107 research outputs found

    NHI- and NHC-supported Al(III) hydrides for amine–borane dehydrocoupling catalysis

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    The catalytic dehydrocoupling of amine–boranes has recently received a great deal of attention due to its potential in hydrogen storage applications. The use of aluminum catalysts for this transformation would provide an additional cost-effective and sustainable approach towards the hydrogen economy. Herein, we report the use of both N-heterocyclic imine (NHI)- and carbene (NHC)-supported Al(III) hydrides and their role in the catalytic dehydrocoupling of Me2NHBH3. Differences in the σ-donating ability of the ligand class resulted in a more stable catalyst for NHI-Al(III) hydrides, whereas a deactivation pathway was found in the case of NHC-Al(III) hydrides

    Thrombolysis with Low-Dose Tissue Plasminogen Activator 3–4.5 h After Acute Ischemic Stroke in Five Hospital Groups in Japan

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    Clinical data from Japan on the safety and real-world outcomes of alteplase (tPA) thrombolysis in the extended therapeutic window are lacking. The aim of this study was to assess the safety and real-world outcomes of tPA administered within 3-4.5 h of stroke onset. The study comprised consecutive acute ischemic stroke patients (n = 177) admitted across five hospitals between September 2012 and August 2014. Patients received intravenous tPA within <3 or 3-4.5 h of stroke onset. Endovascular therapy was used for tPA-refractory patients. In the 3-4.5 h subgroup (31.6 % of patients), tPA was started 85 min later than the <3 h group (220 vs. 135 min, respectively). However, outcome measures were not significantly different between the <3 and 3-4.5 h subgroups for recanalization rate (67.8 vs. 57.1 %), symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage (2.5 vs. 3.6 %), modified Rankin Scale score of 0-1 at 3 months (36.0 vs. 23.4 %), and mortality (6.9 vs. 8.3 %). We present data from 2005 to 2012 using a therapeutic window <3 h showing comparable results. tPA following endovascular therapy with recanalization might be superior to tPA only with recanalization (81.0 vs. 59.1 %). Compared with administration within 3 h of ischemic stroke onset, tPA administration within 3-4.5 h of ischemic stroke onset in real-world stroke emergency settings at multiple sites in Japan is as safe and has the same outcomes

    Development of the Curriculum for the Connection Period of an Elementary School and a Junior High School : Through Teachers in Kindergarten Joining Classes at Elementary School

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    本研究は,幼稚園教員・小学校教員がそれぞれの校種の保育・授業に参観・参加し,それぞれの専門性を活かして交流することを通し,幼小接続期におけるカリキュラムの開発に向けた基礎的情報を得ることを目的とする。特に,本研究では幼稚園教員による1年生の授業参加を通して認識した共通点・差異点に着目する。研究の方法としては,幼稚園教員が小学校1年生の生活科・音楽科の授業にT2として参加し,他の幼稚園教員は参観する。その後,幼稚園教員に対して質問紙調査を実施した。また,生活科・音楽科の授業後に,幼稚園教員と小学校教員で授業参加に関する研究協議を実施した。結果としては,次の3点である。1点目は,ねらいによって,受容・共感の言葉がけやねらいに向けて展開していく言葉がけが必要である。2点目は,幼稚園教師は子どもの成長を見ており,小学校教師は子どもを教科の枠で見ていることに違いがあり,この点に関しては接続期において配慮することが必要である。3点目は,ねらいが幼小で同じようでも活動の展開の仕方に違いがあり,子どもの発達に応じて活動の展開を工夫することが必要である。The purpose of this study was to develop a connective curriculum between kindergarten and elementary school. To achieve this, the differences between kindergarten and elementary school teachers were investigated. Kindergarten teachers participated in a music or a human life and science class in a team teaching staff or as observers. After this experiences, participants were asked some open-ended questions. The main results are as follows: (1) it is important to express sympathy to and adoption of the aims and goals of the class a; (2) kindergarten teachers tend to focus on the growth of children, compared with elementary school teachers, who focus on the goal of the class; (3) there are differences in the ways of conducting teaching activities even when the aims of classes are same


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    This study reconsidered the validity of the maternal sensitivity construct by multilevel assessments of mothers\u27 behaviors during mother-infant play interactions with toys in 40 mother-infant pairs at 6 months of age. To score maternal sensitivity, Ainsworth\u27s maternal sensitivity scale, and three types of behavioral rating were introduced.; 1)the maternal sensitivity scales to infant positive affect, negative affect and intention; 2)micro-analysis of behaviors in mothers, infants and mother-infant interactions; 3)content analysis of maternal speech. The results showed that Ainsworth\u27s maternal sensitivity was highly correlated to sensitivity to infant\u27s intention and frequency of maternal specific speech in which mothers spoke for infants with reading infants\u27 mind but it was not related to any individual behaviors both in mothers and infants. These results indicated that maternal ability to take infant\u27s point of view is the most important to enhance infant attachment security

