5 research outputs found

    The chemical contaminants of foodstuffs and household water

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    Elintarvikkeiden ja talousveden kemialliset vaarat kuvataan nyt uusitussa muodossa. Raportissa kĂ€sitellÀÀn 40 vierasainetta tai –ryhmÀÀ, ja saadaan samalla kertaa kuva koko ongelmakentĂ€stĂ€. Kaikki raporttiin valitut kemialliset yhdisteet ovat olleet viime vuosina mukana elintarvikkeiden ja/tai talousveden riskinhallintaa kĂ€sittelevissĂ€ valmisteluissa tai toimenpiteissĂ€ sekĂ€ kansallisella ettĂ€ EU-tasolla. Kemiallisista vaaroista oli suurimmasta osasta runsaasti tietoa saatavilla: esiintyminen elintarvikkeissa, tutkimukset ja saantilaskelmat, terveydelliset haittavaikutukset ja valvontaan liittyvĂ€t tarpeet ja lopuksi kattavat kirjallisuuskatsaukset. YhteensĂ€ 21 suomalaista kutsuttua vierasaineasiantuntijaa on ollut mukana eri sektoritutkimuslaitoksista tĂ€mĂ€n raportin sisĂ€llön kirjoittamis- ja tarkistamistyössĂ€. LisĂ€ksi suuri joukko muita asiantuntijoita on kommentoinut raporttia. Asiantuntijat ovat eri hallinnonaloilta, ja osa aiheistakin ja niihin liittyvistĂ€ vierasaineista, kuten talousveden vierasaineet, kuuluvat hallinnollisesti muihin kuin maa- ja metsĂ€talousministeriön alaisiin asiantuntijalaitoksiin. TĂ€mĂ€ raportti on tehty mahdollisimman laajalle kĂ€yttĂ€jĂ€kunnalle ottaen huomioon viranomaiset sekĂ€ kuluttajat ja opetus- ja tutkimuslaitokset. Raportti on tehty helppokĂ€yttöiseksi ja mahdollisimman selkeĂ€ksi ja lyhytsanaiseksi monine taulukkoineen ja kuvineen. Tarkoitus on, ettĂ€ siitĂ€ löytyy helposti eri vierasaineiden ominaisuuksia, joita voi tarvittaessa vertailla. SiitĂ€ voi etsiĂ€ uusimmat tutkimustulokset ja kansainvĂ€liset riskinarvioinnit sekĂ€ löytÀÀ vierasaineiden pitoisuustietoja etenkin kotimaisista elintarvikkeista. Arvioituja vierasainesaantimÀÀriĂ€ voi verrata vierasaineille asetettuihin siedettĂ€viin enimmĂ€issaantimÀÀriin tai vaikkapa verrata nĂ€itĂ€ turvallisuutta kuvaavia suureita eri vierasaineiden kesken. Valvontaviranomaiset voivat löytÀÀ lisĂ€ksi nopeasti tietoa lainsÀÀdĂ€nnöstĂ€ ja suositelluista valvontatoimenpiteistĂ€. Valvontaan ja muuhun riskinhallintaan liittyvĂ€t ehdotukset ovat syntyneet yhteistyössĂ€ valvonnasta vastaavien Eviran asiantuntijoiden kanssa.De kemiska kontaminanterna förknippade med livsmedel och dricksvatten beskrivs nu i förnyad form. Rapporten behandlar 40 frĂ€mmande Ă€mnen eller grupper av frĂ€mmande Ă€mnen och ger samtidigt en bild av hela problemfĂ€ltet. Alla kemiska föreningar som valts med i rapporten har pĂ„ senare Ă„r tagits med i beredningar och Ă„tgĂ€rder som gĂ€llt riskhantering i frĂ„ga om livsmedel och/eller dricksvatten sĂ„vĂ€l pĂ„ nationell nivĂ„ som pĂ„ EU-nivĂ„. Om största delen av de kemiska farorna fanns tillgĂ„ng till rikliga mĂ€ngder information: förekomsten i livsmedel, analyser och intagsberĂ€kningar, skadeverkningarna pĂ„ hĂ€lsan och behov som hĂ€nför sig till tillsynen och slutligen ocksĂ„ tĂ€ckande litteraturöversikter. Inalles 21 inkallade finska experter pĂ„ frĂ€mmande Ă€mnen frĂ„n forskningsanstalter i olika sektorer har deltagit i arbetet med att skriva och granska innehĂ„llet i denna rapport. En stor mĂ€ngd andra experter har ocksĂ„ kommenterat rapporten. Experterna representerar olika förvaltningsomrĂ„den och ocksĂ„ en del av Ă€mnena som behandlats och de frĂ€mmande Ă€mnena som hĂ€nför sig till dem, sĂ„som frĂ€mmande Ă€mnen i dricksvattnet, hör förvaltningsmĂ€ssigt till andra expertinstitut Ă€n de som Ă€r understĂ€llda jord- och skogsbruksministeriet. Denna rapport har utarbetats för en sĂ„ bred skara lĂ€sare som möjligt beaktande sĂ„vĂ€l myndigheterna och konsumenterna som undervisnings- och forskningsanstalter. Rapporten har gjorts lĂ€tt att anvĂ€nda och sĂ„ tydlig och kortfattad som möjligt med mĂ„ngahanda tabeller och figurer. Meningen Ă€r att rapporten skall ge information om olika frĂ€mmande Ă€mnens egenskaper som vid behov kan jĂ€mföras. Rapporten redogör för de senaste forskningsresultaten och internationella riskvĂ€rderingar och den ger ocksĂ„ information om halterna frĂ€mmande Ă€mnen sĂ€rskilt i inhemska livsmedel. De berĂ€knade intagen frĂ€mmande Ă€mnen kan jĂ€mföras med de tolerabla dagliga intagen som faststĂ€llts för frĂ€mmande Ă€mnen eller ocksĂ„ kan dessa storheter som beskriver sĂ€kerheten jĂ€mföras olika frĂ€mmande Ă€mnen emellan. Tillsynsmyndigheter kan ocksĂ„ snabbt finna information om lagstiftningen och rekommenderade tillsynsĂ„tgĂ€rder. Förslagen som hĂ€nför sig till tillsynen och annan riskhantering har uppkommit i samarbete med de experter pĂ„ Evira som svarar för tillsynen.The chemical contaminants of foodstuffs and household water are now described in a revised form. The report addresses 40 contaminants or groups of contaminants and, at the same time, provides an overview of the whole problematic. All the chemical compounds selected for the report have in the recent years been included at both national and EU level in deliberations and measures pertaining to the risk management of foodstuffs and/of household water. An abundance of information is available on the majority of chemical hazards; occurrence in foodstuffs, research and intake calculations, health effects and needs related to control and finally a comprehensive literary review. A total of 21 Finnish experts in contaminants from various sector research institutes were invited to take part in the preparation and review of the content of this report. A large number of other experts have also provided comments on the report. The experts represent different administrative sectors and some of the topics and of the associated contaminants, such as the contaminants of household water, are also administratively managed by other expert institutes, which are not organised under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. This report is designed to an as wide audience as possible, taking into account authorities and consumers as well as educational and research institutes. The report has been drawn up in an easy-to-use form to be as clear and concise in words as possible with a multitude of tables and figures. It is designed to provide easy reference to the properties of various contaminants for comparison purposes, if required. It contains the most recent research results and international risk assessments and lists contaminant level data on particularly domestic foodstuffs. The estimated contaminant intakes can be compared with the tolerable intake levels set for contaminants or different contaminants can be compared with each other in terms of these magnitudes that express the safety of the foodstuff. Control authorities can quickly find information about regulations and recommended control action. The suggestions related to control and other risk management efforts have been drawn up in cooperation with Evira’s experts in charge of control

