9 research outputs found

    Short communication: Guttation of oat and wheat and the results of its comparison with the yield

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    Saabunud / Received 14.10.2021 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 05.04.2022 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 05.04.2022 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Edvin Nugis; [email protected] present paper aims to give an overview of results collected in the Estonian Crop Research Institute related to the comparison between guttation and yield in grain crop cereals. The objects of research were oat variety 'Eugen' and wheat 'Manu', which went through the stages of germinating their seeds (in vitro), set them by sprouts down into the soil, and the emergence of sprouts under conditions of a hydrothermostat. Since transpiration in a hydrother- mostat at an air temperature of 23 °C, and an extremely high value of air relative humidity was limited, therefore, due to this, the plant sprouts have begun to exude guttation fluid. As result, we have found that the amount of isolated gutted fluid correlates significantly with the grain yields of field trials indicators. The comparison between relative guttation and relative yield was described by a straightforward relationship. The entire experiment took about one week, and the first results of droplet prints on filter paper can be obtained after 60 hours. This was the novelty of our approach which provides the prerequisites for both increasing the reliability of conclusions regarding the yield obtained and with forecast

    Dynamic model of seed germination on the example of a genus Dracocephalum L. based on logistic function

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    Saabunud / Received 02.10.2021 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 21.11.2021 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 21.11.2021 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Edvin Nugis [email protected] aim of this paper is to present the use of mathematical model for an assessment of seed germination on the example of a genus Dracocephalum L. based on logistic function. An assessment of the quality of seeds and their species specificity was carried out. For this the method of a mathematical model of seed germination and the "Origin Pro" application package was used. The objects of research were samples of species Dracocephalum L. of different geographical origin from the collection of the I.N. Vavilov named All-Russian Crop Research Institute (VIR). Morphometric parameters of seeds of the studied species of the genus Dracocephalum L. were identified, which were divided into two groups. The first group with small seeds (2.7–3.0 mm long and 1.6–2.0 mm wide) included varieties of the species D. moldavica, and the second group – with very small seeds (2.0 mm in length and 1.0 mm wide) of D. multicaule and D. nutans. To assess the quality of seeds, we used both standard static indicators for germination, germination energy and seed vigour which are also assessed by both known the Grodzinsky bio test, and new ones based on dynamic parameters for evaluating seed germination. The dynamic model presented in the work reproduces changes in the initial phase of plant growth through the dynamics of seed germination. That is, the change in the state of a living object in motion in this model. When processing the results, a logistic function was applied that reflects the dynamics of change or accumulation of quantitative signs with the transition to new qualitative indicators. It was revealed that the shortest germination time of half of the maximum number of germinated seeds (intensity of germination) equal to 44.0 hours had the sample K-6 ('Aroma-2'). This indicates vigourous and friendly germination of the seeds of this variety. For sample K-7 ('Aroma-2'), this figure is 60 hours and, therefore, the germination rate is less than that for K-6. Similar in these parameters and the intensity of germination in the sample K-8 'Zeya' equal to 53 hours. Sample K-10 ('Arhat') was characterized by a relatively high germination rate, intensity of germination equal to 46 hours. Samples at 32 (D. nutans) and at 20 (D. multicaule) had approximately the same intensity of germination was equal to 61 and 54 hours, respectively. As a result, comparing the similarly different age characteristics of the seed material, a certain species and variety specificity in the dynamics of growth processes in the seeds of various types of snake head was revealed. The novelty of these studies was the search for new patterns and phenomena in assessing the quality of seeds and their species specificity

    Potato yield forecast by using guttation test method in household laboratory conditions

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    Saabunud / Received 03.03.2021 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 18.06.2021 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 18.06.2021 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Edvin Nugis [email protected] paper aims to present the use of the guttation test method to establish the relationship between guttation and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) yield. The laboratory tests (in vitro L.) under household conditions were carried out. To assess the state of the potato (variety 'Ando') yield the field (0.07 ha) of the family farm "Miili" were used. Assessment of the state of guttation plant barley (Hordeum vulgaris L.) variety 'Anni' by using of hydro-thermostat in conditions adapted hose hold laboratory (according to the generally known a bad epidemiological situation) were carried out. The test sites were located on a light sandy loam of Molli-Calcaric Cambisol (WRB) with areas of the field in the presence of soil samples No. 1 and 2. We have found that the maximum yield of potato 'Ando' on a plot of soil sample No. 1 (15 900 kg ha–1 or 1.00 of relative units) was obtained. At the same time, the minimum yield of soil sample No. 2 of the potato tubers was 3900 kg ha–1 (0.25 of relative units). To ranking score of the soil fertility level of the studied potato field, additional laboratory experiments were carried out, with extremely humus-rich soil (the guttation droplet imprint on the filter paper was 117.6 mm2 to that was equated to 1.00 of relative units) and with sand the guttation droplet imprint – 37.0 mm2 and 0.31 of relative units, respectively. The results of laboratory tests by using of guttation method with barley (variety 'Anni') carried out. The soil samples have been taken from the same areas of the field. In this case, for soil sample No. 1 the average area of the guttation droplet imprint on the filter paper was 55.1 mm2 to that was equated to 0.47 of relative units and for soil sample No. 2 – 42.9 mm2 or 0.36 of relative units, respectively. The results of the research have shown that concerning cultivating potatoes (variety 'Ando') and guttation experiments with barley (variety 'Anni') under conditions of soil samples No. 1 and 2 of the potato field a quite reliable relationship between guttation and the yield of potato tubers (P <0.001, R2 = 0.98) was obtained. To assess the different levels of soil fertility for soil samples No. 1 and 2 in the potato field taking as a reference soil with the highest possible fertility (humus-rich soil) and with the lowest possible fertility (clean sand) it was revealed that guttation of soil sample No. 1 of the potato field was 1.6 times inferior according to the results of guttation of the humus-rich soil. Analytical calculations have shown that if we are dealing with a humus-rich soil where potato 'Ando' cultivation would be carried out under the conditions of classical organic farming then the yield of potato tubers would be 22 880 kg ha–1 or 30 Mg ha–1 rounded. The novelty of our research was the development of a method for assessing the yield of potato by using the guttation test method

