5 research outputs found


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    This study aims to find a description of the creative cognitive process abilities of students in learning citizenship, through virtual contextual constructive learning. The research uses a qualitative approach with classroom action research methods, based on online learning via whatsapp, zoom meeting/google meet and google classroom. The research subjects were first semester students at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Islam Nusantara who took Citizenship Education courses. The research method used is action research with a practical action research model / classroom action research. The indicators for measuring creative cognitive processes include: the ability to identify, formulate problems and create hypotheses to solve problems, the ability to plan realistic solutions, and the ability to construct knowledge by mapping the content of appropriate concepts in learning outcomes. The results showed that contextual constructive learning through virtual learning could develop the creative cognitive process ability of level 1 students in learning citizenship, with a "good" score (77.3 %). This result is not optimal, if it is associated with the ideal value standard of "very good" (85 - 100%). This is found to be lacking in some grade I students in generating creative ideas, namely: students lack high confidence in the truth of their thoughts, if they do not see the internet, do not spontaneously express rationalization of their thinking abilities, express their thinking ideas only imitate other people's statements, have not been able to explain in detail and coherently on the problem and do not elaborate on the problem solving given, less explore literature sources as a reference for thinking in giving birth to problem solving ideas


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali kompetensi pedagogik guru PPKn dalam mengembangkan sikap spiritual dan sikap sosial serta dampaknya terhadap peserta didik. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di SMAN 1 Sumedang dan SMAN 1 Baleendah Bandung, diperoleh gambaran bahwa secara normatif guru PPKn mengembangkan sikap spiritual dan sikap sosial dilakukan secara terintegrasi dengan pembelajaran pengetahuan, baik dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan maupun evaluasi pembelajaran. Dampak implementasi pengembangan sikap spiritual dan sikap sosial peserta didik, menunjukkan kecenderungan yang “baik” (76 % untuk sikap spiritual dan 78 % untuk sikap sosial). Optimalisasi implementasi, dipengaruhi oleh faktor gaya mengajar guru, wawasan guru dalam mengidentifikasi isi nilai spiritual/agama, pendekatan dan strategi pembelajaran; bentuk pengkondisian kegiatan pembelajaran; efektifitas pemanfaatan waktu belajar, kondisi latar lingkungan sosial budaya peserta didik; relatifitas jumlah rombongan belajar

    English Language Learning for Mild Intellectual Disability Students During Pandemic

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    The participation of mild intellectual disability children in school is important because it is a crucial problem of how intellectual disability people can get a job, become independent people, and can live without depending on others. This study intends to analyze the ability of mild intellectual disability students in social interaction and determine their ability to use language in one of the special needs schools in Bandung. This study used a qualitative approach with a case study design. The participants are mild intellectual disability students, English teachers, and school principals in SLB Wartawan in Bandung. The instruments used in this study were observation guidelines, filed notes, and interview guidelines. The data shows that two students categorize “poor”, ten students categorize “fair, and four students categorize “good” in having social interaction. It can be concluded that most students have a fair category in social interaction. Moreover, the data also reveal that from 16 students, four students categorize “poor”, nine students categorize "fair", and three students categorize "good" in their language ability to communicate with others in the classroom. It can be concluded that most mild intellectual disability students have a fair category in their language ability. The result of observation, fieldnotes and interview also show the activity of English language learning for mild intellectual disability students through blended learning during the pandemic

    Sosialisasi Keaksaraan Fungsional untuk Lembaga Keagamaan

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    Literacy education is quite fundamental to building up human quality with dignity both socially and economically. Socially, individual will gain appreciation from society and  it provides opportunities to achieve their welfare economically. Considering unfinished illiteracy in Indonesia, so the acceleration of illiteracy eradication is becoming a necessary part that should be supported by all society components. Similarly, prevailance of religious institutions is highly effective to develop educational literacy institution. In addition, having values and norms system binding the community, as well as religious institutions quantitatively can reach all levels of society. To strengthen the effectiveness implementation program, it is necessary to socialize literacy education that provides an illustration both of educational and implementation model so that  the optimalization target achievement in education could be gained optimally

    Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Team Game Tournament Berbasis Media Digital Blooket untuk Mengembangkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Pancasila

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    Technology-based learning media has an important role in increasing learning motivation and student learning outcomes, one of which is web-based blooket media. Blooket media provides the pleasure of learning while providing learning challenges, activates student learning, and has relevance to the basic values of the independent learning curriculum. This research aims to determine the effect of the blooket media-based team game tournament (TGT) cooperative learning model. on motivation and learning outcomes of Pancasila Education. The research used a quasi-experimental design method with a research population of students at Cimanggung State High School and purposive sampling, the experimental class consisted of 31 people and the control class consisted of 31 people. Data analysis to assess learning outcomes uses paired sample t-test by providing learning outcomes tests in the form of pre-test and post-test, while learning motivation uses Likert scale analysis by providing a Motivation Questionnaire. The results of the research show that the TGT cooperative learning model based on digital blooket media has a higher influence on motivation and learning outcomes, compared to non-digital blooket TGT in Pancasila Education. The experimental class learning motivation interval score was 94% (very high) and the class interval score control was 54% (High) for experimental class learning outcomes was 77% (high) and for control class learning outcomes was 63% (Medium). with a t-test p-value <0.05 (0.000), indicating a significant effect