine the level of each aspect/dimension of self-perception studied. This study found that the progress aspect was in a low category, while the other three aspects, namely observational comparison, social feedback, and physiological state were in the medium category. Based on these results, it is hoped that the level of reading self-perception of English language learners in higher education in this context can be improved, one of which is the presence of pedagogical and psychological support that can give a positive effect on self-efficacy assessments in reading

    Parent and peer attachment to academic dishonesty in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Since the COVID-19 pandemic has occurred around the world, education has been one of the most affected. All schools in the world are closing and changing the learning system to online learning. This makes social interaction between students limited, but not for parents who live together. The implementation of online learning turns out to provide an easier method of committing academic dishonesty. We examine how attachments that include father, mother and peer attachments affect the behaviour of academic dishonesty. A total of 165 high school students participated in this study. Results Our research confirms previous research that the results show no effect of all attachments on academic dishonesty. This shows that students continue to be dishonest during online learning without being influenced by attachments, in contrast to other studies conducted before the COVID-19 pandemic occurred. The research results and implications for education providers are discussed

    Pengaruh Dukungan Sosial Terhadap Penyesuaian Diri Pada Siswa Smp Muhammadiyah Ajibarang

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    This study aims to determine the effect of social support on adjustment in SMP Muhammadiyah Ajibarang students. This study uses a quantitative method with a scale of social support and adjustment. The research population was students of SMP Muhammadiyah Ajibarang with a sample of 110 students. The validity test in this study used the product moment, while the reliability test used the alpha cronbach technique. The social support scale has a reliability of 0.895 and the self-adjustment scale has a reliability of 0.901. The data technique used in this study is a simple regression analysis technique to determine the effect of social support on self-adjustment of SMP Muhammadiyah Ajibarang students. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, the Fcount value is 140,668 with p = 0.000 (p <0.05). From the results of data analysis at a significance level of 5%, a significant value was obtained (p) = 0.000 (p <0.05) so that the hypothesis proposed was accepted, namely was a significant influence between social support on self-adjustment in SMP Muhammadiyah Ajibarang students

    Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual dan Perlindungan Hukum bagi Korban Kekerasan Seksual di Indonesia

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    This study aims to describe the various forms of acts that fall into the category of criminal acts of sexual violence. In addition, this research is directed to comprehensively examine what forms of legal protection for victims of sexual violence in Indonesia have been specifically regulated in Law No. 12 of 2022 concerning Criminal Acts of Sexual Violence. Therefore, this research is designed using the normative juridical method. Where the main data comes from laws and regulations, legal concepts related to sexual violence. The approaches used are statute approach and conceptual approach. The results showed, first, there are twelve types of sexual violence criminal offenses regulated in the TPKS Law. Second, Victims are entitled to Handling, Protection, and Recovery since the occurrence of Sexual Violence Crimes. Meanwhile, victims with disabilities are entitled to accessibility and reasonable accommodation for the fulfillment of their rights in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.Keywords: Legal Protection, Sexual Violence, Victims of Sexual Violence


