7 research outputs found

    Effect of thermal processing methods on the proximate composition, gross energy, minerals and ricin content of undecorticated castor oil seed (Ricinus communis)

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    The nutritive value of raw and thermal processed castor oil seed (Ricinus communis) was investigated using the following parameters; proximate composition, gross energy, mineral constituents and ricin content. Three thermal processing methods; toasting, boiling and soaking-and-boiling were used in the processing of the seed as a way of improving its nutritive value. The three methods achieved a drastic reduction in the ricin levels. Toasting, boiling and soaking-and-boiling reduced ricin level by 93.05%, 94.84% and 97.76% respectively. Apart from Iron and potassium the thermal processing methods significantly (

    Nutritional evaluation of tigernut (Cyperus esculentus) meal as a replacement for maize in broiler diets

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    A total of three hundred (300) day old unsexed “Fidan' broiler chicks averagely weighing 100.25±0.44g were used to study the response of broiler birds to diets containing different levels of yellow tigernut meal (TNM) as a replacement for maize. The birds were randomly allotted to five dietary treatments of three replicates each containing 60 and 20 birds respectively. After 28 days, the birds were again randomized based on weights to commence the finisher phase in a completely randomized design. The treatment diets consisted of 0%, 25%, 50% 75% and 100% of TNM as replacement for maize as diets 1 (control) 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. The result showed TNM to be low in protein (5.04%), moderate in fibre (13.01%) and high in ether extract (27.46%). Among the antinutritional factors, alkaloids, phytate and tannin were relatively high; 2.63mg/kg, 1.44mg/100g and 1.01mg/100g, respectively. Average weight gain (AWG) and final live weight (FLW) were high for birds fed 25 TNM and significantly (p<0.05) higher than the birds on control at the starter phase. However, at the finisher phase, the values were similar except for birds on 100% TNM that showed significant (p<0.05) depression in AWG and FWG. Feed intake was significantly affected by TNM inclusion levels and tended to improve (p<0.05) significantly as the level of TNM increases in the diets at the starter phase. And at the finisher phase, there was no significant (p>0.05) differences in feed intake across the treatment diets. The feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency showed similar trend both in starter and finisher phases of broiler production, except that at the starter phase, there was poor feed utilization as the level of TNM exceeded 25%, while at the finisher phase, depression only set in at 100% TNM. Feed cost (₦/kg) increased as the level of TNM increased in the diets. Among the nutrient utilization only fibre and ether extract were significantly (p<0.05) affected and this occurred only at 100% TNM. The TNM inclusion had no significant effect on the dressing percentage. Of all the carcass parameters measured only gizzard, caeca and abdominal fat showed significant differences, which all tended to increase (p<0.05) significantly as the level of TNM increases in the diets. It was concluded that at starter phase TNM as replacement for maize should not exceed 25% and at finisher phase, it may not exceed 75% for optimal growth performance

    Growth performance of broiler chickens fed maize offal and crayfish-waste based diets

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the value of maize offal and cray fish waste meals as the main energy and protein sources respectivelys  in broiler chicken diets. One hundred and twenty day-old-Lohmann Brown broiler chicks were randomly allotted into two treatment groups of three replicates of60 and 20 birds, respectively. Maize offal and crayfish waste meals were used to replace maize and soybean/fishmeal, respectively in the control diet (T ) 1 to form (T ). Growth parameters monitored were final live weight, daily weight gain, feed 2 conversion ratio, internal and external body linear measurements were evaluated were statistically analysed using the studentized t-test at 5% and 1% probability. Results showed significantly (P<0.05) higher values in all the parameters apart from feed intake for birds on the control diet. The final live weight of birds on the test diet (T ) only reached that of the 2 control at 10 weeks of age. The phenotypic correlation of body weight and linear body measurements for birds on both the control and test treatment diets were high and positively significant (P<0.01). However, birds on the control diet had the longest body parts than those of the test diet, likewise the internal body parts. When expressed based on percentage body weight, birds on the test diet tended to have longer external and internal body parts. It is concluded that if maize offal and crayfish waste are to be used as total replacement for maize, soybean and fishmeal, the period of broiler production should be extended from 8 weeks to 10 weeks for birds to reach market weight and with attendance  lower cost of production. Keywords: Maize offal, crayfish waste, phenotypic correlation, linear measuremen

    Bio-Economics Of Feeding Cassava Root Meal Based Diets to Broiler Finisher Chickens

