134 research outputs found

    Kentucky Law Survey: Commercial Law

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    “What Kinship Should Mean:” An Examination of the Ethnic and Nationalist Themes Within Beowulf Adaptations

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    The purpose of this thesis is to critically examine Beowulf adaptations for moments in which the adapter chooses to emphasize themes of a community drawn along ethnic or national lines. These authorial choices reveal how different historical translations and retellings of the story of Beowulf have used the epic to justify or define their national and ethnic identities. This work will reveal the multi-faceted nature of this topic in two parts: a scrutiny of Beowulf adaptations in which the author identifies with the culture of the protagonist and how those authors who do not identify Beowulf as part of their own heritage approach the poem

    Kentucky Law Survey: Commercial Law

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    Twenty Questions About an Individual Debtor\u27s Name Under Amended Article 9 Section 9-503(a)(4) Alternative A

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    This Article answers questions created by the financing statement requirements for sufficiency of the name of an individual debtor under the amendments to Uniform Commercial Code Article 9—Secured Transactions. An individual debtor in a security interest transaction could be known by various names: birth certificate name, driver’s license name, passport name, or nickname. Revised Article 9 provides no guidance on what name is the correct name of the debtor for entry on the financing statement, and a financing statement that does not provide the correct name of the debtor does not perfect the security interest. To resolve this problem, the Joint Review Committee for Article 9 considered possible amendments to the individual debtor name requirements. Even the Joint Review Committee struggled with the issue, finally adopting two alternatives for sufficiency of the name of an individual debtor and asking states to choose between them. The Uniform Law Commission and the American Law Institute accepted the proposal and have offered the alternatives to the states, along with other amendments to Article 9. The proposed effective date of the amendments to Article 9 is July 1, 2013. To date, most states have adopted Alternative A to section 9-503(a)(4) of amended Article 9. It is known as the “only if” rule. In accordance with this rule, a financing statement is sufficient only if it provides the name of the individual debtor as indicated on the debtor’s unexpired driver’s license. However, a secured party complying with section 9-503(a)(4) Alternative A could still face many questions regarding the debtor’s name. This Article asks and answers twenty such questions. The Article also examines the statutory requirements of section 9-503(a)(4) Alternative A and how a filed financing statement that does not satisfy those requirements could nevertheless remain effective

    Effect of Arbitrators Decisions in Subcontracting Cases upon Management Rights

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    Untersuchungen zu Gasphasentransporten in quasibinären Systemen von Bi2Se3 mit Bi2Te3, Sb2Se3, MnSe und FeSe zur Erzeugung von Nanokristallen

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    In Topologischen Isolatoren (TI) werden metallische Zustände an der Oberfläche beobachtet, während die entsprechenden Volumenzustände eine Bandlücke aufweisen. Der Volumenbeitrag zur Leitfähigkeit von TI-Materialien macht eine Synthese von Nanokristallen bzw. eine Dotierung nötig. Der Fokus der Untersuchungen dieser Arbeit liegt dabei auf der Erzeugung von Nanokristallen der TI-Materialien Bi2Te3- und Bi2Te2Se sowie dotierter Bi2Se3-Nanokristallen. Die Synthese der Nanokristalle erfolgte durch den Gasphasentransport im geschlossenen System über den Mechanismus einer Zersetzungssublimation bzw. unter dem Einsatz eines Transportmittels. Für eine erfolgreiche Erzeugung der Nanokristalle sind im Vorfeld thermodynamische Modellierungen des Gasphasentransports sowie Versuche zum chemischen Transport für die quasibinären Systeme Bi2Se3-Bi2Te3, Bi2Se3-Sb2Se3 und Bi2Se3-FeSe sowie für das ternäre System Mn-Bi-Se durchgeführt worden. Durch Versuche zum chemischen Transport konnten die Aussagen der Modellierung bestätigt und im Weiteren der Dotandengehalt in den abgeschiedenen Kristallen sowie der Einlagerungsmechanismus durch Ergebnisse aus XRD- und ICP-OES-Untersuchungen beschrieben werden. Die Synthese bzw. Dotierung der Nanokristalle wurde hauptsächlich durch die Transportrate und den Dampfdruck des Dotanden bestimmt. In den Systemen Bi2Se3-Bi2Te3 und Bi2Se3-Sb2Se3 ist ein Gasphasentransport über eine Zersetzungssublimation durchführbar und resultierte in einer erfolgreichen Darstellung von Bi2Te3- und Bi2Te2Se-Nanokristallen sowie von dotierten (SbxBi1-x)2Se3-Nanokristallen. Entgegen dessen erfolgte der Gasphasentransport in den Systemen Bi2Se3-FeSe und Mn-Bi-Se unter Verwendung eines Transportmittels. Hierbei verringerten die gesteigerten Transportraten das Wachtum von Nanokristallen. Im Weiteren gelang es dotierte (Fe,Mn)xBi2-xSe3-Volumenkristalle sowie MnBi2Se4-Einkristalle darzustellen und mittels XRD, ICP-OES, magnetischer Messungen sowie elektrischem Transport zu charakterisieren

    Analysis of Achievement and Self-Concept Scores of the Seventh and Eighth Grade Students at the Concho School 1968-1970

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    Higher Educatio

    Oxidation kinetics and inverse isotope effect of marine nitrite-oxidizing isolates

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    Nitrification, the step-wise oxidation of ammonium to nitrite and nitrate, is important in the marine environment because it produces nitrate, the most abundant marine dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) component and N-source for phytoplankton and microbes. This study focused on the second step of nitrification, which is carried out by a distinct group of organisms, nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB). The growth of NOB is characterized by nitrite oxidation kinetics, which we investigated for 4 pure cultures of marine NOB (Nitrospina watsonii 347, Nitrospira sp. Ecomares 2.1, Nitrococcus mobilis 231, and Nitrobacter sp. 311). We further compared the kinetics to those of non-marine species because substrate concentrations in marine environments are comparatively low, which likely influences kinetics and highlights the importance of this study. We also determined the isotope effect during nitrite oxidation of a pure culture of Nitrospina (Nitrospina watsonii 347) belonging to one of the most abundant marine NOB genera, and for a Nitrospira strain (Nitrospira sp. Ecomares 2.1). The enzyme kinetics of nitrite oxidation, described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics, of 4 marine genera are rather narrow and fall in the low end of half-saturation constant (Km) values reported so far, which span over 3 orders of magnitude between 9 and >1000 µM NO2-. Nitrospina has the lowest Km (19 µM NO2-), followed by Nitrobacter (28 µM NO2-), Nitrospira (54 µM NO2-), and Nitrococcus (120 µM NO2-). The isotope effects during nitrite oxidation by Nitrospina watsonii 347 and Nitrospira sp. Ecomares 2.1 were 9.7 ± 0.8 and 10.2 ± 0.9‰, respectively. This confirms the inverse isotope effect of NOB described in other studies; however, it is at the lower end of reported isotope effects. We speculate that differences in isotope effects reflect distinct nitrite oxidoreductase (NXR) enzyme orientations
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