280 research outputs found

    Coronavirus disease 2019: the second wave in Italy

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    Purpose: This paper describes how Italy addressed the first Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) wave and analyzes the possible causes of the current second wave. Design/methodology/approach: Descriptive analysis of critical points and differences in the containment strategies between the first and the second waves in Italy. Findings: Italy's strict lockdown has been credited with getting the initial major outbreak under control. Furthermore, the way Italy handled the first wave was considered a lesson for other countries. On the contrary, a decentralized and highly bureaucratic political system with low coordination and political conflicts between government, regions and stakeholders led to a relaxation of individual health behaviors, poor and conflicting communication to the general public, poor management of the public transport and the reopening of schools and companies after the summer, that in turn generated the second wave, which is showing signs of becoming worse than the first. Originality/value: This is a commentary piece

    Selection of Histological Parameters for the Development of an Analytical Method for Discriminating Fresh and Frozen/Thawed Common Octopus (Octopus vulgaris) and Preventing Frauds along the Seafood Chain

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    This study aimed at selecting effective histological indicators of the freezing process, for the discrimination of fresh and frozen common octopus Octopus vulgaris. Histological indices of freezing process were selected in mantle and arm muscle and axial nerve tissues. Seven histological parameters were chosen: overall muscle tissue structural organization (a); gaping among muscle bundles (b); presence of optically empty spaces between and within muscle bundles (c); white spaces percentage between and within muscle bundles (d); overall nerve structural organization (e); presence of linear fissures and/or empty spaces within neuropil and axonal tract (f); presence of empty spaces within connective tissue matrix surrounding the nerve (g); empty space percentage within arm axial nerve region (h). The parameters were assessed on 150 mantle muscle sections (a, b, c, d), 150 arm muscle (b, c) and nervous (e, f, g, h) tissue sections belonging to 20 fresh exemplars further subdued to conventional freezing procedure at − 20 Â°C, 25 fresh curled exemplars, 25 exemplars industrially frozen at − 80 Â°C, and 20 thawed, curled, and individually quick frozen exemplars. Overall structural organization (a, e), gaping (b), and presence of optically empty spaces (c, f) confirmed significant morphological freezing indices in mantle and arm sections. In mantle, two d values (d < 25% and 25% < d < 33%) were proposed as complementary thresholds to be applied in association with b and c indices for freezing discrimination. These parameters appear eligible to set a method for discriminating fresh/thawed octopus products to be applied both in official control and self-check activities

    Role of the mucins in pathogenesis of COPD: implications for therapy.

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    Introduction: Evidence accumulated in the last decade has started to reveal the enormous complexity in the expression, interactions and functions of the large number of different mucins present in the different compartments of the human lower airways. This occurs both in normal subjects and in COPD patients in different clinical phases and stages of severity.Areas covered: We review the known physiological mechanisms that regulate mucin production in human lower airways of normal subjects, the changes in mucin synthesis/secretion in COPD patients and the clinical efficacy of drugs that modulate mucin synthesis/secretion.Expert opinion: It is evident that the old simplistic concept that mucus hypersecretion in COPD patients is associated with negative clinical outcomes is not valid and that the therapeutic potential of 'mucolytic drugs' is under-appreciated due to the complexity of the associated molecular network(s). Likewise, our current knowledge of the effects of the drugs already available on the market that target mucin synthesis/secretion/structure in the lower airways is extremely limited and often indirect and more well-controlled clinical trials are needed in this area

    Food safety: correct information for pregnant women

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    This study was aimed at investigating the knowledge of pregnant women on food safety with particular attention to the effectiveness of the informative material (pamphlet and poster) prepared in a previous study. To this scope, a questionnaire composed by 8 questions (Likert scaled) was used except for one which was a Y/N question. Themes of the questionnaire were: level of concerns on food safety, and knowledge on foodborne diseases (salomonellosis, toxoplasmosis and listeriosis), risk factors and preventive measures. Results indicate that knowledge increased in respect to that of the previous study, but in relation to informative material previously distributed

