39 research outputs found

    Empowering mothers against a Malaysian societal convention: an Islamic perspective

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    Empowering mothers against against a Malaysian Societal Convention: an Islamic perspective

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    A significant way-forward to Malaysia’s development is to increase economic opportunities for women. Having greater women participations in the workforce potentially enhances the country’s prospects for growth. Various agencies work towards increasing women’s participations in the labour force. Malaysian society has also grown to expect that women ‘work’ to contribute to the family’s economy, and to the nation’s—the belief that has somewhat become a convention. However, it is observed that the pursuit to get women to ‘roll-up her sleeves’, is not without worrying downside trends, even at the current rate of only 55.5% of Malaysian women in the labour force. Material and Methods. Are we overlooking an important and crucial factor in the equation for Nation-building? This paper attempts to examine the fundamental aspects of motherhood, especially early motherhood, as an important and crucial factor that is under-emphasized. The paper will also deliberate on how the above has affected individuals’ and families’ well-beings, thus putting constrains and conflicts in the family, society, and the Nation at large. The paper employs analyses of relevant news and journal articles, observations of day-to-day realities and social media feeds to discover the situation at hand. Finally, it draws guidance from references in the Qur’an and Prophetic tradition to propose a more realistic, well-balanced approach. Conclusion. The demand to get women’s economic participation towards National growth is real. However, this must be in such ways as to not endanger and threaten personal, familial, and societal wellbeings. The roles of motherhood, especially early motherhood must be included in the equation. Thus, the necessity to empower women to reconsider their priorities—be it against societal convention. Afterall, Nation-building requires far more than economic prosperity

    Holistic education for sustainable development: concluding observations

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    Construction waste management practices in Malaysia: an overview

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    The construction industry is one of the major wealth-generating industries and is seen as an elevated sector in the Malaysia economy. However, this activity has generated a significant amount of waste which is detrimental to the environment. The increasing amount of waste from construction projects has shown that construction waste management has not been practised effectively in Malaysia. Therefore, an overview of the composition of construction waste and existing waste management practices on construction sites in Malaysia are the highlights of this study. The findings can potentially be used to enhance the effectiveness of construction waste management in Malaysia and create awareness among contractors for a better alternative in managing the construction waste on-site. Current practices in the construction sector need to be analysed in order to enhance strategies so that improved and more sustainable design, development, operation and maintenance will be attained, leading to minimal waste

    Penghasilan filem selulosa terjana semula : suatu ulasan

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    Filem selulosa terjana semula (FSTS) merupakan produk yang dijana semula daripada selulosa terlarut secara interaksi fizikal mahupun kimia. Sifat fizikal, mekanikal dan kimia FSTS bergantung kepada jenis pelarut yang digunakan terhadap selulosa, agen penggumpalan, teknik penuangan serta kaedah pengeringan. Pembentukan FSTS sangat bergantung kepada keterlarutan selulosa serta proses penjanaan semulanya. Oleh itu, mekanisma pembubaran di dalam pelarut terbitan dan tak-terbitan yang terpilih serta agen penggumpal seperti air, campuran air dan aseton, asid sulfurik, medium berasaskan sulfat seperti ammonium sulfat dan gabungan di antara dua kumpulan alkohol dan dua kumpulan ester akan ditekankan dalam ulasan kajian ini. Selain itu, kecenderungan aplikasi FSTS yang terhasil berdasarkan pelarut dan agen penggumpal yang berbeza juga diulas

    Penghasilan filem selulosa terjana semula: Suatu ulasan

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    Regenerated cellulose film (RCF) is a regenerated product from dissolved cellulose via physical or chemical interaction. Physical, mechanical, and chemical properties of RCF depend on the types of solvent used to dissolve cellulose, coagulation agent, pouring technique, and drying method. The formation of RCF strongly relies on cellulose solubility and its regeneration. Therefore, the dissolving mechanism in the selected derivative and non-derivative solvents and the coagulant agents such as water, a mixture of water with acetone, sulfuric acid, sulphate-based medium, for example, ammonium sulphate, and a combination between two alcohol and two ester groups will be highlighted in this review. Other than that, the propensity of the resulting RCF based on different solvents and coagulants was also reviewed. Filem selulosa terjana semula (FSTS) merupakan produk yang dijana semula daripada selulosa terlarut secara interaksi fizikal mahupun kimia. Sifat fizikal, mekanikal dan kimia FSTS bergantung kepada jenis pelarut yang digunakan terhadap selulosa, agen penggumpalan, teknik penuangan serta kaedah pengeringan. Pembentukan FSTS sangat bergantung kepada keterlarutan selulosa serta proses penjanaan semulanya. Oleh itu, mekanisma pembubaran di dalam pelarut terbitan dan tak-terbitan yang terpilih serta agen penggumpal seperti air, campuran air dan aseton, asid sulfurik, medium berasaskan sulfat seperti ammonium sulfat dan gabungan di antara dua kumpulan alkohol dan dua kumpulan ester akan ditekankan dalam ulasan kajian ini. Selain itu, kecenderungan aplikasi FSTS yang terhasil berdasarkan pelarut dan agen penggumpal yang berbeza juga diulas

    Overview on the Utilization of Quarry Dust as a Replacement Material in Construction Industry