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    An organization or workplace certainly needs employees who are committed to making it easier to achieve their goals. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of psychological contracts and organizational justice on organizational commitment to employees of the production division of PT. Royal Koridah Purbalingga. The research method used is a quantitative approach, with the number used as many as 250 with a sampling technique using Simple Random Sampling or random sampling in a population according to a predetermined number. Simple random sampling is included in probability sampling, which is a sampling technique that provides equal opportunities for each individual (member) of the population. Data were collected using a measuring instrument that has been adapted from the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) (0.856), Psychological Contract Inventory (PCI) (0.887) and Justice Scale (0.914) measurement tools. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results of the analysis show that there is a significant and positive effect on psychological contract on organizational commitment by 8.8% with (Fcount = 22.57; p&lt;0.05) and fairness to organizational commitment of 6.6% with a value (Fcount = 17.465; p&lt;0.05), in addition it was found that psychological contracts had Tcount = 3,950 and organizational justice had Tcount = 3,265; p&lt;0.05) and Rsquare of 0.121 which shows that psychological contract and organizational justice contribute 12.1% effectively to organizational commitment. so that the increase in psychological contracts and organizational justice can increase organizational commitment to employees of the production division of PT. Royal Korindah Purbalingga.Sebuah organisasi atau tempat kerja tentunya membutuhkan karyawan yang berkomitmen untuk mempermudah dalam mencapai tujuannya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh kontrak psikologis dan keadilan organisasi terhadap komitmen organisasi pada karyawan bagian produksi PT. Royal Koridah Purbalingga. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan jumlah yang di gunakan sebanyak 250 dengan teknik pengamambilan sampel menggunakan Simple Random Sampling atau Pengambilan acak pada suatu populasi sesuai jumlah yang sudah ditentukan. Simple random samling termasuk dalam Probability sampling yaitu teknik pengambilan sampel yang memberikan peluang yang sama bagi setiap individu (anggota) populasi. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan alat ukur yang telah diadaptasi dari alat ukur Organizational Commitment Quistionnaire (OCQ) (0,856), Psychological Contract Inventory (PCI) (0,887) dan Justice Scale (0,914). Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dan positif pada kontrak psikologis terhadap komitmen organisasi sebesar 8,8% dengan (Fhitung = 22,57; p&lt;0,05) dan keadilan terhadap komitmen organisasi organisasi sebesar 6,6% dengan nilai (Fhitung = 17,465; p&lt;0,05), selain itu ditemukan kontrak psikologis memiliki Thitung = 3,950 dan keadilan organisasi memiliki Thitung = 3,265 ; p&lt;0,05) serta Rsquare sebesar 0,121 yang menunjukan kontrak psikologis dan keadilan organisasi memberikan sumbangan secara efektif sebsear 12,1% terhadap komitmen organisasi. sehingga meningkatnya kontrak psikologis dan keadilan organisasi dapat meningkatkan komitmen organisasi pada karyawan bagian produksi PT. Royal Korindah Purbalingga

    Islamic Religiosity as A Moderator of The Effect of Organizational Climate on Happiness at Work in Islamic School Teachers

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    This study aims to determine the organizational climate's effect on work happiness with Islamic religiosity as a moderator variable for Islamic-based school teachers in the Banyumas Regency. A correlational quantitative approach was used for this study. Respondents in this study were 86 permanent teachers. Data collection uses the happiness at organizational ClimateCare and Islamic religious scale. The data analysis technique used tests the outer and inner models with the SmartPLS 3.0 tool. The research findings show that organizational climate and Islamic religiosity have a significant effect on happiness at work. However, the moderator test shows no significant effect between organizational climate and happiness at work when Islamic religiosity functions as a moderator variable. The recommendation from the research is that to increase happiness in the workplace needs to pay attention to personal and organizational factors. Although Islamic religiosity does not moderate the relationship between organizational climate and happiness at work, further research can be conducted to gain a deeper understanding of other variables that function as moderators

    Growth Mindset Training for Teacher: Method of Changing the Teacher's Mindset

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    Background. The academic success of students in schools is significantly shaped by their mental attitudes, especially when they face challenging situations that demand substantial effort and resilience. The influence of teachers' attitudes, or mindsets, plays a crucial role within the educational environment, as these directly impact students' own mindsets and subsequently their approach to learning. Specifically, the concept of a 'growth mindset' – which is the belief that one's abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and perseverance – has been shown to transform how individuals perceive their capabilities and respond to failures. Objectives. In light of this, a specific study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of 'Growth Mindset Training' targeted at teachers. This training aimed to cultivate a growth mindset among educators, hypothesizing that a shift in teacher attitudes would, in turn, positively affect their students. Materials and methods. To assess the impact of the training, researchers utilized a growth mindset scale to measure the mindsets of 19 participating teachers, comprising 11 women and 8 men, both before and after they underwent the training program. Results. The findings from this study were quantitatively robust, with a T-statistic of -3.529 and a significance level of less than .005, indicating a statistically significant improvement in the teachers' growth mindsets post-training. Additionally, the analysis of mean scores from the pretest and posttest further confirmed an upward trend, suggesting that the mindset of the teachers had indeed shifted towards a more growth-oriented perspective. Conclusions. Thus, Growth Mindset Training emerged as a potent intervention tool, not merely altering teachers' perceptions but potentially setting a foundation for enhancing the overall educational experience by fostering a culture of perseverance and continuous improvement in schools

    Academic stress in pharmacy practicum students: Is there a role of hardiness?