    Decreased humoral immune response in the bronchi of rapid decliners with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Background: Identification of COPD patients with a rapid decline in FEV1 is of particular interest for prognostic and therapeutic reasons. Objective: To determine the expression of markers of inflammation in COPD patients with rapid functional decline in comparison to slow or no decliners. Methods: In COPD patients monitored for at least 3 years (mean ± SD: 5.8 ± 3 years) for lung functional decline, the expression and localization of inflammatory markers was measured in bronchial biopsies of patients with no lung functional decline (FEV1% + 30 ± 43 ml/year, n = 21), slow (FEV1% ml/year, − 40 ± 19, n = 14) and rapid decline (FEV1% ml/year, − 112 ± 53, n = 15) using immunohistochemistry. ELISA test was used for polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) quantitation “in vitro”. Results: The expression of secretory IgA was significantly reduced in bronchial epithelium (p = 0.011) and plasma cell numbers was significantly reduced in the bronchial lamina propria (p = 0.017) of rapid decliners compared to no decliners. Bronchial inflammatory cell infiltration, CD4, CD8, CD68, CD20, NK, neutrophils, eosinophils, mast cells, pIgR, was not changed in epithelium and lamina propria of rapid decliners compared to other groups. Plasma cells/mm2 correlated positively with scored total IgA in lamina propria of all patients. “In vitro” stimulation of 16HBE cells with LPS (10 ÎŒg/ml) and IL-8 (10 ng/ml) induced a significant increase while H2O2 (100 ÎŒM) significantly decreased pIgR epithelial expression. Conclusion: These data show an impaired humoral immune response in rapid decliners with COPD, marked by reduced epithelial secretory IgA and plasma cell numbers in the bronchial lamina propria. These findings may help in the prognostic stratification and treatment of COPD

    miRNA-126 Orchestrates an Oncogenic Program in B Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

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    MicroRNA (miRNA)-126 is a known regulator of hematopoietic stem cell quiescence. We engineered murine hematopoiesis to express miRNA-126 across all differentiation stages. Thirty percent of mice developed monoclonal B cell leukemia, which was prevented or regressed when a tetracycline-repressible miRNA-126 cassette was switched off. Regression was accompanied by upregulation of cell-cycle regulators and B cell differentiation genes, and downregulation of oncogenic signaling pathways. Expression of dominant-negative p53 delayed blast clearance upon miRNA-126 switch-off, highlighting the relevance of p53 inhibition in miRNA-126 addiction. Forced miRNA-126 expression in mouse and human progenitors reduced p53 transcriptional activity through regulation of multiple p53-related targets. miRNA-126 is highly expressed in a subset of human B-ALL, and antagonizing miRNA-126 in ALL xenograft models triggered apoptosis and reduced disease burden

    Exploring the Evidence for Broad-Spectrum Effectiveness of Perampanel: A Systematic Review of Clinical Data in Generalised Seizures.

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    BACKGROUND: The effectiveness of adjunctive perampanel has not been systematically assessed in seizure types other than its approved indications of focal seizures and primary generalised tonic-clonic seizures (PGTCS) in idiopathic generalised epilepsies (IGEs). OBJECTIVE: We aimed to identify and review available evidence on outcomes with perampanel in generalised seizures and epilepsies to examine its potential as a broad-spectrum anti-seizure medication. METHODS: Bibliographic databases of publications, clinical trials, and conference abstracts were searched up to August 2020 to identify studies reporting seizure or safety outcomes in patients of any age, with any type of epilepsy-associated generalised seizures treated with perampanel. Data extracted from selected records were tabulated by seizure type and syndrome, and analysed qualitatively (PROSPERO protocol CRD42020201564). RESULTS: Ninety-one reports met inclusion criteria and were selected: 15 reports of 1 randomised controlled trial (RCT), 8 reports of 4 non-randomised interventional studies, 37 reports of observational studies, 21 case reports and 10 systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Extracted data included 359 patients with PGTCS of any aetiology, 251 with myoclonic seizures, 112 with absence seizures, 50 with tonic seizures and 32 children with epileptic spasms. The most commonly reported epilepsy type was IGE (N = 378) and the most common syndromes were juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (N = 92), progressive myoclonic epilepsies (N = 59) and absence epilepsies (N = 43). The RCT provided Class I evidence of the efficacy and tolerability of adjunctive perampanel for PGTCS in patients aged ≄ 12 years with IGE. Data from other studies provides weaker (observational) evidence of its effectiveness in multiple generalised seizure types, including myoclonic, absence and tonic seizures. There were no patterns suggesting seizure worsening or aggravation in any seizure or epilepsy type. CONCLUSIONS: The identified studies suggest the potential of perampanel as a broad-spectrum antiseizure medication. Much of the available data, however, come from non-randomised, non-controlled studies and are open to high risk of bias. Further studies are warranted to provide more robust evidence