    DataSHIELD: taking the analysis to the data, not the data to the analysis

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    Research in modern biomedicine and social science requires sample sizes so large that they can often only be achieved through a pooled co-analysis of data from several studies. But the pooling of information from individuals in a central database that may be queried by researchers raises important ethico-legal questions and can be controversial. In the UK this has been highlighted by recent debate and controversy relating to the UK's proposed 'care.data' initiative, and these issues reflect important societal and professional concerns about privacy, confidentiality and intellectual property. DataSHIELD provides a novel technological solution that can circumvent some of the most basic challenges in facilitating the access of researchers and other healthcare professionals to individual-level data. Commands are sent from a central analysis computer (AC) to several data computers (DCs) storing the data to be co-analysed. The data sets are analysed simultaneously but in parallel. The separate parallelized analyses are linked by non-disclosive summary statistics and commands transmitted back and forth between the DCs and the AC. This paper describes the technical implementation of DataSHIELD using a modified R statistical environment linked to an Opal database deployed behind the computer firewall of each DC. Analysis is controlled through a standard R environment at the AC. Based on this Opal/R implementation, DataSHIELD is currently used by the Healthy Obese Project and the Environmental Core Project (BioSHaRE-EU) for the federated analysis of 10 data sets across eight European countries, and this illustrates the opportunities and challenges presented by the DataSHIELD approach. DataSHIELD facilitates important research in settings where: (i) a co-analysis of individual-level data from several studies is scientifically necessary but governance restrictions prohibit the release or sharing of some of the required data, and/or render data access unacceptably slow; (ii) a research group (e.g. in a developing nation) is particularly vulnerable to loss of intellectual property-the researchers want to fully share the information held in their data with national and international collaborators, but do not wish to hand over the physical data themselves; and (iii) a data set is to be included in an individual-level co-analysis but the physical size of the data precludes direct transfer to a new site for analysis