39 research outputs found


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    One of the craftsmen of fish cracker makers typical in Jambi City is the Tiara Jambee Crackers partner. The obstacle in the partners is the low sales of fried crackers compared to raw crackers (not yet fried) because there is not unbalanced profitability of sales of raw crackers compared to fried crackers. This is because the typical crackers of Jambi City are 2 to 3 times the size of other types of crackers in other regions so that frying requires a large volume of cooking oil. In addition to the problem of frying, marketing is not optimal because the packaging has not been labeled and still uses the method conventional waiting for consumers to come to partners Jambee crackers. The results of processing crackers without using oil have advantages in the texture, shape, and color of crackers so that this can increase cracker sales

    Threatened and extinct amphibians and reptiles in Italian natural history collections are useful conservation tools

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    Natural history museums are irreplaceable tools to study and preserve the biological diversity around the globe and among the primary actors in the recognition of species and the logical repositories for their type specimens. In this paper we surveyed the consistency of the preserved specimens of amphibians and reptiles housed in the major Italian scientific collections, and verified the presence of threatened species according to the IUCN Red List, includ-ing the Extinct (EX), Extinct in the Wild (EW), Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), and Vulnerable (VU) categories. Altogether, we analyzed 39 Italian zoological collections. We confirmed the presence of one extinct reptile (Chioninia coctei) and five extinct or extinct in the wild amphibian species (Atelopus longirostris, Nectophrynoides asperginis, Pseudophilautus leucorhinus, P. nasutus, and P. variabilis). Seven CR amphibians, fourteen CR reptile species and the extinct skink C. coctei are shared by more than one institution. Museums which host the highest number of threatened and extinct amphibian species are respectively Turin (17 CR and 1 EX), Florence (13 CR and 1 EX), and Trento (15 CR and 1 EW), while for reptiles the richest museums are those from Genoa (15 CR and 1 EX), Florence (11 CR and 1 EX), and Pisa (7 CR). Finally, we discussed the utility of natural history museums and the strategies to follow for the implementation of their functionality. © Firenze University Press

    Kajian Karakteristik dan Energi pada Pirolisis Limbah Plastik Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)

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    Limbah plastik Low Density Poly Ethylene (LDPE) tidak dapat terurai oleh mikroorganisme, tidak bernilai jual sehingga tertimbun di Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Akhir. Salah satu metoda pengolahan limbah plastik adalah proses pirolisis. Tujuan penelitian ini menentukan jenis bahan bakar minyak (BBM) produk pirolisis dan menentukan efisiensi tertinggi yaitu nilai tertinggi energi yang dihasilkan terhadap penggunaan bahan bakar untuk proses pirolisis. Peralatan pirolisis yang digunakan adalah 1 unit reaktor dan 1 unit kondensor. Karakteristik BBM yang dianalisa adalah cetane index, density, sulfur content, kinematic viscosity, flash point, dan caloric value dari proses pirolisis yang memvariasikan temperatur pembakaran di reaktor 200°C, 250°C, 300°C dan proses di reaktor dengan dan tanpa penggunaan 1% katalis zeolit alam terhadap 2,5 kg limbah plastik LDPE selama 6 jam. Setelah BBM yang dihasilkan terindentifikasi jenisnya, dilakukan pengkajian efisiensi energi produk BBM terhadap penggunaan bahan bakar pada proses pirolisis. Hasil analisa terhadap karakteristik produk BBM yang dihasilkan di setiap variasi temperatur pirolisis dengan dan tanpa penggunaan katalis merupakan bahan bakar jenis kerosin. Efisiensi tertinggi sebesar 72,51% adalah pada kerosin yang dihasilkan pada pirolisis menggunakan katalis pada temperatur 250°C dengan perbandingan nilai energi 20.402 kkal untuk kerosin hasil pirolisis limbah plastik LDPE dan 28.137 kkal untuk penggunaan bahan bakar Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) pada proses pirolisis. Pirolisis dengan penggunaan katalis zeolit 1% pada suhu 250°C terbukti menjadi cara yang efisien dan berkelanjutan untuk pengolahan limbah LDPE menjadi BBM jenis kerosin.Low-Density Poly Ethylene (LDPE), plastic waste cannot be broken down by microorganisms in the soil, has no sale value, so it is buried in the final waste disposal site. One of the plastic waste treatment methods is the pyrolysis process. The purpose of this study was to determine the type of fuel oil from pyrolysis products and to determine the energy efficiency produced against the highest fuel use. The pyrolysis equipment used is 1 reactor unit and 1 condenser unit. The characteristics of the fuel oil product analyzed are the cetane index, density, sulfur content, kinematic viscosity, flash point, and caloric value of the pyrolysis process which varies the combustion temperature in the reactor by 200°C, 250°C, 300°C and the process in the reactor, with and without the use of natural zeolite catalysts 1% against 2.5 kg of LDPE plastic waste for 6 hours. After the type of fuel produced is identified, an energy efficiency assessment of the fuel product is carried out on the use of fuel in the pyrolysis process. The results analysis show that the all product of fuel oil is a kerosene-type of fuel. The highest efficiency of 72.51% is the kerosene produced in pyrolysis using a catalyst at a temperature of 250°C with an energy value ratio of 20,402 kcal for kerosene from pyrolysis of LDPE plastic waste and 28,137 kcal for the use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) fuel in the pyrolysis process. Pyrolysis using a 1% zeolite catalyst at 250°C has proven to be an efficient and sustainable way to treat LDPE waste into kerosene fuel

    The Influence of Reward and Punishment on Employee Performance at Royal Tunjung Bali Hotel & Spa Legian

