16 research outputs found

    Analisa Pengaruh Variasi Sudut Sambungan Belokan Terhadap Head Losses Aliran Pipa

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    On the water distribution, the connection of pipe bends is typically obtained either in industry or in housing. On the water distribution, it is often gained the lost of energy or head losses. The amount of head losses occurring in the connection of branch pipe is influenced by several factors, such as: diameter, flow, viscosity, and the angle at the bend pipe connections.This study aimed to determine the effect of variation of the connection point of the bend pipe to the head losses and pressure drop. To do it, the researcher uses an experimental method as a tool by varying the bend angle is 30o, 45o, 60o, and 90o. The result shows that head losses and the small pressure drop occur in the bend angle 30o is 73, 23 mm and 907.606 N/m2. While the head losses and pressure drop is the greatest at an angle of 90o, is 74, 80 mm and 1278,899 N/m2


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    Semakin menipisnya cadangan minyak dunia menyebabkan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) terus melambung. Kondisi ini menyebabkan masalah yang serius yang perlu diatasi. Potensi energi yang diperbaharui seperti : energi angin, matahari dan gelombang laut  perlu segera dilirik walaupun mungkin sudah terlambat. energi potensial dan kinetik yang terkandung pada gelombang laut dapat  dikonversikan untuk pemanfaatan tenaga listrik maupun pompa air bersih dan irigasi. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memanfaatkan potensi energi gelombang untuk dikonversi menjadi tenaga listrik.  Adapun manfaat penelitian ini adalah akan diperoleh metode dan sumber energi alternative yang ramah lingkungan serta tidak membutuhkan bahan bakar minyak. Energi alternatif ini ditunggu pemanfaatannya oleh masyarakat.    Kegiatan penelitian diawali dengan studi literatur untuk mengkaji penelitian yang terdahulu, mencari perumusan dengan teori yang ada. Hasil studi literatur dilanjutkan membuat disain atau rancangan alat dengan perhitungan–perhitungan. Perhitungan mengacu pada prinsip pemanfaatan energi gelombang laut semaksimal mungkin. Dari perhitungan tersebut sangat menentukan langkah selanjutnya seperti pembuatan bentuk, pemilihan bahan, menentukan alat ukur dan model pengukuran.             Konversi energi dari gelombang ke piston yang paling efektif terjadi pada saat pelampung (piston) diberikan beban W setengah dari Fa Total (W=Fa/2 total) dibandingkan pada saat tak berbobot (W=0) maupun pada saat piston diisi penuh (W=Fa total).            Dari hasil pengujian ternyata prototype pemerataan gelombang laut dengan sistem aksi ganda mampu menghasilkan energi listrik. Pada saat gelombang naik, energi gelombang menekan tuas melalui pelampung yang selanjutnya memutar roda gigi yang telah terhubung dengan generator listrik. Sedangkan pada saat gelombang turun roda gigi juga berputar akibat berat pelampung yang telah diiisi pemberat air.

    Optimization Design Blade Wind Turbine in Enhancing Power Based on Passive Control System

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    Control power on rotor wind turbine can be carried out by changing blade angle of attack through via pitch control and stall regulated method to produce much power and control power as well as protect wind turbine from high wind to operate in rated power. By using search-based design method to optimize design blade and Blade Element Momentum Theory (BEMT) to analyze aerodynamic performance for stall and pitch control power. Recent work demonstrates that some very significant effect can be achieved by using constant speed pitch control. Comparing of among ordinary blade and design blade of constant speed stall regulated and optimized show that enhancing power is nearly similar while design blade using pitch control give significant effect in enhancing aerodynamic performance of design blade. For average power, design blade constant speed pitch control has average power about 47970,77 Watt and constant speed stall regulated is 43855,41 Wat

    Pengaruh Posisi Penyemprotan Bahan Bakar Gas Lpg Pada Intake ManifoldTerhadap Konsumsi Bahan Bakar Pada Mesin Bensin Empat Langkah Satu Silinder (Honda Supra X)

