382 research outputs found

    On Renormalons and Landau Poles in Gauge Field Theories

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    It is shown that the commonly accepted relationship between the Landau singularity in the running coupling constant of QED or QCD and the renormalon singularities in the Borel sums of perturbation theory expansions is only a particular feature of the restriction of the perturbative β\beta--function to the one loop level.Comment: 11 pages, latex. One comment and one reference adde

    L'homologie de Novikov des entrelacs de Waldhausen

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    A graph multilink is a link with multiplicities in a homology 3-sphere whose exterior is a graph manifold. In this Note, we compute the Novikov homology of graph multilinks. As a corollary, we give a majoration for the number of Novikov modules on a given graph link.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Infrared Renormalons and Finite Volume

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    We analyze the perturbative expansion of a condensate in the O(N) non-linear sigma model for large N on a two dimensional finite lattice. On an infinite volume this expansion is affected by an infrared renormalon. We extrapolate this analysis to the case of the gluon condensate of Yang-Mills theory and argue that infrared renormalons can be detected by performing perturbative studies even on relatively small lattices.Comment: LaTeX file, 6 figures in postscrip

    Entangled resource for interfacing single- and dual-rail optical qubits

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    Today's most widely used method of encoding quantum information in optical qubits is the dual-rail basis, often carried out through the polarisation of a single photon. On the other hand, many stationary carriers of quantum information - such as atoms - couple to light via the single-rail encoding in which the qubit is encoded in the number of photons. As such, interconversion between the two encodings is paramount in order to achieve cohesive quantum networks. In this paper, we demonstrate this by generating an entangled resource between the two encodings and using it to teleport a dual-rail qubit onto its single-rail counterpart. This work completes the set of tools necessary for the interconversion between the three primary encodings of the qubit in the optical field: single-rail, dual-rail and continuous-variable.Comment: Published in Quantu

    An Introduction to the Inverse Quantum Bound State Problem in One Dimension

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    A technique to reconstruct one-dimensional, reflectionless potentials and the associated quantum wave functions starting from a finite number of known energy spectra is discussed. The method is demonstrated using spectra that scale like the lowest energy states of standard problems encountered in the undergraduate curriculum such as: the infinite square well, the simple harmonic oscillator, and the one-dimensional hydrogen atom.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, Submitted to Am. J. Phys. August 201

    Exploring More-Coherent Quantum Annealing

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    In the quest to reboot computing, quantum annealing (QA) is an interesting candidate for a new capability. While it has not demonstrated an advantage over classical computing on a real-world application, many important regions of the QA design space have yet to be explored. In IARPA's Quantum Enhanced Optimization (QEO) program, we have opened some new lines of inquiry to get to the heart of QA, and are designing testbed superconducting circuits and conducting key experiments. In this paper, we discuss recent experimental progress related to one of the key design dimensions: qubit coherence. Using MIT Lincoln Laboratory's qubit fabrication process and extending recent progress in flux qubits, we are implementing and measuring QA-capable flux qubits. Achieving high coherence in a QA context presents significant new engineering challenges. We report on techniques and preliminary measurement results addressing two of the challenges: crosstalk calibration and qubit readout. This groundwork enables exploration of other promising features and provides a path to understanding the physics and the viability of quantum annealing as a computing resource.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Accepted by the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC
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