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    A study was conducted to investigate the bio-economics of feeding broiler chickens graded levels of cassava root meal based diets, as replacement  for maize at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% to form treatment diets T1 , T2 , T3 , T4 and T5 respectively, with adjustment in soybean levels across  the treatment diets to have iso-nitrogenous diets. Two hundred and forty- 4 weeks old 'Amos' strain broiler chicks were in a completely randomized design allotted randomly to five treatment groups of 48 birds each and of three replicates with each replicate having 16 birds. Parameters measured included weight gain, feed intake, feed gain ratio, price per kg of feed, price per kg of broiler and weight of carcass cuts. Data were analyzed using  analysis of variances. Daily weight gain for T 1, T2 , T3 , T4 and T5 were 41.16g/b/d, 39.43, 33.47, 25.25 and  16.91 g/b/d, respectively while, daily feed intake for T1 , T2 , T3 , T4 and T5 were 113.35g, 112.75,  102.31, 93.34 and 85.94g, respectively. Results showed weight gain feed intake and feed Conversion ratio values to be significantly (P<0.05) depressed as the level of replacement of maize with cassava root meal exceeded 25%. Among the carcass parameters, only the dressed carcass (%) and thigh (%) weight values showed significant (P<0.05) decrease as the level of replacement level of maize with cassava root meal exceeded 25% while, spleen (%) and liver (%) values showed progressive increase (P<0.05) in weight as the level ofcassava root meal increased in the diets. Cost of feed decreased (p<0.05) significantly with the increasing level of cassava root meal. However, it did not translate to increase in price per kg of bird. It could therefore be suggested that cassava root meal should not exceed 25% as replacement for maize in broiler finisher diets, as beyond this level growth performance is adversely impaired. Keywords: cassava root meal, bio-economics, growth performance, iso-nitrogenous, broiler chicke

    Growth response, nutrient digestibility and cost benefit of feeding growing rabbits with selected agro industrial by-products-based diet

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    A feeding trial was conducted to study the growth response, nutrient digestibility and cost benefit of feeding growing rabbits (Chinchilla X New Zealand) of mixed breed and sex fed selected agro industrial by-products-based diets. Five experimental diets were formulated in such that diet 1 had 50% maize with other ingredients to form a standard growing rabbit diet. In diet 2, 3, 4 and 5 maize was totally replaced with wheat offal, maize sievate, brewer's dried grain and rice offal respectively. All the rabbits were exposed to common proprietary forage; Centrosema molle, three hours daily. The experiment was a completely randomised design of three replicates with each replicates having four rabbits. Parameters evaluated were growth performance, carcass characteristics, nutrient digestibility and economic analysis. The results showed rabbits fed control diet had significant (P<0.05) better feed intake, final live weight, weight gain, nutrient digestibility and dressing percentage but with lower (P>0.05) spleen and liver weight. All the rabbits fed on the agro by- products apart from the rice offal had statistically similar (p>0.05) daily feed intake, feed conversion ratio, nutrient digestibility estimates, dressing percentage, spleen and liver weight that were significantly (P<0.05) lower than the rice offal diet. The cost/kg (N) and the cost of feed/ weight gain (N/kg) were significantly (P<0.05) higher in control diet while the least saving on feed to produce 1kg weight (%) was obtained from rabbits on wheat offal base diet. It can be concluded that wheat offal among the selected agro-by-products in growing rabbit diet can give lower cost of production. Keywords: maize sievate, cost benefit, brewer's dried grain, growing rabbi

    Comparative evaluation of fish, crayfish waste, meat and blood meal for broiler production

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    The effect of different animal protein sources in broiler production was investigated. 300 seven-day old broilers of equal average initial weight were randomly allotted into five treatment groups with three replications of 20 birds each and at the end of 28 days, birds were weighed again and re-randomized to the five treatment groups with three replicates of 16 birds each. The diets consisted of four animal proteins. Treatment 1 (Control) had no animal protein while diet 2, 3, 4 and 5 had 4% fish meal, 4% crayfish waste meal, 4% blood meal and 4% meat meal, respectively. The study was conducted for 56 days with 28days starter phase and 28days finisher phase. Parameters evaluated were proximate composition of test ingredients, growth performance of experimental animals, nutrient digestibility and economic analysis. The results showed blood meal had the highest (P<0.05) crude protein level (77.68%) followed by fish meal (54.53%), crayfish waste (48.08%) and meat meal (41.67%). Cray fish waste meal had the highest (P<0.05) crude fibre (6.07%) while blood meal had the least (2.98%). Fish meal had the highest ether extract (5.99%) followed by crayfish waste meal (4.03%), meat meal (3.67%) and blood meal (3.93%). There were nonsignificant (P<0.05) differences in feed intake during both starter and finisher phases across the treatment groups. Blood meal significantly (P<0.05) depressed final live weight, weight gain, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio while other ingredients showed (P>0.05) similarities in the above parameters apart from in protein efficiency ratio for which meat meal only showed significant (P<0.05) depression. The least cost per kg feed and least cost per kg weight gain (naira) were observed with birds on crayfish diets. There was better (P<0.05) digestibility of crude protein by birds on treatment diets 1 and 2 followed by 3 and 4 while birds than on treatment diet5 had the least value (58.10%). Conclusively, the use of crayfish waste meal in broiler starter diets and combined proteins in broiler fisher diets should be encouraged

    Performance of layers fed toasted, boiled or boiled and soaked castor oil seed meal (r. Communis)

