17 research outputs found

    Puppenstuben gesucht: BlĂŒhende Wiesen fĂŒr Sachsens Schmetterlinge: Eine Mitmachaktion

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    Die ĂŒbliche Art und Weise der Pflege unserer GrĂŒnflĂ€chen hat europaweit zu einem drastischen RĂŒckgang der Tagfalter gefĂŒhrt. Dies betrifft auch die Pflege von FreiflĂ€chen in den Siedlungsbereichen. Dabei ließen sich die negativen Auswirkungen fĂŒr Tagfalter reduzieren, indem man die Art und Weise der Mahd an ihre Lebensgewohnheiten anpasst. Wie dies funktioniert, erklĂ€ren wir in dieser BroschĂŒre anhand von acht Tagfalterarten. Redaktionsschluss: 01.05.201

    Exciton-phonon coupling strength in single-layer MoSe2 at room temperature

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    Single-layer transition metal dichalcogenides are at the center of an ever increasing research effort both in terms of fundamental physics and applications. Exciton-phonon coupling plays a key role in determining the (opto)electronic properties of these materials. However, the exciton-phonon coupling strength has not been measured at room temperature. Here, we develop two-dimensional micro-spectroscopy to determine exciton-phonon coupling of single-layer MoSe2. We detect beating signals as a function of waiting time T, induced by the coupling between the A exciton and the A'1 optical phonon. Analysis of two-dimensional beating maps combined with simulations provides the exciton-phonon coupling. The Huang-Rhys factor of ~1 is larger than in most other inorganic semiconductor nanostructures. Our technique offers a unique tool to measure exciton-phonon coupling also in other heterogeneous semiconducting systems with a spatial resolution ~260 nm, and will provide design-relevant parameters for the development of optoelectronic devices

    Exciton–phonon coupling strength in single-layer MoSe 2 at room temperature

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    Funder: EC | EC Seventh Framework Programm | FP7 Ideas: European Research Council (FP7-IDEAS-ERC - Specific Programme: "Ideas" Implementing the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities (2007 to 2013)); doi: https://doi.org/10.13039/100011199; Grant(s): 319277Abstract: Single-layer transition metal dichalcogenides are at the center of an ever increasing research effort both in terms of fundamental physics and applications. Exciton–phonon coupling plays a key role in determining the (opto)electronic properties of these materials. However, the exciton–phonon coupling strength has not been measured at room temperature. Here, we use two-dimensional micro-spectroscopy to determine exciton–phonon coupling of single-layer MoSe2. We detect beating signals as a function of waiting time induced by the coupling between A excitons and Aâ€Č1 optical phonons. Analysis of beating maps combined with simulations provides the exciton–phonon coupling. We get a Huang–Rhys factor ~1, larger than in most other inorganic semiconductor nanostructures. Our technique offers a unique tool to measure exciton–phonon coupling also in other heterogeneous semiconducting systems, with a spatial resolution ~260 nm, and provides design-relevant parameters for the development of optoelectronic devices

    Puppenstuben gesucht: BlĂŒhende Wiesen fĂŒr Sachsens Schmetterlinge: Eine Mitmachaktion

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    Die ĂŒbliche Art und Weise der Pflege unserer GrĂŒnflĂ€chen hat europaweit zu einem drastischen RĂŒckgang der Tagfalter gefĂŒhrt. Dies betrifft auch die Pflege von FreiflĂ€chen in den Siedlungsbereichen. Dabei ließen sich die negativen Auswirkungen fĂŒr Tagfalter reduzieren, indem man die Art und Weise der Mahd an ihre Lebensgewohnheiten anpasst. Wie dies funktioniert, erklĂ€ren wir in dieser BroschĂŒre anhand von acht Tagfalterarten. Redaktionsschluss: 01.05.201

    Puppenstuben gesucht: BlĂŒhende Wiesen fĂŒr Sachsens Schmetterlinge: Eine Mitmachaktion

