82 research outputs found

    Influence of the merger of universities to the brand

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    In this study, the canibalization of university brands in the process of enlargement and merger is seen as a conscious strategy in favor of the most modern and cost-effective products when more sophisticated and marketable product "sucks" and replaces outdated and less attractive to the consumer. The brand cannibalization is discussed in the context of internal competition between subdivisions of an merged institution having one scientific orientation. At some point cannibalization might become a strategic management option in the process of restructuring

    Assessing public administration and image making efficiency in the region taking into consideration quality of managing black economy

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    The article contributes to the existing system to assess efficiency of regional executive authorities. It involves factors defining regional development outlook in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and quality of managing hidden economy as well as judicial and legislative power. It develops general guidelines to improve regional public management in the course of establishing computer oriented society. The fundamental principle is that we should increase access to information related to performance and expand the system to manage meso-scale development. The article sets out methods to increase the performance of public management feedback system using open information area

    Investment attractiveness of the area and the possibility of its increase by reducing the shadow of economic processes

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    The article focuses on the analysis of the system of shadow sector of regional economy influencing investment flows in to a regions economy. The natural variety of conditions in different regions of Russia defines a number of factors of investment appeal. Necessity of quality improvement of management of the region, particularly concerning regulation of tendencies of development of shadow economy, is asserted; it causes increase of tax revenues and provides decrease in the unemployed in the region. Forecasting of corresponding tendencies was made by the example of the Republic of Tatarstan in the frames of current, innovative and complemented scenarios

    Letting marketing play a more active role in education

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    © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London.Marketing is the art of creating a demand and the process of pursuing existing as well as potential customers. Competition is everywhere; educational service sector is not an exception. Interestingly, the need to “market” their services has not really been felt by Russian education sector, as not so long ago the educational institutions have faced more demand than they could cope with. At some point, it is still especially true for high rank universities. However, a significant demographical decline has intensified competition in this sector

    Investment attractiveness of regions: Gender factors

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    This article deals with different approaches to the interpretation of the term investment potential, analyzes the factors of investment attractiveness of the enterprise. Invited to identify the degree of influence of gender on the investment attractiveness of the enterprise. This analysis allows is to estimate the influence of the gender factors on the state of the brandcapital of the territory. The gender component of the demographic potential way analyzed with regard to the age structure, educational level, span of life and differences in payment for labor. The role of women in the progressive development of the economic and social values of the territorial entities was closely analyzed. It has been proved, that taking into consideration the importance of the gender factor is crucial for the rise of the investment attractiveness of the territorial entity

    The transformation of region's economic area governed by the development of industrial region

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    The article comprises a set of theoretical and methodological statements and practical suggestions about the development and realization of industrial regions enterprises' resource potential. The national economy development within postindustrial times placed a priority on the maintenance and implementation of the industrial enterprises potential. The latter act as "growth points" of the region's economic area, transform its structure and provide progressive dynamics of mezoeconomic indicators. © IDOSI Publications, 2013

    Quality management system formulation and implementation as a factor of enhancement of the university role in the local development

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    The present article suggests the organizational procedure of the quality management subsystem formation for the educational institution's structural subdivision in accordance with the ISO 9000 Standards. The authors examine the educational establishments' quality management systems functioning when the official public authorities, like ministries and agencies, play an active role in their activity and paying a special attention to the assessment from the side of the latter. © IDOSI Publications, 2013

    Strategic marketing analysis of premium package products of joint stock investment commercial bank “Tatfondbank”

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    © 2015, Asian Social Science. All rights reserved. The work of banking institutions is diverse. Their activity is an integral and significant part of market economy of a country. The result of the work of a lending institution is a banking product as the product of corporate efforts of a bank personnel as a whole, but not of an individual bank employee. A banking product, as any other product yielded in market environment, should primarily meet the needs of its clients. Its development and implementation is accomplished in accordance with adopted strategy of development of a certain bank, aimed at the increase of client base, rendering qualitative service, profit making, cost saving etc. As part of working on performance evaluation and marketing strategy construction, we would like to dwell on the issue of a current trend in the modern multifaceted banking sector of Private banking (or VIP servicing facility) using the example of one of the major players in the market of Russian banking services – Joint Stock Investment Commercial Bank “Tatfondbank”

    Influence of shadow economic processes on image component of investment attractiveness of territorial subdivisions

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    The article considers the complex of theoretic-methodical statements and practical proposals which are aimed at formation and development of the system of regulation of shadow sector of regional economy on the basis of improvement of public management as necessary part of development of image component of investment attractiveness of territorial subdivisions. Necessity of quality improvement of management of the region, particularly concerning regulation of tendencies of development of shadow economy, is asserted; it causes increase of tax revenues and provides decrease in the unemployed in the region. Forecasting of corresponding tendencies was made by the example of the Republic of Tatarstan in the frames of current, innovative and complemented scenarios
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