13 research outputs found

    Metode Ekstraksi Dna Cabai (Capsicum Annuum L.) Menggunakan Modifikasi Buffer Ctab (Cethyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide) Tanpa Nitrogen Cair

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    Chili pepper is an agricultural commodity having high economic value. The production and supply of Chili pepper frequently did not match the increased demand; it caused the market price fluctuated. It is important to create new varieties of Chili pepper with high production trait to overcome the scarcity. Therefore the plant breeding activities for Chili pepper should be done intensively in both conventional and molecular-based to obtain varieties of Chili pepper with expected qualities. In molecular breeding, DNA extraction is the crucial steps of the process. If extracted DNA has an excellent quality and quantity, the next processes normally could be completed with the high-quality result. To date, most methods of DNA extraction used liquid nitrogen to destroy the tough carbohydrates of plant tissue. Liquid nitrogen is nitrogen gas in a fluid state which quite difficult to be distributed to the remote laboratory wit no available storage facility. This study aimed to obtain a modified DNA extraction method, in particular for Chili pepper, which capable to produce DNA with high quality and quantity without using liquid nitrogen. The sample used consisted of eight F2 plants including their hybrid-parental of the Kencana and the 0207. This research applied modified Doyle and Doyle method for extraction. Modification of extraction buffer is done through the addition of the 1% (w/v) PVP (Polyvinylpyrrolidone) and 0.2% (v/v) β-mercaptoethanol. The results showed that the DNA extracted using this method has good quality and quantity, capable of being amplified by using SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) primer and could be digested by restriction enzyme EcoRI. Besides, this method can reduce dependence on the use of liquid nitrogen, in particular for remote laboratories with no available storage facility

    Metode Ekstraksi Dna Pada Jatropha Spp. Tanpa Menggunakan Nitrogen Cair / Dna Extraction Method of Jatropha Spp. Without Liquid Nitrogen

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    Physic nut is one of potential plant which produces biofuel. It is necessary to do an intensive breeding program either conventionally or molecularly based to develop new varieties of physic nut. All this time the physic nut DNA extraction methods always used liquid nitrogen to destroy the plant tissue. Liquid nitrogen is not always available, especially in remote areas. Physic nut has high latex content which makes extraction process more difficult. The aim of this study was to find the technique of DNA extraction which can give a good result without using liquid nitrogen. This research was conducted in Molecular Biology Laboratory, ICABIOGRAD Bogor from November to Desember 2015. There were five Jatropha species from Thailand which used in this research e.g. Jatropha curcas, Jatropha podagrica, Jatropha gossypifolia, Jatropha multifida, and Baliospermum solanifolium. The extraction method used modification CTAB by addition of PVP, sodium metabisulphite, sucrose and ascorbic acid. The young leaves were used as the part to be extracted. The results showed that the modified method could produce a good quality and quantity of DNA. The banding pattern of DNA amplification clearly visible under UV light. This method can reduce the dependency of liquid nitrogen

    Penilaian Atribut Usabilitas Oleh Gamer First Person Shooter (FPS) Indonesia

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    Computer games, especially First Person Shooter (FPS) have become one of the fastest growing and most economically sucessful software in Indonesia. Given the potential economic benefits of the FPS games, it is important to design its user interface as USAble as possible to win the market. In accordance, it is crucial to find out what user interface factors should be considered in designing an FPS game. These factors can be used as a designing guide for game developers in Indonesia. The purpose of this paper is to discover the main user interface factors that should be considered in designing an FPS game especially from USAbility point of view and to suggest improvement of the user interface in current FPS game.Fourty (40) USAbilty attributes from literature review are qualitatively grouped into 5 factors. Those factors are: Basic FPS Feature (BFF), Basic Game Feature (BGF), Display & Sounds (D&S), Help & Hints (H&H), and Enjoyment (E). Usability testing on the factors is conducted in three different groups of players: Novice, Experienced, and Expert. Mann-Withney Test are conducted to understand performance difference for each group. The result shows that BGF and H&H are not significantly difference for all groups. While for BFF, the novice group tend to have different preference rather than other groups since there is not enough time duration given on novice users accessing the FPS feature. For D&S, expert tend to have different preference rather than other groups. Some future research potentials are also proposed in this paper

    Evaluasi Keragaman Genetik Jagung Inbrida Berdasarkan Sepuluh Marka Simple Sequence Repeat

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    Keragaman genetik jagung inbrida diperlukan untuk mendapatkan jagung hibrida yang berpotensi hasil tinggi. Keragaman inbrida dapat dievaluasi melalui analisis molekuler dengan marka simple sequence repeat (SSR). Tujuan enelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi keragaman genetik jagung inbrida yang berlatar belakang genetik berbeda dengan marka SSR dan mengelompokkannyasebagai panduan untuk pembentukan jagung hibrida. Sebanyak sepuluh marka SSR digunakan untuk mengelompokkan 32 jagung inbrida yang memiliki latar belakang genetik yang berbeda. Analisis dilakukan di Laboratorium BiologiMolekuler, Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi dan Sumber Daya Genetik Pertanian, pada bulan Maret 2017. Data polimorfisme SSR pada jagung inbrida dianalisis secara statistik dan filogeninya menggunakan perangkat lunak NTSYS. Hasil analisis keragaman genetik menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antarinbrida, termasuk inbrida yang dihasilkan dari satu populasi jagung bersari bebas. Total sepuluh marka SSR mampu membedakan alel homozigot dan heterozigot jagung inbrida. Dari hasil pengelompokan jagung inbrida pada tingkat kesamaan 68% diperoleh dua klaster. Klaster pertama terdiri atas 30 inbrida, sedangkan klaster kedua hanya terdiri atas inbrida Al-46 dan 22-9-5-4-17-5. Pasangan inbrida dengan jarak genetik terjauh adalah inbrida 22-9-5-4-17-5 dan 23-4-9-7-2-9, dan inbrida CML161/Nei 9008 dan 22-9-5-4-17-5. Inbrida tersebut potensial untuk dijadikan sebagai tetua dalam menghasilkan hibrida karena jarak genetiknya yang relatif jauh

