1,959 research outputs found

    Real estate agents happiness! Entrepreneurial orientation counts?

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    Mestrado Bolonha em Ciências EmpresariaisIn a society increasingly with more everyday stress and mental illnesses, the study of well-being becomes also increasingly relevant, and after Covid19 pandemic, in which people stayed for long periods indoors, also stimulate these studies in association with the real estate market. This work aims to study real estate agents and whether two entrepreneurs traits, such as Locus of Control and Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation are predictors and somehow are related to well-being. A quantitative methodology was adopted, with 213 answered surveys, of which 118 were Portuguese and 95 Brazilians. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 27 for Windows and Andrew F. Hayes' Macro for Windows called PROCESS, v 4.0. The study revealed that among the real estate agents, those who became part of the market by force of opportunity possess more internal Locus of Control in comparison to those who entered the market by force of necessity. Still on the first-mentioned, the study verified that they had higher levels of well-being, opportunity recognition and individual entrepreneurial orientation. It was also observed that Internal Locus of Control is a predictor to the other constructs, individual entrepreneurial orientation, capability to recognize opportunities and wellbeing, and Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation is also a predictor to Opportunity Recognition, but does not affect well-being and does not demonstrate any influence through moderation in the relation between Locus of Control and Well-Being or Locus of Control with Opportunity Recognition.Numa sociedade com cada vez mais stress quotidiano e doenças associadas a mente, o estudo do bem-estar torna-se cada vez mais relevante, ainda mais após a pandemia Covid19, que associa o bem-estar ao mercado imobiliário, tendo em vista ter levado as pessoas a ficarem reclusas em casa por longos períodos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar agentes imobiliários e se duas características de empreendedores, como Locus de Controle e orientação empreendedora individual, são preditores ou alguma forma estão relacionados ao bem-estar. Adotou-se uma metodologia quantitativa, com 213 inquéritos respondidos, dos quais 118 portugueses e 95 brasileiros. A análise estatística foi realizada usando o SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) versão 27 para Windows e a Macro de Andrew F. Hayes para Windows denominada PROCESS, v 4.0. O estudo revelou que entre os agentes imobiliários, aqueles que entraram no mercado por força de oportunidade possuem um Locus de Controle mais interno em comparação com aqueles que entraram no mercado por força de necessidade. Ainda sobre o primeiro grupo mencionado, o estudo verificou que eles apresentavam níveis mais elevados de bem-estar individual, capacidade de reconhecer oportunidades e orientação empreendedora individual. Observou-se também que o Locus de Controle interno é preditor para os demais construtos, orientação individual empreendedora, capacidade de reconhecer oportunidades e bem-estar, e a orientação empreendedora individual também é preditor para a capacidade de reconhecer oportunidades, mas não afeta o bem-estar e não demonstra qualquer influência por moderação na relação entre Locus de Controle e bemestar ou Locus de Controle e reconhecimento de oportunidades.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La formación en enfermería de rehabilitación en Portugal desde 2006