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    Die ĂŒbliche Art und Weise der Pflege unserer GrĂŒnflĂ€chen hat europaweit zu einem drastischen RĂŒckgang der Tagfalter gefĂŒhrt. Dies betrifft auch die Pflege von FreiflĂ€chen in den Siedlungsbereichen. Dabei ließen sich die negativen Auswirkungen fĂŒr Tagfalter reduzieren, indem man die Art und Weise der Mahd an ihre Lebensgewohnheiten anpasst. Wie dies funktioniert, erklĂ€ren wir in dieser BroschĂŒre anhand von acht Tagfalterarten. Redaktionsschluss: 01.05.201

    Coherent two-dimensional micro-spectroscopy: An investigation of plasmon propagation

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    A well-known bottleneck for cutting-edge nano-electronic circuits which enable broadband data-processing, is their miniaturization. In the last decade the opto-electronic approach of using surface plasmon-polaritons [1] became a promising concept to achieve this goal due to the deep subwavelength confinement [2] of electromagnetic fields and their propagation velocity near the speed of light. By combining fs laser pulses with optical or photoemission electron microscopy, several spatio-temporally coupled processes in designed nanostructures could be demonstrated, e.g., coherent control of plasmon propagation in nano-circuits [3] and strong coupling of widely separated nano-antennas [4]. Nano-antennas have the unique ability to channel far-field radiation to sub-wavelength dimensions. The resulting strongly confined and enhanced electromagnetic fields boost nonlinear optical effects at the nanoscale [5]. For this purpose, we introduce coherent two-dimensional (2D) micro-spectroscopy which probes the nonlinear optical response of the nano-antennas with sub-micron spatial resolution [6]. An LCD-based pulse shaper in 4f geometry is used to create collinear trains of 12-fs visible/NIR laser pulses in the focus of a numerical aperture of a 1.4 immersion-oil microscope objective [7]. We motivate this new method for getting nonlinear third-order information of the ultrafast dynamics of plasmon propagation via phase cycling, e.g., for the local spatial investigation of the strong coupling between a transition metal dichalcogen-ide (TMD) monolayers and a nano-antenna on top of it. References [1] M. L. Brongersma et al. “The case for plasmonics”. Science, 328 (5977): 440-441, 2010. [2] J.A. Schuller et al. “Plasmonics for extreme light concentration and manipulation”. Nat. Mater., 9 (3):1 93-204, 2010. [3] C. Rewitz et al. “Coherent Control of Plasmon Propagation in a Nanocircuit”. Phys. Rev. Applied., 1: 014007, 2014. [4] M. Aeschlimann et al. “Cavity-assisted ultrafast long-range periodic energy transfer between plasmonic nanoantennas”. Light-Sci. Appl., 6: e17111, 2017. [5] B. Metzger et al. “Ultrafast Nonlinear Plasmonic Spectroscopy: From Dipole Nanoantennas to Complex Hybrid Plasmonic Structures”. ACS Photonics, 3 (8):1336–1350, 2016 [6] S. Goetz et al. “Coherent two-dimensional fluorescence micro-spectroscopy”. Opt. Express, 26 (4):3915-3925, 2018 [7] M. PawƂowska et al. “Shaping and spatiotemporal characterization of sub-10-fs pulses focused by a high-NA objective”. Opt. Express, (22):31496-31510, 2014</p

    Revised Method for Overcoming Visibility Reduction in Hanbury-Brown Twiss Experiments using Random Phase Modulation

