6 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Produktivitas Konstruksi Melalui Pemilihan Metode Konstruksi

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    Productivity growth in the construction is lower than that of in the industry sector. Level of innovation in this sector is too low. Many problems of inefficiency in the construction process are a lotof waste of resources that do not produce value. According to LCI (Lean ConstructionInstitute) waste in the construction industry is about 57% while the activity that adds value is only 10%. The construction industry has a lot to learn from manufacture industry. Some innovations by applying an appropriate and efficient methods in the field of construction adopted many of the manufacturing, including modular systems/fabrication (precast concrete). Construction materials are mass produced in acontrolled environment and then assembled inthe site. The use of precast on any project shows that there are advantages obtained are: cheaper, faster/more productive and guaranteed quality. The duration of the Rusunawa (Simple Flats for Rent) Structure construction phase in Cilacap for precast method is 168 days while for the implementation of the conventional method is 196 days. The duration of the construction of precast structures is faster 28 days (14%) faster than that of the conventional structures. In high-speed rail project on the border of Belgium and the Netherlands, use Rheda 2000 NL method, which development of Rheda method, can increase productivity and lower overtime costs as 24.6%. In the residential case, quicklyconstructed building criteria can be categorizedinto several aspects, such as dimensions, weight components and connection systems.The suitable selection criteria will accelerate instalment proses of the wall panel

    Perkuatan Fondasi Telapak Dengan Turap

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    Reinforcement Foundation is a method to increase the capacity of supporters, so they can support the load of the building. This is required for buildings located on soft ground. Strengtheningthis foundation is also needed if the structure above will be increased so that the burden of building work increased. In this study, attempted to strengthen the foundations of the method by placing the sheet piles on the side of the foundation. Tests performed on two-dimensional model in thelaboratory, by comparing the carrying capacity of thefoundation with sheet piles and without sheet piles. Strengthening the foundation carried outwith3 (three) length variation of plaster that is: L / B = 0.75, L / B = 1.00 and L / B = 1.25. B, and 3 (three) variations in thelocation of plaster, which is in distance S /B = 0.5, S / B = 1.0 andS / B = 1.5. Test results showed that the installation of sheet piles can increase the capacity of foundation support. The results ofthis study showed the longer the higher the sheet piles supporting capacity building, with the results of 33%, 55% and (80% -100%), one each for L/ B = 0.75; 1.00 and 1.25. However, increasedcapacity is not much influenced by the location of plaster especially for short plasterof L / B = 0,75 and L /B = 1,00. While for L/ B =1,25, where the sheet piles getting closeto the foundation, increase capacity increased aswell.

    Perkuatan Fondasi Telapak Dengan Turap

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    Reinforcement Foundation is a method to increase the capacity of supporters, so they can support the load of the building. This is required for buildings located on soft ground. Strengthening this foundation is also needed if the structure above will be increased so that the burden of building work increased. In this study, attempted to strengthen the foundations of the method by placing the sheet piles on the side of the foundation. Tests performed on two-dimensional model in the laboratory, by comparing the carrying capacity of the foundation with sheet piles and without sheet piles. Strengthening the foundation carried out with 3 (three) length variation of plaster that is: L / B = 0.75, L / B = 1.00 and L / B = 1.25. B, and 3 (three) variations in the location of plaster, which is in distance S / B = 0.5, S / B = 1.0 and S / B = 1.5. Test results showed that the installation of sheet piles can increase the capacity of foundation support. The results of this study showed the longer the higher the sheet piles supporting capacity building, with the results of 33%, 55% and (80% -100%), one each for L / B = 0.75; 1.00 and 1.25. However, increased capacity is not much influenced by the location of plaster especially for short plaster of L / B = 0,75 and L / B = 1,00. While for L / B =1,25, where the sheet piles getting close to the foundation, increase capacity increased as well

    Pemanfaatan Sedimen Waduk Mrica Untuk Bahan Baku Bata Merah

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    Volume of water storage reservoir conditions Mrica from year to year decreases due to sedimentation. Efforts to reduce sediment in the reservoir has been done by way of flushing (flushing) periodically through the drawdown culvert (DDC), where the outcome is less effective and causes a lot of losses. This research was conducted in order to exploit the reservoir sediments Mrica for raw materials of red brick as an alternative effort to reduce sediment in the reservoir, as well as empowerment of communities around the reservoirs. Methods of research carried out by making a brick specimens made from sediments that were collected at the upstream, middle and downstream of the reservoir storage area. Laboratory tests conducted to determine the physical characteristics of sediment and the characteristics of the bricks produced. The results showed that: (1) Sediment basin headwaters Mrica coarse-textured sand with a sand content of 53%, the middle area is a sand-textured sand content of 62%, and the downstream region of 69% silt-textured with fine sand content of 31% , (2) Sediment that can be molded into bricks is a sedimentary rock containing 40% sand, with the color after the fire is reddish brown and smell of the less savory, (3) Depreciation is the largest dimension of the brick after the fire occurred on the bricks that were made of sediment downstream areas, ie an average of 21%, and (4) The compressive strength of bricks produced very little that is equal to 0.5% of the minimum standards required by the SNI 15-2094-2000

    Aplikasi Suspensi Semen untuk Meningkatkan Bioprospeksi Bambu sebagai Bahan Bangunan Lokal Pedesaan

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    Kelemahan bambu untuk bahan bangunan adalah bambu rentan terhadap gangguan jasad renik, serangga, Perubahan temperatur, dan air hujan. Sedangkan USAha pengawetan yang banyak dilakukan dinilai kurang effektif, karena memerlukan waktu yang lama, menimbulkan bau, dan merusak warna bambu atau garis-garis dekorasi bambu. Penelitian ini dilakukan guna menghasilkan bambu yang kuat, absorbsi kecil, tidak berbau, dan tetap memiliki garis-garis dekorasi, tetapi dengan proses waktu pengawetan yang cepat. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan cara modifikasi metode Baucherie, yaitu dengan cara mengalirkan suspensi semen dengan bantuan kompresor ke dalam bambu segar atau bambu baru tebang, dimana pori bambu masih terbuka sempurna. Proses suspensi akan membuat pori-pori bambu terisi oleh semen dan akan mengeras. Variasi campuran suspensi semen : air ditetapkan sebesar 1:8, 1:7, 1:6, 1:5, dan 1:4. Pengujian dilakukan guna mengetahui campuran suspensi optimal dan Perubahan karakteristik fisik dan mekanika bambu setelah tersuspensi semen. Hasil pengujian yang dilakukan terhadap 3(tiga) jenis bambu yaitu Ampel, Wulung, dan Tali menunjukan bahwa, kadar campuran suspensi semen optimal adalah sebesar 1:7 dan akan meningkatkan nilai kerapatan, kuat tekan, dan kuat lentur bambu masing-masing sebesar 47,76% ; 25,84% dan 36,02%, dan menurunkan nilai absorbsi dan elastisitas bambu masing-masing sebesar 20,13% dan 20,84% terhadap nilai karakteristik bahan bambu awal sebelum disuspensi