315 research outputs found

    Software Runtime Monitoring with Adaptive Sampling Rate to Collect Representative Samples of Execution Traces

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    Monitoring software systems at runtime is key for understanding workloads, debugging, and self-adaptation. It typically involves collecting and storing observable software data, which can be analyzed online or offline. Despite the usefulness of collecting system data, it may significantly impact the system execution by delaying response times and competing with system resources. The typical approach to cope with this is to filter portions of the system to be monitored and to sample data. Although these approaches are a step towards achieving a desired trade-off between the amount of collected information and the impact on the system performance, they focus on collecting data of a particular type or may capture a sample that does not correspond to the actual system behavior. In response, we propose an adaptive runtime monitoring process to dynamically adapt the sampling rate while monitoring software systems. It includes algorithms with statistical foundations to improve the representativeness of collected samples without compromising the system performance. Our evaluation targets five applications of a widely used benchmark. It shows that the error (RMSE) of the samples collected with our approach is 9-54% lower than the main alternative strategy (sampling rate inversely proportional to the throughput), with 1-6% higher performance impact.Comment: in Journal of Systems and Softwar

    The Impact of Dynamics of Collaborative Software Engineering on Introverts: A Study Protocol

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    Background: Collaboration among software engineers through face-to-face discussions in teams has been promoted since the adoption of agile methods. However, these discussions might demote the contribution of software engineers who are introverts, possibly leading to sub-optimal solutions and creating work environments that benefit extroverts. Objective: We aim to evaluate whether providing software engineers with time to work individually and reason about a collective problem is a setting that makes introverts more comfortable to interact and contribute more, ultimately leading to better solutions. Method: We plan to conduct a between-subjects study, with teams in a control group that design a software architecture in a team discussion meeting and teams in a treatment group in which subjects work individually before engaging in a meeting. We will assess and compare the amount of contribution of introverts, their subjective experiences, and the designed solutions. Limitations: As extroverts will be present in both groups, we will not be able to conclude that better solutions are solely due to the increased participation of introverts. The analyses of their subjective experience and amount of contributions might provide evidence to suggest the reasons for observed differences.Comment: 5 page

    BDI4JADE:a BDI layer on top of JADE

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    Abstract. Several agent platforms that implement the belief-desire-intention (BDI) architecture have been proposed. Even though most of them are implemented based on existing general purpose programming languages, e.g. Java, agents are either programmed in a new programming language or Domain-specific Language expressed in XML. As a consequence, this prevents the use of advanced features of the underlying programming language and the integration with existing libraries and frameworks, which are essential for the development of enterprise applications. Due to these limitations of BDI agent platforms, we have implemented the BDI4JADE, which is presented in this paper. It is implemented as a BDI layer on top of JADE, a well accepted agent platform

    Projeto instrucional: sua relevância no desenvolvimento de objetos de ensino-aprendizagem

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação.Atualmente muitos profissionais de ensino-aprendizagem têm investido na modalidade de Educação a Distância (EaD). Com o desenvolvimento do e-learning aspectos específicos da prática educativa são colocados em evidência destacando mudanças no sentido organizacional do ensinar e aprender. Esta pesquisa trata de um estudo de caso na empresa Volvo do Brasil, que implementou um módulo de treinamento nessa modalidade. A descrição do caso estudado analisa as diferentes etapas da construção do curso do início ao fim, do planejamento à sua implementação. O foco dado ao estudo exploratório debruça-se sobre questões de Design Instrucional (DI), principalmente no que diz respeito à relevância do Projeto Instrucional (PI) - documento que concretiza o trabalho de Design Instrucional (DI) - em relação à elaboração de Objetos de Ensino-Aprendizagem (OE-A) potencialmente significativos. Com isso, o estudo visou analisar a aderência dos OE-A às propostas instrucionais do PI. Essa aderência foi analisada posteriormente à implementação dos OE-A em Sistema de Gestão da Aprendizagem (LMS). O resultado deste estudo exploratório está sistematizado em um framework de análise denominado OE-A List. A aplicação dessa ferramenta no próprio processo de pesquisa possibilita uma análise complementar que corrobora com algumas reflexões construídas durante o estudo do caso. E, com isso, o estudo relata o mapeamento realizado dos Objetos de Ensino-Aprendizagem por meio da proposta desenvolvida no Projeto Instrucional. Este não é um trabalho conclusivo, mas um exercício efetivo que contribui com a comunidade científica que estuda, produz e avalia materiais didáticos especificamente desenvolvidos para a área de e-learning. In the last few years, teaching-learning professionals have been supporting the Distance Education (DE) modality. With the advent of e-learning practices, specific aspects of educational experiences are highlighted, particularly organizational changes in teaching and learning. This research is a case study realized in Volvo Brazil, an enterprise that has implemented a training module in this modality. The description of the studied case contemplates the different steps of the course building process from the beginning to the end, from the planning to the implementation. This became possible, as the researcher worked closely with the process participants, but also due to her own professional involvement. This exploratory study focused on Instructional Design (DI) issues, specifically on the relevant aspects of the Instructional Project (PI) - document that is the materialization of Instructional Design (DI) work - and their relation with the elaboration of potentially meaningful Teaching-Learning Objects (OE-A). With this vision, the investigation has looked into the OE-A adherence with the PI purposes. This adherence was analyzed after the OE-A development and implementation in the Learning Management System (LMS). The result of this study is systematized on the development of a framework called OE-A List thanks to the exploratory analysis. This tool enabled a further analysis, that helped us complement the thoughts and results obtained by the study and allowed us to map each OE-A based on the PI purpose. This study isn't finished yet, but is an effective exercise. This means that, from this case dissertation, the purpose of this work is to contribute with the scientific community and more specifically with e-learning professionals

    Disputas entre tempo de trabalho e tempo livre: aspectos da regulamentação do Teletrabalho pela Reforma Trabalhista (Lei n. 13.467/17)

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    Esta monografia tem como objetivo discutir as disputas entre tempo de trabalho e tempo livre na sociedade contemporânea, utilizando-se como objeto de análise o instituto do teletrabalho introduzido pela Reforma Trabalhista (Lei n. 13467/17). Em um primeiro momento, analisa-se a Reforma Trabalhista à luz de um contexto histórico caracterizado pela vigência do modelo neoliberal de caráter global e pelo fomento de reformas de austeridade que produziram as recentes transformações do mundo do trabalho. Em seguida, são abordadas, sob uma perspectiva socio-histórica, as percepções de tempo e de trabalho, assim como os conceitos de tempo de trabalho e tempo livre, para enfim, adentrar estudos sobre a flexibilização, refletindo sobre suas contradições e impactos na regulação do teletrabalho