15 research outputs found
Analisis Hamburan Kuantum Menggunakan Diagram Feynman untuk Kasus Teori Ï•3
Scattering is the most important key in particle physics. Quantum field theory/ QFT discusses much about scattering of the particles which are reviewed in any dimensions and depend on the lagrangian forms. In this Ï• theory research, lagrangian concept along with the Green function become its based on the calculation of the generating function of Z[J]. The function is a generator when we analyze the forms of Feynman diagram. In the process of the calculation, we will have an infinite series. That function is used to determine the drawing of Feynman diagrams consist of the vertices and propagators. So that the form of diagram may be able to be analyzed. In this research, there will obtain an infinite series which has to be cut to second order for simplicity case. In the first order, we will obtain 2 types of diagram and in the second one we have 8 types of diagram. There are 10 types of the diagram in total which consist of 7 types of connected diagram and 3 types of disconnected diagram
Characterization of Physicalquality and Flavour Profile of Arabica Coffee Bean of Maragogype Variety (Coffea Arabica L. Var. Maragogype Hort. Ex Froehner) and Mother Plant Selection in East Java
Development of specialty coffee product needs to be done by producing a product that has a good flavor, unique, and different from the axisting specialty coffee products. One of the varieties of Arabica coffee that has good potential to be developed into a specialty coffee is Maragogype coffee. This paper discusses the results of selection and characterization of physical and flavor quality of Arabica coffee varieties Maragogype in East Java. Selection was done in PTPN XII at Pancur/Angkrek and Kayumas Estate. It was obtained two superior genotypes those have high productivity and good taste, they are MP3 and MP4 with of productivity of 7,985.3 and 5,985.3 g cherries/tree, respectively. Maragogipe varieties showed good physical quality, in which 99% of bean belong to the large been category, whiches the highest of 1,000 beens, and good bulk density and apparent swelling. MP3 genotype had a floral, citrus acidity, mild, and very good sweetness characteristics. MP mix had the showed same characteristics, but its intensity was not as high as MP3. MP4 has herbal and flora characteristics with bitter after taste
Spatial and Temporal Variation of Indonesian Throughflow in the Makassar Strait
Using outputs of INDESO model, this study investigated vertical structure, spatial and temporal variation of the Indonesian Throughflow in Makassar Strait (M-ITF). It was shown that the main axis of persistent southward jet of M-ITF formed a unique path following the western shelf slope along the strait, which was associated with a high kinetic energy (KE) region from near-surface down to the thermocline layer. Furthermore, a drastic jump of KE appeared in the narrow and deep Libani Chan-nel (near 3°S) where the strait's width shrinks significantly, thus an elevated flow velocity was needed to maintain transport volume balance. Here, maximum southward velocity at thermocline exceeded 1.2 m/s. Spatial pattern of M-ITF can be described by the first EOF mode which accounts for 79 % of the total variances. It exhibited that contours of the flow amplitudes were similar to M-ITF path, and the largest amplitude was located near the Libani Channel. Out-of-phase relationship of the flow was found between M-ITF and eddies circulation that developed in the edges of the strait. Corresponding temporal fluctuation of the first EOF mode indicated that M-ITF variabilities varied from intra-seasonal to inter-annual scales. Annual fluctuation of M-ITF was seen from EOF mode-2 (at thermocline layer) and mode-3 at lower-thermocline. Cross-spectra analysis revealed that variability of M- ITF (e.g. on annual scale) at northern entrance was highly coherent to the fluctuations of North Equatorial Current (NEC) and Mindanao Current (MC), suggesting that variability of M-ITF was remotely influenced by the Pacific low-latitude western boundary currents
Keragaman Genetik Rizobakteri Penghasil Asam Indol Asetat Berdasarkan 16S RRNA dan Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis
Asam indol asetat (AIA) dapat dihasilkan oleh bakteri rizosfer/rizobakteri pemacu pertumbuhan tanaman (PPT). Keragaman genetik isolat bakteri PPT indigenous Indonesia perlu diinvestigasi untuk mencari sumber potensial agen PPT dengan informasi kekerabatan intra dan interspesies yang jelas. Karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keragaman genetik rizobakteri penghasil AIA indigenous Indonesia dengan gen 16S rRNA, dilengkapi dengan ARDRA. Koleksi isolat bakteri BB Biogen diidentifikasi kandungan AIA-nya, morfologi secara makroskopis dan sekuensing pada sekuen 16S rRNA dan ARDRA. Total empat belas isolat rizobakteri memiliki kandungan AIA dalam kisaran 5,24-37,69 µg/ml dan tertinggi pada SM1. Karakteristik morfologi koloni rizobakteri mendukung variasi strain bakteri penghasil AIA. Delapan isolat terpilih diidentifikasi sebagai spesies Bacillus dengan homologi 96-99%. Lima isolat (SM1, JP4, KP3, MB2, dan CP3) diidentifikasikan sebagai B. subtilis, SC2 sebagai B. amyloliquefaciens, BL2 dekat dengan B. velezensis, dan JP3 memiliki homologi tinggi dengan Brevundimonas olei. Delapan isolat rizobakteri tersebut berkerabat dekat dengan strain bakteri referensi yang memiliki kesamaan spesies. Analisis ARDRA-RsaI menghasilkan lima filotipe dengan keunikan pola sidik jari. Isolat CP3, MB 2, dan KP 3 berada dalam satu filotipe. Kedekatan isolat dalam Bacillus sp. digambarkan oleh filotipe 5 (B. subtilis SM1 dan B. velezensis BL2) yang diduga jauh dari B. amyloliquefaciens SC2 (filotipe 4) dan JP 3 pada genus Brevundimonas (filotipe 3). Keragaman genetik isolat rizobakteri penghasil AIA terhitung rendah berdasarkan 16S-rRNA dan ARDRA-RsaI
Pengelolaan Taman Wisata Umbul Square Berbasis Ekowisata di Kabupaten Madiun, Jawa Timur
– Umbul Square merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata yang terletak di Madiun, Jawa Timur. Salah satu daya tarik dari wisata ini adalah pemandian air panas alami yang berasal dari belerang. Selain memiliki pemandian air panas, Umbul Square ini ternyata memiliki nilai sejarah, karena umbul ini sudah ada dari masa pendudukan Belanda. Namun, dilihat dari segi pengelolaan, destinasi wisata ini memiliki wahana wisata yang menghasilkan polusi udara, sehingga bisa merusak alam yang ada di Umbul Square. Selain itu, belum adanya pengelolaan sampah yang tepat, sedangkan destinasi wisata ini memiliki nilai sejarah yang seharusnya dijaga kelestarian lingkunganya. Salah satu langkah yang tepat untuk mengelola kelestarian dari wisata ini adalah dengan mengelola secara ekowisata, selain memperhatikan aspek wisata, sosial dan ekonomi juga memperhatikan lingkungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian diperoleh beberapa strategi pengelolaan yang bisa diterapkan, seperti melakukan pengolahan sampah dengan membedakan sampah sesuai kategori, meminimalisir penggunaan wahana yang menghasilkan polusi dan menambah atau mengganti dengan wahana-wahana yang ramah lingkungan serta hemat energi. Selain itu, pengelola juga bisa membuat Fasilitas pendukung dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan ramah lingkungan, seperti kayu, bamboo dan bahan alam lainnya