185 research outputs found

    Carbon Dioxide (C02) Adsorption in MOF-5

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    Metal-organic Frameworks (MOFs) materials are the compounds consist of metal ions or clusters coordinated to often rigid organic molecule, forming one-, two-, or three-dimensional structures that can be porous. It is one of carbon dioxide (CO2) Capture and Storage (CCS) which has been used mostly for separation of gas such as, separating CO2 from the natural gas and also to reduce the anthropogenic emission of C02 to the atmosphere. These porous network structures show a great potential compared to monoethanol amine (MEA). One of the most studied MOFs is MOF-5 due to its high surface area, flexible structure, attraction to certain gases and cheap raw materials. Since most of the experiments are studied on hydrogen (H2) adsorption, this project is conducted with the aims to study on how much CO2can be adsorbed/separated by MOF-5 and MOF-5 modified with multi wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and expandable graphite (EG) at the temperature of 298.15 K as well as to examine whether the modified MOF-5 can improve the adsorption of C02. MOF-5, MWCNTs@MOF-5 and EG@MOF-5 were synthesized, characterized and then, used as the samples in the C02 adsorption experiment according to the objective of this project. The result shows that the modified MOF-5 can enhance the C02 storage compared to the pure MOF-5

    The determinants of post-IPO return in Malaysia stock market / Nur Hazirah Hamdan

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    This research is study on the financial income variables towards post-IPO return. The scope of the study has focuses on the return of IPO as a result shows from the company’s financial performance proxies by liquidity, profitability, leverage and asset utilization. The objective of the study is to determine the significant correlation between company’s financial income variables towards post-IPO return. The independent variables of this study are Quick Ratio (QR), Net Profit Margin (NPM), Debt Equity Ratio (DER) and Asset turnover (ATO) as a financial ratio represented the company’s performance. While for dependent variables, it is return for post-IPO and been measure in 5 days preliminary from the first day it’s been issued. The data period cover from year 2005-2010 and retrieved from historical price sources provided by data stream and performance of company’s financial income gathered the data from prospectuses published in Thomson One Banker. The multiple linear regression model is use to investigate the relationship between financial income variables with post-IPO return by using Econometric Views (E-Views 6.0). From the findings, only (DER) variables show significance correlation and able to effect post-IPO return and its express positively relationship. While, for others three variables, QR, NPM, and ATO shows no significant impact to the returns. The result shows consistently in 5 days return and its concludes that, from investors’ point of view, financial performance of companies are not strongly reflect in decision making on investment

    Decolourization of textile wastewater by using Lactobacillus immobilized on Bambusa heterostachya / Nur Hazirah Rosli

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    Colouring agents that are used in textile manufacturing processes have greatly contributed to environmental problems, particularly in the form of wastewater. The wastewater produced by this industry is highly coloured which increases the pollution level of the aquatic ecosystem, Various techniques of removing colour from textile wastewater being studied worldwide as concern mounts over the unavailability of a specific solution for treating the broad diversity of textile wastewater. There have been extensive researches into the treatment of textile wastewater by implementing modified biological approaches using bacteria. The enhancements of biological approaches using microbes with organic matrix in immobilization processes have been found to be useful. Thus, the application of a novel organic matrix, bamboo as a microbial matrix in an immobilization process is presented in this study. Bamboo’s physical characteristics have been studied as it has high porosity that qualifies it as an alternative microbial matrix. Lactobacillus delbrueckii was selected as the microbial agent. By using central composite design (CCD) to optimize the dye decolourization process with these significant parameters: agitation speed (10-150 rpm), dye concentration (10-100 mg/L) and Bambusa-Lactabacillus dosage (4—10 pieces); the experiments have been successfully conducted. The optimum condition for Bambusa as Lactobacillus matrix was found to be at pH of 7, 37°C and high concentration of M.R.S. broth under shaking condition. As for the decolourization process, this approach has successfully shown the ability m decolourize textile wastewater up to 75.43% with the correlation value of the model, R2 of 90.10% at the optimum condition of dye concentration, 50 mg/L, 7 pieces of Bambusa-Lactabacillus dosage under static condition These experiments have proven the effectiveness of implementing Lactobacillus immobilized on Bambusa heterastachya to decolourize textile wastewater

    A study on training factors and its impact on training effectiveness towards technical workers in Majlis Perbandaran Johor Bahru Tengah / Nur Hazirah Mohd Sapuan

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    The main objective of this study is to determine the impact of training factors on training effectiveness towards technical workers in an organization. The main variables examined in this research are trainees’ characteristics (ages, genders, marital status, education levels and length of working), training environment, work environment and type of training. The instrument used to study the impact of training factors on training effectiveness is questionnaires which were distributed to 105 respondents in Majlis Perbandaran Johor Bahru Tengah, Johor Bahru, Johor. Through this study, organizations able to improve their level understanding on designing effective training that able to help organization in achieving training objective successfully as well as improving organization and employees performance

    The effects of job demands and job resources on work stress among administrative staff at College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah

