139 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Arcs (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Dengan Kovariabel Motivasi Belajar Dalam Pembelajaran IPA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh strategi pembelajaran ARCS terhadap hasil belajar siswa dengan kovariabel motivasi belajar dalam pembelajaran IPA pada kelas V SD CERDAS MANDIRI Denpasar. Penelitian ini tergolong sebagai rancangan Randomized Control–Group Pretest–Posttest. Populasi dalam penelitian ini seluruh siswa kelas siswa kelas V SD CERDAS MANDIRI Denpasar yang berjumlah 40 orang. Sampel penelitian diambil dengan menggunakan random sederhana yang berjumlah 40 orang. Teknik analisis data menggunakan anava satu jalur, anakova, dan regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar IPA antara siswa yang mengikuti strategi pembelajaran ARCS dengan siswa yang mengikuti strategi pembelajaran konvensional pada siswa kelas V SD CERDAS MANDIRI Denpasar, (2) Terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar IPA antara siswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran ARCS dengan siswa yang mengikuti strategi pembelajaran konvensional setelah motivasi belajar dikendalikan pada siswa kelas V SD CERDAS MANDIRI Denpasar, dan (3) Terdapat kontribusi motivasi belajar terhadap hasil belajar IPA pada siswa kelas V SD CERDAS MANDIRI Denpasar.Kata Kunci : Hasil belajar IPA, motivasi belajar, dan strategi pembelajaran ARCS This research aimed to know the effect of ARCS learning strategy on learning result with the covariabel of learning motivation in IPA learning at fifth grade of SD CERDAS MANDIRI Denpasar. This research belongs to Randomized Control-Group Pretest-Posttest. The populations in this research were all the students that amount 40 students. Samples in this study were taken with a random sampling technique that amount 40 students. The data analysis technique used one way anava, anacova, and simple regression. The research result shows that: (1) there is a difference of ARCS learning strategy on learning result between the students that followed ARCS learning strategy with the students who followed conventional learning strategy, (2) there is a difference of learning result between the students that followed inquiry learning strategy with the students who followed conventional learning strategy after controlled by learning motivation, and (3) there is a contribution of learning motivation towards learning result. Based on the research finding can be concluded that there is an effect of ARCS learning strategy on learning result with the covariabel of learning motivation in IPA learning at fifth class of SD CERDAS MANDIRI Denpasar

    Evaluasi Construction Waste Dalam Pekerjaan Kolom Pada Proyek Konstruksi Gedung

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    UNDIP telah diakui sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi ternama di Indonesia. Hal ini semakin mendorong UNDIP untuk selalu meningkatkan kualitasnya. Berdasarkan kondisi UNDIP saat ini, mobilisasi akses keluar masuk UNDIP Tembalang meningkat secara signifikan yang mengakibatkan kemacetan di ruas jalan Prof. Soedarto. Hal ini perlu diimbangi dengan penyediaan jalan, sehingga dilakukan perencanaan jalan alternatif menuju kampus UNDIP Tembalang melalui Jalan Sapta Marga. Perencanaan jalan alternatif ini direncanakan dengan panjang jalan 2,605 km, yaitu dimulai dari STA 0+000 di simpang Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis dan berakhir di STA 2+605 di simpang Jalan Jangli Perbalan Raya. Direncanakan jalur lalu lintas 2 lajur-2 arah tak terbagi (2/2 UD), lebar lajur 3 m, bahu jalan tanpa trotoar 1-2 meter dan dengan ada trotoar 0,25 meter, saluran samping 1 m, kecepatan rencana 30 km/jam, kelandaian memanjang maksimum 10 %, jumlah lengkung horizontal 7 buah dan lengkung vertikal 15 buah. Perkerasan yang digunakan adalah perkerasan lentur meliputi lapis permukaan laston AC-WC 4 cm dan AC-BC 6 cm, lapis pondasi atas batu pecah kelas A 15 cm, lapis pondasi bawah sirtu kelas B 20 cm, nilai CBR lapangan 4,052. Terdapat lima seksi dalam perencanaan perkerasan jalan, yakni: seksi I pada STA 0+000 s.d STA 0+955 perkerasan jalan baru, seksi II pada STA 0+955 s.d 1+005 overlay pada jalan eksisting dan pelebaran badan jalan, seksi III pada STA 1+005 s.d 1+980 perkerasan jalan baru, seksi IV pada STA 1+980 s.d 2+605 overlay pada jalan eksisting dan pelebaran badan jalan, overlay lapis permukaan laston 6 cm. Proyek ini membutuhkan dana sebesar Rp 16.134.847.500,00 sudah termasuk PPN 10 %. Rencana waktu pelaksanaan kegiatan proyek ini adalah 20 (dua puluh) minggu atau 5 (lima) bulan

