14 research outputs found

    Leucismo en el pez <i>Lebiasina bimaculata</i> (Characiformes: Lebiasinidae) en Guayas, Ecuador

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    El leucismo es una aberración cromática poco frecuente, manifestada por la ausencia total o parcial de melanina en la piel. Este estudio reporta un caso de leucismo en el pez Lebiasina bimaculata (Characiformes: Lebiasinidae), en el río Chongón, Ecuador. El individuo con leucismo presentó despigmentación en todo el cuerpo, excepto en el iris y en la base de la tercera escama de la cuarta serie de escamas longitudinales. Con este suman 19 los registros de aberraciones cromáticas en peces dulceacuícolas de Suramérica

    Leucismo en el pez Lebiasina bimaculata (Characiformes: Lebiasinidae) en Guayas, Ecuador

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    Leucism is a rare chromatic aberration, manifested by the total or partial absence of melanin in the skin. This study reports a case of leucism in the fish Lebiasina bimaculata (Characiformes: Lebiasinidae), in the Chongón river, Ecuador. The individual with leucism presented depigmentation all over the body, except in the iris and on the base of the third scale of the fourth longitudinal scale-series. With this case, there are 19 records of chromatic aberrations in South American freshwater fish.El leucismo es una aberración cromática poco frecuente, manifestada por la ausencia total o parcial de melanina en la piel. Este estudio reporta un caso de leucismo en el pez Lebiasina bimaculata (Characiformes: Lebiasinidae), en el río Chongón, Ecuador. El individuo con leucismo presentó despigmentación en todo el cuerpo, exceptoen el iris y en la base de la tercera escama de la cuarta serie de escamas longitudinales. Con este suman 19 los registros de aberraciones cromáticas en peces dulceacuícolas de Suramérica

    Range expansion of the genus Sicydium (Teleostei: Gobiidae) to coastal mountain streams of southwestern Ecuador and possibly northwestern Peru

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    We report collections of several specimens of Sicydium in 2013 and 2014 from the Jubones and Santa Rosa Rivers in southwestern Ecuador. These collections substantially expand the known range of the genus southward. The specimens are tentatively identified as Sicydium cf. rosenbergii based on their morphology. Small differences in morphology among specimens from the two rivers are noted, as are discrepancies with the type description. A museum database search uncovered two additional records of the genus south of their previously recognized range including one record from northwestern Peru

    Towards a dynamic checklist of lichen-forming, lichenicolous and allied fungi of Ecuador – using the <i>Consortium of Lichen Herbaria</i> to manage fungal biodiversity in a megadiverse country

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    peer reviewedA checklist of Lichen-forming, Lichenicolous and Allied Fungi of Ecuador is presented with a total of 2599 species, of which 39 are reported for the first time from the country. The names of three species, Hypotrachyna montufariensis, H. subpartita and Sticta hypoglabra, previously not validly published, are validated. Pertusaria oahuensis, originally introduced by Magnusson as ‘ad interim’, is validated as Lepra oahuensis. The form Leucodermia leucomelos f. albociliata is validated. Two new combinations, Fissurina tectigera and F. timida, are made, and Physcia mobergii is introduced as a replacement name for the illegitimate P. lobulata Moberg non (Flörke) Arnold. In an initial step, the checklist was compiled by reviewing literature records of Ecuadorian lichen biota spanning from the late 19th century to the present day. Subsequently, records were added based on vouchers from 56 collections participating in the Consortium of Lichen Herbaria, a Symbiota-based biodiversity platform with particular focus on, but not exclusive to, North and South America. Symbiota provides sophisticated tools to manage biodiversity data, such as occurrence records, a taxonomic thesaurus, and checklists. The thesaurus keeps track of frequently changing names, distinguishing taxa currently accepted from ones considered synonyms. The software also provides tools to create and manage checklists, with an emphasis on selecting vouchers based on occurrence records that can be verified for identification accuracy. Advantages and limitations of creating checklists in Symbiota versus traditional ways of compiling these lists are discussed. Traditional checklists are well suited to document current knowledge as a ‘snapshot in time’. They are important baselines, frequently used by ecologists and conservation scientists as an established naming convention for citing species reported from a country. Compiling these lists, however, requires an immense effort, only to inadequately address the dynamic nature of scientific discovery. Traditional checklists are thus quickly out of date, particularly in groups with rapidly changing taxonomy, such as lichenized fungi. Especially in megadiverse countries, where new species and new occurrences continue to be discovered, traditional checklists are not easily updated; these lists necessarily fall short of efficiently managing immense data sets, and they rely primarily on secondary evidence (i.e. literature records rather than specimens). Ideally, best practices make use of dynamic database platforms such as Symbiota to assess occurrence records based both on literature citations and voucher specimens. Using modern data management tools comes with a learning curve. Systems like Symbiota are not necessarily intuitive and their functionality can still be improved, especially when handling literature records. However, online biodiversity data platforms have much potential in more efficiently managing and assessing large biodiversity data sets, particularly when investigating the lichen biota of megadiverse countries such as Ecuador

    Caracterización de la ictiofauna dentro la sub Cuenca del río Llaviuco

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    El estudio se realizó dentro la Subcuenca del río Llaviuco, con el objeto de establecer un inventario de las especies de peces que habitan en estos cuerpos de agua. Los resultados revelan tres especies de peces a saber: Salmo trutta (poco común); Oncorhynchus mykiss: (Poco común); y la única especie endémica Astroblepus ubidiai: (Raro). Además, se consideran índices y variables ambientales para determinar la salud del ecosistema acuático.The study was done in the river Llaviuco watershed with the objective of establishing an inventory of species of fish that inhabit these bodies of water. The results reveal three species of fish: Salmo trutta (fairly common); Oncorhynchus mykiss: (fairly common); and the only endemic species Astroblepus ubidiai: (rare). Furthermore, indices and environmental variables are considered in order to determine aquatic ecosystem health

    Leucismo en el pez Lebiasina bimaculata (Characiformes: Lebiasinidae) en Guayas, Ecuador

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    El leucismo es una aberración cromática poco frecuente, manifestada por la ausencia total o parcial de melanina en la piel. Este estudio reporta un caso de leucismo en el pez Lebiasina bimaculata (Characiformes: Lebiasinidae), en el río Chongón, Ecuador. El individuo con leucismo presentó despigmentación en todo el cuerpo, excepto en el iris y en la base de la tercera escama de la cuarta serie de escamas longitudinales. Con este suman 19 los registros de aberraciones cromáticas en peces dulceacuícolas de Suramérica.Bogotá, Colombi

    Range expansion of the genus Sicydium (Teleostei: Gobiidae) to coastal mountain streams of southwestern Ecuador and possibly northwestern Peru

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    We report collections of several specimens of Sicydium in 2013 and 2014 from the Jubones and Santa Rosa Rivers in southwestern Ecuador. These collections substantially expand the known range of the genus southward. The specimens are tentatively identified as Sicydium cf. rosenbergii based on their morphology. Small differences in morphology among specimens from the two rivers are noted, as are discrepancies with the type description. A museum database search uncovered two additional records of the genus south of their previously recognized range including one record from northwestern Peru

    Parallel Body Shape Divergence in the Neotropical Fish Genus Rhoadsia (Teleostei: Characidae) Along Elevational Gradients of the Western Slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes

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    Morphological data collected from specimens of Rhoadsia spp. (Teleostei: Characidae) in western Ecuador. Excel file with individual standard length (SL), body depth (BD), size-adjusted fineness ratio (Adj_FR), and size-adjusted canonical variates analysis scores on axes 1 and 2 (Adj_CV1, Adj_CV2)