    社会人のための初歩の外国語教育 : 面接授業「初歩のフランス語」「初歩のインドネシア語」の教材制作と全体構想

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     外国語の面接授業は本来、放送授業をサポートすることを目的として開設されたものである。とりわけ高い年齢層の受講者のなかには、学習意欲はあるにもかかわらず、新しい外国語を習得するときに多大の困難を感じる者も少なくない。しかし一方で、社会人としての経験を積んだ学生は、知的好奇心が旺盛であり、現代世界に開かれた問題意識をもっている。そうした特性を活かすために、語学の訓練と「異文化理解」の素材を適切に組み合わせた教材を開発し、効果的なモティヴェーション教育を行うことをめざしている。 面接授業は放送授業にくらべ容易に新しい科目を開講できるという利点もある。平成18年度2学期には、フランス語、ドイツ語、スペイン語、ロシア語、中国語、韓国語、アラビア語に加え、イタリア語、インドネシア語、フィリピン語(タガログ語)、ポルトガル語が開講されており、多様化への努力は一定の成果を挙げている。 現在、若手研究者たちの協力を得て重点的にとり組んでいるフランス語とインドネシア語の教材開発の特徴を以下に併記する。1.フランス語面接授業補助教材DVD:フランス国内では南と北西の地方で取材を行ったほか、フランス語圏マリ共和国のオリジナル素材を豊富に使用した。パリへの憧れと標準語の尊重というフランス語学習の伝統に対し、新しい方向性を提案するものであり、多言語主義的な発想と、文化の多元性を尊重する姿勢が基調となっている。2.インドネシア語面接授業補助教材DVD:スタジオ収録により、ABC、発音の原則、簡単なあいさつなどの語学教材を制作した。さらにインドネシアにおける伝統的なろうけつ染め(バティック)の製作過程など特徴ある画像・映像データを収集したところであり、平成19年度には、この素材を編集して文化的なテーマを盛りこんだDVDを制作する予定である


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    Double Video paradigm(DVP) studies have found contradictory evidence regarding the young infants\u27 ability to discriminate their mother\u27s \u27Replay\u27 image from \u27Live\u27. This study examined the hypothesis that 4-month-old infants with high-levels-of-playful-behavior mothers are more likely to discriminate social contingency in the DVP. We also examined the relationships between the infants\u27 DVP behaviors and mothers\u27 free-play behaviors with their infant at home at home at 3 months of infant\u27s age. The results supported our hypothesis. Further, when the mothers\u27 behaviors were reduced as Playful Companion(PC) and Sensitive Support(SS), the level of PC more related to the infants\u27 detection of social contingency than SS. The different functions of mothers\u27 \u27playfulness\u27 and \u27sensitivity\u27 in communication with their infants are discussed

    Plasmodium falciparum: Differential Selection of Drug Resistance Alleles in Contiguous Urban and Peri-Urban Areas of Brazzaville, Republic of Congo

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    The African continent is currently experiencing rapid population growth, with rising urbanization increasing the percentage of the population living in large towns and cities. We studied the impact of the degree of urbanization on the population genetics of Plasmodium falciparum in urban and peri-urban areas in and around the city of Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. This field setting, which incorporates local health centers situated in areas of varying urbanization, is of interest as it allows the characterization of malaria parasites from areas where the human, parasite, and mosquito populations are shared, but where differences in the degree of urbanization (leading to dramatic differences in transmission intensity) cause the pattern of malaria transmission to differ greatly. We have investigated how these differences in transmission intensity affect parasite genetic diversity, including the amount of genetic polymorphism in each area, the degree of linkage disequilibrium within the populations, and the prevalence and frequency of drug resistance markers. To determine parasite population structure, heterozygosity and linkage disequilibrium, we typed eight microsatellite markers and performed haplotype analysis of the msp1 gene by PCR. Mutations known to be associated with resistance to the antimalarial drugs chloroquine and pyrimethamine were determined by sequencing the relevant portions of the crt and dhfr genes, respectively. We found that parasite genetic diversity was comparable between the two sites, with high levels of polymorphism being maintained in both areas despite dramatic differences in transmission intensity. Crucially, we found that the frequencies of genetic markers of drug resistance against pyrimethamine and chloroquine differed significantly between the sites, indicative of differing selection pressures in the two areas