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    One of major sources of air pollution is the result of combustion exhaust gases of automotive engines. As it is known that the process of fuel combustion from motor fuel produces exhaust gases which theoretically contain elements of CO, NOx, HC, CO2, H2O and N2, where many of which are polluting the surrounding environment in the form of air pollution. The use of LPG fuel for gasoline engine can be done by adding a piece of equipment called a conversion kit. In this study the fuel in the LPG gas injected in the intake manifold with some variation of spin injection with 3000 rpm, 4500 rpm and 6000 rpm for each transmision rate (Neutral s / d Gear 4). The result showed that the injection of fuel gas LPG in the rear position (P3) in getting a decrease in fuel Consumtion (FC) is optimal compared to other injection position (P1, P2). In addition the maximum fuel. Consumtion obtained at transmission rate at each round of variation mesin. Lowes CO emission levels found in LPG fuel injection in the rear position (P3) on the engine rev 3000 rpm kadar CO2 in round 3000 engine rpm optimum obtained from the use of LPG gas fuel injection in the rear position (P3) fornearly all transmision levels. Lowest HC emission values obtained on the location of the feul gas injection LPG rear position (P3) at 3000 rpm rotation at the 4th gear

    Kekerasan Produk Metalurgi Serbuk Berbahan Limbah Aluminium dengan Metode Kompaksi Bertahap

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    The product resulting from the powder metallurgy process has advantages in terms of mechanical properties and physical properties. Material engineering by mixing several types of metal powders is very possible to do. The composition of this powder metallurgical process material is a mixture of aluminum powder (80%), copper powder (15%) and silicon carbide powder (5%) by weight then compacted with a compaction load gradually, starting with a load of 3 tons, holding for 3 minutes, followed by a load of 3 tons. 4 tons were held for 3 minutes and the last 5 tons were held for 3 minutes by pre sintering 1250C. Sintering in the  kitchen with temperature variations of 4500C, 5000C and 5500C and sintering time for 60 minutes. Tests carried out on the specimens were hardness tests using the Rockwell (HRF) method. The results showed that the hardness of a single material has a hardness of around 35 HRF. The average hardness of the mixed material at a sintering temperature of 4500C is 80 HRF. The hardness of the mixed material at a sintering temperature of 5000C on average is 74 HRF. Meanwhile, the hardness of the mixed material at a sintering temperature of 5500C averaged 52 HRF. It can be concluded that the application of heat at the time of compaction and the selection of the sintering temperature greatly affect the hardness of the product resulting from the powder metallurgy process. 

    Analisis unjuk kerja motor bensin 4 langkah 1 silinder 100 cc berbahan bakar etanol

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    In line the population growth, technological developments and the increasing of vehicles, the necessary of fuel is increase. Therefore, the people try to find an alternative fuel that is ethanol as vehicle fuel. To increase the performance and efficiency to use of ethanol fuel in an engine is by varying the ignition timing.This research aimed to investigate the influence of ignition timing to torque, power and specific fuel consumption effective (SFCe) with 96% ethanol fuel. in an engine four stroke single cylinder 100 cc Honda Astrea Legenda. The  ignition timing variation are 15˚, 20˚ and 25˚ before TDC and the engine speed are 1500, 2500, 3500, 4500, and 6000 rpm.The results show that the engine has better performance when the engine  running on the  ignition timing is advanced. The highest torque at 20˚ ignition time before TDC 0.868 kgf.m at 6000 rpm, the highest effective power at 20˚ ignition time before TDC of 7.272 ps at 6000 rpm, and the lowest SFCe at 20˚ ignition time before TDC is 0, 08 kg / PS.hour at 6000 rpm