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    This research aims to analyze the effect of Reward, and Punishment against the performance of Employees on the Royal Tunjung Bali Spa Kuta Legian & Hotel. This research method using the census to determine the number of sampelnya, with all employees so that the number of samples of research is as much as 35 employees. The data collection method using observation, interview and questionnaire presented to employees Royal Tunjung Bali Spa Kuta Legian & Hotel. Data analysis technique used is a Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 17.0. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Analytical techniques used was multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that test results obtained F, with F count of 73.737 with significant value 0.000 < 0.05 then Ho is rejected, this means a variable Reward and Punishment effect simultan against variable Employee Performance. and also Reward positive and significant influence on performance of employees can be seen from the results of the test T retrieved the value T calculate the significance value 2.229 of 0.033. While the value T calculate the Punishment of 2.196 means having a significant and positive influence on performance of employees. Reward is the dominant or most variables in influencing the performance of employees. The results of this research show that the better the Reward for employees, which is supported by the existence of Punishment in the form of awarding penalties to employees who make mistakes it is able to improve the performance of employees become better again, so need to do a repair and improvement by Splurge management Tunjung Bali Hotel & Spa

    Peningkatan Efektivitas dan Efisiensi SDM di Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Panca Mahottama Klungkung

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    Akibat dari pandemi COVID-19 yang berkepanjangan menyebabkan Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Panca Mahottama Klungkung mengalami penurunan omzet. Selain itu kunjungan konsumen untuk membayar air turut menurun. Ditambah kurang aktifnya PDAM Tirta Mahottama Kabupaten Klungkung memberikan informasi terkait perbaikan kebocoran yang mengganggu pendistribusian air minum terhadap konsumen menjadi salah satu masalah yang mengganggu. Untuk itu diperlukan upaya untuk meningkatkan pelayanan terhadap publik dengan meningkatkan kemampuan pegawai bagian Tata Usaha dalam membuat laporan kinerja kepegawaian berbasis online, dilaksanakan dengan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya pelayanan informasi publik kepada konsumen serta melakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan pembuatan website dan media sosial dalam memberikan informasi mengenai pendisribusian air kepada konsumen. Setelah dilaksanakan perencanaan, persiapan, pendampingan dan evaluasi, program terealisasi 100% meliputi pengembangan sistem web,mempraktekan tata cara penggunaan web, dan memberikan pelatihan dan arahan mengenai penggunaan web. Adapun faktor pendukung tercapainya kegiatan ini adalah antusiasme dari masyarakat sasaran, konsumen, dan mitra baik dari sikap maupun keseriusan dalam menyimak hal-hal yang disampaikan. Kualitas pelayanan informasi publik di PDAM Tirta Mahottama Kabupaten Klungkung telah berhasil ditingkatkan dilihat dari selalu updatenya informasi-informasi yang menyangkut pendistribuasian air minum pada website maupun media sosial

    Effect of Reward and Punishment on Performance of Employees in the Royal of Tunjung Bali Hotel & Spa

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    The progress of the organization or company can not be separated from the existence of adequate human resources and able to compete. The company is expected to be able to improve the ability of every human resource well so that the company's goals can be achieved. One of them is through the implementation of reward and punishment. Royal Tunjung Bali Hotel & Spa is a business that is engaged in tourism services, realizing that to maximize employee performance, companies must implement a system of reward and punishment. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Reward and Punishment on Employee Performance. This study used a population of 35 employees at The Royal Tanjung Bali Hotel & Spa, so that the sample of this study was 35 respondents with census techniques. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence of reward and punishment on employee performance at the Royal Tunjung Bali Hotel & Spa. Suggestions recommended to company management so as to always give praise to employees for the achievement of the resulting performance, so as to improve employee performance, provide severe penalties after proven irregularities by employees without discriminating against the treatment of all employees, employees to be more effective and efficient completion of tasks and work so that the achievement of quantity and reliability of work increases

    The development of nano-sized silicas as analytical tools

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    Even at low concentrations the presence of toxic materials, such as metals or organic pesticides, in water can be harmful to humans. Extraction and preconcentration of these materials is an important part of many analytical procedures. In this work functionalised solid phase extractants, 250 nm in size (nanoscavenger), have been used to collect and concentrate metals and organic species from water using a nanoscavenger dispersion extraction (NSDE) approach. Stöber-type silica with a mean diameter of ca. 250 nm and a surface area of ca. 20 m2 g-1 has been synthesized by hydrolysis and condensation of tetraethoxysilane in a methanol and ammonium hydroxide medium. Increasing the surface area to increase the loading of functional groups on the surface was achieved by adopting mesoporous silica as the nanoscavenger core. This was successfully synthesized from tetramethoxysilane in the presence of a dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide template: 250 nm particles prepared in this manner had a surface area of ca. 1325 m2 g-1. The properties of synthesized sub-micron silicas have been investigated using various techniques. One of the main aims of this work was to use the nanoscavengers for the analytical recovery of trace analytes from water. Nanoscavengers were prepared by chemically modifying mesoporous silicas with groups such as mono- and diamines, dithiocarbamates, hydroxyquinoline, mercaptobenzamide and, for organic extractions, a mixed functionality diol and C18 modification. The nanoscavengers were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscope and thermogravimetric analysis. Copper capacity measurements for complexant nanoscavengers ranged between 0.1 and 2 mmol g-1 depending on the type of silica and the loading group. The nanoscavengers were evaluated for the preconcentration of trace analytes from water. The dithiocarbamate, hydroxyquinoline and mercaptobenzamide nano- scavengers were used to preconcentrate eight metal ions (Cu2+, Cd2+, Ni2+, Pb2+, Co2+, Cr3+, Mn2+ and Zn2+) from water. A dual functionality diol/C18-nanoscavenger was used to collect four estrogenic compounds, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and tributyltin from water. The recovery of extracted analytes by nanoscavengers exhibited good results.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo