39 research outputs found

    Inhibition of Endothelin ET B

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    コウジョウセン クリーゼ 20レイ ノ チリョウ ト ヨゴ : コウジョウセン クリーゼ シンダン キジュン オ モチイタ ケントウ

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    日本甲状腺学会から甲状腺クリーゼの診断基準が2008 年に発表された.2004 年4 月から2009 年3月に当院で臨床的に甲状腺クリーゼと診断,治療した20 症例を,その診断基準にあてはめ,治療と予後等について解析した.基礎疾患は全例バセドウ病だった.誘因として服用不規則や中断が9 例,感染症6 例,糖尿病性ケトアシドーシス3 例,情動ストレス2 例,脳血管障害1 例,外傷1 例だった.診断基準で確定診断例が15例,疑い例が1 例,除外症例が4 例だった.症状では中枢神経症状が疑い・確定診断例では11 例,脈拍130/分以上は12 例認められたが,除外例では認められなかった.治療としてはチアマゾールが全症例に使用されていた.ヨードは13 例,b ブロッカーは17 例,ステロイドは12 例の症例で使用されており全例救命できた.服用不規則や中断,感染症が誘引となりやすく,症状では中枢神経症状・脈拍が特にクリーゼの診断には重要と考えられた.後遺症を残す重症例は6 例で全て新診断基準によって確定診断された症例であり,新診断基準は予後への有用性も期待できると考えられた.The Japan Thyroid Association established diagnosticcriteria for thyroid crisis in 2008. Using these criteria, weanalyzed 20 cases clinically diagnosed as thyroid crisis andtreated in our hospital from April 2004 to March 2009. Allpatients had Basedow\u27s disease at the basal disease. Thecauses were irregular compliance or interruption of treatment(9 cases), infection (6 cases), diabetic ketoacidosis (3cases), emotional stress( 2 cases), stroke( 1 case), and trauma(1 case). Fifteen cases were confirmed as thyroid crisis,1 case was suspected as thyroid crisis, and 4 cases were rejectedas thyroid crisis according to the diagnostic criteria.Central nervous symptoms were observed in 11 cases, andtachycardia (over 130 beats/min) in 12 cases in the definitiveand suspicious cases, although there were no centralnervous symptoms or tachycardia in the excluded cases.Thiamazole was administered to all patients. In addition, iodine(13 cases), b -blocker (17 cases), and corticosteroids(12 cases) were administered. All patients were recovered.Irregular internal use, stopping treatment, and infectionwere likely to induce thyroid crisis. In paticular, centralnervous symptoms and tachycardia were important factorsfor diagnosis. As 6 serious cases with aftereffect were diagnosedas definitive cases of thyroid crisis according to thenew criteria, these new criteria may be useful to predictthe prognosis

    Cytokine Profiles of Tear Fluid From Patients With Pediatric Lacrimal Duct Obstruction

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    PURPOSE. This study evaluated the cytokine levels in unilateral tear samples from both sides in patients with pediatric lacrimal duct obstruction. METHODS. Fifteen cases of unilateral lacrimal duct obstruction (mean, 26.9 6 28.7 months old) were enrolled in this study. Tear samples were collected separately from the obstructed side and the intact side in each case before surgery, which was performed under general anesthesia or sedation. The levels of IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, TNF, IFN-c, and IL-17A then were measured in each tear sample. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was constructed for the IL-6 levels in the tears. We also measured the postoperative tear fluid levels of IL-6 in those cases from which tear fluid samples could be collected after the surgery. RESULTS. Only the IL-6 concentration was significantly higher on the lacrimal duct-obstructed sides, compared to the control sides (P < 0.001). An ROC curve analysis for the IL-6 levels in tears showed a high value for discriminating the lacrimal duct-obstructed side from the control side (area under the ROC curve [AUC], 0.99; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.968-1). Significant decrease of the tear fluid IL-6 levels was observed in the seven cases from which tear fluid samples also could be collected after the surgery (P ¼ 0.016). CONCLUSIONS. The IL-6 level in tear fluid was significantly higher on the sides with lacrimal duct obstruction, compared to the control sides, and could be a biomarker for pediatric lacrimal duct obstruction

    Severe Hypoglycemia Accompanied with Thyroid Crisis

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    We report a 32-year-old Japanese women with severe hypoglycemia accompanied with thyroid crisis. She complained of dyspnea, general fatigue, and leg edema. She was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism with congestive heart failure and liver dysfunction. Soon after admission, sudden cardiopulmonary arrest occurred. She was then transferred to the intensive care unit. Her serum glucose level was 7 mg/dl. Intravenous glucose, hydrocortisone, diuretics, and continuous hemodiafiltration (CHDF) saved her. We considered that hypoglycemia occurred due to heart failure and liver dysfunction due to thyroid crisis

    High-resolution dacryoendoscopy for observation for pediatric lacrimal duct obstruction

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to describe high-resolution dacryoendoscopy findings for nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO) in three representative pediatric cases with different etiologies. Observations: In a case of congenital NLDO, a mucosal membranous obstruction was observed at the distal end of the nasolacrimal duct (NLD), and a slit-shaped opening of the NLD was observed after perforation. In a case of acquired NLDO secondary to an adenoviral infection, a membranous obstruction was observed at the proximal NLD. In a case of NLDO with chronic dacryocystitis in a patient with Down syndrome, diffuse fibrous obstruction was observed. Conclusion and importance: High-resolution dacryoendoscopy enables a clearer visualization of pediatric lacrimal duct obstructions, leading to an improved understanding of their features

    Alteration of the Systemic and Microcirculation by a Single Oral Dose of Flavan-3-Ols

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    <div><p>Several systematic reviews have reported that flow mediated dilatation (FMD) was significantly increased in subjects after ingestion of chocolate that contains flavan-3-ols; however, the mechanisms responsible for this effect are not clear. In this study, we evaluated the effects of a single oral dose of flavan-3-ols on the systemic circulation and microcirculation in the cremaster muscle using intravital video microscopy <i>in vivo</i>. The cremaster muscle in rats was spread over a plastic chamber and a gastric tube was placed into the stomach. Blood flow in the cremasteric artery was determined using a laser Doppler flowmeter, while blood pressure and heart rate were measured by the tail-cuff method. Red blood cell velocity in arterioles and blood flow in the artery were significantly increased 5 min after the administration of 10 mg/kg flavan-3-ols compared with distilled water treatment. The number of capillaries recruited in the cremaster muscle was also significantly increased 15 min after treatment. Microscopic observation confirmed that increased shear stress on endothelial cells was maintained during the measurement period. The mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate were also significantly elevated soon after administration and returned to baseline before the end of the observation period. Plasma nitrate and nitrite levels, and NO phosphorylation of aortic tissue were significantly increased at 60 min after administration of flavan-3-ols. According to these results, a single oral dose of flavan-3-ols elevates blood pressure and flow transiently, and these effects induce NO production through increased shear stress on endothelial cells.</p></div