9 research outputs found

    Educazione alla cittadinanza, pedagogia del patrimonio culturale: riflessioni di pedagogia sociale

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    In today’s society, characterized by a weakening of the civic sense and deconstructing the identity dimension, it is again necessary to define planning paths capable of listening to and respecting differences, rethinking citizenship as a relational, intersubjective, cultural dimension, starting from the educational paradigm. The need to rethink citizenship, which has become a cognitive place for reflection and proposal, shows the need to rethink citizenship, its exercise and citizenship. An active pedagogy, which allows to break down the barriers between school disciplines and those between the school and the outsideworld; accompany the school programs and fight against school failure, grant to obtain a pedagogy of the project Within such a perspective, the pedagogy of cultural heritage, not being a subject but, rather, an approach capable of producing a culture of emancipation and self-regulation of behavior, becomes a tool for promoting education to human rights and to globality. We hear again the echo of the Deweyan consideration: learning for democracy. After all, for education to cultural heritage, as for citizenship, these are concepts that have undergone a profound revision over time, which has redefined and areas of research.By assuming the new meanings and roles produced in contemporary competitions, education in cultural heritage becomes the agent of the processes of education to citizenship and the construction of European identity, thus acquiring on the individual and on society.Nell’attuale società, caratterizzata da indebolimento del senso civico e destrutturazione della dimensione identitaria, occorre nuovamente definire percorsi progettuali in grado di ascoltare e rispettare le differenze, ripensando la cittadinanza come dimensione relazionale, intersoggettiva, culturale, partendo dal paradigma dell’educativo. La progressivamente centralità acquisita dall’educazione alla cittadinanza, divenuta luogo cognitivo di riflessione e proposattiva, che permetta di abbattere le barriere tra discipline scolastiche e quelle tra la scuola e il mondo esterno; accompagnare i programmi scolastici e lottare contro l’insuccesso scolastico, consentirebbe di sviluppare una pedagogia del progetto. All’interno di una simile prospettiva la pedagogia del patrimonio culturale, non essendo una materia ma, piuttosto, un approccio in grado di produrre una cultura dell’emancipazione e dell’autoregolazione dei comportamenti, diviene strumento di promozione dell’educazione ai diritti umani ed alla globalità. Si avverte nuovamente l’eco della considerazione deweyana: learning for democracy. Del resto, per l’educazione al cultural heritage, come per la cittadinanza, si tratta di concetti sottoposti nel tempo ad una profonda revisione, che ne ha ridefinito peculiarità ed ambiti di indagine. Assumendo, dunque, i nuovi significati e ruoli prodotti nei contesti della società contemporanea, l’educazione al patrimonio culturale diventa agente dei processi di educazione alla cittadinanza e alla costruzione dell’identità europea, con implicazioni sull’individuo e sulla società

    Valutazione ed autovalutazione: Lo strumento del portfolio e la proposta del fascicolo digitale

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    The challenges defined by expectations, directed towards learning contexts, require the construction of paths for the integral promotion of the personality; development of identity and coexistence skills, in the post-covid globalization society, thus become central elements of reflection for scholastic institutions and teachers. Being able to keep memory of development rhythms, skills achieved and knowledge gained becomes an element capable of proposing new research paths and construction of teaching practices. The portfolio, with its ability to analyze the evaluative action, can be a tool capable of representing the complexity of the learner's training process, indicating the pupil's self-assessment, inherent in this tool, as the method of verifying the effectiveness of the devices and didactic paths proposed. In this essay we then proceed to an examination of the reference theories and tools in use for the construction of the portfolio, with the proposition of an experience made of digital dossier, with the pupils of secondary school.Le sfide definite dalle aspettative, indirizzate verso i contesti di apprendimento, richiedono la costruzione di percorsi di promozione integrale della personalità; sviluppo della identità e delle capacità di convivenza, nella società della globalizzazione post-covid, divengono così elementi centrali della riflessione per le istituzioni scolastiche e per i docenti. Poter conservare memoria di ritmi di sviluppo, competenze raggiunte e conoscenze conseguite diviene un elemento in grado di proporre nuovi percorsi di ricerca e di costruzione di pratiche didattiche. Il portfolio, con la sua capacità di analisi dell’agire valutativo, può risultare uno strumento in grado di rappresentare la complessità del processo di formazione del discente, indicando l’autovalutazione dell’alunno, insita in questo strumento, come la modalità di verifica dell’efficacia dei dispositivi e dei percorsi didattici proposti. Nel presente saggio si procede quindi ad una disamina delle teorie di riferimento e degli strumenti in uso per la costruzione del portfolio, con la proposizione di una esperienza realizzata di fascicolo digitale, con gli alunni della scuola secondaria di secondo grado

