1,585 research outputs found

    Line-oriented flight training: Northwest Airlines

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    An exemption from certain FAA regulations which stereotype simulator flight training was obtained and pilots with current line experience were used to prepare and develop scenarios for a program in which each crew member would be trained to recognize and properly use all available resouces. The development of the scenarios for training to proficiency and pilot reaction to the training sessions are discussed

    Diatom Proteomics Reveals Unique Acclimation Strategies to Mitigate Fe Limitation

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    Phytoplankton growth rates are limited by the supply of iron (Fe) in approximately one third of the open ocean, with major implications for carbon dioxide sequestration and carbon (C) biogeochemistry. To date, understanding how alteration of Fe supply changes phytoplankton physiology has focused on traditional metrics such as growth rate, elemental composition, and biophysical measurements such as photosynthetic competence (Fv/Fm). Researchers have subsequently employed transcriptomics to probe relationships between changes in Fe supply and phytoplankton physiology. Recently, studies have investigated longer-term (i.e. following acclimation) responses of phytoplankton to various Fe conditions. In the present study, the coastal diatom, Thalassiosira pseudonana, was acclimated (10 generations) to either low or high Fe conditions, i.e. Fe-limiting and Fe-replete. Quantitative proteomics and a newly developed proteomic profiling technique that identifies low abundance proteins were employed to examine the full complement of expressed proteins and consequently the metabolic pathways utilized by the diatom under the two Fe conditions. A total of 1850 proteins were confidently identified, nearly tripling previous identifications made from differential expression in diatoms. Given sufficient time to acclimate to Fe limitation, T. pseudonana up-regulates proteins involved in pathways associated with intracellular protein recycling, thereby decreasing dependence on extracellular nitrogen (N), C and Fe. The relative increase in the abundance of photorespiration and pentose phosphate pathway proteins reveal novel metabolic shifts, which create substrates that could support other well-established physiological responses, such as heavily silicified frustules observed for Fe-limited diatoms. Here, we discovered that proteins and hence pathways observed to be down-regulated in short-term Fe starvation studies are constitutively expressed when T. pseudonana is acclimated (i.e., nitrate and nitrite transporters, Photosystem II and Photosystem I complexes). Acclimation of the diatom to the desired Fe conditions and the comprehensive proteomic approach provides a more robust interpretation of this dynamic proteome than previous studies.This work was supported by National Science Foundation grants OCE1233014 (BLN) and the Office of Polar Programs Postdoctoral Fellowship grant 0444148 (BLN). DRG was supported by National Institutes of Health 5P30ES007033-10. AH and MTM were supported by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. RFS and PWB were supported by the New Zealand Royal Society Marsden Fund and the Ministry of Science. This work is supported in part by the University of Washington's Proteomics Computer Resource Centre (UWPR95794). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    The political economy of Public Employment Services: measurement and disempowered empowerment?

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    Active Labour Market Policies (ALMPs) and Public Employment Services (PES) are related components of the European Union and member state labour market policy. Typically, PES are analysed in terms of a narrow concern with efficiency and effectiveness of service. In this paper, we argue that PES are constituents in broader processes. They are not just means to facilitate employment, they are also part of transmission mechanisms for a political economy of competitiveness. They play a particular role in governance processes, and so serve to produce and reproduce power relations that are intrinsic to those processes. We argue that the technical ways that PES have been managed over recent decades has contributed to broader processes of disempowering labour, through depoliticized management practices. We argue that attempts at even limited re-empowerment of labour would require a repoliticization of these management practices

    High-speed noise-free optical quantum memory

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    Quantum networks promise to revolutionise computing, simulation, and communication. Light is the ideal information carrier for quantum networks, as its properties are not degraded by noise in ambient conditions, and it can support large bandwidths enabling fast operations and a large information capacity. Quantum memories, devices that store, manipulate, and release on demand quantum light, have been identified as critical components of photonic quantum networks, because they facilitate scalability. However, any noise introduced by the memory can render the device classical by destroying the quantum character of the light. Here we introduce an intrinsically noise-free memory protocol based on two-photon off-resonant cascaded absorption (ORCA). We consequently demonstrate for the first time successful storage of GHz-bandwidth heralded single photons in a warm atomic vapour with no added noise; confirmed by the unaltered photon statistics upon recall. Our ORCA memory platform meets the stringent noise-requirements for quantum memories whilst offering technical simplicity and high-speed operation, and therefore is immediately applicable to low-latency quantum networks