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        Random Phase Modulation (RPM) is a method to generate a pseudo-thermal light source (PTLS) for testing setup and fitting routines in HBT experiments. By illuminating a rotating ground glass disc (GGD) with a laser, RPM imprints ”s to ms long coherence times, overcoming the limitations of natural thermal light sources. We rotated the GGD at different frequencies. We found the coherence time shifts following theoretical expectations for high frequencies, and deviating at low frequencies, leading to a revision of the formula for finite line broadening of the laser. We determined the first order coherence time of the laser to 0.3620±0.0063 ÎŒs, which is not accessible by conventional gÂČ methods. The light field was found to thermalize for frequencies >35 Hz with a gÂČ value of 1.42. We found a shift of the peak center of the bunching curves with frequency, leading to a deduced lateral misalignment of 3 ”m. RPM was shown to be highly accurate for checking coherence properties and detecting lateral misalignments in HBT setups.</p

    Determining Coherence Properties of Quantum Light Sources: A Study on Experimental Jitter and Power Dependency

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    Timing jitter of a single-photon device is essential for determining the coherence properties of quantum light sources. However, Jitter measurements were often not performed at the ultra-diluted light level present for quantum light sources. We investigate the timing jitter of a single-photon device sing a time-to-digital converter (TDC) and HBT interferometry to measure the distribution of delay between start and stop pulses. We determined the Gaussian jitter of a single single channel of the TDC to 7.12 ps, while HBT interferometry showed an excitation power dependency. The functional form of the pulsed histogram was determined using an exponentially modified Gaussian function. The exponential part showed minor effects for low count rates approaching a Lorentz shape count rate, consistent with photons getting converted deeper in the junction. These findings are crucial for understanding the underlying physics of jitter and accurately performing second-order correlation measurements. </p

    Ultrafast non-linear 2D micro-spectroscopy reveals coherent phonon-mediated intra- and intervalley exciton interaction in an individual SWCNT

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    Poster presentation from  NT19: International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes and Low-Dimensional Materials 21-26 July 2019, WĂŒrzburg, Germany We perform nonlinear fluorescence-based two-dimensional spectroscopy(F-2DES) on (6,4) SWCNTs at the single molecule level. We highllight the possibilities with the single molecule setup for fluorescence based experiments at ultra-diluted light levels. We provide evidence for single-molecular investigation by various methods. We identifiy an energetic substructure in the phonon sideband of individual SWCNTs, observed with F-2DES measurements. We evalaute the significance of the peak structure in F-2DES data, by the application of statistical inference methods. We relate our findings of the energetic peak positions to polaron formation, induced by phonon-mediated intervalley dynamics. We explain F-2DES data by Liouville pathways. We further observe vacancy relaxation of laser induced defects in SWCNTs and verify our findings with help of a temperature model </p

    Ultrafast non‐linear 2D microspectroscopy reveals coherent phonon‐mediated intra‐ and intervalley exciton interaction in an individual SWCNT

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    Further developments in molecular electronics, adressing SWCNTs, would benefit strongly from insights in the spatio‐temporal evolution of molecular processes. Ultrafast non‐linear techniques provide tracking of energy transfer pathways e.g., mediated via electron‐phonon coupling [1]. A comprehensive way to observe these dynamics is coherent 2D fluorescence microspectroscopy [2]. This method is a generalization of transient absorption spectroscopy with frequency‐resolved pump and probe steps, combined with spatially‐resolved optical microscopy. This provides, e.g., to observe the phonon‐mediated formation and annihilation dynamics of initially bright and dark‐state excitons due to the strong exciton‐phonon coupling on the femtosecond timescale. Here, we utilize the third‐order 2D signal for monitoring the trapped intra‐ and intervalley exciton interaction in a SWCNT [3,4]. To this end, an transform‐limitted LCD‐shaped four‐pulse sequence is focused on an (6,4) SWCNT and the fluorescence is detected as a function of inter‐pulse time delays and phases. [1] Graham, M. et al., Nano Lett. 12, 813–819 (2012). [2] Goetz, S. et al., Opt. Express 26, 3915–3925 (2018). [3] Secchi, A. et al., Phys. Rev. B 88 (2013). [4] Kislitsyn, D. et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5, 3138–3143 (2014).</p