17 research outputs found
Ogg Vorbis sebagai Salah Satu Alternatif Metode Pemampatan Suara Merugi
Multimedia technology has changed rapidly. How to get a small audio file with the high quality that still equal to the real quality is became the common issue in the sound compression world. Because the human ears can't hear all of sound component, it's allowed to compress an audio data using lossy method. A new lossy method to compress an audio data is Ogg Vorbis. This method has its own psychoacoustic model that made this method has the better sound quality if compared to the popular codec Mp3
Pengaruh Variasi Jumlah Data Pelatihan SVM Terhadap Unjukkerja pada Sistem Pengenalan Pola Tulisan Tangan Aksara Jawa Nglegeno
Support Vector Machines (SVM) is one of many classification methods implemented on pattern recognition, including handwritten character recognition system. Numbers of traning set will affect the performance of the recognition system. A basic Jawanessehandwritten character recognition system based on SVM used to show the effect of training set numbers variation on system performance. The experiment result indicating that SVM has good generalization on limiting training set (on a data set, 30% data used for training set can give more than 90% success rate on all data set)
Ekstraksi Ciri Batang untuk Pengenalan Nomer Rekening Tulisan Tangan dengan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Perambatan Balik
Handwriting number recognition was being challenge problem to do in the recent years. The main objective for our research waso recognized handwritten account number. The original data was bank deposit slip that acquired by scanner. Before do the recognition of account number handwritten, first step that must be done was located account number on the bank deposit slip. After the location was found then the account number was segmented to cut up each numbern. After cutting the stem then performed feature extraction to obtain a vector which was fed to the neural network system for recognition rate. System back propagation neural network for handwritten digit pattern recognition was designed by 168neuron consists of input layer, 70 neurons in the hidden layer and 10 neurons in the output layer. The results obtained in this study were 83.78% of the data slip can be recognized correctly
Pengenalan Pola Aksara Jawa Tulisan Tangan dengan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Perambatan-Balik
Automatic reading techniques of handwriting being developed. Computerization of Java script has started to be developed. However, there is no automated reader system for documents written in handwriting Java script. This research applies backpropagation neural network for recignition of handwritten java script. Preprosesing patterns done with Java script normalize the image size to be 40x40 pixels then feature extraction. Performance network training is 99.8% and performance examination is 95.81%
The Al Furqon Bobotsari Community Learning Activity Center has an important role in facilitating out-of-school children in obtaining equivalent education packages A, B and C. From the learning community's perspective, the desire to learn is still high but opportunities to continue to a higher level are limited by various things, especially economic problems. Therefore, it is necessary to equip students with knowledge and skills. The topic chosen for this Community Service is the provision of skills regarding Roof Top Solar Panel installation which in the future will really need educated personnel in this field. Roof Top Solar Panel is one of the mainstays of alternative electricity generation that is easy for the public to install. According to the analysis of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, there is a surge in demand for educated personnel in the field of rooftop solar PV installations until 2025. This need needs to be addressed by providing training to as many prospective workers as possible.
Providing these skills is carried out by designing a prototype of Roof Top Solar Panel learning media in modular form to make learning easier. The desired hope from this PKM activity is that there will be additional skills for residents to learn PKBM and indirectly participate in campaigns regarding the use of renewable energy, especially PLTS
Uji Kelayakan Jaringan Lokal Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Untuk Implementasi VoIP
UNSOED has LAN connection which covers almost all of its units, with minimum bandwidth consupmtionat anaverage of275,318 Kbpsfrom a total of 3 Mbpsso we may apply VoIP system in order to replace voice communication system whichis still using PSTN and PABX. Thereforewe need to know aboutjitter and packet loss ofLAN,and also the codec needs tobedetermined due to voice quality expected and also bandwidth consumpted. Measurementscarried out in two scenariosbased on topologies used in UNSOED (star and ring), in the first scenario (star and ring)server placed on serverfarm meanwhile the second scenario(ring) server placed on Pertanian node. Codec adjusted to the available bandwidth capacity and total of phone number that has to handled. The result show that 0,759 ms jitter obtained from scenario 1 and 0,513ms from scenario 2, both of them included in good category with 0-20 ms of range value, otherwise 0% of packetloss obtained from both scenarios these indicated that LANincluded in good category. There is iLBCcodec with 30 ms packet size which is the mosteconomic on bandwidthcost among G.729, G.711, and iLBC (20 ms), because it cost1995,84Kbpsof total bandwidth usedforhandling 140 phone number. Beside that, it has good voice quality with 4,138996 MOS value. So if we use iLBC (30 ms) codec on the VoIPsystem, there will be still a lot of free bandwidth which can used for other applications, it is about 695,873 Kbps(worst condition) and also get a good-voice quality-VoIP
