24 research outputs found

    Association of 3q21q26 syndrome with different RPN1/EVI1 fusion transcripts

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    Patients with acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) with features of myelodysplastic syndrome and abnormalities of megakaryocytopoiesis often have cytogenetic aberrations of 3q21 and 3q26 bands involving the paracentric inversion [inv(3) (q21q26)] or a reciprocal translocation [t(3;3) (q21;q26)]. These abnormalities frequently cause inappropriate expression of the EVI1 gene located at 3q26. Other genes that have been implicated at the rearrangement breakpoint are GR6 and RPN1 (both on 3q21). The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of the EVI1 fusion genes in AML patients with 3q21q26 syndrome

    The Oncoprotein EVI1 and the DNA Methyltransferase Dnmt3 Co-Operate in Binding and De Novo Methylation of Target DNA

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    EVI1 has pleiotropic functions during murine embryogenesis and its targeted disruption leads to prenatal death by severely affecting the development of virtually all embryonic organs. However, its functions in adult tissues are still unclear. When inappropriately expressed, EVI1 becomes one of the most aggressive oncogenes associated with human hematopoietic and solid cancers. The mechanisms by which EVI1 transforms normal cells are unknown, but we showed recently that EVI1 indirectly upregulates self-renewal and cell-cycling genes by inappropriate methylation of CpG dinucleotides in the regulatory regions of microRNA-124-3 (miR-124-3), leading to the repression of this small gene that controls normal differentiation and cell cycling of somatic cells. We used the regulatory regions of miR-124-3 as a read-out system to investigate how EVI1 induces de novo methylation of DNA. Here we show that EVI1 physically interacts with DNA methyltransferases 3a and 3b (Dnmt3a/b), which are the only de novo DNA methyltransferases identified to date in mouse and man, and that it forms an enzymatically active protein complex that induces de novo DNA methylation in vitro. This protein complex targets and binds to a precise region of miR-124-3 that is necessary for repression of a reporter gene by EVI1. Based on our findings, we propose that in cooperation with Dnmt3a/b EVI1 regulates the methylation of DNA as a sequence-specific mediator of de novo DNA methylation and that inappropriate EVI1 expression contributes to carcinogenesis through improper DNA methylation

    EVI1 Impairs myelopoiesis by deregulation of PU.1 function

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    EVI1 is an oncogene inappropriately expressed in the bone marrow (BM) of approximately 10% of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) patients. This disease is characterized by severe anemia and multilineage myeloid dysplasia that are thought to be a major cause of mortality in MDS patients. We earlier reported on a mouse model that constitutive expression of EVI1 in the BM led to fatal anemia and myeloid dysplasia, as observed in MDS patients, and we subsequently showed that EVI1 interaction with GATA1 blocks proper erythropoiesis. Whereas this interaction could provide the basis for the erythroid defects in EVI1-positive MDS, it does not explain the alteration of myeloid differentiation. Here, we have examined the expression of several genes activated during terminal myelopoiesis in BM cells and identified a group of them that are altered by EVI1. A common feature of these genes is their regulation by the transcription factor PU.1. We report here that EVI1 interacts with PU.1 and represses the PU.1-dependent activation of a myeloid promoter. EVI1 does not seem to inhibit PU.1 binding to DNA, but rather to block its association with the coactivator c-Jun. After mapping the PU.1-EVI1 interaction sites, we show that an EVI1 point mutant, unable to bind PU.1, restores the activation of PU.1-regulated genes and allows a normal differentiation of BM progenitors in vitro

    Repression of RUNX1 activity by EVI1: a new role of EVI1 in leukemogenesis

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    Recurring chromosomal translocations observed in human leukemia often result in the expression of fusion proteins that are DNA-binding transcription factors. These altered proteins acquire new dimerization properties that result in the assembly of inappropriate multimeric transcription complexes that deregulate hematopoietic programs and induce leukemogenesis. Recently, we reported that the fusion protein AML1/MDS1/EVI1 (AME), a product of a t(3;21)(q26;q22) associated with chronic myelogenous leukemia and acute myelogenous leukemia, displays a complex pattern of self-interaction. Here, we show that the 8th zinc finger motif of MDS1/EVI1 is an oligomerization domain involved not only in interaction of AME with itself but also in interactions with the parental proteins, RUNX1 and MDS1/EVI1, from which AME is generated. Because the 8th zinc finger motif is also present in the oncoprotein EVI1, we have evaluated the effects of the interaction between RUNX1 and EVI1 in vitro and in vivo. We found that in vitro, this interaction alters the ability of RUNX1 to bind to DNA and to regulate a reporter gene, whereas in vivo, the expression of the isolated 8th zinc finger motif of EVI1 is sufficient to block the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor-induced differentiation of 32Dcl3 cells, leading to cell death. As EVI1 is not detected in normal bone marrow cells, these data suggest that its inappropriate expression could contribute to hematopoietic transformation in part by a new mechanism that involves EVI1 association with key hematopoietic regulators, leading to their functional impairment