    The authentic assessment of educational actions: backward design and promotion of life skills

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    The processes of change that affect today's training system require a planning commitment aimed at finding flexible and, at the same time, effective answers. A training approach, oriented towards design models capable of proceeding with the assessment of performance, appears to be the element that defines authentic assessment. According to the methods of intervention estimated by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, a methodology is proposed that starts from some assessment choices, intervening on the definition of the same methods of didactic planning, according to the tool of understanding by Design. The aim is to promote a lasting understanding, acquire skills for life, achieve the so-called promotion of an authentic assessment, a perspective within which the assessment aims to involve the student through real-life tasks. In the present discussion we have therefore proceeded to define the intervention framework of such an approach, proposing the examination of the theoretical references and design models, within a design intervention carried out in the school. La valutazione autentica delle azioni educative: progettazione a ritroso e promozione delle competenze per la vita. I processi di cambiamento che investono il sistema formativo odierno necessitano di un impegno progettuale finalizzato alla ricerca di risposte flessibili ed, al contempo, efficaci. Un approccio formativo, orientato verso modelli progettuali in grado di procedere all'accertamento delle prestazioni risulta essere l'elemento che definisce la valutazione autentica. Secondo le modalità di intervento preventivate da Grant Wiggins e Jay McTighe, viene proposta una metodologia che muove da alcune scelte valutative, intervenendo sulla definizione delle stesse modalità della progettazione didattica, secondo lo strumento dell'understanding by Design. Il fine risulta quello di promuovere una comprensione durevole, acquisire competenze per la vita, conseguire la cosiddetta promozione di un authentic assessment, una prospettiva, all'interno della quale, la valutazione mira a coinvolgere l'alunno attraverso compiti di realtà. Nella presente trattazione si è quindi proceduto a definire il quadro di intervento di un simile approccio, proponendo la disamina dei riferimenti teorici e dei modelli progettuali, all'interno di una attività didattica realizzata nella scuola

    New technologies sustainability: monitoring and evaluation of results of interventions for the promotion of cultural heritage and the human landscape