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    Enquadramento: Desde o início do século que se verifica uma diminuição da natalidade e maior envelhecimento populacional, existindo mais pessoas com incapacidade e dependência, exigindo cuidados de enfermagem mais especializados. Objetivo: Descrever a evolução na formação da especialidade em enfermagem de reabilitação. Metodologia: Recolha documental no Diário da República, com análise e interpretação hermenêutica das fontes com referência à especialidade de enfermagem de reabilitação, publicadas desde 2006. Resultados: Foram aprovados vários planos de estudo de pós-licenciatura de especialização e mestrado em enfermagem de reabilitação. Progressivamente, houve inclusão de unidades curriculares como Epidemiologia Estatística e Demografia, Aspetos Psicossociais da Incapacidade, Políticas e Modelos de Cuidados de Saúde e Estágios de Cuidados de Enfermagem de Reabilitação à Pessoa com Problemas Oncológicos e em Fim de Vida. Conclusão: A formação em enfermagem de reabilitação desenvolveu-se com influência das alterações políticas e sociodemográficas. Com os avanços tecnológicos, científicos e a evolução dos sistemas de saúde, os cuidados de enfermagem de reabilitação têm evoluído na inovação e formação, com enquadramento legal e nas competências específicas.Background: Since the beginning of the 21st century, fertility rates have decreased and life expectancy has increased, with more people with disabilities and dependent on others requiring more specialized nursing care. Objective: To describe the evolution of education/training in rehabilitation nursing. Methodology: Documental search conducted in the Portuguese official journal (Diário da República), with hermeneutic analysis and interpretation of the sources on the specialty of rehabilitation nursing since 2006. Results: Several curricula of postgraduate specialization and master’s degrees in rehabilitation nursing have been approved since 2006. Several course units were gradually integrated into the curricula, such as Statistical Epidemiology and Demography, Psychosocial Aspects of Disability, Health Care Policies and Models, and Internships in Rehabilitation Nursing Care for People with Cancer and at the End of Life. Conclusion: Education/training in rehabilitation nursing evolved under the influence of political and socio-demographic changes. With the technological and scientific advances and the evolution of health systems, rehabilitation nursing care has evolved in terms of innovation and education/training within a legal framework and based on specific competencies.Marco contextual: Desde principios de siglo se ha producido un descenso de la natalidad y un mayor envejecimiento de la población, con más personas con discapacidad y dependencia, que requieren más cuidados especializados de enfermería. Objetivo: Describir la evolución en la formación de la especialidad en enfermería de rehabilitación. Metodología: Recopilación documental en el Diario de la República, con análisis e interpretación hermenéutica de las fuentes con referencia a la especialidad de enfermería de rehabilitación, publicadas desde 2006. Resultados: Se aprobaron varios planes de estudio de posgrado de especialización y máster en enfermería de rehabilitación. Progresivamente, se incluyeron unidades curriculares, como Epidemiología Estadística y Demografía, Aspectos Psicosociales de la Discapacidad, Políticas y Modelos de Atención Sanitaria y Prácticas de Atención de Enfermería de Rehabilitación a la Persona con Problemas Oncológicos y al Final de la Vida. Conclusión: La formación en enfermería de rehabilitación ha evolucionado con la influencia de los cambios políticos y sociodemográficos. Con los avances tecnológicos y científicos, así como con la evolución de los sistemas sanitarios, los cuidados de enfermería de rehabilitación han evolucionado en innovación y formación, con marcos legales y competencias específicas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo da influência do exercício, da idade e da presença de lesões de osteocondrose nos níveis séricos de biomarcadores ósseos no cavalo Lusitano linha Alter Real

