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    The aim of this research is to create a learning media that can explain the properties of an ideal gas through a simulation lab in the form of an android application. The method used in the study is research and development. A simulation lab android application which has been made subsequently validated by concept and media experts, further empirical testing by teachers and students. Assessments of the product is done by filling in questionnaires and rated by rating scale. Averages for feasibility of the media on all indicators are 83.13% from media experts, 87.5% from concept experts, 83.13% from empirical test of teachers, and 78.51% from student test. It is concluded that the android application in the form of a simulation lab can be used as a learning media to explain the properties of an ideal ga

    Pengaruh Motivasi Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Pada Karyawan Departemen Spinning I PT. Damatex Salatiga) the Influence of Motivation and Discipline of Work to Employee Performance of Spinning I Department of PT. Damatex Salati

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    PT. Damatex Salatiga is a company that runs in the field of textiles oriented on profit goals and strive to create competitive advantages. Employee performance is one of measurements, which is often used in determining the effectiveness of the company. A company will not able to improve if the performance of employees is stagnant, nevertheless with the high level of competition in the business world. In order to improve employees performance by increasing motivation and discipline of work. The purpose of this research is to investigate and examine the effect of the motivation and discipline of work to employee performance of Spinning I Department of PT. Damatex Salatiga.This research uses explanatory research approach of 72 repondents that taken with proportionate random sampling method. Data collection techniques is using questionnaires, interviewed and the documentation technique. Data were analyzed using linear regression analysis.Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that motivation has a positive effect toward performance about 14,5%. Employees discipline has a positive effect toward performance about 12,7%.Motivation and discipline have a significant effect toward performance about 19,8%. The higher level of motivation and discipline of work, the higher level of performance.Advice that can be given to the company is the company should be focus on labours by making some reviews of work assignments that have been established and need to be adjust between job assignment with capability of workers. Company should give a spirirt by giving appreciation for theworkers and if possible, recreation program for the workers, thus eventually will improve the performance of their workers

    Hypocenter Determination and Clustering of Volcano-tectonic Earthquakes in Gede Volcano 2015

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    Gede volcano is an active volcano in West Java, Indonesia. Research about determination the volcano-tectonic earthquake source positions has given results using volcano-tectonic earthquakes data from January until November 2015. Volcano-tectonic earthquakes contained deep (VT-A) have frequency (maximum amplitude) range 5 – 15 Hz. Furthermore, they contain shallow earthquake, VT-B have range 3-5 Hz and LF have range 1-3 Hz. Geiger's Adaptive Damping (GAD) methods used for determining the hypocenter of these volcano-tectonic (VT) events. Hypocenter distribution divided into 4 clusters. Cluster I located in the crater of Gede volcano dominated by VT-B earthquakes their depth range 2 km below MSL to 2 km above MSL including the VT-B swarm. The seismic sources in cluster I indicated dominant due to the volcanic fluid or gas filled in conduit pipes. Cluster II located at the west of Gede volcano caused by Gede-Pangrango fault-line dominated by VT-A earthquakes with depths range 1.5 km below MSL to 700 m above MSL. Cluster III located in the North of Gede volcano dominated by VT-A events there caused by graben fault area with those depths range 7.5 – 1.65 km below MSL. Cluster IV located in South West of Gede volcano contained VT-A earthquakes with depth range at 10 km below MSL and VT-B earthquakes this depth 2 km below MSL. Due to magma intrusion filled into fractures of the fault in the West of Gede volcano this shallow magma filling-fractures and degassing in subsurface assumed dominates the volcano-tectonic events from January to November 2015 due to faults extends from North to South occured in the West of Gede volcano

    Pemanfaatan Energi Panas Matahari Pada Batu Andesit Terhadap Thermoelectric Cooler Tipe 12706

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    Thermoelectric cooler (TEC) merupakan komponen penghasil listrik alternatif yang erat kaitannya dengan pemanfaatan panas atau kalor untuk menghasilkan energi listrik. Modul TEC memanfaatkan perbedaan suhu untuk menghasilkan energi listrik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi pemanfaatan energi panas matahari pada batu andesit terhadap thermoelectric cooler tipe 12706 sebagai alternatif penghasil energi listrik tenaga surya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen laboratorium. Pegujian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui nilai arus dan tegangan yang dihasilkan TEC1-12706. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa media batu andesit dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media untuk menyimpan panas, sehingga TEC dapat dibangkitkan menghasilkan listrik. Data yang peneliti peroleh ialah terdapat 3 hasil pengujian yaitu, pegujian TEC tanpa beban, pegujian TEC dengan beban resistor 100 ohm dan pengujian TEC dengan beban 250 ohm. Dari ketiga data pengujian tersebut bahwa perbedaan suhu dan tegangan yang dihasilkan TEC lebih optimal pada pengujian TEC tanpa beban yaitu menghasilkan tegangan sebesar 175 mV dan perbedaan suhu 8,1 °C selama penyinaran 30 menit
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