16 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Wilayah Pengembangan Sapi Pedaging di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Suatu penelitian telah dilakukan dengan pendekatan wilayah kecamatan di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur menggunakan metode analisis sistem/model dan pewilayahan, aspek dan permasalahan biofisik dititik-beratkan pada masalah yang berhubungan dengan ternak dan wilayah. Aspek fisik/lingkungan wilayah berhubungan dengan karakteristik iklim yang mempengaruhi perkembangan ternak sapi pada kondisi wilayah tersebut. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh tiga komponen utama pertama yang menunjukkan keragaman antara 70-80%, yang mampu menjelaskan keragaman data sebesar 80%, artinya antara peubah bebas sudah saling orthogonal dan layak digunakan untuk pengelompokan. Karakteristik wilayah pengembangan usaha ternak, memiliki basis potensi wilayah yang sama berdasarkan kondisi iklim wilayah, yaitu: (1) Daerah kering iklim kering dengan sistem pemeliharaan tradisional, semi intensif dan intensif terdapat pada pola A dan B, (2) Daerah basah iklim kering dengan sistem pemeliharaan tradisional dan intensif pada pola C dan D. Dari 15 klaster terbentuk diperoleh tujuh tipe wilayah pemeliharaan sapi yang meliputi: (1) Wilayah tipe I, II dan III baik pola A dan pola B, didominasi oleh sapi Bali; (2) Wilayah tipe IV pada pola A, B, C dan D merupakan wilayah yang sesuai untuk sapi Sumba Ongole; (3) Wilayah tipe V merupakan basis pengembangan sapi Bali dan Sumba Ongole (SO); (4) Wilayah tipe VI merupakan basis pengembangan sapi Bali; dan (5) Wilayah tipe VII merupakan wilayah dengan basis pengembangan sapi Bali dan jenis sapi lainnya (terutama sapi Madura). Wilayah pengembangan ternak sapi potong menurut hasil penelitian dapat dilakukan berdasarkan potensi wilayah, yakni: (1) Sapi Bali di Pulau Timor, Sumba Ongole di Pulau Sumba dan sapi campuran (Madura) di Pulau Flores dan pulau kecil lainnya; dan (2) Wilayah pengembangan sapi bibit, yakni sapi Bali di Pulau Timor dan Sumba Ongole di Pulau Sumba

    Kajian Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan Tanaman Pakan Leguminosa Mendukung Peningkatan Produksi Ternak Sapi di Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Leguminosa mempunyai berbagai macam manfaat, diantaranya untuk menyuburkan tanah dan sumber pakan ternak. Sebagai pakan ternak leguminosa mempunyai kualitas tinggi dan tersedia sepanjang tahun. Oleh karena itu, pengembangannya sebagai tanaman pakan sangat diperlukan. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk melihat perkembangan pemanfaatan TPT sebagai sumber pakan sapi. Kajian pengembangan dan pemanfaatan tanaman pakan leguminosa di Nusa Tenggara Timur telah dilakukan di tingkat petani dari tahun 2006-2017 bagi leguminosa herba dan dari tahun 2012-2016 bagi leguminosa pohon Leucaena leucocephala cv Tarramba, dengan melibatkan berbagai stakeholder. Tulisan ini me-review berbagai capaian penting yang telah dipublikasikan dan yang masih dicatat saat ini dengan cara on farm record keeping, dijelaskan dan dibahas secara deskriptif

    Herbaceous Tropical Legume Integration into Small-Holder Crop-Livestock Systems in Eastern Indonesia: Results of 10-Years of Multi-Disciplinary Systems Research

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    Integration a forage legume into crop-livestock systems of Eastern Indonesia was tested to establish the capacity to improve nitrogen supply and yields of staple cereal crops (maize and rice) and allow for intensification of beef production to ultimately increase farm income and alleviate rural poverty in the region. Species evaluation sites across a diversity of environments showed Clitoria ternatea (butterfly pea) to be the most resilient and adaptable forage legume for use in association with cropping systems. Crop rotation experiments demonstrated that legumes grown in rotation with maize or rice can increase grain yields by 50% where legume was cut and removed, and by 90% where legume biomass was retained – the legume providing the equivalent of 100-150 kg of urea fertiliser. Forage establishment and cutting management were shown to be critical to maximising legume productivity but labour inputs required are important constraints. Lower-labour options can be used effectively without dramatically compromising productivity. Providing legumes as supplements to cattle have been shown to have significant benefits for livestock productivity in various production systems; preventing liveweight losses of reproductive cows during the dry season, doubling calf growth rates and halving calf mortality, and increasing growth rates of growing cattle by 0.3-0.5 kg LW/d. Whole-farm bioeconomic modelling and participatory on-farm evaluation has found that livestock-oriented farmers with available land resources will benefit most from forage legumes with potential increases of farm income of up to 30%. Local seed production is critical for ongoing use of herbaceous forage legumes, and our research has refined locally relevant recommendations for agronomy for seed production methods and processing. Our research has confirmed that herbaceous forage legumes can be integrated into cropping systems to improve crop yields, livestock production and livelihoods of small-holder farmers in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