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    A feeding trial was conducted to investigate the response of Isa Brown laying hens to three different methods of processing castor oil seed meals (CSM); toasting, boiling and boiling-and- soaking for using as total substitute for soybean meal. Two hundred, 75-week old laying birds were randomly assigned to four experimental diets in a completely randomized design experiment. The control diet (CD) contained 19.10 % soybean; the proportion of soybean in the CD (T 1 ) was replaced completely with toasted, boiled and boiled- and-soaked castor oil seed meal in diets T 2 , T 3 and T 4 respectively. Chemical analysis showed that treatment methods did not have any significant (p>0.05) effect on the dry matter (DM), crude fibre (CF), ether extract (EE), ash, nitrogen free extract (NFE) and gross energy of the meal. However, the crude protein value of the toasted meal (24.55 %) decreased (p<0.05) significantly as compared to the other two treatment methods. Toasted method also retain significantly (p<0.05) higher level of ricin value (0.21 mg/100 g) when compared to boiling (0.09 mg/100 g) and boiling-and-soaking (0.03 mg/100 g). Birds on the control diet, T 3 and T 4 had numerically (p>0.05) similar values of final live weight, weight gain, feed conversion ratio and hen day production that were significantly (p<0.05) favorable than birds on T 2 . Birds on T 2 also had significantly (p<0.05) depressed liver weight (2.11 %) as compared to birds on the control diet (2.87 %). Haemoglobin (Hb) values also showed a significant decrease (p<0.05) in birds on T 2 (2.23 g/dL) than that of birds on the control (10.67 g/dL), T 3 (10.11 g/dL) and T 4 (10.35 g/dL). Birds on T 2 equally had a significantly (p<0.05) decreased RBC (154.33 x10 3 ) in relation to the control diet (288.02 x10 3 ).The egg quality parameters were not significantly (p>0.05) affected by the test ingredient apart from promoting lighter egg yolk coloration. The study showed that boiled and boiled-and-soaked CSM can totally replace soybean meal in layers diet without any adverse effect on egg production, external and internal egg qualities, except encouragement of lighter yolk coloration. Boiling-and-soaking however, as a processing method had no special advantage in terms of egg production parameters and egg quality parameters, hence the additional task of soaking after boiling was unnecessary. Boiling of castor oil seed for 40 minutes is therefore preferred among the treatment methods. As an industrial waste, CSM incorporation in layer diets as a feed ingredient especially for large scale operations would results in substantial cost savings.Un ensayo de alimentación fue realizado para investigar la respuesta de gallinas ponedoras Isa Brown a tres métodos diferentes de procesa- miento de las semillas de ricino (CSM); que son tostado, hervido y hervido humedecido para usar- los como sustitutos totales de la harina de soja. Doscientas gallinas ponedoras de 75 semanas fueron aleatoriamente asignadas a 4 dietas expe- rimentales en un diseño completamente al azar. La dieta control (CD) contenía 19,1 % de soja; la proporción de soja en la CD (T1) fue sustituida completamente con harina de semilla de ricino, tostada, hervida y hervida y humedecida en las dietas T2, T3 y T4 respectivamente. Los análisis químicos demostraton que los métodos aplicados no tuvieron efectos significativos sobre la materia seca, fibra bruta, extracto etéreo, cenizas, ex- tracto no nitrogenado y energía bruta de la harina. Sin embargo, la proteina bruta de la harina tostada (24,55 %) disminuyó (p<0,05) en comparación con los otros 2 tratamientos. El método de tostado mantuvo significativamente (p<0,05) elevados valores de ricina (0,21 mg/100 g) comparado al hervido (0,09 mg/100 g) y el procedimiento de hervido y humidificación (0,03 mg/100 g). Las aves de las dietas control, T3 y T4 determinaron valores numericamente similares del peso vivo final, ganancia de peso, conversión alimenticia y producción diaria por gallina que fueron significativamente (p<0,05) favorables respecto a las aves del T2. Las aves del T2 tuvieron también un peso del hígado (2,11 %) menor (p<0,05) que las de la dieta control (2,87 %). La hemoglobina también demostró un descenso significativo en las aves del T2 (2,23 g/dL) respecto a las de la dieta control (10,67 g/dL), T 3 (10,11 g/dL) y T 4 (10,35 g/ dL). Igualmente las aves del T2 tuvieron valores inferiores de RBC (154,33 x10 3 ) en relación con la dieta control (288,02 x10 3 ). Los parámetros de calidad del huevo no fueron afectados por los ingredientes probados aparte de la coloración de la yema. El estudio demostró que la CSM hervida o hervida y humedecida puede reemplazar total- mente a la harina de soja en la dieta de ponedoras sin ningún efecto adverso sobre la producción de huevos, calidad interna y externa, salvo una coloración más clara de la yema. El hervido y humedecido sin embargo, no ttiene especial ven- taja como método de tratamiento en términos de producción y calidad de huevos, por lo que la tarea adicional de humedecer después del hervido es innecesaria. El hervido de la semilla de ricino durante 40 minutos, es por ello, preferible a los otros métodos. Como residuo industrial la incorpo- ración de CSM en la dieta de ponedoras como ingrediente alimenticio, especialmente en opera- ciones a gran escala puede dar lugar a conside- rables ahorros de costes