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    The relationship between the development of technologies and the history of the cultural and agricultural landscape is linked to the concepts of "cultural landscape", understood as a space in continuous construction that changes with the change of individual, collective, social and cultural relationships of the inhabitants of the territory, or of the "cultural inhabitants", citizens who are producers of culture, rather than users. A vision of the "future as an open place" emerges, understood as a place of usability and sharing of all human, material and immaterial productions.Technologies, within a similar perspective, are presented as the historical evolution of téchne, whose degree of development today allows an extension of the level of human action.This study, in agreement with the scientific literature based on the use of recently developed digital models, demonstrates that the mainly agricultural territory of Basilicata, historically the site of complex social relations, has created a traditional rural society in which the concept of neighborhood and the spatial connotation also had the symbolic value of sharing knowledge and practices, relationships based on inclusiveness and sustainability. The diffusion of 5G technology is generating important cultural transformations. What used to be the neighborhood community in Matera (IT) - also following the activities launched with the CTEMT project and the social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic - is now becoming a virtual community for sharing knowledge and practices , beliefs and values, including the use and management of cultural heritage, which takes place through the network, and therefore using applications that promote a transformative intervention of the landscape, such as to make it functional to human needs, and, at the same time, sustainable with respect to the perpetuation of ecosystem relationships.The diffusion of 5G technology, is generating important cultural transformations. What in the past was, in Matera (IT), the neighbourhood community - also as a result of the activities launched with the CTEMT project and the social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic - now becomes a virtual community, sharing knowledge and practices, beliefs and values, including the use and management of cultural heritage, occurs through the network with the use of applications that promote accessibility and sustainability in both the urban and agricultural landscape. As argued by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the attention to the dynamic conservation of the landscape should not be placed so much to the "culture itself" or to the "nature itself" but rather to the relationship between these two dynamic components has been established, but also from the holistic mentioned many times, attentive to the values of identity and comforted by the knowledge and decoding of the intangible heritage, from which we deduce the active role, shared social behaviours, the mechanisms of transmission of knowledge and transgenerational awareness also thanks to the complex and fascinating universe of uses, traditions, rituals and rites that are an important tool of conscious management of the landscape and its culture. The conscious use of artificial intelligence is the concretion of the virtuous relationship between Humanism and technologies. For the biodiversity it is a support to the recognition of the species, in particular of the native ones, and it allows people to recognize themselves culturally and find into the biodiversity a collective and cultural belonging to the community and to the landscape. Therefore, thanks to the use of new technologies biodiversity becomes an historical-anthropological archive of knowledge and practices of a territory, and new technologies a powerful tool for the conservation of the cultural heritage

    Chapter Precision agriculture and conservation of coastal landscapes

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    The application of Precision Agriculture strategies represents an opportunity for farmers to obtain economic benefits. In the area of Metapontino, as demonstrated by the experimentation conducted, the challenge of producing food and at the same time protecting nature and safeguarding biodiversity, it is possible to face it through the introduction of global positioning systems (GPS), a technology capable of integrating the information on soil type, climate, cultivar, crop and farm management, topography and economy

    Experiential Learning and Educational Tools for Self-assessment in Schools

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    Abstract The school as a laboratory is the place where not only knowledge is processed, but also a set of training opportunities, to produce new knowledge and develop new skills; it therefore becomes a space for dialectical interaction, between theoretical and practical knowledge. Learning, within such a framework, becomes an active process, in which students build new ideas, and concepts based on their current / past knowledge. In the educational sphere, the concept of efficacy has assumed ever greater importance; therefore, there is a need to specify valid and reliable results indicators, capable of promoting the accountability process, to which the education system is subjected. This is also to be able to indicate the relationship between education processes and learning levels among students. In this direction, a useful tool can be represented by the self-assessment sections, capable of promoting reflection and / or revision of the goals achieved. In this regard, the conclusions of a study on Active Citizenship Education, promoted by the "Directorate-General for Culture and Education" of the European Commission, which examined more than 100 projects in 33 countries, analyzing quality and governance factors, are used

    Precision agriculture and conservation of coastal landscapes

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    The application of Precision Agriculture strategies represents an opportunity for farmers to obtain economic benefits. In the area of Metapontino, as demonstrated by the experimentation conducted, the challenge of producing food and at the same time protecting nature and safeguarding biodiversity, it is possible to face it through the introduction of global positioning systems (GPS), a technology capable of integrating the information on soil type, climate, cultivar, crop and farm management, topography and economy

    Chapter Precision agriculture and conservation of coastal landscapes

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    The application of Precision Agriculture strategies represents an opportunity for farmers to obtain economic benefits. In the area of Metapontino, as demonstrated by the experimentation conducted, the challenge of producing food and at the same time protecting nature and safeguarding biodiversity, it is possible to face it through the introduction of global positioning systems (GPS), a technology capable of integrating the information on soil type, climate, cultivar, crop and farm management, topography and economy