    Tarramba leucaena: A success story for smallholder bull fattening in eastern Indonesia

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    Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) cv. Tarramba was first introduced to eastern Indonesia (East and West Nusa Tenggara Provinces) as part of an ACIAR project in 2001-2003. Its superior value was recognized immediately as it: was preferred by cattle over local leucaena; was less affected by psyllids; provided better dry season growth; and produced poles suitable for construction. In on-farm Bali bull feeding demonstrations, Tarramba leucaena doubled weight gains compared with traditional practices, enabling the most progressive farmers to win local bull-fattening competitions. Owing to strong demand for seed, the East Nusa Tenggara Assessment Institute for Agriculture Technology, in collaboration with the Provincial Livestock 
 Department, assisted smallholders to establish seed orchards to ensure that professionally produced and packaged Tarramba seed was available for commercial sale. By the end of the ACIAR involvement, approximately 2,000 kg of Tarramba seed had been distributed to farmers, in addition to farmer-to-farmer seed sales. Approximately 800,000 ha of land in East Nusa Tenggara Province is suitable for Tarramba leucaena so the potential for this legume to contribute to beef production in the region is huge. Tarramba is now contributing to forage development in other parts of Indonesia as well as in Timor-Leste

    Prevalence of DHP Toxicity and Detection of \u3cem\u3eS. jonesii\u3c/em\u3e in Ruminants Consuming \u3cem\u3eLeucaena leucocephala\u3c/em\u3e in Eastern Indonesia

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    Leucaena leucocephala (leucaena) is a productive forage tree legume widely used in eastern Indonesia. While highly nutritious, it possesses the toxin mimosine which adversely affects animal production. In ruminants, mimosine is readily converted to the two isomers of dihydroxypyridine (3,4-DHP and 2,3-DHP) known to cause goitre, suppress appetite, and cause severe mineral deficiencies. These adverse symptoms may be partially responsible for the reluctance of some farmers to feed leucaena. A bacterium capable of complete degradation of DHP, Synergistes jonesii, originally discovered in Hawaii in goats consuming leucaena (Jones and Megarrity 1986), was later found in Indonesia which led to the assumption that all Indonesian ruminants were protected from leucaena toxicity even on 100% leucaena diets. The objective of this study, conducted during October-November 2011, was to confirm this hypothesis via an extensive survey of the toxicity status of ruminants consuming leucaena in eastern Indonesia

    Effectiveness of inoculation with rumen fluid containing Synergistes jonesii to control DHP toxicity in ruminants in eastern Indonesia

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    The feasibility and efficacy of inoculating with rumen fluid as a method to control hydroxypyridone (DHP) toxicity in ruminants on high leucaena diets in eastern Indonesia were investigated. Rumen fluid collected from 2 buffalo identified as 'protected', due to low levels of DHP excretion in urine, was orally administered to animals identified as 'unprotected' and concentrations of urinary DHP monitored. Control animals were dosed with water only. Treatments were randomly allocated to 10 recipient animals: 3 goats and 7 cattle. All animals were fed a diet containing freshly cut 100% leucaena during the 18 day study period. Measurement of urinary DHP via colorimetric analysis commenced 8 days prior to animals being drenched with rumen fluid or water and continued for 10 days afterwards. Urinary DHP levels in animals that received the inoculum did not differ from those in the control group 10 days post-inoculation (mean 425 mg DHP/L; P = 0.50). Unexpectedly, DHP levels in all animals (rumen fluid and water) declined with time, although the difference did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.12), and remained above considered safe threshold levels. These results suggest that transfer of rumen fluid to overcome leucaena toxicity in animals in eastern Indonesia may not be effective despite great care having been taken to ensure the viability of the anaerobic organisms during the inoculation process; this methodology is also not a practical solution to replicate on a commercial scale. The findings suggest that inoculation may not be necessary if animals previously naïve to leucaena are able to adapt to DHP toxicity by other means


