11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Free Surface Terhadap Stabilitas Kapal Pengangkut Ikan Hidup

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    Muatan utama kapal pengangkut ikan hidup (KPIH) adalah air laut dan ikan yang berenang bebas di dalamnya. Oleh karena itu, maka jenis muatan di dalam palka KPIH adalah merupakan muatan jenis liquid (cair). Muatan berbentuk liquid mudah berubah bentuk. Terlebih jika permukaan muatan liquid tersebut masih dapat bergerak bebas. Pada saat kapal melakukan gerakan, terutama gerakan oleng, maka permukaan muatan liquid tersebut akan bebas bergerak ke arah kemiringan kapal selama terjadinya gerakan oleng kapal. Pergerakan ini diduga akan mempengaruhi kualitas stabilitas kapal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) untuk mengetahui parameter stabilitas yang dipengaruhi oleh pergerakan free surface, dan 2) menghitung Perubahan nilai parameter stabilitas yang dipengaruhi oleh pergerakan free surface. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan cara simulasi numeric dan dianalisis secara numeric-comparative. Dari hasil kajian diketahui bahwa nilai parameter stabilitas kapal yang dipengaruhi oleh pergerakan free surface adalah lengan penegak (righting arm, ), sudut oleng kapal pada saat menghasilkan lengan penegak maksimal (), initial dan rolling period, dengan penurunan nilai parameter stabilitas masing-masing adalah sebesar 10% untuk , 3,9% untuk , 10,6% untuk initial . Adapun untuk rolling period mengalami peningkatan sebesar 3,9%

    Kualitas Stabilitas Kapal Payang Pelabuhan Ratu Berdasarkan Distribusi Muatan

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    A good stability of a fishing vessel determines the safety and the success of fishing operation. One of the critical factors affecting the quality of fishing boat's stability is the on board loads arrangement. However, it is generally ignored by traditional fishermen, such as fishermen of payang boat. This condition may increase the possibility of capsizing as a result of less stability. A payang fishing boat should have a good stability. It is because while conducting fishing operation, this fishing boat should be capable of quick manoeuvering. This research aimed to analyse the stability of the boat in an existing loads arrangement and determine the arrangement for the better stability. This research was conducted in two phases. The first phase was conducting a survey which to capture existing condition. The second one was developing a simulation of loads arrangement to gain the better parameter of stability. The results showed that the typical loads arrangement applying by traditional fishermen (existing condition) resulted on poor stability. Better stability was produced by placing more cargos under deck and avoiding overload on the deck

    Tingkat Pemanfaatan Material Kayu pada Pembuatan Gading-Gading di Galangan Kapal Rakyat UD. Semangat Untung, Desa Tanah Beru, Bulukumba, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Kapal perikanan merupakan salah satu unsur dalam menentukan keberhasilan operasi penangkapan ikan. Pembuatan kapal perikanan di Indonesia secara umum masih bersifat tradisional. Kayu digunakan sebagai material utama dan dibutuhkan ketersediaan kayu dalam jumlah yang besar. Saat ini, produksi kayu dari hutan di Indonesia semakin menurun sehingga menyebabkan kayu menjadi terbatas dan harganya tidak ekonomis, sehingga perlu adanya efisiensi penggunaan kayu. Tingkat efisiensi ini dilihat dari tingkat pemanfaatan material kayu pada pembuatan konstruksi kapal. Penelitian ini penting dilakukan dengan alasan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi serta keefektifan pembangunan kapal kayu di Indonesia terutama pada penggunaan material kapal, salah satunya adalah gading-gading. Pemilihan gading-gading sebagai fokus bahasan pada penelitian ini dikarenakan gading-gading merupakan salah satu konstruksi utama kapal yang berfungsi sebagai rangka kapal. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survey, yaitu galangan kapal rakyat UD. Semangat Untung di Desa Tanah Beru, Bulukumba, Sulawesi Selatan. Objek penelitian ini adalah kapal perikanan yang memiliki 29 gading-gading dengan tipe U bottom, round bottom, dan V bottom. Analisis data dilakukan dengan membandingkan volume kayu terpakai dengan volume kayu awal serta mengelompokkan gading-gading berdasarkan tipenya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pemanfaatan kayu untuk pembuatan gading-gading mencapai 85,53%. Nilai ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan kayu untuk gading-gading cukup efektif

    Performa Pelelehan Es Pada Bentuk Es Yang Berbeda (Performance of Diffrent Ice-forms Melting Process)

