11 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT   Muara Enim Regency has plateau and a relatively broad flood plain so that improving the quality of water that has been utilized by the community so far is a realistic solution to meet the needs of clean water. The study aimed to identify the relationship of the physical condition of water sources to chronic diseases suffered by residents and to explore water quality factors that had the potency to influence chronic diseases in the Muara Enim Regency. The research used a descriptive statistical approach and was cross-sectional by utilizing raw data from the 2015 and 2017 Integrated Database completed with water quality testing and literature studies. The variables including the physical condition of the water source, chronic diseases suffered, and water quality parameters. Data were analyzed using proportional difference tests and mapping of causal relationships. The results showed that stroke and rheumatism were chronic diseases that could potentially be caused indirectly by the physical condition of the water source. Clean water samples are known to contain organic materials that are difficult to decompose through microbiological processes, have the iron and H2S content that exceeds the Threshold Limit Value (TLV). The study concluded that deterioration of water sources was one of the main obstacles to supply safe and affordable clean water using the local water sources. Materials that exceed the TLV known had the potency to causing a chronic illness indirectly. Keywords: chronic disease, clean water provision, dissolved organic matter, physical condition of water      sources   ABSTRAK   Kabupaten Muara Enim memiliki dataran tinggi dan dataran banjir yang relatif luas sehingga peningkatan kualitas air yang telah dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat selama ini merupakan solusi realistis untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan kondisi fisik sumber air dengan penyakit kronis yang diderita oleh penduduk dan untuk mengeksplorasi faktor kualitas air yang berpotensi mempengaruhi penyakit kronis di Kabupaten Muara Enim. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan statistik deskriptif dan bersifat potong lintang dengan menggunakan data mentah dari Basis Data Terpadu 2015 dan 2017 yang dilengkapi dengan pengujian kualitas air dan studi literatur. Variabel penelitian diantaranya kondisi fisik sumber air, penyakit kronis yang diderita, dan parameter kualitas air. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji perbedaan proporsional dan pemetaan hubungan sebab akibat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa stroke dan rematik adalah penyakit kronis yang berpotensi disebabkan secara tidak langsung oleh kondisi fisik sumber air. Sampel air bersih diketahui mengandung bahan organik yang sulit terurai melalui proses mikrobiologis, memiliki kandungan besi dan H2S yang melebihi Nilai Ambang Batas (NAB). Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa kerusakan sumber air adalah salah satu kendala utama untuk memasok air bersih yang aman dan terjangkau menggunakan sumber air setempat. Bahan yang melebihi NAB diketahui memiliki potensi menyebabkan penyakit kronis secara tidak langsung. Kata kunci: penyakit kronis, penyediaan air bersih, senyawa organik terlarut, kondisi fisik sumber ai


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    This research aims to determine the relationship among stake-holder in the effort of developing rubberindustry cluster in South Sumatra. The research method is carried out by identifying the relationships amongstake-holders, policies and regulations that support the development of rubber industrial cluster, and theirimplementation. The results indicate there is not any relationship among stake-holders. Nevertheless, policies andregulations give significant effect to the development of rubber industry in South Sumatra

    Inovasi Siswa SMA/SMK untuk Memecahkan Isu Pangan, Energi dan Lingkungan di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    Juairiyah O, Novriadhy D, Hatta H. 2020.  High school/vocational high school students innovation to solve issues of food, energy and the environment in South Sumatra province. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-8 Tahun 2020, Palembang 20 Oktober 2020. pp. xx.  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).The availability of food, energy, and the sustainability of environmental carrying capacity is three global problems that need to be resolved immediately in an innovative way. This study aims to explain the proportion of SMA/SMK students' innovations to solve problems in food, energy, and environmental sustainability. Data sourced from proposals for high school/vocational high school level innovation competitions organized by South Sumatra's Provincial Government. This research is cross-sectional with a quantitative descriptive approach. The research variables consisted of the type of innovation, the innovation sector, and the kind of school. The collected data is processed and interpreted through the statistical concept of different tests. The results showed that as much as 72.3% of innovations came from high school students in 6 innovation sectors with the most popular food sector and tend to be applied so that infrastructure support needs technology readiness, development incentives, and outwall incubators that these innovations are implement in society

