68 research outputs found
Kekerasan Seksual terhadap Anak: Dampak dan Penanganannya
Maraknya pemberitaan di media massa mengenai kekerasan seksual terhadap anak cukup membuatmasyarakat terkejut. Kasus kekerasan seksual terhadap anak masih menjadi fenomena gunung es. Hal inidisebabkan kebanyakan anak yang menjadi korban kekerasan seksual enggan melapor. Karena itu, sebagaiorang tua harus dapat mengenali tanda-tanda anak yang mengalami kekerasan seksual. Kekerasan seksualterhadap anak akan berdampak panjang, di samping berdampak pada masalah kesehatan di kemudianhari, juga berkaitan dengan trauma yang berkepanjangan, bahkan hingga dewasa. Dampak trauma akibatkekerasan seksual yang dialami oleh anak-anak, antara lain: pengkhianatan atau hilangnya kepercayaan anakterhadap orang dewasa (betrayal); trauma secara seksual (traumatic sexualization); merasa tidak berdaya(powerlessness); dan stigma (stigmatization). Secara fisik memang mungkin tidak ada hal yang harusdipermasalahkan pada anak yang menjadi korban kekerasan seksual, tapi secara psikis bisa menimbulkanketagihan, trauma, bahkan pelampiasan dendam. Bila tidak ditangani serius, kekerasan seksual terhadapanak dapat menimbulkan dampak sosial yang luas di masyarakat. Penanganan dan penyembuhan traumapsikis akibat kekerasan seksual haruslah mendapat perhatian besar dari semua pihak yang terkait, sepertikeluarga, masyarakat maupun negara. Oleh karena itu, didalam memberikan perlindungan terhadap anakperlu adanya pendekatan sistem, yang meliputi sistem kesejahteraan sosial bagi anak-anak dan keluarga,sistem peradilan yang sesuai dengan standar internasional, dan mekanisme untuk mendorong perilaku yangtepat dalam masyarakat
The Problems Faced in Learning English for Nursing of Students in STIKes Pemkab Jombang
Introduction: Facing the globalization era, every human have to be able to speak English to make easier the communication in community. In nursing, English become the important in order to every nurse able to compete in globalization era and give the optimal to avoid the misunderstanding of communication. Objective of this study is to analyze the problem of teaching and learning Englishfor nursing that faced in STIKes Pemkab Jombang. So, the problems of students in learning English of four skills, they are speaking, reading, writing, and speaking can be solved to encourage the student’s interest to work in foreign country.
Methods: this study used qualitative,it was analyzed,in descriptive analysis.The problems were gained from the casewhichis happened in the classroom. The populations were 62 students in third semester, while the sample size 12 students to find the solution in learning English well. 12 students were taken by random sampling from each class in nursing bachelor program as many as 2 students each class. This study used comparative method which was used in a study to narrate the difference of variable of research, this study used as natural condition with collecting the data.Then,itwasanalyzedstatisticallytofindthedifferent of variable. The instruments in this study were observation sheet, questionnaire, and speaking test.
Conclusion: The speaking score was constantly improved and the problem of learning English for nursing is solved. On the other hand, from the result percentage of questionnaire, they complete the problem of medical English
The Optimalization of Family Coping n Caring for Mental Retardation Children through Family Psychoeducation in Jombang
Background: Children with Mental retardation have intellectual limitations which cause dependency. The limitation of mentally retarded children becomes a stressor for the family which can affect the family’s ability to provide care. So that adaptive coping is needed, so families can provide optimal care. Family psychoeducation is a way that can optimize family coping.
Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of family psychoeducation on coping in treating children with mental retardation.
Methods: The design of this study was quasi-experimental pre-post test with control group of family psychoeducation intervention. The family population who had mental retardation children in Jombang was 277. While the sample was taken using a simple random sampling technique as many as 140 families with a distribution of 70 families as the control group and 70 families as the treatment group. The independent variable was family psychoeducation and the dependent variable was family coping in treating children with mental retardation. This study used the Wilcoxon statistical test in the treatmentgroup0.001whichfollowedbyaMannWhitneydifferencetestwhichshowed the results of ρ value (0.000)<α (0.05).