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    Ice as a cooling medium in the handling of fresh fish is widely used. Information about the rate of temperature change and the rate of melting of ice in the fish storage box is not available. Therefore, this research needs to be conducted to determine the ability of different forms of ice to decrease the temperature of the ice box where they are placed. The objectives of this research are to calculate the rate of ice melting and the rate of temperature change in the box that contains the bulk ice and crushed ice, and compare the ability of bulk ice and crushed ice to cool temperature inside the storage box fish. Experimental method was applied in this research, which data collection consisted of a total volume of ice melted and the temperature in the box per unit time. The research results showed that the bulk ice has the ability to cool the space they occupy much faster when compared with crushed ice. In addition, bulk ice melt faster when compared with crushed ice

    Ratio of the Main Dimensions and Static Stability Traditional Purse Seiner in Pinrang

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    The fishing vessel is the main vehicle of the fishermen to go to fishing ground and hauling purse seine especially fishing gear. Pinrang Regency ships traditionally built without calculation of naval architecture. Where the purse seine fishing gear in Pinrang Regency has length 330 m nets with a depth of 36 m. The purpose of this research was to examine the main dimension ratio in particular design and static stability of the vessel purse seine in Pinrang Regency. Method of using a case study on two types of vessels have different relative and analyzed by numerical simulation, calculate the ratio of the main dimensions and static stability. The results of this research are the vessels in Pinrang kasko model has the shape of a round bottom and slim body as well as the ratio of the dimensions of the vessels only L/D purse seine LOA 24 m more than the standard reference of vessels (encircling) in Indonesia and on the value of the static stability by the IMO, with a purse seine vessel Pinrang already has a good stability. However, in both types of vessel purse seine size 20 m that has better stability

    Tata Muatan Dan Variasi Musim Penangkapan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Stabilitas Purseseiner Bulukumba, Sulawesi Selatan (Influence of Cargo Arrangement and Fishing Season Variation Toward Bulukumba Purseseiner Stability in South Sulawesi)

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    Of cargo arrangement so can they impact to quality stability of fishing vessel. The aim of this research is design and stability analysis Bulukumba purseseiner with three conditions cargo arrangement and two fishing seasons (peak fishing season and scarcity fisihing season). This research is done at Bulukumba regency, South Sulawesi province in February until April 2013 with measurements, observation and interview related of main dimension and cargo arrangement of Bulukumba purseseiner in field. Hydrostatic paramter analysis uses naval architecture formula and stability analysis uses PGZ software of three cargo arrangement conditions on two fishing seasons and then, these values will be compared with references value. The results of design analysis show that coefficient of finennes bulukumba purseseiner is Cb = 0.80 and Cp = 0.88 which its hull type bulukumba purseseiner is round bottom. Principal dimension ratio Bulukumba purseseiner have agreed with references of fishing vessel in Indonesia but it have not filled references of fishing vessel in Japan. The values of Bulukumba purseseiner stability have filled to IMO criteria of stability values. Stability of Bulukumba purseseiner on scarcity fishing season better than on peak fishing season and the best value of stability is PA-K3 condition (condition of purseseiner back to fishing base on scarcity fishing season)

    Jaringan Kerja Dan Efektivitas Perbaikan Kapal Di Galangan Kpndp DKI Jakarta, Muara Angke (Network and Effectiveness of Ship Repair at Kpndp Shipyard DKI Jakarta, Muara Angke)

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    A shipyard is a supporting element to meet the eligibility requirements through maintenance service for vessels and their engines. Lead time for ship repair may vary, depending on the condition of ship. The length of the ship repair process can lead to shipyard queuing. One attempt to improve the mechanism and ship repairing time is by analyzing the network. This study aims to identify the network diagram, to determine the critical path, and to find out the effectiveness of ship repair process. Activities and duration during ship repairing process were analyzed using critical path method (CPM) and measured the value of its effectiveness. The objects that were observed in this study are minor repairs and major repairs. The results showed that a minor repairs can be implemented in 7 days while based on productivity index it can be completed in 5 days and has a 98% effectiveness than the time alocated by the shipyard. Major repairs can be completed during 10 days; these repairing lead time were affected by damage to the machine which requires a long recovery process

    Konsumsi Oksigen Benih Ikan Kerapu Bebek (Cromileptes Altivelis) Ukuran Panjang 5-7 Cm

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    Disolved oxygen plays an important role for fish living in its life environment. Information on the ammount of oxygen consumption of a fish in certain volume of water is needed in order to give balancing between the ammount of disolved oxygen and fish in it. The objective of this research is obtaining oxygen consumption level of a juvenile of humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) of 5-7 cm body length. Oxygen consumption of fish was measured using a tube that equiped with DO tool (dissolved oxygent, DO), and the tube was filled by sea water. Measurement of oxygen con-sumption of juvenil was done by measuring the concentration of dissolved oxygen from sea water in the respirometer tube, began when fish had entered into the respirometer tube up to two hours observation. The result showed that oxygen consumption rate of a juvenile of humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) of 5-7 cm length, is ranging between 0.816 and 1.734 mg/hour