155 research outputs found

    Effects of physics beyond the standard model on the neutrino charge radius: an effective Lagrangian approach

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    In this work, we look for possible new physics effects on the electromagnetic charge and anapole form factors, fQ(q2)f_Q(q^2) and fA(q2)f_A(q^2), for a massless Dirac neutrino, when these quantities are calculated in the context of an effective electroweak Yang-Mills theory, which induces the most general SUL(2)SU_L(2)--invariant Lorentz tensor structure of nonrenormalizable type for the WWγWW\gamma vertex. It is found that in this context, besides the standard model contribution, the additional contribution to fQ(q2)f_{Q}(q^2) and fA(q2)f_{A}(q^2) (fQOW(q2)f_{Q}^{O_W}(q^2) and fAOW(q2)f_{A}^{O_W}(q^2), respectively) are gauge independent and finite functions of q2q^2 after adopting a renormalization scheme. These form factors, fQOW(q2)f_{Q}^{O_W}(q^2) and fAOW(q2)f_{A}^{O_W}(q^2), get contribution at the one loop level only from the proper neutrino electromagnetic vertex. Besides, the relation fQeff(q2)=q2fAeff(q2)f_{Q}^{eff}(q^2)=q^2f_{A}^{eff}(q^2) (fQeff(q2)=fQSM(q2)+fQOW(q2)f_{Q}^{eff}(q^2)=f_{Q}^{SM}(q^2)+f_{Q}^{O_W}(q^2), fAeff(q2)=fASM(q2)+fAOW(q2)f_{A}^{eff}(q^2)=f_{A}^{SM}(q^2)+f_{A}^{O_W}(q^2)) is still fulfilled and hence the relation aνeff=eff/6a_{\nu}^{eff} = ^{eff} /6 (aνeff=aνSM+aνOWa_{\nu}^{eff} = a_{\nu}^{SM}+ a_{\nu}^{O_W}, eff=SM+<rν2>OW ^{eff} = ^{SM}+< r^2_{\nu} > ^{O_W})is gotten, just as in the SM. Using the experimental constraint on the anomalous WWγWW\gamma vertex, a value for the additional contribution to the charge radius of |^{O_W}| \lsim 10^{-34} cm^2 is obtained, which is one order of magnitude lower than the SM value.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    One-loop effects of extra dimensions on the WW\gamma and WWZ vertices

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    The one-loop contribution of the excited Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes of the SUL(2)SU_L(2) gauge group on the off-shell WWγWW\gamma and WWZWWZ vertices is calculated in the context of a pure Yang-Mills theory in five dimensions and its phenomenological implications discussed. The use of a gauge-fixing procedure for the excited KK modes that is covariant under the standard gauge transformations of the SUL(2)SU_L(2) group is stressed. A gauge-fixing term and the Faddeev-Popov ghost sector for the KK gauge modes that are separately invariant under the standard gauge transformations of SUL(2)SU_L(2) are presented. It is shown that the one-loop contributions of the KK modes to the off-shell WWγWW\gamma and WWZWWZ vertices are free of ultraviolet divergences and well-behaved at high energies. It is found that for a size of the fifth dimension of R11TeVR^{-1}\sim 1TeV, the one-loop contribution of the KK modes to these vertices is about one order of magnitude lower than the corresponding standard model radiative correction. This contribution is similar to the one estimated for new gauge bosons contributions in other contexts. Tree-level effects on these vertices induced by operators of higher canonical dimension are also investigated. It is found that these effects are lower than those generated at the one-loop order by the KK gauge modes.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures. Some typos were correcte