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    Dissertação de MestradoO presente estudo pretendeu avaliar a influência do exercício, da idade e da presença de lesões de osteocondrose (OC) nos níveis séricos de biomarcadores ósseos em cavalos de raça Lusitana, em particular numa população de garanhões Alter Real. Os biomarcadores ósseos constituem uma forma expedita e não invasiva de avaliar e monitorizar o metabolismo ósseo em várias espécies animais incluindo os cavalos. Alguns destes biomarcadores ósseos traduzem a actividade de deposição e formação de osso enquanto outros traduzem a actividade reabsorptiva neste mesmo tecido. Uma população de 50 garanhões de raça Lusitana, linha Alter Real, foi sujeita a um exame radiográfico sumário das articulações metacarpo- e metatarsofalângicas e também das articulações de ambos os tarsos para pesquisa de lesões de osteocondrose. A esses cavalos foi também recolhido sangue para poder avaliar os níveis séricos de biomarcadores de deposição/formação óssea, osteocalcina, fosfatase alcalina de especificidade óssea (FAO) e propeptídeo aminoterminal de procolagénio tipo-I (PINP), e de reabsorção óssea, telopeptídeo carboxiterminal de colagénio tipo-I (ICTP). Esta avaliação permitiu estudar diferentes grupos tendo em conta a presença ou a ausência de lesões de osteocondrose (grupo controlo – ausência de lesões vs. grupo OC – presença de lesões), a idade dos cavalos (grupo A - 10 anos) e o regime de trabalho a que estavam sujeitos (grupo D – regime menos intenso vs. grupo T – regime mais intenso). Os procedimentos foram realizados num único momento no tempo não tendo sido sujeitos a reavaliações subsequentes. Os resultados encontrados permitiram verificar diferenças significativas (P<0,05) nos animais sujeitos ao regime de exercício mais intenso que apresentavam valores mais elevados de FAO quando comparados com os cavalos sujeitos ao regime menos intenso. Já na comparação entre grupos etários foi o ICTP que apresentou diferenças significativas (P<0,05) revelando valores mais elevados nos animais mais jovens. Nestes mesmos grupos também a osteocalcina revelou uma tendência (P=0,08) para apresentar valores mais baixos nos animais mais velhos. No que respeita à presença ou ausência de lesões de OC, e apesar de não se terem encontrado diferenças significativas nos níveis dos biomarcadores ósseos entre os grupos, importa referir que se observaram valores de prevalência total de cavalos afectados de 16% (n=8), sendo que 6% das lesões afectavam o tarso e 12% os boletos. Esta aparente incongruência de valores deve-se à existência de lesões tanto nos tarsos como nos boletos em pelo menos um cavalo. Este valor enquadra-se totalmente nas referências da literatura. Através deste trabalho é pois possível confirmar a utilidade dos biomarcadores ósseos na avaliação do metabolismo ósseo de cavalos em diferentes situações e sob influências variadas, sendo no entanto necessário realizar mais estudos para poder conhecer melhor a relação entre os factores implicados nas alterações metabólicas e a sua tradução em termos bioquímicos.ABSTRACT: This study main objective was to evaluate the influence of exercise, age and presence of osteochondrosis (OC) lesions on the serum levels of bone markers in Lusitano horses, particularly in a Alter Real stallion population. Bone markers are a very expedite and non invasive procedure to evaluate and monitor bone metabolism in a variety of animal species including horses. Some of these bon markers reflect bone formation and deposition while others reflect bone resorption. A population of 50 Lusitano stallions, Alter Real, was submitted to a radiographic examination of the metacarpo- and metatarsophalangeal joints and also of both tarsus to search for OC lesions. Venous blood samples were taken from these same horses to evaluate the serum levels of markers indicating bone deposition/formation, osteocalcin, bone specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP) and amino-terminal type-I procollagen propeptide (PINP), and indicating bone resorption, carboxy-terminal telopeptide of type-I collagen (ICTP). This evaluation allowed the study of different groups concerning the presence or absence of OC lesions (control group – absence of lesions vs. OC group – presence of lesions), the age of the horses (group A - 10 years old) and the exercise program they were submitted to (group D – low intensity exercise program vs. group T – high intensity exercise program). Those procedures were performed at the same time in all animals and in only one evaluation, without any other further revaluations. The results revealed significant differences between horses submitted to different exercise programs (P<0,05) with those in the high intensity exercise program showing higher BAP levels compared with those in the low intensity group. Comparing age groups it was the ICTP that revealed significant differences (P<0,05) with the younger animals presenting the higher values. In these same age groups, osteocalcin presented a tendency to decrease (P=0,08) in older animals. Regarding the presence of OC lesions, and although there were no significant differences on the serum levels of any bone marker among all the study groups, it must be referred the prevalence values found in this sample showing 16% (n=8) of affected horses, with a total of 6% of lesions in the tarsus and 12% in the fetlocks. This apparent inconsistency is explained by the fact that at least one of the horses presenting OC lesions had both the tarsus and the fetlocks affected. These figures are consistent with the references presented in the reviewed literature. From this work it is possible to confirm the usefulness of bone markers in the evaluation of bone metabolism in horses in different situations and under varied influences. It is still necessary to perform more studies in order to understand the relationship between the factors implied in the metabolic changes and their biochemical refle

    Screening Tools Designed to Assess and Evaluate Oropharyngeal Dysphagia in Adult Patients: A Scoping Review