    Komposisi bahan organik sebagai alternatif bahan gesek rem sepeda motor

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    Abstrak: Semua produk komponen kendaraan di masa depan mengikuti regulasi ramah terhadap lingkungan (environtmental friendly), bahan baku dan dalam pemanfaatannya semaksimal mungkin tidak berbahaya bagi mahluk hidup. Demikian pula pada produk kampas rem (brake shoes) harus mengikuti regulasi tersebut. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah diperoleh bahan gesek rem alternatif yang ramah lingkungan dan memenuhi aspek teknis. Metode yang akan digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut adalah dengan melakukan eksperimen dilaboratorium. Langkah pertama, adalah melakukan variasi eksperimen penggunaan material kampas rem yang berbasis organik dalam bentuk spesimen uji (Komposisi I : tempurung kelapa 45%, serbuk kayu 20%, serabut kelapa 10%; Komposisi II : tempurung kelapa 35%, serbuk kayu 20%, serabut kelapa 20% ; Komposisi III : tempurung kelapa 25%, serbuk kayu 20%, serabut kelapa 30% . Adapun perekat yang digunakan adalah resin fenolic dengan persentase 25% untuk semua komposisi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapat kuat tarik terendah 0,265 MPa pada benda uji komposisi II. Kuat tarik tertinggi 0,588 MPa pada komposisi benda uji III. Kekerasan terendah 43,141 HBN pada benda uji komposisi II, kekerasan tertinggi 97,417 HBN pada benda uji komposisi III. Keausan terendah 0,022 mm3/s pada benda uji komposisi III, keausan tertinggi 0,04 mm3/s pada benda uji komposisi II. Kata kunci: Produk, Kampas rem, Sifat mekanik, organik, ramah lingkungan Abstract: The components of the vehicle in the future have to follow the eco-friendly regulation, where the utilization of the raw materials as much as possible isnot harmful to the environment. Likewise, the brake productssuch brake shoes must follow these regulations. The aim of this researchis to provide an eco-friendly brake shoes belong to the technical aspects. Therefore laboratory experiments were established by arranging the composition of materials brake-based organic. The composition of each brake shoes that consists of coconut shell, sawdust, coconut fibers and adhesivewere arranged. It was obtained the lowest and highest tensile strength, hardness, and wearness for each brake shoes depend on the compositions. Keywords: Brake shoes, mechanical properties, organic based material, eco-friendl

    Analisa Pengaruh Variasi Sudut Sambungan Belokan Terhadap Head Losses Aliran Pipa

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    On the water distribution, the connection of pipe bends is typically obtained either in industry or in housing. On the water distribution, it is often gained the lost of energy or head losses. The amount of head losses occurring in the connection of branch pipe is influenced by several factors, such as: diameter, flow, viscosity, and the angle at the bend pipe connections.This study aimed to determine the effect of variation of the connection point of the bend pipe to the head losses and pressure drop. To do it, the researcher uses an experimental method as a tool by varying the bend angle is 30o, 45o, 60o, and 90o. The result shows that head losses and the small pressure drop occur in the bend angle 30o is 73, 23 mm and 907.606 N/m2. While the head losses and pressure drop is the greatest at an angle of 90o, is 74, 80 mm and 1278,899 N/m2


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    Alcohol is an renewable alternative fuel produced from plants material. Plants usually contains essence such as : cassava, yam, corn, and sago palm essence. Processing for producing alcohol begin from hydrolysis process, that is essence converts to glucose then fermentation process to converting glucose to ethanol and CO2. After fermentation process ends, we continue to destilation process to decomposing alcohol based on its boiling point.This research aims to know design of alcohol stove design by variating its jet hole quantity and inner pipe diameters. Duration of heating, heat dropped, fuel consumption, and alcohol-stove efficiency are attentioned variables in this research. Combustion process of alcohol-stove begin with entering fuel to fuel tube then firing up the stove by striking fire on weep hole in inner pipe, combustion will increasing stove temperature and steam the alcohol. The steam will turn out through the jet hole so the stove flame is stable.This research result shows have been showing the stove most optimum showed by alcohol stove with 1 ½ inch inner pipe diameter variation with most jet hole is 8 holes, because the efficience at variation of this  stove is high and the burning time it quick also.  The greatest quantity of fuel consumption with variety of jet hole 16 amount  with 1 ½  inch diameter that is 0.1061 ml/second. Whereas the bigest stove efficiency contained in stove with inner pipe diameter variety 1 ¼ inch with amount of jet hole 8 that is 48,33%.