    The Relationship of the Reproductive Health Messages Toward Healthy Reproduction Practice

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    Background: Inconsistent in contraceptive USAge gave additional challenges to the government to control population growth. Objective: This study aimed to explain the relationship of reproductive health behavioral messages (RHBM) exposure to healthy reproduction practice (HRP) among married women of 20 to 35 years old and to identify factors that made these women receptive to the RHBM exposure. Method: One-hundred-and-thirty-four respondents were selected which 24 of them then selected as informants. Data were collected using questionnaire and a Focus Group Discussion. Three RHBM have used i.e. the healthy reproduction criteria, the methods of the family planning (FP) and the benefits of FP. The respondents were defined as having a positive HRP if used long-acting contraceptive. Result: The study found an increasing on respondent's reproductive health knowledge did not increase positive HRP. The respondents who used long-acting contraceptive preferred use a personal communication channel rather than a mass media. Conclusion: None of these RHBM had proved the relationship of the RHBM exposure to the HRP did exist. The study identified six factors could make women receptive to the RHBM exposure i.e. the delivered information should contain the risk and the benefits, the source of information's was credible, the information had visual attractiveness, was easy to spot, interactive, and intensive

    Perspektif Pemangku Kepentingan di Kabupaten Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Tentang Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga

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    Novriadhy et al, 2019. Stakeholder Perspective in Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir District Concerning Household Waste Management. pp. 347-353. Households are the biggest waste producers. Therefore, household waste management must be done carefully and efficiently - especially for the New Autonomous Region - so as not to consume all resources that needed for development. This research was carried out in PALI District with the aim to identify the needs in waste management based on cross-sectoral stakeholder perspectives. Research informants came from local government units, nongovernment organizations, waste management practitioners, and small business groups. Data collected through FGD, observation and literature search. The data is processed with a qualitative approach and interpreted by the input-process-output method. The results showed three key factors needed for waste management i.e. the existence of the compost market, the availability of environmental cadres, and an environmental management working group that could synergize programs/activities from various stakeholders whereas the supporting factors were the funding method, regulatory enforcement, and adequate facilities-infrastructure. The research concluded that there is a need to change community behavior and work culture

    Quality Analisys of Springs in Rambang Dangku Districs Muara Enim

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    Water is basic need for humans, so it’s needed to supply clean water. Theresearch is optimizing the utilization of existing groundwater resources insupplying clean water needs. The research location is in the Rambang Dangkusub-district, Muara Enim Regency, which is one of the areas with high levels ofclean water problems. Data was collected through a cross-stakeholder FocusGroup Discussion and supplemented by laboratory testing. The results of thestudy show that the problem of clean water faced by residents is related to thenumber of yellow and smelly deposits caused by high levels of H2S and Fe ingroundwater. Considering the geomorphological location of research site formedfrom fluvial process is predicted that condition of the groundwater smelling andproducing yellow crust will continue to exist. The results also show that the use ofbore wells will not be effective in obtaining good quality and vulnerablegroundwate


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    Buku ini membahas tentang kinerja pasar tenaga kerja serta bagaimana orang-orang usia kerja atau tidak dapat mewujudkan potensi penuhnya. Kesiapan generasi Z untuk menghadapi Pasar kerja di industry 4.0 serta gambaran proyeksi transisi demograsi dan mobilitas penduduk dan sejauh apa social upgrading diperlukan. Penyusunan kebijakan pengembangan SDM tentu akan dipengaruhi oleh proyeksi perkembangan transisi demograsi di masa lalu, masa kini dan masa yang akan datang. Buku ini ditulis dengan bahasa yang lugas, mudah dipahami, serta disertai dengan berbagai data riel di lapangan baik secara regional, nasional dan internasional. Berbagai isu SDM yang disajikan dalam buku ini menjadi penting dan relevan untuk menjadi bahan kajian semua pihak memahamai SDM dalam Berbagai Perspektifnya. Tentu saja buku ini akan sangat bermanfaat bagi berbagai pihak yang saat ini sangat mempelajari, menganalisis, dan menyusun kebijakan terkait pengembangan SDM


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    Buku ini dibagi atas 6 (enam) bab, dimana masing-masing bab menguraikan permasalahan serta solusi dari sudut pandang objek yang berbeda