258 research outputs found

    The Identification of Complain Responding Turn in `Shopaholic to the Rescue`

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    The purpose of this research to identify types of turn which respond to complaining speech act in Shopaholic to the Rescue novel and use pragmatics approach. It is because in pragmatics field, moreover in conversation turn becomes one of important foundations in reaching the purpose of communication, especially in verbal communication. Besides when people want to have a conversation and being involved in it, it must be organized, managed, and it can be seen by the turn. This research is categorized as a descriptive-qualitative research with embedded case study and using pragmatics approach. The data of this research are taken from conversations between characters in the Shopaholic to the Rescue novel which contain turns that respond to complaining speech act, and this study only takes verbal responds. As the result of this research, there are 45 types of complain responding turn from 120 data. Stating becomes the most dominant turn in responding the complaining speech act with 14 data, followed by complaining (11 data), asking (9 data), and explaining (9 data)

    Ultrasonic Pretreatment of Woodchips for the Conversion of Cellulose to Glucose for Bioethanol Production

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    In this study, lignocellulosic biomass i.e. the woodchips of Albacia tree (Paraserianthes falcataria) were given different pretreatment methods, ie. chemical (acid) and physical (ultrasonic). The pretreatment was given in order to convert the cellulose to glucose for the production of bioethanol. 1% H2SO4 was applied for the acid pretreatment. Ultrasound pretreatment was carried out at varied time (10, 20 and 30 minutes) at 600 W, 20 kHz before or after the acid pretreatment. Enzymatic attack of the pretreated sample was also applied to enhance the saccharification process of cellulose. The objective of the research was to determine the most effective ultrasonic duration and the best combination of method for enzymatic hydrolysis of the woodchips. The data showed that the highest yield of glucose was achieved at 20 minutes ultrasonic time. It was also found that substantial amount of hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose occur during the ultrasonic stage even without the presence of acid or cellulose enzyme. It is likely that the highly energetic ultrasonic process alone could assist in enhancing rate of hydrolysis of lignocellulosic cellulose into glucose

    Website Analysis as a Media for Healthy Living Digital Campaign

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    A website is a collection of information or a collection of pages commonly accessed via the internet. One of them is the Healthy Living Campaign Website. This research aims to support the community in carrying out a healthy lifestyle by providing information to implement a healthy lifestyle. However, the source of information from the Healthy Living Campaign Website is said to be incomplete. For that, a maximum evaluation is needed. The research used descriptive and qualitative analysis methods. The results obtained indicate that the Healthy Living Campaign Website has advantages and disadvantages in terms of information. This result research is The Healthy Living Together Activity Website has several views in its design. It is due to several factors, such as the views that influence the design of the website. However, in general, the positive impact could be related to the information conveyed through the Healthy Living Campaign Website

    Analisa Performa Produksi Berdasarkan Hasil Simulasi dengan Model Logaritmik Gridding pada Reservoir Shale Oil

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    Dapat diketahui sebelumnya bahwa reservoir shale oil termasuk kedalam jenis reservoirunconventional dimana perlu recovery khusus untuk mendapatkannya dikarenakan selainpermeabilitas yang kecil juga harus dengan kedalaman yang cukup dalam untukmengambilnya. Selain itu selama ini belum diketahui bagaimana fluida dari reservoir shaleini mengalir dan bagaimana laju produksinya setelah di eksplorasi dengan recoverykhusus seperti disebutkan diatas. Pada lapangan X ini terdapat sumur reservoir shale oilyang dimana sedang dilakukan percobaan peramalan menggunakan simulasi untukmengetahui bagaimana laju produksi fluidanya saat diproduksi dengan bantuan recoveryHydraulic fracturing dan perkiraan sampai tahun berapa sumur tersebut akan tutup.Proses peramalan ini termasuk ke dalam studi kasus bagaimana reservoir shale oil iniberproduksi serta peramalannya. Produksi reservoir shale oil di lapangan ini berlangsungsejak tahun 2010 dengan bantuan recovery yaitu Hydraulic Fracturing dimana hanya 1sumur yang dijadikan acuan untuk dilakukannya studi simulasi peramalan. Prosessimulasi ini berawal dari pengolahan data reservoir lapangan kemudian menggunakanpemodelan dari metode logaritmik gridding melihat bagaimana laju produksi fluidanyadalam bentuk grafik. Dan ternyata dari grafik diketahui bahwa produksi reservoir shale oildengan bantuan Hydraulic fracturing berlangsung selama 14 tahun yang dimana dimulaipada tahun 2010 dengan produksi yang terkuras diawal - awal tahun produksi dan mulaikonstan setelah beberapa tahun kemudian dengan memproduksikan minyak denganjumlah jum;ah besar dan air yang sangat sedikit. Didapat pula OOIP nya sebesar0.72508x107 STB dan kumulatif minyak sebesar 1.15356x106 bbl

    Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) untuk Eksplorasi Bawah Air di Lingkungan Industri Perkapalan

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    Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) is one of the robots that are being developed in Indonesia for exploring underwater potential. In this final project, the ROV was designed and controlled by Arduino for diving underwater with maximum depth of 30 meters. The application of ROV is that to take pictures and record video of underwater environment in real time by using camera monitored through a PC. The construction and the electronics device of the ROV were made waterproof. The actuator used was bilge pump motor 1100GPH 12 Volt as thruster motor. The thruster driver used was a two channel-relay and the vision system of robot was a CCD camera. Based on the results, it was obtained that the ROV was able to move according to the commands provided by operator using a remote control. At three meters depth, the robot can move forward with average speed of 0.161m/s. For up and down movement at 3 meters depth, the robot can go up with average speed of 0.09 m/s and down with average speed of 0.17 m/s. From the data, it can be concluded that the ROV can maneuver and use the camera properly

    Kajian Persepsi Siswa Sma-smk Negeri Tentang Kinerja Keselamatan Bus Sekolah Kota Malang

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    Kota Malang adalahkotapendidikan. Kota Malang Sebagaikotapendidikanmempunyaimasalahmendasaryaitukurangnyasaranatransportasi bagipelajar.Hal iniadamembuatpelajarberalihmenggunakankendaraanpribadi.PadahalPelajar Tingkat SMA dianggapbelummampuuntukmengendaraikendaraan.Padaawal 2015, Pemerintah Kota Malang berusahamenyediakanfasilitastransportasi yang layakbagipelajar, denganpengadaan bus sekolah.Namun, belum mampumenarikperhatianpelajaruntukberalih. TerdapatduaAnalisispadakajianini, analisispertamauntukmengetahuipersepsi siswa SMA setingkat dan stakeholder sekolah terhadap kinerja keselamatan dengan beroperasinya bus sekolah di Kota Malang dengan Metode Studi Persepsi.Analisiskeduauntukmengetahuimodel pemilihan moda oleh siswa antara sepeda motor dan bus sekolah di Kota MalangmenggunakanmetodeStated Preference (SP). Hasil Studi persepsi pada siswa lebih dari 70% siswa sudah mengerti akan tingginya risiko kecelakaan mengemudi tanpa kepemilikan SIM, namun lebih 40% siswa tidak setuju apabila dilarang mengendarai kendaraan ke sekolah tanpa kepemilikan SIM. persepsi siswa tentang kinerja keselamatan bus sekolah di Kota Malang yaitu lebihdari 80% siswasetujubahwa bus sekolahadalahsolusiuntukmengurangiangkakecelakaanlalulintaspadasiswa. Namun, kurangdari 20% siswa yang setujudenganperaturan yang mewajibkansiswauntukmenggunakan bus sekolah.Persepsi stakeholder sekolah terhadap keselamatan lalu lintas sangat baik. Hanya sedikit stakeholder sekolah yang tidak setuju akan adanya keterkaitan kepemilikan SIM dengan kesiapan pengemudi mengendarai kendaraan. Sedangkan, model pemilihan moda oleh siswa antara sepeda motor dan bus sekolah, yaitu (US–UB)=2,012 + 0,482 (DX1) pada atribut frekuensi perjalanan, (US–UB)=0,261 – 0,007 (DX2) pada atribut jarak pemberhentian bus sekolah dari tempat tinggal, (US–UB)=1,267 – 0,046 (DX3) pada atribut waktu tempuh perjalanan
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