    Soil bulk density and phytosanitary conditions at potato field

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    The aim of this paper is to present the microorganisms and their activities and soil bulk density. It is a fact that both have a great impact on soil fertility and its health status. Among the microorganisms in soil, the bacteria and fungi are the most important ones for potato cultivation; the bacteria living on the plant roots serve to uphold the nutrient intake of plants. Our previous research has shown that Paenibacillus Polymyxa Rizobacter fostered a better uptake of phosphorus and reduced drought stress. The potato experiments were conducted in a pH range of 5.4 to 5.9, so it was environmentally favourable for the development of soil fungi. It is well known that moulds have a well-developed filiform and a high spore production. We have found that if the genus Alternaria, Helminthosporium, Fusarium, etc., has been left on the surface of the skin of potatoes then it will affect the disease. In 2010, the mould count remained within the range from 0.83·105 to 2.25·105. Also according to our assessments, an economic loss related to unfavourable soil bulk density for potato will occur if it is more than 1.25 ± 0.07 Mg m-3. At the same time, it should be noted that for the Estonian soil conditions, the accepted limit of penetration resistance is 1.0 MP

    Optimization of options for differential application of nitrogen fertilizers in the precision farming system

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    Saabunud / Received 26.01.2020 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 12.05.2020 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 12.05.2020 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Edvin Nugis e-mail: [email protected] paper aims to present the use of various treatments for the differential application of nitrogen in the precision farming system. To assess the state of the vegetation cover, both ground-based observations and associated remote sensing methods were used. Assessment of the state of plants (Menkovsky of AFI, 2009–2011) was carried out according to the phases of their growth and development using an N-tester in the field, as well as analysis of plant samples in a specialized laboratory. Remote sensing was carried out at the time of the analysis of plant samples using unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with cameras that allow shooting in different areas of the spectrum. The test sites with predetermined doses of nitrogen fertilizers for decrypt the obtained images were used. It is shown that for differential application of nitrogen fertilizers in spring wheat crops it is advisable to use the optical characteristics of the state of plants performed using calibration test sites. We have found that the maximum yield in the differentiated nitrogen applications treatment (TK-4) was 4510 kg per hectare (kg ha–1 ). At the same time, the minimum in the TK1 treatment was 3780 kg ha–1 . On average, over the years of research differentiated fertilizer application increased the collection of protein per hectare by 15–17%. In the TK-4 treatment for three years, a grain was obtained that corresponded to the first quality class (exceed 14%) in terms of protein content. Our novel research has shown that for characterizing the state of plants an assessment is given which was performed using calibration test sites

    Precision agriculture in the North of Kazakhstan

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    Saabunud / Received 13.10.2020 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 14.12.2020 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 31.12.2020 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Edvin Nugis [email protected] precision farming system has been used in the North of Kazakhstan where specialized landfill on an area of 3000 ha was formed. In the fields of the landfill, detailed agrochemical survey (accuracy) of soil samples of the southern carbonate chernozem for grid cells 1 ha and 5 ha of fieldnet treatments with were conducted. Further differentiated fertilization was carried out both with the help of Amazone ZA-M and with the use of the Bourgault sowing complex. Monitoring of the state of the soil, plant development and work performed was carried out both by traditional methods and using modern remote sensing data. After the introduction of precision farming technologies in the North Kazakhstan from 2019 precision farming technologies has been used. As a result of the work carried out only from the introduction of one element of precision farming – differentiated rationing of fertilizer application, an increase in the yield of spring wheat 'Astana' by 9.6–19.2% to the standard economic technology was established. Research results have shown that the share contribution with a high yield of 2000 kg ha–1 was significant for a sampling grid cells 1 ha of fieldnet (40–47%) and less significant for a sampling grid cells 5 ha of fieldnet (15–20%). Hence it follows that the choice of a fieldnet with grid cells 1 ha is more preferable. Due to the use of a differentiated application system the savings from reducing the consumption of mineral fertilizers for the unit of the relay have had 69.26 EUR. Our novel research has shown that for characterizing the state of plants an assessment is given which was performed using test sites 1 and 5 ha grid cells of fieldnet treatments. In this case, we have used the vegetation indices NDVI – Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. At the same time, this index has changed relatively synchronously with the results of the yield of the spring wheat