Jenderal Soedirman University (UNSOED) LAN covers all of its units that spread not only in Purwokerto area, but also in Purbalingga. Therefore, it may be possible to implement VoIP system in order to replace the internal campus voice telecommunication system that still use PSTN and PABX (line extensions). The Implementation of VoIP technology into UNSOED LAN needs a VoIP server prototype to be built for quality testing. VoIP quality of service (QoS) is based on delay, jitter, and packet loss. These parameters will be used as QoS test parameters in this research. We also add subjective test runs by users to measure the voice quality of VoIP. According to Ridwan (2011), the optimum codec that can be applied in UNSOED LAN is iLBC. Our research result shows that the highest mean for delay, jitter, packet loss respectively are 3 milliseconds, 19,333 milliseconds, 1%, and the voice quality is good . These indicated that the VoIP QoS and voice quality on UNSOED LAN is in a good category
Analisis Pengaruh Down Tilt Antena Untuk Mengurangi Kegagalanhandover Pada Jaringan Seluler GSM PT. Indosat, Tbk. Purwokerto
Handover is a process to guarantee the MS (Mobile Station) communication connection while moving for one cell to another cell. There are 10,89%-12,04% handover failure occurred between BTS Cilongok sector 1 and BTS Karanglewas sector 3 of PT. Indosat, Tbk,Purwokerto, whereas, thestandard is 2%-3%. Based on KPI (Key Performance Indicator) data most of handover failure is caused by long overlapping coverage (1,2851 km) as could be seen in BSC Controlled Inc. HO Fail at the amount of 9,69%-10,24%. Long overlapping coverage also reduce Rx Level signal quality to-94 dBm (threshold-90 dBm), and Rx Qual is 2,26 (it is still good enough if comparing to the threshold 5). Down tilt antenna method is used to overcome the overlapping coverage. Calculation result of down tilt antenna points out that the precise down tilt antenna to be applied in BTS Cilongok sector 1 is 3º and BTS Karanglewas sector 3 is 2,5º with number of overlapping coverage 78,2 m (appropriate to reference of PT. Indosat, Tbk Purwokerto�100 m). After down tilting antenna indicates that there is a reduction of handover failure because of overlapping coverage reduce to 0,01%- 0,02%, and total handover failure reduce to 0,62%- 1,39% . Meanwhile there is a raising in signal quality,it is Rx Level become-75 dBm and thebetter size of Rx Qual is 1
Dalam budidaya ikan air tawar, kualitas air merupakan parameter yang sangat penting. Kualitas air yang tidak memadai dapat menurunkan produktivitas budidaya perikanan, sehingga penting untuk memantau kualitas air di lokasi budidaya ikan. Hasil pemantauan kualitas air menjadi acuan untuk mengevaluasi dan memastikan kualitas air secara konsisten memenuhi baku mutu yang ditentukan.
Penelitian ini melibatkan desain sistem pemantauan kualitas air berkelanjutan yang mengukur parameter seperti kadar oksigen, keasaman, dan suhu. Sistem dapat secara otomatis merekayasa kualitas air berdasarkan hasil pemantauan. Proses rekayasa melibatkan penyesuaian parameter kualitas air sesuai pedoman yang telah ditetapkan. Proses pemantauan dan rekayasa dapat dipantau dari jarak jauh melalui perangkat seluler, sehingga memudahkan para petani ikan untuk mengawasi dan mengkondisikan lokasi budidaya perikanan mereka.
Selain itu, sistem ini beroperasi sebagai sistem energi mandiri, memanfaatkan sumber energi terbarukan, khususnya energi surya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemantauan dan rekayasa parameter kualitas air pada kolam ikan berfungsi efektif. Oleh karena itu, sistem ini diharapkan dapat menjaga tingkat kualitas air, sehingga dapat meningkatkan hasil perikanan
Perancangan Sistem Deteksi Manusia Menggunakan Sensor PIR, RCWL, dan Infrared Pada Sistem Manajemen Lampu Gedung Berbasis Internet of Things
Semakin berkembangnya zaman maka berkembang pula teknologi yang digunakan, kita dituntut untuk selalu berkembang menciptakan teknologi yang lebih baik dari pada sebelumnya. Disisi lain penggunaan energy semakin tahun semakin meningkat. Salah satu faktor penyebabnya adalah kelalaian dalam mematikan lampu. Salah satu teknologi yang saat ini banyak digunakan adalah internet of thing, teknologi ini apabila dimanfaatkan dengan baik dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang ada. Salah satunya kelalaian dalam mematikan lampu. Dengan IoT kita bisa merancang sistem yang berjalan secara otomatis dengan memanfaatkan sensor pendeteksi. Salah satu jenis sensor pendeteksi adalah sensor yang mendeteksi berdasarkan gerakan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan seseorang disekitar sensor dengan menggunakan deteksi gerakan dari orang tersebut. Jenis dari sensor deteksi berdasar gerakan sendiri ada sensor microwave RCWL-0516 dan juga sensor Pasif Infrared (PIR). Selain berdasar gerakan cara pendeteksian juga bisa berdasarkan pancaran sensor Infrared dan digunakan sensor infrared. Perancangan menggunakan modul Esp 8266 dan Esp 32 sebagai mikrokontroler. Setiap mikrokontroler terhubung ke MQTT Broker untuk menerima dan mengirimkan informasi. Informasi-informasi tersebut diolah ke dalam Node RED untuk mengkondisikan sistem dan mengintegrasikan dengan sistem lain. Sensor PIR dan RCWL terpasang diatas ruangan untuk mendeteksi orang yang ada didalam. Sensor PIR memiliki potensiometer untuk mengatur jarak deteksi dan juga sensitifitas sensor. Sensor infrared digunakan untuk mendeteksi orang yang keluar masuk ruangan dengan sistem satu pintu dan juga menghitung jumlah orang yang ada diruangan