7 research outputs found

    Penerapan Perlindungan Hukum Hak Cipta terhadap Seni Batik Riau di Pekanbaru

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    Indonesia is an archipelago with a variety of art and culture is very rich, the overall wealth of the nation is a potential that needs to be protected. The wealth of art and culture is a source of intellectual property that are given legal protection through legislation. one of the art treasures are protected Indonesian Batik Art. Copyright law protection against Batik Art by Article 12, letter i of Law Number 19 Year 2002 on Copyright. This protection is given as batik art as an intellectual work is a work that has artistic value in the creation of images or motifs or color composition. Wealth of art and culture in every area there in this nation, in addition to useful for the formation of character and dignity of the nation, also can be used to grow the creative economy. Pekanbaru as the capital of Riau province has a variety of art that is steeped in Malay culture, is one of the artistic diversity in creating the famous batik art batik wither. Keywords: Protection, Law, Baik Ria

    Analisis Kinerja Sistem Doppler VHF Omnidirectional Range dan Distance Measuring Equipment pada Navigasi Penerbangan

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    Navigasi udara merupakan kegiatan untuk mengarahkan transportasi udara dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain agar tidak keluar dari jalurnya. Sistem transmisi sinyal pada Doppler VHF Omnidirectional Range (DVOR) belum sepenuhnya optimal karena persentase sinyal modulasinya sering mengalami peningkatan yang berakibat pada munculnya kondisi sinyal over-modulated. Deteksi sinyal interogasi maupun sinyal balasan pada Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) mengalami hambatan disebabkan oleh waktu tunda dan jarak pulsa yang tidak sesuai. Pada penelitian ini, akan dilakukan analisis kinerja sistem DVOR-DME dengan membandingkan nilai parameter dan nilai kondisi normal. Berdasarkan analisis kinerja sistem, didapatkan bahwa sistem DVOR-DME AirNav Indonesia Distrik Tanjungpinang beroperasi dengan normal. Nilai optimal 30Hz MOD dan 9960Hz MOD pada DVOR berada pada rentang nilai normal yaitu sebesar 30%. Nilai optimal delay dan spacing pada DME berada pada rentang nilai delay normal dan nilai spacing normal yaitu sebesar 50,01 μs dan 12,02 μs

    Perlindungan Hukum Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif (ZEE) terhadap Eksistensi Indonesia sebagai Negara Maritim

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    Indonesia\u27s sea territory in the Exclusive Economic Zone is an area of the sea that has enormous potential wealth for the prosperity and welfare of the people and the country. Potential of Indonesia\u27s marine wealth that is certainly interesting ZEEI actors are not obliged to take up the richness demanded the government to implement and do protection and law enforcement to keep the existence of Indonesia as a maritime nation in the world. Keywords: ZEE, Maritime Countr

    Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan Atas Kualitas Produk Dan Pelayanan CV. Roda Mas Jaya Semarang (Studi Kasus Pada Konsumen CV. Roda Mas Jaya Semarang)

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    The successful key of CV. Roda Mas Jaya Semarang in the field of tire retreading is focus on customer satisfaction in order to survive and dominate the market. In order to improve customer satisfaction, CV. Roda Mas Jaya Semarang trying to provide the kind of products and services superior facilities that aims to satisfy customers. This research is a descriptive survey approach. Sample was 15 companies were taken using census techniques. Measurement scale with a Likert scale. Data collection by interview using a questionnaire. Data analysis using Cartesian diagram.The results showed that the level of product conformance to customer expectations by 79.31% in the category are satisfied. This means that the performance of the product CV Roda Mas Jaya Semarang meet customers' expectations by 79.31%. Service quality level according to customer expectations by 89.44% in the category are satisfied. This means that the performance of services CV. Roda Mas Jaya Semarang meet customer expectations by 89.44%.Advice can be given for the company is to improve the performance and speed of the product with specifications in the manufacture of products, as well as timeliness in providing services to customers and compliance with the promised service process

    Anti–Peri-implantitis Bacteria’s Ability of Robusta Green Coffee Bean (Coffea Canephora) Ethanol Extract: An In Silico and In Vitro Study

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    Introduction Treatment of dentofacial malocclusion with mini orthodontic implants may be promising but it is frequently related to bacterial infection–induced production of inflammatory mediators that affect mini-implant osseointegration. For robusta green coffee bean (RGCB; Coffea canephora), ethanol extract may be beneficial as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, induce osteogenic, and growth factor protein for anti–peri-implantitis. Objective This study was aimed to investigate RGCBE extract as antioxidant and anti–peri-implantitis bacteria through in vitro study and its potential as antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antibone resorption, and proosteogenic through in silico study. Materials and Methods Absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity prediction, molecular docking simulation, and visualization of chlorogenic acid (CGA) and coumaric acid (CA) as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial were investigated in silico. Inhibition zone by diffusion method, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of RGCBE extract against Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Fusobacterium nucleatum (Fn), and Prevotella intermedia (Pi) were done