    Analisis Keragaman Genetik Kedelai Introduksi Menggunakan Marka Mikrosatelit

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    Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Meriil) is an important crop next to rice and corn. The development of improved varietyare important to increase national soybean production. The introduced soybean varieties is one of genetic resourcesthat can be used to create improved soybean varieties. The aim of this study was to analyze 35 introduced soybeancultivars using 15 microsatellite markers. The research was conducted in ICABIOGRAD Molecular Biology Laboratory,in January-March 2016. PCR analysis was scored as binary data and the collected data was analyzed using NTSYS andPowerMarker. Specific morphological characters from each soybean cultivar determine the genetic diversity. Significantpositive correlations were identified among morphological characters which would be helpful to improve the desiredcharacter. The result showed that 189 alleles were detected with average of 12.6 alleles per marker. The polymorphismlevel (PIC) was 0.86 (0.76-0.95). There were 12 of total markers having PIC>0.80 indicating their robustness todiscriminating soybean cultivars. The average major allele frequency was 21% and ranges from 8% (Satt100) to 39%(Satt125). Five SSRs were able to distinguish heterozygosity which varied from 0.41 (SoyF3H) to 0.82 (Satt333). Thephylogenetic analyses showed that the 35 introduced soybean cultivars were grouped into two clusters (coefficient ofsimilarity 0.82) consisting of 13 and 22 cultivars according to each genetic background without considering its countryorigin. Both the microsatellite markers and genetic diversity information in this study could be useful to assist crossingstrategy with utilizing introduced genetic materials in future soybean breeding in Indonesia

    Keragaman Genetika Empat Belas Aksesi Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Berdasarkan Marka SSR Dan STS (Genetic Diversity of Fourteen Potato Accessions Based on SSR and STS Markers)

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    Potato is one of high economically horticultural plant. The increasing of national consumption of potato becomes a challenge forpotato breeders. The success of breeding programs is depending on availability of genetic diversity. The aim of this research wasto analyze the genetic diversity of fourteen accessions of potato by using SSR and STS markers. PCR analysis was scored as binerdata and the collected data was analyzed using NTSYS and PowerMarker. The result showed that there were 63% polymorphic(12 markers) of total markers. As many as 60 alleles with the size of 200–500 bp were identified by a range of 2–9 alleles perlocus. The polymorphism level was 0.59 (0.36–0.74). Result also showed the average of major allele frequency was 49.42%(35.71–63.64%). Nine markers which have polymorphism level more than 0.5 could be used to detect genetic diversity of potato.The average of genetic diversity index was 0.65. Cluster analysis showed that 14 accessions of potato were split in two groups(coefficient 0.70). The first groups consisted of Atlantik, GM 05, Granola Kembang Merbabu 17, and the second groups consist ofRepita, Maglia, Medians, CIP397078.7, CIP392781.1, Margahayu, Granola, CIP394613.139, Amabile, and Tenggo. The informationof genetic diversity of this germplasm could be used as a preliminary basis for choosing crossing parents in potato breeding inIndonesia

    Genetic Diversity Analysis and F2 Population Development for Breeding of Long Juvenile Trait in Soybean

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    Genetic diversity analysis using molecular markers is an important step for selecting appropriate parents in a soybean breeding program. The aims of this study were to (1) analyze genetic diversity of 29 soybean genotypes assessed with 27 SSR markers for selecting appropriate parents and (2) develop F2 populations to be used for breeding long juvenile (LJ) trait in soybean tobe cultivated in short photoperiod condition. The soybean genotypes used consisted of 11 Indonesian soybean genotypes and 18 genotypes introduced from the USA. F2 populations were developed by crossing Grobogan with three introduced genotypes carrying LJ character. The PIC values of the 27 SSR markers ranged from 0.87 to 0.96. Cluster analysis resulted in three mainclusters at coefficient similarity of 0.76. The five LJ introduced accessions and the nine Indonesian genotypes showed high genetic distances and are useful as parent pairs for developing breeding populations. The F1 progeny phenotypicperformances of the cross far exceeded the performaces of both parents. Three F2 populations were developed by crossing the distantly related soybean genotypes. The F2 populations were verified by using SSR markers and it was found that they segregated in a 1:2:1 ratio confirming the segregation ratio of codominant SSR markers. The F2 populations should be useful for breeding LJ characters to improve soybean productivity in low latitude tropical countries such as Indonesia, which has day length of approximately 12 h all year round