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    One of the sources of academic stress is the educational process. This study aimed to determine the role of hardiness on academic stress in students' practicum at the Faculty of Pharmacy. This study used a quantitative approach, with the sample being pharmacy students (N = 218; 28 males and 190 females). The research sampling technique is proportionate stratified random sampling. The data collection uses two questionnaires: a hardiness scale (Cronbach alpha 0.841) and an academic stress scale (Cronbach alpha .946) with a Likert scale. A simple linear regression analysis technique was used to determine hardiness's effect on students' academic stress. Based on the results of the data analysis, it obtained an F-count of 6.693 and a t-count of 2.639 (p&lt;.05 ). The findings suggest that hardiness has an effect on academic stress in students. With an R-square value of 0.031, hardiness proved positive and significant, contributing 3.1% to academic stress, while the remaining 96.9% was due to other factors not investigated in this study. The results of the study are also discussed

    Coping with quarter-life crisis: An analysis of the role of social support and coping stress on senior university students

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    A quarter-life crisis is a phase in which individuals face a crisis in various aspects of life, such as prospects, romance, achievements, life goals, and careers. With appropriate support and the ability to manage stress, individuals can better confront challenges and succeed. This research aims to determine the influence of social support and stress coping on a quarter-life crisis. The study employs a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression analysis. The sample for this research consisted of 247 students, with 89 male and 158 female respondents aged between 21 and 25 years. The results of this research, based on data analysis at a significance level, indicate that for social support, the F-value is 36.598 with a p-value <.01, and social support has a 13% influence on the quarter-life crisis. For stress coping, the significance level yields an F-value of 93.425 with a p-value <.01, contributing to a 27.6% influence on the quarter-life crisis. Additionally, there is a significant influence between social support and stress coping on the quarter-life crisis, with an F-value of 54.992, p <.01 and R-squared .311, meaning that social support and stress coping together can contribute to a 31.1% influence on the quarter-life crisis. In conclusion, the presence or absence of social support and stress coping can affect the intensity of a quarter-life crisis

    An Overview of the Intelligence of the Deaf Students in SLB B Purwokerto

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    Intelligence is a measure of student intelligence, when students have high intelligence, there is good learning. Intelligence in deaf students is very difficult to measure because most of the measuring instruments used use verbal functions, on the other hand many SLB B teachers complain that their students experience academic decline. This happens because most teachers do not know the intelligence of their students so that teachers give treatment with the same portion when learning takes place. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the intelligence of deaf students at SLB B Purwokerto. The data collection method used was the saturated sample technique so that 30 participants were obtained. Based on the results of the criterion validity test, it was obtained that r = 0.465 so that the cpm test and the bender-gestalt test were declared valid. The results of the CPM test reliability test (α cronbach = 0.889) on the Bender-Gestalt test (α cronbach = 0.789). The correlation test showed that there was a significant correlation between the cpm test and the bender-gestalt test. In the CPM test, the non-verbal reasoning grade on deaf students is in group IV below average intellectual capacity and students with superior grade I are male.Intelegensi yaitu tolak ukur kecerdasan siswa, ketika siswa memiliki inteligensi yang tinggi maka terdapat belajar dengan baik. Inteligensi pada siswa tunarungu sangat sulit untuk diukur karena kebanyakan alat ukur yang digunakan menggunakan keberfungsian verbal, disisi lain banyak guru SLB B yang mengeluhkan bahwa peserta didiknya mengalami penurunan akademik. Hal tersebut terjadi karena kebanyakan guru tidak mengetahui kecerdasan peserta didiknya sehingga guru memberikan perlakuan dengan porsi yang sama ketika pembelajaran berlangsung. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk memberikan gambaran inteligensi pada siswa tunarungu di SLB B di Purwokerto. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan teknik sampel jenuh sehingga diperoleh 30 partisipan. Berdasarkan hasil uji validitas kriteria diperoleh r = &nbsp;sehingga tes cpm dan tes bender-gestalt dinyatakan valid. Hasil uji reliabilitas tes CPM (α cronbach = 0,889) pada tes Bender-Gestalt (α cronbach = 0,789). Uji korelasi menunjukan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara tes cpm dan tes bender-gestalt. Pada tes cpm grade penalaran non verbal pada siswa tunarungu berada pada golongan IV kapasitas intelektual below average serta siswa dengan grade I superior berjenis kelamin laki-laki