22 research outputs found

    Transformation of a large multi-speciality hospital into a dedicated COVID-19 centre during the coronavirus pandemic

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    Introduction. The article describes the process of converting a large multi-specialized hospital into one dedicated to COVID-19 patients, and present established standards of work organization in all the wards and training system of the medical and supporting staff. The several weeks pandemic of the COVID-19 disease has forced the healthcare systems of numerous countries to adjust their resources to the care of the growing number of COVID-19 patients. Managers were presented with the challenge of protecting the healthcare workers from transmission of the disease within medical institutions, and issues concerning the physical and psychological depletion of personnel. Materials and method. Based on analyses of the structure and work processes in Central Clinical Hospital (CCH) reconstructive strategic plan was developed. It included: division of existing wards into observation and isolation wards; installing locks; weekly plan for supplying personal protection equipment (PPE); designating new access to the hospital and communication routes; training of medical and supporting staff. The plan was implemented from the first days of conversion of the hospital. Results. The wards of the CCH were converted for observation and isolation, and each one was fitted with sanitary locks. There was a big improvement in the supply of PPE for the medical staff. Separation of the ‘dirty’ and ‘clean’ parts of the CCH were attained, and widespread intensive training not only protected personnel against infections, but also diminished unrest which was discernable at the beginning of conversion. Conclusions. The transformation efforts will ultimately be appraised at the end of the epidemic, but the data looks encouraging. Two weeks after conversion, the testing of hospital Staff was started and by the end of April, 459 tests were had been conducted, of which only 11 were positive

    Praktyka kliniczna oceny minimalnej choroby resztkowej u chorych na szpiczaka plazmocytowego w Polsce: badanie ankietowe Polskiego Konsorcjum Szpiczakowego

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    Studies exploring the significance of minimal residual disease (MRD) in plasma cell myeloma (PCM) have proven its prognostic value, regardless of the type of administered treatment. In order to assess the current practice for evaluating MRD in Poland, we conducted a survey on the methods for assessing MRD and on the MRD testing time points at Polish hematological centres. Seven out of 15 institutions surveyed use of the flow cytometry (FC) method for MRD assessment. The FC-MRD assessment is performed uniformly only in those patients achieving complete remission(CR). However, the specific indications and assessment time points differed at the tested centres including: testing MRD only after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (auto-HSCT), after auto-HSCT and consolidation, after completion of first line chemotherapy or after obtaining CR in any line of treatment. The study also showed considerable heterogeneity in the FC-MRD methodology, which affects test sensitivity (from 10–3 to 10–5). None of the surveyed centres uses molecular techniques for MRD assessment. In 8 of the 15 institutions, patients are monitored by imaging techniques. Our survey may thus be useful for developing guidelines and standardization of MRD assessment in PCM in Poland.W badaniach nad znaczeniem minimalnej choroby resztkowej (MRD) w szpiczaku plazmocytowym (PCM) dowiedziono, że status MRD ma wartość prognostyczną niezależnie od zastosowanego leczenia. W celu poznania zasad monitorowania MRD u chorych na PCM w polskich ośrodkach hematologicznych przeprowadzono badanie ankietowe. W ankiecie zadano pytania dotyczące stosowanych metod wykrywania MRD oraz punktów czasowych, w których badania są wykonywane. W 7 z 15 ośrodków objętych badaniem ankietowym oznaczenia MRD w PCM wykonuje się w aspiratach szpiku kostnego metodą cytometrii przepływowej (FC). We wszystkich ośrodkach oznaczenia FC-MRD są wykonywane jedynie u chorych w całkowitej remisji (CR), jednak w różnych punktach czasowych — tylko po autologicznym przeszczepieniu krwiotwórczych komórek macierzystych (allo-HSCT), po allo-HSCT i konsolidacji, po zakończeniu leczenia pierwszej linii lub, w przypadku uzyskania CR, po dowolnej linii leczenia. Stwierdzono ponadto znaczne różnice w sposobie wykonywania badania FC-MRD wpływające na osiąganą czułość detekcji MRD (od 10–3 do 10–5). W żadnym z ankietowanych ośrodków nie ocenia się MRD w szpiku kostnym technikami molekularnymi. Monitorowanie choroby resztkowej metodami obrazowymi stosuje personel 8 z 15 ośrodków. Wyniki przeprowadzonej ankiety mogą posłużyć wypracowaniu wspólnych wytycznych i standaryzacji oceny MRD w PCM w Polsce