    Theory of noise suppression in {\Lambda}-type quantum memories by means of a cavity

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    Quantum memories, capable of storing single photons or other quantum states of light, to be retrieved on-demand, offer a route to large-scale quantum information processing with light. A promising class of memories is based on far-off-resonant Raman absorption in ensembles of Λ\Lambda-type atoms. However at room temperature these systems exhibit unwanted four-wave mixing, which is prohibitive for applications at the single-photon level. Here we show how this noise can be suppressed by placing the storage medium inside a moderate-finesse optical cavity, thereby removing the main roadblock hindering this approach to quantum memory.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. This paper provides the theoretical background to our recent experimental demonstration of noise suppression in a cavity-enhanced Raman-type memory ( arXiv:1510.04625 ). See also the related paper arXiv:1511.05448, which describes numerical modelling of an atom-filled cavity. Comments welcom

    European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI)-Formulating Ideas for Better Medicines for Children.

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    © American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists 2016, published by Springer US, available online at doi: https://doi.org/10.1208/s12249-016-0584-1The European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI), founded in 2007, aims to promote and facilitate the preparation of better and safe medicines for children through linking research and information dissemination. It brings together the capabilities of the industry, academics, hospitals, and regulators within a common platform in order to scope the solid understanding of the major issues, which will underpin the progress towards the future of paediatric medicines we want.The EuPFI was formed in parallel to the adoption of regulations within the EU and USA and has served as a community that drives research and dissemination through publications and the organisation of annual conferences. The membership and reach of this group have grown since its inception in 2007 and continue to develop and evolve to meet the continuing needs and ambitions of research into and development of age appropriate medicines. Five diverse workstreams (age-appropriate medicines, Biopharmaceutics, Administration Devices, Excipients and Taste Assessment & Taste Masking (TATM)) direct specific workpackages on behalf of the EuPFI. Furthermore, EuPFI interacts with multiple diverse professional groups across the globe to ensure efficient working in the area of paediatric medicines. Strong commitment and active involvement of all EuPFI stakeholders have proved to be vital to effectively address knowledge gaps related to paediatric medicines, discuss potential areas for further research and identify issues that need more attention and analysis in the future.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Towards high-speed optical quantum memories

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    Quantum memories, capable of controllably storing and releasing a photon, are a crucial component for quantum computers and quantum communications. So far, quantum memories have operated with bandwidths that limit data rates to MHz. Here we report the coherent storage and retrieval of sub-nanosecond low intensity light pulses with spectral bandwidths exceeding 1 GHz in cesium vapor. The novel memory interaction takes place via a far off-resonant two-photon transition in which the memory bandwidth is dynamically generated by a strong control field. This allows for an increase in data rates by a factor of almost 1000 compared to existing quantum memories. The memory works with a total efficiency of 15% and its coherence is demonstrated by directly interfering the stored and retrieved pulses. Coherence times in hot atomic vapors are on the order of microsecond - the expected storage time limit for this memory.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Simplified Quantum Process Tomography

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    We propose and evaluate experimentally an approach to quantum process tomography that completely removes the scaling problem plaguing the standard approach. The key to this simplification is the incorporation of prior knowledge of the class of physical interactions involved in generating the dynamics, which reduces the problem to one of parameter estimation. This allows part of the problem to be tackled using efficient convex methods, which, when coupled with a constraint on some parameters allows globally optimal estimates for the Kraus operators to be determined from experimental data. Parameterising the maps provides further advantages: it allows the incorporation of mixed states of the environment as well as some initial correlation between the system and environment, both of which are common physical situations following excitation of the system away from thermal equilibrium. Although the approach is not universal, in cases where it is valid it returns a complete set of positive maps for the dynamical evolution of a quantum system at all times.Comment: Added references to interesting related work by Bendersky et a