5 research outputs found

    Alternativas para la valoración de inmuebles urbanos

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    La complejidad del mercado inmobiliario ha favorecido la aparición y el desarrollo de metodologí­as alternativas a las habitualmente empleadas en la valoración de inmuebles. De este modo, frente a los métodos tradicionales han surgido otros más avanzados. El objetivo del presente estudio es efectuar una recopilación exhaustiva de las distintas metodologí­as alternativas existentes para la valoración de inmuebles urbanos, desarrollando los fundamentos básicos en los que las mismas se sustentan. En este trabajo se analizan nueve métodos de valoración avanzados. Estos métodos han sido clasificados en tres grupos: Metodologí­a de Precios Hedónicos, Inteligencia Artificial y Otros métodos avanzados. De entre todos ellos, dos destacan por su amplia aplicación en la valoración inmobiliaria. Se trata de la Metodologí­a de Precios Hedónicos y las Redes Neuronales Artificiales. Existen numerosos estudios comparativos, la mayor parte de los cuales apoyan el empleo de Redes Neuronales, si bien no en todos los casos es posible afirmar que las redes neuronales superan en eficiencia a las técnicas estadí­sticas tradicionales, ya que existen investigaciones que en distintos escenarios obtienen diferentes resultados. Todo esto permite concluir que ningún método es a priori mejor que el otro, siendo lo más apropiado aplicar en cada caso concreto la solución más idónea

    Alternativas de cumplimiento de responsabilidad social corporativa en gestión de recursos humanos. La norma SA8000

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    En este trabajo se analiza el concepto de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en relación a la gestión de RRHH. Se definen cinco instrumentos de posible desarrollo, sus ventajas e inconvenientes. Finalmente, se estudia la implantación de la herramienta más avanzada y potente, la norma SA8000.In this article we discuss how the concept of Corporate social responsability in relation to personnel management. Five instrument of development are defined along this text, while its advantages and difficulty. Finally we approach to the state of the new standard Social Accountability 8000

    Stakeholders' perceptions of tourism development in Cape Verde, Africa

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    The perceptions of tourism stakeholders regarding the effects of tourism development in their communities are essential in ensuring the proper design and implementation of sustainable tourism development strategies in an area. We designed a survey to gather data about the attitudes of three stakeholders: tourists, residents, and business owners. The respondents were from the island of Sao Vicente in the African archipelago of Cape Verde, which is currently under expansion. The results showed that the three groups positively view increased tourism development in the area, with virtually no differences found between business owners and the other groups, although tourists had a more favourable opinion than residents. Engaging the three groups is essential for the success of tourism development

    Tourist accommodation pricing through peer-to-peer platform: evidence from Seville (Spain)

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    The expansion of holiday rentals’ worldwide makes it relevant to confirm what are the determinants of these accommodations’ daily rates. This research aims to compare two models on estimating holiday rentals’ daily rate through variables that influence it;using artificial neural networks and hedonic pricing method, with the same cross-sectional dataset and variables with data obtainedfrom Booking.com listings from Seville (Spain), a‘cultural tourism’ large European city. Artificial neural networks estimations adapt better than the hedonic pricing method due to non-linear relations involved, although hedonic estimators have a clearer economic interpretation. Variables related to size, location and amenities appear as the most relevant in the models, including also seasonal and special events factors. The models presented,not only help to clarify these variables but also allow estimating a rental price congruent with the characteristics of the dwelling andseason, being useful as an objective valuation method for the main agents of the accommodation sector: Owners, clients and peer-to-peer platforms. This study wants to highlight the convenience of using Booking.com listings as the main data source, as two variables presented as relevant for the models (size and location) are not available in other peer-to-peer platforms like Airbnb