    Express-diagnostics method for assessment of soil compaction for different cultivation methods

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    Saabunud / Received 01.12.2019 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 08.05.2020 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 11.05.2020 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Edvin Nugis e-mail: [email protected] compaction remains a concern because of the heavy tractors used in intensive agriculture. When axle loads of vehicles increase, soil compaction is affected in deeper soil layers. An efficient tool is needed to assess the impact of machines on soil. Therefore, an expressdiagnostics method was developed and implemented under Estonian agricultural conditions. Since 1976, an investigation has been carried out on how wheeled or tracked vehicles (WTV) influence soil under agricultural conditions in Estonia. The main goal of the investigation was to develop a mathematical model and corresponding computer simulation system. Uncompacted and compacted soil was modelled using a vegetation model of "guttated vegetation miniatures". The system allows soil vulnerability to compaction to be assessed by the criterion (qabc) agroempirical bearing capacity (ABC). Both field and laboratory data were used in the development of the system. We have found that at the deepest layer the bulk density was higher for tilled soil compared to no-tilled soil. Dry soil bulk density in no-tilled soil after 2 years in the deepest layer was 0.11 Mg m3 –1 less than tilled soil, and for no-tilled soil after 3 years in the deepest layer it was 0.12 Mg m3 –1 less compared to the tilled field soil. The amount of agronomically preferable aggregates (2–4.75mm) was major in tilled soil compared to no-tilled soil. It means that the preferred (in agronomical sense) soil particles Kstr in conventionally tilled (ploughing – K2; K3) fields were significantly better compared to no-tilled (O2; O3) fields in the trial plots. These results emphasize the benefits of multifunctional modelling systems (computer simulation and simulation by vegetation miniatures) and the need to improve assessment of methodology for receiving adequate and probable results, and finally for yield prediction

    The impact of the termination technology of agro-ecological service crops on soil properties in open field vegetable production

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    ArticleThe agro - ecological service crops (ASC) are introduced in the agro - ecosystems to provide or enhance ecological services, thus promoting the whole soil - plant system equilibrium. To avoid competition with the subsequent cash crops, the growth of the interposed ASC is terminated in advance of the cash crop planting. The traditional, most widespread technique to terminate the ASC is incorporation as green manure into the soil by tillage (GM). However, since tillage includes energy and labour consuming and soil dis turbing operations, the use of no/reduced tillage techniques (as the roller crimping technology - RC) has received increasing interest. An international research consortium (SOILVEG) including Estonian Crop Research Institute, was established in 2015 with th e aim to study among others the impact of ASC termination on soil dry bulk density (BD), water content, soil structure and microbiological activity. Data are collected from Estonian tri als in 2016 and 2017 at Jõgeva. The physical properties of 0 – 40 cm soil layers were determined. Higher BD in soil layers (0 – 20 cm) of plots with ASC and RC was determined comparing to the GM and control plots. Bigger water content in same layer of plots with ASC and the RC was determined comparing to the GM plots. The use of the ASC - s helped to arise ratio of agronomically preferred soil particles. Microbial activity was estimated by assessing of enzyme dehydrogenase activity in 0 – 20 cm soil layer. There were no statistically relevant differences in soil dehydrogenase activit y (DHA) be tween the RC and GM treatments

    Effect of Cirsium arvense L. on soil physical properties and crop growth

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    The re-cultivation of abandoned areas creates weed control problems. The main problems in these areas are perennial weeds, such as Cirsium arvense L. but this perennial deep-rooted plant may have a beneficial effect on the physical properties of compacted soil. In order to study the effect of C. arvense s root system on soil properties, the field experiment and a survey of arable fields were conducted in Estonia. The soil bulk density and penetration resistance were measured from soils covered by C. arvense or spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) on compacted and un-compacted soil. The results showed significantly lower penetration resistance and bulk density underneath C. arvense than under barley in both the field experiment and a field survey on arable soils. The shoot mass of C. arvense was less affected than the shoot mass of barley by soil compaction and was caused by C. arvense s better ability to develop its root system in compacted soil. Wheat yield, on soils affected by C. arvense, was increased by 28% on loose soil and 37% on compacted soil. It may be concluded that in areas affected by deep-rooted weed species, such C. arvense, the soil s physical properties will improve at least in the first two years.vo