    Synthesis and Strong Solvatochromism of Push-Pull Thienylthiazole Boron Complexes

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    The solvatochromic behavior of two donor-π bridge-acceptor (D-π-A) compounds based on the 2-(3-boryl-2-thienyl)thiazole π-linker and indandione acceptor moiety are investigated. DFT/TD-DFT calculations were performed in combination with steady-state absorption and emission measurements, along with electrochemical studies, to elucidate the effect of two different strongly electron-donating hydrazonyl units on the solvatochromic and fluorescence behavior of these compounds. The Lippert–Mataga equation was used to estimate the change in dipole moments (Δµ) between ground and excited states based on the measured spectroscopic properties in solvents of varying polarity with the data being supported by theoretical studies. The two asymmetrical D-π-A molecules feature strong solvatochromic shifts in fluorescence of up to ~4300 cm−1 and a concomitant change of the emission color from yellow to red. These changes were accompanied by an increase in Stokes shift to reach values as large as ~5700–5800 cm−1. Quantum yields of ca. 0.75 could be observed for the N,N-dimethylhydrazonyl derivative in nonpolar solvents, which gradually decreased along with increasing solvent polarity, as opposed to the consistently reduced values obtained for the N,N-diphenylhydrazonyl derivative of up to ca. 0.20 in nonpolar solvents. These two push–pull molecules are contrasted with a structurally similar acceptor-π bridge-acceptor (A-π-A) compound

    Enhanced Optical Properties of Azaborole Helicenes by Lateral and Helical Extension

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    The synthesis and characterization of laterally extended azabora[5]‐, ‐[6]‐ and ‐[7]helicenes, assembled from N‐heteroaromatic and dibenzo[g,p]chrysene building blocks is described. Formally, the π‐conjugated systems of the pristine azaborole helicenes were enlarged with a phenanthrene unit leading to compounds with large Stokes shifts, significantly enhanced luminescence quantum yields (Φ) and dissymmetry factors (glum_{lum}). The beneficial effect on optical properties was also observed for helical elongation. The combined contributions of lateral and helical extensions resulted in a compound showing green emission with Φ of 0.31 and |glum_{lum}| of 2.2×103^{−3}, highest within the series of π‐extended azaborahelicenes and superior to emission intensity and chiroptical response of its non‐extended congener. This study shows that helical and lateral extensions of π‐conjugated systems are viable strategies to improve features of azaborole helicenes. In addition, single crystal X‐ray analysis of configurationally stable [6]‐ and ‐[7]helicenes was used to provide insight into their packing arrangements

    Original paper<br>The Abbott LCx-MTB assay is more sensitive than culture for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in respiratory specimens

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    Background: In countries with a high incidence of tuberculosis quick, reliable and cost effective testing for this disease is mandatory. With the introduction of new methods based on detection of amplificated DNA fragment (Abbott LCx Mycobacterium tuberculosis assay) re-evaluation of the diagnostic panel (smear, culture and BACTEC versus LCx) is needed. We conducted a prospective study comparing clinical usefulness of these tests in detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis in respiratory specimens from four clinical settings mandating transfer of respiratory specimens. Material and methods: Respiratory specimens (320 sputum specimens and 54 bronchoalveolar lavage fluid specimens) collected from 374 patients under investigation for tuberculosis at the four clinical centers were divided into 2 portions. One portion was used for standard staining and cultures (auramine-fluorochrome and Ziehl-Neelsen staining, culture on Loevenstein-Jensen medium and in BACTEC Middlebrook 12B vials) and the second one was investigated for presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with LCx -MTB assay.Results: In patients with a final diagnosis of tuberculosis we found LCx test more sensitive than culture and bacterioscopy (93.3% versus 81.3%; p<0.01 and 41.0%; p<0.001, respectively); while there was no difference in specificity and negative predictive value between LCx and culture.Conclusions: LCx test is an effective diagnostic tool in the setting of the central laboratory to cooperate with different, distant, clinical centers for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in respiratory specimens from subjects belonging to a population with a high incidence of tuberculosis