    RUNX1-RUNX1 homodimerization modulates RUNX1 activity and function

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    RUNX1 (AML1, CBFalpha2, PEBP2alphaB) is a transcription factor essential for the establishment of the hematopoietic stem cell. It is generally thought that RUNX1 exists as a monomer that regulates hematopoietic differentiation by interacting with tissue-specific factors and its DNA consensus through its N terminus. RUNX1 is frequently altered in human leukemia by gene fusions or point mutations. In general, these alterations do not affect the N terminus of the protein, and it is unclear how they consistently lead to hematopoietic transformation and leukemia. Here we report that RUNX1 homodimerizes through a mechanism involving C terminus-C terminus interaction. This RUNX1-RUNX1 interaction regulates the activity of the protein in reporter gene assays and modulates its ability to induce hematopoietic differentiation of hematopoietic cell lines. The promoters of genes regulated by RUNX1 often contain multiple RUNX1 binding sites. This arrangement suggests that RUNX1 could homodimerize to bring and hold together distant chromatin sites and factors and that if the dimerization region is removed by gene fusions or is altered by point mutations, as observed in leukemia, the ability of RUNX1 to regulate differentiation could be impaired

    Point mutations in two EVI1 Zn fingers abolish EVI1-GATA1 interaction and allow erythroid differentiation of murine bone marrow cells.

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    EVI1 is an aggressive nuclear oncoprotein deregulated by recurring chromosomal abnormalities in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). The expression of the corresponding gene is a very poor prognostic marker for MDS patients and is associated with severe defects of the erythroid lineage. We have recently shown that the constitutive expression of EVI1 in murine bone marrow results in a fatal disease with features characteristic of MDS, including anemia, dyserythropoiesis, and dysmegakaryopoiesis. These lineages are regulated by the DNA-binding transcription factor GATA1. EVI1 has two zinc finger domains containing seven motifs at the N terminus and three motifs at the C terminus. Supported by results of assays utilizing synthetic DNA promoters, it was earlier proposed that erythroid-lineage repression by EVI1 is based on the ability of this protein to compete with GATA1 for DNA-binding sites, resulting in repression of gene activation by GATA1. Here, however, we show that EVI1 is unable to bind to classic GATA1 sites. To understand the mechanism utilized by EVI1 to repress erythropoiesis, we used a combination of biochemical assays, mutation analyses, and in vitro bone marrow differentiation. The results indicate that EVI1 interacts directly with the GATA1 protein rather than the DNA sequence. We further show that this protein-protein interaction blocks efficient recognition or binding to DNA by GATA1. Point mutations that disrupt the geometry of two zinc fingers of EVI1 abolish the protein-protein interaction, leading to normal erythroid differentiation of normal murine bone marrow in vitro

    The zinc finger motifs 1 and 6 of EVI1 are required for interaction with the catalytic domain of <i>de novo</i> DNA methyltransferases.

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    <p>A. Schematic diagram of EVI1 and Dnmt3a shows the relevant domains analyzed in this study. B. EVI1 interacts with the catalytic domain of Dnmt3a. 293T cells were transiently co-transfected with full-length EVI1 and each one of the Flag-tagged separate domains of Dnmt3a as indicated, and analyzed as described in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0020793#pone-0020793-g002" target="_blank">Figure 2</a>. Lanes 1 to 5 show the expression of EVI1 (bottom panel) and Dnmt3a domains (top panel) in the transfected cells. Lanes 6 to 10 show the proteins after IP with anti-EVI1 antibody. C. The proximal zinc finger domain of EVI1 interacts with the catalytic domain of Dnmt3a. 293T cells were transiently co-transfected with the HA-tagged EVI1 proximal domain (7ZnF) and each one of the Flag-tagged domains of Dnmt3a. The cells were processed and analyzed as described above. Lanes 1 to 5 show the expression of 7ZnF domain (bottom panel) and Dnmt3a domains (top panel) in the transfected cells. Lanes 6 to 10 show the proteins after IP with anti-EVI1 antibody. The proximal domain, 7ZnF, interacts only with Dnmt3a catalytic domain (lane 10). D. Zinc finger motifs 1 and 6 must be intact for interaction with Dnmt3a. 293T cells were transiently co-transfected with the Flag-tagged catalytic domain of Dnmt3a alone (lanes 2 and 7) or in combination with the HA-tagged 7ZnF domain (lanes 3 and 8) or with the mutant 7ZnF-(1+6Mut) domain (lanes 4 and 9) or with EVI1-Δ7ZnF (lanes 5 and 10). The proteins in the cell extracts were analyzed by Western blot after co-IP with anti-HA antibody. Interaction is observed only when the intact proximal domain is expressed (lane 8).</p