721 research outputs found

    Menumbuhkan Service Loyalty Melalui Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Pengelolaan Respon Emosi Konsumen Pada Perusahaan Jasa

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    After the 1998 financial crisis in Asia a rapid growth of importance in service industries are taking on here in Indonesia. Therefore, the competitions of service businesses are becoming so tight that moves the companies to find an effective way to compete with their competitors. Services are one of the ways used by service industries as an edge to competitive business. Because of this, companies need to push into its limit in order to create service loyalty on their costumers to make costumers loyal. In this paper propose two factors that influence service loyalty. That is, service quality and managing emotional responses of the customers. The right service quality and the good management of emotional responds can build a strong service loyalty on their costumers. Finally, this paper also gives some practices or ways to improve service quality and management of emotional responses of the costumers for managerial practitioners

    The Influence of Total Performance Scorecard to Improving Performance of Public Sector Organization with Organizational Culture, Innovation of Management, and Internal Control as Moderating Variables (Case Study in the Hospital Type C in Banyumas)

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    This research was carried out in Banyumas with private and government hospitals as the objects. It aimed to analyze and to demonstrate the influence of organizational culture, innovation of management, and internal control to the effectiveness of the implementation of total performance scorecard in improving hospital performance, and also to examine the implementation of total performance scorecard in measuring the differences performance of private and government hospitals. The method of this research was survey method. Techniques of data collection were depth interviews, observation and questionnaires. In this study, the writer used two techniques of analysis; quantitative analysis by the method of quantitative analysis or statistical test (main analysis), and qualitative descriptive analysis (additional analysis). The results showed that: 1) the implementation of total performance scorecard effects on improving hospital performance, 2) Organizational culture, innovation management, and internal control affect to the effectiveness of the implementation of total performance scorecard in improving hospital performance, 3) There are significant differences between the implementation of total performance scorecard in measuring performance in private and government hospitals

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Bergerak pada Layanan Perpustakaan

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    Analisis Sumber dan Penggunaan Pendapatan Daerah pada Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan Periode 2010 – 2012

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    Tuntutan masyarakat yang semakin tinggi terhadap akuntabilitas pemerintahan menuntut pihak pemerintah untuk dapat menganalisis keuangan pemerintah daerah sehingga tujuan dari pemerintahan daerah tersebut dapat terealisasi. Para pembuat kebijakan bertanggung jawab atas perencanaan dan penggunaannya sebagaimana yang tertuang dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan periode 2010 – 2012 ditinjau dari segi penganggaran, pengelolaan, dan pelaporan Pendapatan Daerah. Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan telah mencapai target yang direncanakan namun dalam penentuan anggaran, Pemerintah Daerah belum melakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku karena tidak didasari oleh usulan masing-masing SKPD dan pihak-pihak yang terkait serta kurang intensif dalam memperhatikan sumber Pendapatan Daerah yang ada. Hasil penelitian lainnya menunjukkan bahwa Laporan Realisasi Anggaran Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan periode 2010 – 2012 tidak disajikan secara wajar dan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku. Kata kunci: analisis, pendapatan daera

    Model Analisis Z Score terhadap Prediksi Kebangkrutan ( Studi pada PT Garuda Indonesia,tbk Tahun 2015-2017)

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    The purpose of this study was able to be used in predicting bankruptcy using the Altman Z-score analysis method. This research is quantitative descriptive. The object of this research is PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk with the year of observation 2015 to 2017. Data from this research are secondary data and data sources taken from the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the form of PT Garuda Tbk financial statements 2015 through 2017. The results of this research reveal that the variable X1 (working capital / Total Asset) in 2015 has a value of -0.047, in 2016 has a value of -0.0760 and in 2017 has a value of -0.1781. Variable X2 (retained earnings / total assets) in 2015 has a value of 0.00155, in 2016 has a value of 0.0013 and in 2017 has a value of 0.0013. Variable X3 (earning before interest and taxes / total assets) in 2015 has a value of 0.0057, in 2016 has a value of 0.0147 and in 2017 has a value of -0.1314. Variable X4 (market value equity / book value of total liabilities) in 2015 has a value of 1.442, in 2016 has a value of 1.442 and in 2017 has a value of 1.248. Variable X5 (sales / total assets) in 2015 has a value of 1,150, in 2016 has a value of 1,247 and in 2017 has a value of 1,105. For Z -Score value in 2015 has a value of 2.55, in 2016 has a value of 2.21 and in 2017 has a value of 2.04.. For the highest Z-Score number in 2015 is 2.55 and the lowest Z-Score is in 2017 at 2.04. Based on the results of the research it can be concluded that the Altman Z score method is able to answer bankruptcy predictions before 2 years the condition of corporate profits has decreased