Result: The results showed that there was an effect of family psychoeducation on family coping in treating children with mental retardation. Family psychoeducation provided information through a psychological approach to the care of children.
Conclusion/implication: Families are expected not only understand the care of children with mental retardation but also improve family coping mechanisms so that psychosocial problems in the family are resolved properly
The Optimalization of Family Coping n Caring for Mental Retardation Children through Family Psychoeducation in Jombang
Background:Children with Mental retardation have intellectual limitations which cause dependency. The limitation of mentally retarded children becomes a stressor for the family which can affect the family’s ability to provide care. So that adaptive coping is needed, so families can provide optimal care. Family psychoeducation is a way that can optimize family coping.
Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of family psychoeducation on coping in treating children with mental retardation.
Methods: The design of this study was quasi experimental pre-post test with control group of family psychoeducation intervention. The family population who had mental retardation children in Jombang was 277. While the sample was taken using a simple random sampling technique as many as 140 families with a distribution of 70 families as the control group and 70 families as the treatment group. The independent variable was family psychoeducation and the dependent variable was family coping in treating children with mental retardation. This study used the Wilcoxon statistical test in the treatmentgroup0.001whichfollowedbyaMannWhitneydifferencetestwhichshowed the results of ρ value (0.000)<α (0.05).
Result: The results showed that there was an effect of family psychoeducation on family coping in treating children with mental retardation. Family psychoeducation provided information through a psychological approach to the care of children.
Conclusion/implication: Families are expected not only understand the care of children with mental retardation but also improve family coping mechanisms so that psychosocial problems in the family are resolved properly
Penyuluhan Tentang Cara Mengatasi Morning Sickness Dan Pengukuran Lingkar Lengan Atas Pada Ibu Hamil Di Praktek Mandiri Bidan Jaba
Pregnant women are a group that is most vulnerable to nutritional problems because it can affect the growth and development of the fetus they contain. One of the nutritional problems of pregnant women in Indonesia is chronic energy deficiency. LILA measurement is an indicator to determine whether pregnant women are at risk of experiencing chronic energy deficiency or not. Another problem that also affects the nutrition of pregnant women that often appears in the first trimester of pregnancy is morning sickness. To reduce the incidence of morning sickness in pregnant women, namely providing health education about self-management for primigravida pregnant women. In self-management, pregnant women can change healthy living behavior or new habits according to their conditions. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge of pregnant women about how to deal with morning sickness and the measurement of LILA in pregnant women to determine their nutritional status. The hope of this activity is that participants in this activity will experience an increase in knowledge related to how to overcome morning sickness and know the nutritional status of pregnant women so that they can carry out healthy lifestyle behaviors so that the pregnancy process runs smoothly.ABSTRAKIbu hamil merupakan suatu kelompok yang paling rawan terhadap masalah gizi karena dapat mempengaruhi tumbuh kembang janin yang dikandung. Salah satu masalah gizi ibu hamil di Indonesia yaitu kekurangan energi kronis. Pengukuran LILA adalah indikator untuk mengetahui apakah ibu hamil beresiko mengalami kurang energi kronis atau tidak. Masalah lain yang juga mempengaruhi gizi ibu hamil yang sering muncul pada kehamilan trimester pertama yaitu morning sickness. Untuk mengurangi kejadian morning sickness pada ibu hamil yaitu memberikan health education tentang self management pada ibu hamil primigravida. Dalam self management ibu hamil dapat mengubah perilaku hidup sehat atau kebiasan yang baru sesuai dengan kondisinya. Tujuan kegiatan ini meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu hamil tentang cara mengatasi morning sickness dan pengukuran LILA pada ibu hamil untuk mengetahui status gizinya. Harapan dari kegiatan ini adalah peserta dalam kegiatan ini mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan terkait cara mengatasi morning sickness dan mengetahui status gizi ibu hamil sehingga bisa melakukan perilaku hidup sehat agar proses kehamilan berjalan lancar
Penyuluhan Tentang Cara Mengatasi Morning Sickness Dan Pengukuran Lingkar Lengan Atas Pada Ibu Hamil Di Praktek Mandiri Bidan Jaba