    Analysis of Nutrition Care Chronic Renal Failure Patients with Health Technology Assessment

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    Declined in nutritional status of hospitalized Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) patients were due to nutrient intake inadequate which required special attention from the Hospital Nutrition Service Team. This study analyzed the nutritional service on hospitalized CRF patients in Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung using Health Technology Assessment. The study was conducted in 2014. The study design mixed method with concurrent embedded strategies. The hospital management, nutritionist and hospitalized CRF patients were qualitative subjects, selected using purposive sampling. Quantitative subjects selected using total sampling were 25 patients. Food weighing were used to measure food waste. The nutritional services technology aspects especially nutritional care using PAGT has not been entirely done. Nutritional monitoring and evaluation have not been well programmed and scheduled. The collaboration of nutritional care team have not been optimal. The food service mechanism are quite good while its portions are standardized yet. According to patient\u27s point of view towards food service quality, the food have less variety and taste. Total of cost damage from food waste are Rp.18.099,00 in a year. The lack of technological and organizational aspects can reduce the food service quality. According to the patient, the lack of food service quality will increase the food waste and total cost damage

    Application of Magnetics Method to Mapping the Geothermal Source at Seulawah Agam Area

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    Magnetic method had been employed at Seulawah Agam area in term of unveiling the potentially geothermal source. This method was carried out locally in both the geothermal filed of Heutsz's Crater and Cempaga's Crater where the locations are in Seulawah Agam slope which is included in Aceh Besar District. Geologically, the area is mainly controlled by volcanic mudflow and Lam Teuba's rocks consisting of breccia, pumice and tuff and their age are from Tersier to Resen Period. The deployed equipment consisted of Magnetometer GSM-19T, Proton Sensors, Aluminum Stick, Connection Cable, GPS Antenna, Compass, and Watch. Portable GPS (Global Positioning System), Navigation type (map of the survey area), and complemented by the other technical equipment, such as handy talky, umbrella, pens and notes of observed data. This study was done by following two steps. At first, the base station was established as a reference point for all magnetic data of measurements. Furthermore, recording magnetic data at each point by repeating three times until the last point by following the looping pattern as pathway of measurement both in Heutsz's crater whose nine point recordings and in Cempaga's crater whose seventeen points was consecutively done. The data were simply processed by using Microsoft excel that can just plot the magnetic anomaly and interpreted qualitatively being preliminary research. The result showed that at the north pathway had high magnetic anomaly of rocks located at B6 point and it was assumed as the area having the economically mineral in fracture zones. The rocks with low a anomaly value were obtained at –F125 BR is suggested as the thermal sources while at the South pathway from observing station till the Cempaga's crater was obtained the geological structure as the Sumatran Fault of Aceh's segment at CK4 point and this finding showed similar correlation with the result of gravity survey at same pathway published in another paper. In conclusion, this method effectively showed that the Seulawah Agam has potency as thermal source

    Alat Pendeteksi Dini Gangguan Saluran Pernafasan Terintegrasi Cloud Storage

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    Technology advances very rapidly and currently can be implemented into every aspect of human life needs. This research seeks to take advantage of advances in technology to help meet human needs in the field of health. This tool uses the flowmeter sensor to measure the human breath that passes the sensor as input values will be processed by the system. Human breath volume value unit searched the time by using the principle of Bernoulli\u27s law of physical to detect any abnormalities in respiratory function in humans. With the possibility of it detects early these abnormalities will increase the effectiveness of treatments that can be given to sufferers. Measuring instrument is then integrated with database systems with cloud computing using the web server, so that the data collected through such tools can be sent directly to the database server and displayed through a Web page. Thus, parties concerned who have access rights to view this data can access that data anytime and anywhere. Making it easier to do preparation handling or even do prevention because it is an indication of the risk of disease can be detected early. The data can also be used as a record of statistical data for penilitian and logging that can be beneficial in the field of health. The results of this research is the integration of the two subsystems for measuring air flow and a data base of cloud computing. Hardware that is designed in such a way that it can ease of use and datas can be accessed any where are expected to provide a useful innovation which connects science in health and technology student works as a creation of Gadjah Mada Universit

    Comparison of fecal preservation and extraction methods for steroid hormone metabolite analysis in wild crested macaques.

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    Since the non-invasive field endocrinology techniques were developed, several fecal preservation and extraction methods have been established for a variety of species. However, direct adaptation of methods from previous studies for use in crested macaques should be taken with caution. We conducted an experiment to assess the accuracy and stability of fecal estrogen metabolite (E1C) and glucocorticoid metabolite (GCM) concentrations in response to several preservation parameters: (1) time lag between sample collection and fecal preservation; (2) long-term storage of fecal samples in 80% methanol (MeOH) at ambient temperature; (3) different degrees of feces drying temperature using a conventional oven; and (4) different fecal preservation techniques (i.e., freeze-drying, oven-drying, and field-friendly extraction method) and extraction solvents (methanol, ethanol, and commercial alcohol). The study used fecal samples collected from crested macaques (Macaca nigra) living in the Tangkoko Reserve, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Samples were assayed using validated E1C and GCM enzyme immunoassays. Concentrations of E1C and GCM in unprocessed feces stored at ambient temperature remained stable for up to 8 h of storage after which concentrations of both E1C and GCM changed significantly compared to controls extracted at time 0. Long-term storage in 80% MeOH at ambient temperature affected hormone concentrations significantly with concentrations of both E1C and GCM increasing after 6 and 4 months of storage, respectively. Drying fecal samples using a conventional oven at 50, 70, and 90 °C did not affect the E1C concentrations, but led to a significant decline for GCM concentrations in samples dried at 90 °C. Different fecal preservation techniques and extraction solvents provided similar results for both E1C and GCM concentrations. Our results confirm previous studies that prior to application of fecal hormone analysis in a new species, several preservation parameters should be evaluated for their effects on hormone metabolite stability. The results also provide several options for fecal preservation, extraction, and storage methods that can be selected depending on the condition of the field site and laboratory

    Theory of coherent phonons in carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoribbons

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    We survey our recent theoretical studies on the generation and detection of coherent radial breathing mode (RBM) phonons in single-walled carbon nanotubes and coherent radial breathing like mode (RBLM) phonons in graphene nanoribbons. We present a microscopic theory for the electronic states, phonon modes, optical matrix elements and electronï¾–phonon interaction matrix elements that allows us to calculate the coherent phonon spectrum. An extended tight-binding (ETB) model has been used for the electronic structure and a valence force field (VFF) model has been used for the phonon modes. The coherent phonon amplitudes satisfy a driven oscillator equation with the driving term depending on the photoexcited carrier density. We discuss the dependence of the coherent phonon spectrum on the nanotube chirality and type, and also on the graphene nanoribbon mod number and class (armchair versus zigzag). We compare these results with a simpler effective mass theory where reasonable agreement with the main features of the coherent phonon spectrum is found. In particular, the effective mass theory helps us to understand the initial phase of the coherent phonon oscillations for a given nanotube chirality and type. We compare these results to two different experiments for nanotubes: (i) micelle suspended tubes and (ii) aligned nanotube films. In the case of graphene nanoribbons, there are no experimental observations to date. We also discuss, based on the evaluation of the electronï¾–phonon interaction matrix elements, the initial phase of the coherent phonon amplitude and its dependence on the chirality and type. Finally, we discuss previously unpublished results for coherent phonon amplitudes in zigzag nanoribbons obtained using an effective mass theory
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