    Modulare Synthese helikal‐chiraler Organobor‐Verbindungen: Ausschnitte verlängerter Helices

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    Zwei Arten helikal-chiraler Verbindungen mit einem oder zwei Boratomen wurden nach einem modularen Ansatz synthetisiert. Die Bildung der helikalen Strukturen erfolgte durch Einführung von Bor in flexible Biaryl- bzw. Triaryl-Vorstufen, hergestellt aus kleinen achiralen Bausteinen. Die durchgehend ortho-fusionierten Azabora[7]helicene zeichnen sich dabei durch außergewöhnliche Konfigurationsstabilität, blaue oder grüne Fluoreszenz in Lösung mit Quantenausbeuten (Φfl_{fl}) von 18–24 %, grüne oder gelbe Emission im Festkörper (Φfl_{fl} bis zu 23 %) und starke chiroptische Resonanz mit großen Anisotropiefaktoren von bis zu 1.12×102^{-2} aus. Azabora[9]helicene, aufgebaut aus winkelförmig sowie linear angeordneten Ringen, sind blaue Emitter mit Φfl_{fl} von bis zu 47 % in CH2_{2}Cl2_{2} und 25 % im Festkörper. DFT-Rechnungen zeigen, dass ihre P-M-Interkonversion über einen komplexeren Weg verläuft als im Fall von H1. Röntgenstrukturanalyse von Einkristallen zeigt deutliche Unterschiede in der Packungsanordnung von Methyl- und Phenylderivaten auf. Die Moleküle werden als Primärstrukturen verlängerter Helices vorgeschlagen

    Modulare Synthese helikal‐chiraler Organobor‐Verbindungen: Ausschnitte verlängerter Helices

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    Zwei Arten helikal-chiraler Verbindungen mit einem oder zwei Boratomen wurden nach einem modularen Ansatz synthetisiert. Die Bildung der helikalen Strukturen erfolgte durch Einführung von Bor in flexible Biaryl- bzw. Triaryl-Vorstufen, hergestellt aus kleinen achiralen Bausteinen. Die durchgehend ortho-fusionierten Azabora[7]helicene zeichnen sich dabei durch außergewöhnliche Konfigurationsstabilität, blaue oder grüne Fluoreszenz in Lösung mit Quantenausbeuten (Φfl_{fl}) von 18–24 %, grüne oder gelbe Emission im Festkörper (Φfl_{fl} bis zu 23 %) und starke chiroptische Resonanz mit großen Anisotropiefaktoren von bis zu 1.12×102^{-2} aus. Azabora[9]helicene, aufgebaut aus winkelförmig sowie linear angeordneten Ringen, sind blaue Emitter mit Φfl_{fl} von bis zu 47 % in CH2_{2}Cl2_{2} und 25 % im Festkörper. DFT-Rechnungen zeigen, dass ihre P-M-Interkonversion über einen komplexeren Weg verläuft als im Fall von H1. Röntgenstrukturanalyse von Einkristallen zeigt deutliche Unterschiede in der Packungsanordnung von Methyl- und Phenylderivaten auf. Die Moleküle werden als Primärstrukturen verlängerter Helices vorgeschlagen

    Modular Synthesis of Organoboron Helically Chiral Compounds: Cutouts from Extended Helices

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    Two types of helically chiral compounds bearing one and two boron atoms were synthesized by a modular approach. Formation of the helical scaffolds was executed by the introduction of boron to flexible biaryl and triaryl derived from small achiral building blocks. All‐ortho‐fused azabora[7]helicenes feature exceptional configurational stability, blue or green fluorescence with quantum yields (Φfl_{fl}) of 18–24 % in solution, green or yellow solid‐state emission (Φfl_{fl} up to 23 %), and strong chiroptical response with large dissymmetry factors of up to 1.12×102^{-2}. Azabora[9]helicenes consisting of angularly and linearly fused rings are blue emitters exhibiting Φfl_{fl} of up to 47 % in CH2_{2}Cl2_{2} and 25 % in the solid state. As revealed by the DFT calculations, their P–M interconversion pathway is more complex than that of H1. Single‐crystal X‐ray analysis shows clear differences in the packing arrangement of methyl and phenyl derivatives. These molecules are proposed as primary structures of extended helices