Pregnant women are a group that is most vulnerable to nutritional problems because it can affect the growth and development of the fetus they contain. One of the nutritional problems of pregnant women in Indonesia is chronic energy deficiency. LILA measurement is an indicator to determine whether pregnant women are at risk of experiencing chronic energy deficiency or not. Another problem that also affects the nutrition of pregnant women that often appears in the first trimester of pregnancy is morning sickness. To reduce the incidence of morning sickness in pregnant women, namely providing health education about self-management for primigravida pregnant women. In self-management, pregnant women can change healthy living behavior or new habits according to their conditions. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge of pregnant women about how to deal with morning sickness and the measurement of LILA in pregnant women to determine their nutritional status. The hope of this activity is that participants in this activity will experience an increase in knowledge related to how to overcome morning sickness and know the nutritional status of pregnant women so that they can carry out healthy lifestyle behaviors so that the pregnancy process runs smoothly.ABSTRAKIbu hamil merupakan suatu kelompok yang paling rawan terhadap masalah gizi karena dapat mempengaruhi tumbuh kembang janin yang dikandung. Salah satu masalah gizi ibu hamil di Indonesia yaitu kekurangan energi kronis. Pengukuran LILA adalah indikator untuk mengetahui apakah ibu hamil beresiko mengalami kurang energi kronis atau tidak. Masalah lain yang juga mempengaruhi gizi ibu hamil yang sering muncul pada kehamilan trimester pertama yaitu morning sickness. Untuk mengurangi kejadian morning sickness pada ibu hamil yaitu memberikan health education tentang self management pada ibu hamil primigravida. Dalam self management ibu hamil dapat mengubah perilaku hidup sehat atau kebiasan yang baru sesuai dengan kondisinya. Tujuan kegiatan ini meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu hamil tentang cara mengatasi morning sickness dan pengukuran LILA pada ibu hamil untuk mengetahui status gizinya. Harapan dari kegiatan ini adalah peserta dalam kegiatan ini mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan terkait cara mengatasi morning sickness dan mengetahui status gizi ibu hamil sehingga bisa melakukan perilaku hidup sehat agar proses kehamilan berjalan lancar
Penerapan Metode Examples Non Examples untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas Iiia SD Negeri 187 Pekanbaru
Social sciences are social sciences simplified for the purposes of education and teaching of primary and secondary schools, so that the IPS is that the social sciences are selected and adapted for use educational programs to learn other equivalent. This research is a classroom action research (PTK) which aims to improve learning outcomes IPS IIIA grade students of SD State 187 Pekanbaru. The study was conducted in two cycles, the first cycle consisted of three meetings with one test and the second cycle also consists of two cycles consist of three meetings with one daily tests. Problem in this research is the low student learning outcomes IPS , with an average grade 68.05. While the value of a minimum completeness criteria (KKM) IPS is 70. Among the students numbering 37 people only 15 students who reach KKM with 40.54% classical completeness. conducted aims to improve learning outcomes IPS IIIA grade students of SD State 187 Pekanbaru apply Examples of non Examples.Instrumen method of data collection in this thesis is the teacher and student activity sheets and learning outcomes. This thesis presents the results of learning derived from the value of daily tests before treatment with an average of 68.05, an increase in the first cycle with the average being 76.08. In the cycle II has increased by an average of 85.54. The activities of teachers in the learning process in the first cycle of 67.85% the first meeting, a second meeting increased to 78.57% and 82.14% at the third meeting. Second cycle of the first meeting and the second meeting of the 89.28% increase to 92.85% and the third meeting is increased from the first meeting and the second 96.42%. Results of the data analysis activities of students in the first cycle of the first meeting with an average of 64.28%, the second meeting increased to 78.57% and 82.14% third meeting. The first meeting of the second cycle with the average - average 85.71%, 92.85% the second meeting and the third meeting is increased to 96.42%. Results of the study in class IIIA SDN 187 Pekanbaru prove that the application of the method of non Examples Examples can improve learning outcomes IPS IIIA grade students of SD State187 Pekanbaru
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