    Gauge invariance and radiative corrections in an extra dimensional theory

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    The gauge structure of the four dimensional effective theory originated in a pure five dimensional Yang-Mills theory compactified on the orbifold S1/Z2S^1/Z_2, is discussed on the basis of the BRST symmetry. If gauge parameters propagate in the bulk, the excited Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes are gauge fields and the four dimensional theory is gauge invariant only if the compactification is carried out by using curvatures as fundamental objects. The four dimensional theory is governed by two types of gauge transformations, one determined by the KK zero modes of the gauge parameters and the other by the excited ones. Within this context, a gauge-fixing procedure to quantize the KK modes that is covariant under the first type of gauge transformations is shown and the ghost sector induced by the gauge-fixing functions is presented. If the gauge parameters are confined to the usual four dimensional space-time, the known result in the literature is reproduced with some minor variants, although it is emphasized that the excited KK modes are not gauge fields, but matter fields transforming under the adjoint representation of SU4(N)SU_4(N). A calculation of the one-loop contributions of the excited KK modes of the electroweak gauge group on the off-shell WWV, with V a photon or a Z boson, is exhibited. Such contributions are free of ultraviolet divergences and well-behaved at high energies.Comment: 7 pages, conference proceedings, a new reference was added, the title has been change

    Evaluating the thermal performance of Wet Swales housing Ground Source Heat Pump elements through laboratory modelling

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    The authors wish to acknowledge the CAWR, Coventry University, for the administrative support; and the GITECO Research Group, University of Cantabria, for housing the laboratory experiments.Land-use change due to rapid urbanization poses a threat to urban environments, which are in need of multifunctional green solutions to face complex future socio-ecological and climate scenarios. Urban regeneration strategies, bringing green infrastructure, are currently using sustainable urban drainage systems to exploit the provision of ecosystem services and their wider benefits. The link between food, energy and water depicts a technological knowledge gap, represented by previous attempts to investigate the combination between ground source heat pump and permeable pavement systems. This research aims to transfer these concepts into greener sustainable urban drainage systems like wet swales. A 1:2 scaled laboratory models were built and analysed under a range of ground source heat pump temperatures (20–50 ºC). Behavioral models of vertical and inlet/outlet temperature difference within the system were developed, achieving high R2, representing the first attempt to describe the thermal performance of wet swales in literature when designed alongside ground source heat pump elements. Statistical analyses showed the impact of ambient temperature and the heating source at different scales in all layers, as well as, the resilience to heating processes, recovering their initial thermal state within 16 h after the heating stage

    The next challenge for world wide robotized tele-echography experiment (WORTEX 2012): from engineering success to healthcare delivery.

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    Access to good quality healthcare remains difficult for many patients whether they live in developed or developing countries. In developed countries, specialist medical expertise is concentrated in major hospitals in urban settings both to improve clinical outcomes and as a strategy to reduce the costs of specialist healthcare delivery. In developing countries, millions of people have limited, if any, routine access to a healthcare system and due to economic and cultural factors the accessibility of any services may be restricted. In both cases, geographical, socio-political, cultural and economic factors produce ‘medically isolated areas’ where patients find themselves disadvantaged in terms of timely diagnosis and expert and/or expensive treatment. The robotized teleechography approach, also referred to as robotized teleultrasound, offers a potential solution to diagnostic imaging in medically isolated areas. It is designed for patients requiring ultrasound scans for routine care (e.g., ante natal care) and for diagnostic imaging to investigate acute and medical emergencies conditions, including trauma care and responses to natural disasters such as earthquakes. The robotized teleechography system can hold any standard ultrasound probe; this lightweight system is positioned on the patient’s body by a healthcare assistant. The medical expert, a clinician with expertise in ultrasound imaging and diagnosis, is in a distant location and, using a dedicated joystick, remotely controls the scanning via any available communication link (Internet, satellite). The WORTEX2012 intercontinental trials of the system conducted last year successfully demonstrated the feasibility of remote robotized tele-echography in a range of cultural, technical and clinical contexts. In addition to the engineering success, these trials provided positive feedback from the participating clinicians and patients on using the system and on the system’s perceived potential to transform healthcare in medically isolated areas. The next challenge is to show evidence that this innovative technology can deliver on its promise if introduced into routine healthcare

    Efectividad de una intervención educativa en adultos mayores diabéticos: Policlínico "Raúl Sánchez", Pinar del Río 2007 / Effectivity of an educative intervention in the diabetic aged: "Raúl Sánchez" Policlinic. Pinar del Río, 2007