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    In line with economic development of the country, demand of raw materials for the construction, building and manufacturing sectors are also increasing. Concrete is a great significance that contributes to every construction practices. Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world because of its ability to get cast in any form and shape. The strength and durability of concrete can be changed by utilizing suitable improvements in its ingredients such as cementitious material, aggregates and water. One of the raw materials used to produce conventional concrete is river sand which has significantly become very costly and becoming scarce due to river bed depletion therefore alternative material is in need. On the other hand, the growth of human population has led to concerns in solid waste management prior to major environmental problems that arose due to urbanization and industrial activities thus lead to its utilization in building material. There are different types of waste materials being used in the construction industry such as stone quarry dust, fly ash, rice husk, clay brick, metakaolins, palm oil fuel ash, bamboo leaf ash, volcanic ash, ground nut husk ash, waste glass, slurry glass powder, quarry dust and marble dust powder. Nevertheless, this paper only reviews on quarry dust as sand replacement in construction industry

    Natural science from the worldview of the Qur'an: an introduction - volume 2

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    This book, the second of a three-volume work in natural science for secondary school students, consists of three chapters. Energy is that which stirs our world to life and is so much in demand today. "energy, dynamics and motion" is thus the theme of CHAPTER 1, which explores the various forms and sources of energy created by Allah the most gracious, the different technologies available on how best to harness them and the problems associated with these. The vehemently debated nuclear energy is allotted a special focus keeping in view of all the implications, responsibilities and precautions. With energy, there is force, which in turn sets matter in motion with or without us realising it. The chapter elaborates on dynamics, support in the structures of organisms and the physiology of their movements, followed by an exploration of the physics of motion. CHAPTER 2 looks into the details of "electricity and magnetism", the interplay between the two, the generation of electricity and the various applications of electro-magnetism. This is followed by the subject of lights, a form of energy in the family of electromagnetic radiation. Included in the discussions on light is colour, and sight – the God-given aperture that lets us perceive the beautiful world that he created. The discussions on energy continues in CHAPTER 3 with the theme "chemical thermodynamics, kinetics and equilibria", providing the foundation for understanding chemical thermodynamics and kinetics, with a thorough treatment on rates of reactions. The subject of equilibrium apparent in every level of cosmic existence as a sign (ayah) of the grandeur of the plan, order and intelligence of Allah’s creativeness, artistry and impeccable design. The chapter concludes with a brief qualitative reflection on entropy

    Sifat nilai tambah membran selulosa terjana semula : suatu ulasan

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    Atas ketersediaan bahan mesra alam yang kian pesat untuk pelbagai institusi ekonomi, kini bahan biopolimer bukanlah alternatif asing bagi menggantikan polimer sintetik. Pengolahan sifat kimia selulosa merupakan salah satu langkah ke arah kemapanan yang dapat memenuhi kehendak pasaran yang dahagakan sumber alam yang lestari. Selulosa terbukti memupuk kos penghasilan yang rendah, tidak toksik, mudah diolah dan kepelbagaian produk yang terjana daripadanya. Antara produknya ialah membran selulosa terjana semula (MSTS), bebenang, hidrogel dan aerogel. Walau bagaimanapun, keterbatasan produk yang dijana semula daripada selulosa terutamanya MSTS memerlukan pengubahsuaian fizikal mahupun kimia, serta bahan tambah yang lain untuk meningkatkan kefungsiannya. Antara bahan tambah MSTS seperti kitosan, nanozarah perak dan grafin oksida memberi sifat yang berbeza mengikut kehendak industri. Oleh itu, fokus utama ulasan kajian ini adalah bagi melihat kebaikan nilai tambah MSTS yang diolah daripada segi sifat fizikal, mekanikal, kimia, antibakteria dan biodegradasinya. Seterusnya, melihat aplikasi MSTS yang telah diubah suai terhadap industri khususnya perubatan, pertanian dan perawatan air

    Natural science from the worldview of the Qur'an: an introduction - volume 3

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    Volume three, the last of a three-volume work on natural science for secondary school students, consists of three chapters. CHAPTER 1 carries the theme "management of the environment, balance, sustainability and the continuity of life". It starts with an elaboration of biodiversity followed by the nature of interdependence among living things and the environment. What naturally follow are matters of concern in regards to the preservation and conversation of the environment, which are of great importance and pivotal concern in the qur'anic worldview. The world around us is visualised through our senses. Since our daily living depends on them, the matter of nutrition and production of food is dealt with. The physiological functions of living things on which life depends so much, such as circulation, reproduction, coordination and heredity are elaborated upon. CHAPTER 2 discusses broad aspects of "technology and development". These include the physics of strength and stability, machine, information and communication technology, chemicals in industry, food production, food technology, biotechnology and the developments of various synthetic material used in industries. Technological knowhow, awareness, accountability and responsibility are the key elements stressed. "Astronomy and space exploration" being the theme of CHAPTER 3, the last chapter of this work, looks at the bigger picture of the universe. It traverses the inner and outer regions of our solar system and into space with a glimpse of the star and galaxies that litter the vastness of the universe with their beautiful twinkling lights that have been the subject of intrigue, awe and wonder; guiding caravans of travellers, ships and scientists since ancient time. Thus N.S.W.V.Q. concludes with a gesture that welcomes learners of all to unlock their hearts and read the signs of Allah the most gracious in his two books - the Qur’an and the cosmos..