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    Employees stress is one of the important issues that need to be addressed by every organization and also for researchers in order to understand their impacts on employees and organization. Presently, employees stress is a challenge that many organizations struggle to overcome. Thus, to gain better understanding, this study identifying the factors that influence work stress. The main purpose of this study is to examine the effects of job demands and job resources on work stress among administrative staff at College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah. Job demands were measured through element of workload and role conflict. Meanwhile, job resources were measured by supervisor support and co-worker support. For data collection, about 70 set of questionnaire was distributed to administrative staff with grade 11 to 38 from College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Kedah. Then, the data were analyzed by using IBM SPSS version 20. The result gain through analysis of Pearson correlation and Multiple regression indicated that role conflict and workload has positive relationship with work stress. These finding provides useful information to the management at UUM regarding their employees’ well-being and concerning. Besides that, it helps to enhance the underpinning theory in this study that is Job Demand-Resources model

    A study on consumers awareness and consumption patterns of green food among students in Universiti Utara Malaysia

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    Food is the basic need to all human being in world and they have the right to consume and choose the safe products. Health consciousness, food safety, and environment consciousness are the main reasons why the consumers progressively aware about the products they consume. Since the nature is getting worst due to environment problem, it has become public concern to introduce green concept in many countries. In Malaysia, the concept of green food still new to consumers, however the demand of the product is increase time by time. The objective and aim of the research is to identify the consumers’ awareness and green food consumption patterns among Undergraduate students in Universiti Utara Malaysia. Even the awareness of food quality and eating patterns could influence students mentally and physically. The research is focus on students because they are possessed important towards the environment and showing their responsibilities. Accordingly, this paper aims to discuss eating consumption practices among university students and their perception of proper feeding practices .The research used questionnaire and 400 respondents are needed to complete the data survey. In this way, it can help the policy makers to manage in formulating and implement the strategies to enhance the knowledge among the consumers especially the students. The implications of the theoretical and managerial as well as the recommendation are discussed in the stud

    The influence of store image on customer satisfaction: case study of Pemasaran Melaka Sdn. Bhd. / Nur Fatin Farhana Roslan and Nur Hazirah Hasri

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    Pemasaran Melaka Sdn Bhd is a company that market Melaka products. During the first few years of its establishment, the customer accepted Pemasaran Melaka positively by the local authority. This can be indicated when many local entrepreneur want to supply the product in Pemasaran Melaka and the monthly sales by Pemasaran reached RM100k – RM200k. In the recent years, the sales by Pemasaran Melaka were slightly reduced. According to managing director of PMSB, this could due to the decreasing level of customer satisfaction towards store image at PMSB compared to when it was first established. Thus, this research is to study the influence of Pemasaran Melaka store image on customer satisfaction. The objectives of this study is to determine the element of store image conducted by PMSB that influence customer satisfaction, to rank the store image element, to examine the element of store image towards level of customer satisfaction and to give the recommendation to the company on what most effective element of store image they can use in time to come. In this study, the researcher design, descriptive, exploratory and conclusive research had been used. For the sampling technique, convenience sampling has been used where the researcher will distribute 100 questionnaires to customer of PMSB. Reliability test, frequency analysis, pearson correlation and multiple regression had been used in this study to get the data from the questionnaire. The findings showed service quality is the most effective element while product assortment is the least effective tool. The research also provides some recommendation to PMSB to improve their store image to become more effective. All the data gathered from the questionnaire has been analyzed using Statistic Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20.0

    Traffic related air pollution and its impact on respiratory health among children

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    Exposure to traffic related air pollution (TRAP) is a public health concern particularly in children, who are one of the most susceptible groups of the population. Children are more vulnerable to such exposure by virtue of their increased susceptibility and the higher doses received. The materials for this review was obtained from several online databases ; PubMed, Proquest, Scopus, Springerlink and Science Direct (year 1990 to 2018). In this review, we emphasized several relevant studies on respiratory health effects among children living in the proximity to heavy traffic area and focus on the factors, which contributed to the severity of the health outcomes. Short term TRAP exposure reduces lung function, increases respiratory symptoms and incidence of asthma and allergic diseases especially for those who living within 75 m from the heavy traffic area. Preventive measures must be taken in order to protect children from exposure to traffic air pollutants

    The antecedents of stock prices in Malaysia / Nur Hazirah Fadzil

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the antecedents of stock prices in construction companies in Malaysia based on the market valuation. The variables that being used in this study are earnings per share (EPS), price earnings ratio (P/E) and dividend yield (DY) as independent variables while stock price (SP) as dependent variable. The company that being choose in this study based on top 10 companies that has high market capital out of 45 companies that being listed in Bursa Malaysia. However, due to the unavailability of the data in Thomson One Reuters, only 6 companies that being selected in this study. This study used descriptive statistic, unit root test, regression using panel data and diagnostic test in order to test the hypothesis. The data is collected from 1st July 2012 until 31st December 2015. All these three variables show positive and significant effect towards stock prices. It means that all these variables are the antecedents of stock prices in construction companies in Malaysia. But, in diagnostic test the autocorrelation and residual are not normally distributed. It means that the result from these findings might not be reliable to use in another period. This study is important since it will give knowledge towards the investor in order to make the decision on investment since construction industry is one of fragile industry in Malaysia