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    Cattle Marketing Institutions in West Timor, East Nusa Tenggara. The cattle marketing in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) has not yet been conducted through a careful planning, but it is more influenced by cash needs. Besides that there were so many marketing channels before reaching the end consumers, thus the margins received were relatively variable. The aims of this research, were: (1) to find out the marketing channels of beef, (2) to find out the margin of each channel, (3) to find out various problems faced in beef marketing, and (4) to formulate recommended policies for the local government related to beef cattle development. Trader samplings were conducted by purposive samplings, i.e. by following the market channels, i.e. from: producers, village traders, livestock market traders, to the inter island traders (end consumers). Data collected in the research consisted of primary and secondary data. The results indicate that there are three market channels, i.e.: (1) Producers- village traders — livestock market traders — inter island traders, (2) Producers — livestock market traders — inter island traders, and (3) Producers — inter island traders. The highest marketing margin was obtained from the first marketing channel (Rp.1,062,500,- per head) and the lowest was from the third marketing channel (Rp.637,500,- per head). The main problem in the cattle marketing in NTT was the high cost of marketing caused by the execution of the local government regulations related to taxes, retributions and many other cost components that are difficult to avoid during the marketing process. Therefore there should be deregulation by the local government in relation to the provision of infrastructures and supporting facilities for marketing and the control on double tax payments, though they may have legal supports. Key words: Marketing, beef cattle, East Nusa Tenggara Pemasaran ternak sapi potong di NTT belum dilakukan dengan perencanaan yang matang, tetapi lebih dipengaruhi oleh adanya kebutuhan uang tunai. Selain itu masih banyaknya saluran pemasaran sampai ke konsumen akhir sehingga margin yang diterima petani relatif bervariasi. Tujuan penelitian: (1) mengetahui saluran pemasaran temak potong, (2) mengetahui margin dari setiap saluran pemasaran, (3) mengetahui berbagai masalah yang dihadapi dalam pemasaran temak potong, dan (4) merumuskan rekomendasi kebijakan kepada Pemda berkaitan dengan pengembangan ternak potong. Pengambilan sampel pedagang dilakukan secara purposive sampling, yaitu dengan mengikuti saluran pemasaran yang dilalui oleh temak sapi, yakni dari Produsen, Blantik Desa, Blantik Pasar Hewan sampai ke Pedagang Antar Pulau (konsumen akhir). Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat tiga bentuk saluran pemasaran, yaitu : (1) Produsen - blantik desa - blantik pasar hewan - pedagang antar pulau, (2) Produsen - blantik pasar hewan - pedagang antar pulau, (3) Produsen - pedagang antar pulau. Margin pemasaran yang paling besar adalah pada saluran I yakni Rp.1.062.500/ekor dan yang terkecil pada saluran HI yakni Rp.637.500/ekor. Masalah utama dalam pemasaran ternak adalah tingginya biaya pemasaran akibat diperlakukannya berbagai Perda terkait dengan pajak, retribusi serta banyaknya komponen biaya pemasaran yang sulit dihindari selama proses pemasaran. Perlunya deregulasi Pemda terkait sarana dan prasarana pemasaran dan menertibkan pungutan—pungutan ganda sekalipun mempunyai kekuatan hukum. Kata kunci : Pemasaran, ternak potong, Nusa Tenggara Timu

    Tarramba leucaena: a success story for smallholder bull fattening in eastern Indonesia

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    Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) cv. Tarramba was first introduced to eastern Indonesia (East and West Nusa Tenggara Provinces) as part of an ACIAR project in 2001-2003. Its superior value was recognized immediately as it: was preferred by cattle over local leucaena; was less affected by psyllids; provided better dry season growth; and produced poles suitable for construction. In on-farm Bali bull feeding demonstrations, Tarramba leucaena doubled weight gains compared with traditional practices, enabling the most progressive farmers to win local bull-fattening competitions. Owing to strong demand for seed, the East Nusa Tenggara Assessment Institute for Agriculture Technology, in collaboration with the Provincial Livestock Department, assisted smallholders to establish seed orchards to ensure that professionally produced and packaged Tarramba seed was available for commercial sale. By the end of the ACIAR involvement, approximately 2,000 kg of Tarramba seed had been distributed to farmers, in addition to farmer-to-farmer seed sales. Approximately 800,000 ha of land in East Nusa Tenggara Province is suitable for Tarramba leucaena so the potential for this legume to contribute to beef production in the region is huge. Tarramba is now contributing to forage development in other parts of Indonesia as well as in Timor-Leste