    Aktivitas Antimalaria (in Vivo) Kombinasi Buah Sirih (Piper Betle L), Daun Miyana (Plectranthus Scutellarioides (L.) R. Br.) Madu Dan Kuning Telur Pada Men Cit Yang Diinfeksi Plasmodium Berghei

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    Malaria is a major public health problem in the world and developing countries in particular, causing an estimated 1-2 million deaths per year, an annual incidence of 300-500 million clinical cases and more than 2 billion people were at risk of infection from it. But it is also becoming more difficult to treat malaria due to the increasing drug resistance. Therefore, the need for alternative drugs is acute. This study aims at investigating the in vivo antiplasmodial activity of Piper betle L., fruit (buah sirih), Plectranthus scutellarioides (L.) R. BR., (daun miyana), honey and egg yolk combination. Methods: A rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium berghei, was inoculated into Swiss albino mice. The mice were infected with Ixl05 parasites intraperitoneally. The Piper betle L., fruit (buah sirih), Plectranthus scutellarioides (L.) R. BR., (daun miyana), honey and egg yolk combination were combined and administered by an intra gastric tube daily for seven days starting from the day of parasite inoculation. The control groups received the same amount of solvent (vehicle) used to suspend each dose of the herbal drug. Chloroquine was used as a standard drug, administered through the same route. Results: Combination of Piper betle L., fruit (buah sirih), Plectranthus scutellarioides (L.) R. BR., (daun miyana), honey and egg yolk were observed to inhibit Plasomodium berghei parasitaemia in the Swiss albino mice 100 % on the sixth day. Conclusion: The study could partly confirm the claim in East Sulawesi traditional medicine that the Piper betle L., fruit (buah sirih), Plectranthus scutellarioides (L.) R. BR., (daun miyana), honey and egg yolk combination has therapeutic values in human malaria. There was, thus, the need to initiate further in-depth investigation by using different experimental models

    Hubungan Antara Stadium Menopause Dengan Perubahan Seksual Wanita Menopause Di Posyandu Lansia Srikandi Kelurahan Sumbersari Kota Malang

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    Hubungan Antara Stadium Menopause Dengan Perubahan Seksual Wanita Menopause Di Posyandu Lansia Srikandi Kelurahan Sumbersari Kota MalangCorrelation between Stadium of Menopause with the Alteration of Menopause Women'ssexuality in Posyandu of Srikandi's Elderly Sumbersari MalangYuyus Purwo NugrohoPerawat Rumah Sakit Port Health Center (PHC)Jl. Prapat Kurung Selatan No. 1 Tanjung Perak Surabaya 60165Email : [email protected] memilki 4 stadium atau tahapan dalam perkembanganya, yaitu stadium premenopause, stadium perimenopause, stadium menopause dan stadium pasca menopause. Masing-masing stadium atau tahapan menopause memiliki suatu gejala atau Perubahan-Perubahan yang meliputi aspek fisiologis, psikologis dan seksualitas. Perubahan-Perubahan seksual yang menyertai stadium menopause tersebut merupakan suatu permasalahan yang paling komplek kaitanya dengan tingkat kecemasan dan konsep diri seorang wanita serta keharmonisan dalam kehidupan rumah tangganya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian non eksperimen dengan korelasional, yang mengkaji hubungan antara variabel dengan design penelitian menggunakan jenis penelitian cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 68 responden yang diambil dari 112 responden dengan metode purposive sampling.Analisa data yang digunakan adalah uji chi square. Ada pengaruh antara stadium menopause terhadap Perubahan seksual wanita pada menopause. Diharapkan petugas kesehatan melaksanakan peranya sebagai educator dan counselor baik individu, keluarga, kelompok dan masyarakat mengenai masalah menopause dan seksualitas.Kata Kunci: Menopause, stadium menopause, Perubahan seksual ABSTRACTMenopause has four stadium or phases in its developing that are premonopause stadium, perimenopause stadium, menopause and pasca menopause stadium. In each stadium or phases has the indications which are include of physiology aspect, psychology aspect and sexuality aspect. The alterations which are along with the stadium of menopause itself are the problems which have very complex connecting to the level of anxiety and a woman's self concept. Those are also having a connection with the harmonist in their household living especially about the stadium or phases along with it. This research is a non experiment research with the correctional. Research design using cross sectional research. The total of sample in this research is about 68 respondents who have taken from 112 respondents with purposive sampling. Analysis of data which is used is Chi Square test. There is correlation between Stadium of Menopause with the Alteration of Menopause Women's sexuality in Posyandu of Srikandi's elderly Sumbersari Malang.There is correlation between the stadium of menopause with the alteration of menopause women's sexuality in Srikandi's Elderly Posyandu Sumbersari Malang
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