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    Oropharyngeal Dysphagia (OD) significantly decreases a patient’s quality of life and poses a high economic burden to institutions. In this sense, evaluation and assessment are important interventions for health professionals, although current tools and instruments are multiple and are dispersed in the literature. The aim of this review was to map existing screening tools to assess and evaluate OD in adult patients, identify their relevant clinical parameters and respective contexts of use and provide a systematic approach and summary to better inform practice. A scoping review was developed guided by the JBI methodology and using PRISMA-ScR to report results published between 2014 and 2021, in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Databases included Medline, Academic Search Complete, CINAHL Complete, Scielo, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, OpenGrey and B-On. Mendeley was used to store and screen data. A total of 33 studies were included in the study, of which 19 tools were identified, some being intervention-based tools and others an algorithm for decision. The most common context used was in the general population and older adults. Regarding clinical parameters, the most common were food consistency, presence of the cough reflex, swallowing effort, voice changes and weight. As oropharyngeal dysphagia concerns important risks for the patient, a rigorous assessment must be performed. In this sense, the review identified specific disease-related tools and more general instruments, and it is an important contribution to more efficient dysphagia screening and prevention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reference Model and Method of Evaluation for Smart Cities in Government Portals: a study of the Portuguese and Brazilian reality

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    The urban issue is currently of great inter-est. The cities and its multiple socio-cultural and political manifestations have been acquiring, from the technological changes of Information Society, new in-struments for ensuring the quality of the future life of most of the world population, and this subject has been named in doctrine as Smart Cities. According to this, several organizations have been gathering efforts in order to monitoring the different dimensions of smart cities. It is thus of utmost importance to analyse the main (inter) national metrics and indicators for evaluating the levels of smartness of cities, with special focus in governance. For this, and based in bibliographic revision and realizacao of conceptual proof, it is proposed an evaluation method that expresses the variables capable of enhancing the intelligent governance in Govern-ment portals. From the research undertak-en, it may be verified that studies in this field are still incipient. On the other side, in spite of the knowledge of the limits of such approach, this method will serve as a new focus on the fiability of the communication process between government and society and as source of consultation and evaluation of the intelligent governance. Finally, it is believed that tha periodical application of this method will allows, besides the monitoring and control of public policies, also the opening up of new ways of citizen's participation.Our thanks to the CAPES Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil, and also to the CIIDH-Interdisciplinary Research Center in Human Rights, and to the Algo-ritimi Centre, both at University of Minho. The work of Marciele Berger has been supported by CAPES under Grant nr. BEX - 1788/15-9. The work of Paulo Novais has been supported by COMPETE Pro-gramme (operational programme for com-petitiveness) within project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043, by National Funds through the FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within the Projects UID/CEC/00319/2013. The work of Nuno Lopes has been supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020) whithin the pro-ject "SmartEGOV: Harnessing EGOV for Smart Governance (Foundations, methods, Tools) / NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000037", under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the Euro-pean Regional Development Fund (EFDR)

    Effects of mass media on opinion spreading in the Sznajd sociophysics model

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    In this work we consider the influence of mass media in the dynamics of the two-dimensional Sznajd model. This influence acts as an external field, and it is introduced in the model by means of a probability pp of the agents to follow the media opinion. We performed Monte Carlo simulations on square lattices with different sizes, and our numerical results suggest a change on the critical behavior of the model, with the absence of the usual phase transition for p>0.18p>\sim 0.18. Another effect of the probability pp is to decrease the average relaxation times τ\tau, that are log-normally distributed, as in the standard model. In addition, the τ\tau values depend on the lattice size LL in a power-law form, τLα\tau\sim L^{\alpha}, where the power-law exponent depends on the probability pp.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Physica

    Sex differences in the fetal heart rate variability indices of twins

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    Aims: To evaluate the differences in linear and complex heart rate dynamics in twin pairs according to fetal sex combination [male-female (MF), male-male (MM), and female-female (FF)]. Methods: Fourteen twin pairs (6 MF, 3 MM, and 5 FF) were monitored between 31 and 36.4 weeks of gestation. Twenty-six fetal heart rate (FHR) recordings of both twins were simultaneously acquired and analyzed with a system for computerized analysis of cardiotocograms. Linear and nonlinear FHR indices were calculated. Results: Overall, MM twins presented higher intrapair average in linear indices than the other pairs, whereas FF twins showed higher sympathetic-vagal balance. MF twins exhibited higher intrapair average in entropy indices and MM twins presented lower entropy values than FF twins considering the (automatically selected) threshold rLu. MM twin pairs showed higher intrapair differences in linear heart rate indices than MF and FF twins, whereas FF twins exhibited lower intrapair differences in entropy indices. Conclusions: The results of this exploratory study suggest that twins have sex-specific differences in linear and nonlinear indices of FHR. MM twins expressed signs of a more active autonomic nervous system and MF twins showed the most active complexity control system. These results suggest that fetal sex combination should be taken into consideration when performing detailed evaluation of the FHR in twins.This work was supported by a grant (SFRH/BD/40146/2007) to the first author from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia. Hernani Goncalves is financed by a postdoctoral grant (SFRH/BPD/69671/2010) from the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal

    Genetic adaptive mechanisms mediating response and tolerance to acetic acid stress in the human pathogen Candida glabrata: role of the CgHaa1-dependent signaling pathway

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    The increased resilience of Candida glabrata to azoles and the continuous emergence of strains resistant to other antifungals demands the development of new therapeutic approaches focused on non-conventional biological targets. Genes contributing to increase C. glabrata competitiveness in the different infection sites are an interesting and unexplored cohort of therapeutic targets. To thrive in the vaginal tract and avoid exclusion C. glabrata cells have evolved dedicated responses rendering them capable of tolerating multiple environmental challenges, including the presence of acetic and lactic acids produced by the commensal microbiota. In this work a cohort of vaginal clinical isolates were phenotyped for their tolerance to acetic acid stress at a low pH as well as for several traits that are known to influence sensitivity to this organic acid, including the structure of the cell envelope and the ability to consume the acid in the presence of glucose. The role played by the ORF CAGL0L09339g, an homologue of the ScHaa1, a critical regulator of acetic acid resistance in S. cerevisiae[1], in C. glabrata response and tolerance to acetic acid stress at pH 4 was also scrutinized using a transcriptomic analysis. The role of CgHaa1 as well as of several of its target genes in mediating virulence of C. glabrata against epithelial vaginal cells was also studied.Funding received by the Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (UID/BIO/04565/2013) and from Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa 2020 (project no. 007317) is acknowledged. FCT is also acknowledged for funding the Centre of Biological Engineering through contracts FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER- 020243 and PTDC/EBB-EBI/120495/2010info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The creative process behind Dialogismos I: theoretical and technical considerations

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    This paper examines the aesthetic dimension and the technical realization of Dialogismos I, a piece for saxophone alto and electronics by the composer Nuno Peixoto de Pinho. The conceptual basis of the work relies on the notion of ‘intertextuality’ coined by the Bulgarian-French philosopher and literary critic Julia Kristeva, which was somehow transposed to the music domain by J. Peter Burkholder under the concept ‘musical borrowing’. The compositional problems raised by applying an intertextual musical thinking as a key driver of the composition were solved using two different approaches. The first approach was the manual selection of elements from several music works with different granularities to devise the overall structure of the work and to create the saxophone score. The second approach was applied to the realization of the electronic part and relied on concatenative sound synthesis as an algorithmic computer assisted composition method and a real-time synthesis technique.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Helmet-Noninvasive Ventilation for Hospitalized Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients: Has Vaccination and the New Variants Changed Evidence?

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    Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is a technique for breathing support that significantly improves gas exchange and vital signs, reducing intubation and mortality rates. Helmets, unlike facemasks, allow for longer-term treatment and better ventilation, also being more cost-effective. As of today, we have found no reviews addressing this topic. This review aims to identify, map, and describe the characteristics of the use of noninvasive ventilation through helmet interface in critically ill COVID-19 adult patients hospitalized in acute care settings throughout the multiple moments that defined the COVID-19 pandemic. This scoping review will follow the methodology for scoping reviews proposed by JBI. A set of relevant electronic databases will be searched using terms such as COVID-19, helmet, and noninvasive ventilation. Two reviewers will independently perform the study selection regarding their eligibility. Data extraction will be accomplished using a researcher’s developed tool considering the review questions. Findings will be presented in tables and a narrative description that aligns with the review’s objective. This scoping review will consider any quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods studies and systematic review designs for inclusion, focusing on the use of helmet on critically ill adult patients with COVID-19 hospitalized in acute care settings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio