5 research outputs found

    Helping students understand the text through scaffolding

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    This study reported the practice of helping adult students to comprehend the texts in Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute majoring at Air traffic controller programme, Curug - Tangerang. The article demonstrated of how teacher helped them to comprehend the text during 100 minutes reading class in three meetings. It was employed as their input session to acquire context, knowledge and specific vocabulary in aviation or what so called as phraseology. Students were asked to construct some questions dealing with the text both literal and inferential comprehension suggested by Barrett (in Eanes 1997). The result showed that students attained three main bonuses; they get used to build questions that impact to their grammatical awareness, they get used to communicate orally, and they are successful to comprehend the text thoroughly by acquiring new knowledge, vocabulary as well as context

    Students Teachers’ Viewpoints on the Implementation of Bridging Course for Immersion Program

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    This study investigated the practice of bridging course for immersion program at the graduate program, State University of Malang by looking closely at how the student teacher viewed the course concerning four related aspects; factors affecting successful learning English program, material used during the program, expected English skills mastery, and lecturer’s qualification and strategies. Eight respondents from chemistry RSBI class (International Standardized Schools) were given an open questionnaire to get the data. This study reported that the students viewed the course was useful for them to prepare their speaking proficiency before get ready for an immersion program in their own schools. Also, they argued that being proficient in speaking skill is the most important if compared with the other skills. They optimist about the results because the instructor was considered has good qualification and strategies to teach English. Nonetheless, there have been some factors that impede their learning English such as lack of the books, limited time for learning English, and less  confident to speak English. Keywords: Bridging course, students, immersion progra

    Ideologi Perlawanan dalam Puisi Acep Zamzam Noor: Kritik Poskolonial - Marxis

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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap ideologi perlawanan dalam puisi “Penyataan Cinta” karya Asep Zamzam Noor yang ditulis pada tahun 1998. Puisi ini menyiratkan respon yang begitu khas bernuansa protes, kritik, dan menunjukan aspek perlawanan yang dibungkus dengan satu frasa “pernyataan cinta”. Pengungkapan ideologi perlawanan dalam puisi tersebut dianalisis dengan pendekatan kritik sastra marxis dan poskolonial dengan metode baca-catat. Pembacaan dilakukan berulang-ulang untuk menemukan maksud dan gagasan ideologi perlawanan. Dari sudut pandang marxis, puisi tersebut menyiratkan hubungan realistik antara struktur teks dengan struktur konteks. Penyair juga terlibat dalam proses sejarah yang tidak hanya melibatkan individu namun juga secara sosial.  Pada larik-larik puisi Penyataan Cinta terpotret nuansa poskolonial yang memunculkan keberpihakan terhadap kaum marjinal. Marjinalitas akhirnya menjadi realitas dan cinta menjadi ideologi perlawanan yang ironis, pedih, dan menyedihkan

    Self-determined learning in EFL classroom: a trajectory for the future research

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    The development of technology has rapidly affected the growth complexity of the 21st century's work environment which also influences educational environment. Thus, approaches in teaching and learning such as self-determined learning has been considered relevant to enhance the quality of learning. Researchers and educators have been pursuing to accomodate the praxis of self-determined learning. The purpose of the study was to uncover research trends and try to bridge the gap of future research of self-determined learning (SDL) in the English as a foreign language (EFL) context. Using meta-synthesis, 13 selected articles were examined drawn from a single database from the last five years between 2017 and 2021. The articles were systematically selected through several criteria using the query "Self-determined Learning+AND+EFL" in the Sopus database. They contributed to the growing interest related to research and practice of heutagogy or SDL. Results showed that research areas of SDL had been widely investigated in different levels of students; primary (23%), secondary (23%), and university (54%). In addition, a few research studies were conducted to examine students' language skills and language components (listening and vocabulary) (15%). It implicated that many EFL research area could be investigated from different levels and focus in the future.


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    This research is about Corpus Linguistics, Language Corpora, And Language Teaching. As we know about this science is relatively new and is associated with technology. There are several areas discussed in this study such as several important parts of the corpus, the information generated in the corpus, four main characteristics of the corpus, Types of Corpora, Corpora in Language Teaching, several types that could be related to corpus research, Applications of corpus linguistics to language teaching may be direct or indirect. The field of applied linguistics analyses large collections of written and spoken texts, which have been carefully designed to represent specific domains of language use, such as informal speech or academic writing