Potato yield forecast by using guttation test method in household laboratory conditions


Saabunud / Received 03.03.2021 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 18.06.2021 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 18.06.2021 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Edvin Nugis [email protected] paper aims to present the use of the guttation test method to establish the relationship between guttation and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) yield. The laboratory tests (in vitro L.) under household conditions were carried out. To assess the state of the potato (variety 'Ando') yield the field (0.07 ha) of the family farm "Miili" were used. Assessment of the state of guttation plant barley (Hordeum vulgaris L.) variety 'Anni' by using of hydro-thermostat in conditions adapted hose hold laboratory (according to the generally known a bad epidemiological situation) were carried out. The test sites were located on a light sandy loam of Molli-Calcaric Cambisol (WRB) with areas of the field in the presence of soil samples No. 1 and 2. We have found that the maximum yield of potato 'Ando' on a plot of soil sample No. 1 (15 900 kg ha–1 or 1.00 of relative units) was obtained. At the same time, the minimum yield of soil sample No. 2 of the potato tubers was 3900 kg ha–1 (0.25 of relative units). To ranking score of the soil fertility level of the studied potato field, additional laboratory experiments were carried out, with extremely humus-rich soil (the guttation droplet imprint on the filter paper was 117.6 mm2 to that was equated to 1.00 of relative units) and with sand the guttation droplet imprint – 37.0 mm2 and 0.31 of relative units, respectively. The results of laboratory tests by using of guttation method with barley (variety 'Anni') carried out. The soil samples have been taken from the same areas of the field. In this case, for soil sample No. 1 the average area of the guttation droplet imprint on the filter paper was 55.1 mm2 to that was equated to 0.47 of relative units and for soil sample No. 2 – 42.9 mm2 or 0.36 of relative units, respectively. The results of the research have shown that concerning cultivating potatoes (variety 'Ando') and guttation experiments with barley (variety 'Anni') under conditions of soil samples No. 1 and 2 of the potato field a quite reliable relationship between guttation and the yield of potato tubers (P <0.001, R2 = 0.98) was obtained. To assess the different levels of soil fertility for soil samples No. 1 and 2 in the potato field taking as a reference soil with the highest possible fertility (humus-rich soil) and with the lowest possible fertility (clean sand) it was revealed that guttation of soil sample No. 1 of the potato field was 1.6 times inferior according to the results of guttation of the humus-rich soil. Analytical calculations have shown that if we are dealing with a humus-rich soil where potato 'Ando' cultivation would be carried out under the conditions of classical organic farming then the yield of potato tubers would be 22 880 kg ha–1 or 30 Mg ha–1 rounded. The novelty of our research was the development of a method for assessing the yield of potato by using the guttation test method

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