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    Con el objetivo de mostrar los resultados de una acción educativa en ancianos diabéticos e incrementar el nivel de conocimientos, se realizó un estudio de intervención educativa en ancianos del Policlínico "Raúl Sánchez", durante el año 2007. El universo estuvo conformado por 98 pacientes, siendo la totalidad de ancianos diabéticos de diez C.M.F, del Consejo Popular Cuba Libre. La muestra coincide con el universo excepto los que tienen criterio de exclusión. Quedó constituida por 73 diabéticos y se excluyeron 25 por múltiples razones. El proceso de intervención se desarrolló con un corte inicial para determinar el grado de conocimientos de pacientes sobre la enfermedad; una intervención educativa de capacitación sobre lo diagnosticado inicialmente donde se impartió un programa de actividades educativas y un corte final para determinar y validar el efecto de la acción de intervención. Para el análisis comparativo del estudio se empleó la prueba de Chi Cuadrado de Mc Nemar al 95% y prueba de Fisher. El mayor grupo estuvo entre los 60 y 74 años, con predominio del sexo femenino y la DM tipo 2, con tiempo de evolución ± 15 años y el tratamiento fue hipoglicemiantes orales. Se detectó al inicio, que existían dificultades con los conocimientos sobre las pruebas de control y dieta, pero una vez concluida la intervención educativa; se obtuvieron cambios significativos relacionados con las respuestas correctas y desarrollo de destrezas. El curso mostró ser eficaz para lograr una mejor comprensión de la enfermedad y desarrollar habilidades para afrontar el cuidado diario. Palabras Clave: Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/ Prevención y Control, Anciano, Educación Médica. ABSTRACT The educative study is aimed at showing the results of an educative action in the diabetic aged and to increase the knowledge about them in "Raúl Sanchez Policlinic" during year 2007. Universe was comprised of 98 diabetic old patients from the Family Medical Office in the "Cuba Libre "Popular Council in Pinar del Río. Sample coincides with the Universe excluding those meeting the exclusion criteria and having 73 diabetic patients and 25 were excluded by multiple reasons. The intervention process was developed with an initial cut for determining the knowledge the patient have on the disease; an educative intervention on the training over the initially diagnosed where a program of educative activities is given as well as a final cut for determining and validating the action of the intervention. The Mc Nemar Chi square test (95%) and the Fischer test were used for the comparative analysis. The greater group was in the 60 and 74 Age Group predominating the feminine sex and type 2 MD with a natural history of ±15 years and oral hypoglycaemic drugs. Initially, difficulties with the knowledge on control and diet tests were found, but when the educative intervention finished, significantly changes related to right answers and development of the skills were also obtained. It was obtained a great knowledge on the disease and it was possible to develop skills for the daily care. Key words: Diabetes Mellitus Type 2/Prevention And Control, The Aged, Medical Educatio

    Efectividad de una intervención educativa en adultos mayores diabéticos: Policlínico "Raúl Sánchez", Pinar del Río 2007 / Effectivity of an educative intervention in the diabetic aged: "Raúl Sánchez" Policlinic. Pinar del Río, 2007

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    Con el objetivo de mostrar los resultados de una acción educativa en ancianos diabéticos e incrementar el nivel de conocimientos, se realizó un estudio de intervención educativa en ancianos del Policlínico "Raúl Sánchez", durante el año 2007. El universo estuvo conformado por 98 pacientes, siendo la totalidad de ancianos diabéticos de diez C.M.F, del Consejo Popular Cuba Libre. La muestra coincide con el universo excepto los que tienen criterio de exclusión. Quedó constituida por 73 diabéticos y se excluyeron 25 por múltiples razones. El proceso de intervención se desarrolló con un corte inicial para determinar el grado de conocimientos de pacientes sobre la enfermedad; una intervención educativa de capacitación sobre lo diagnosticado inicialmente donde se impartió un programa de actividades educativas y un corte final para determinar y validar el efecto de la acción de intervención. Para el análisis comparativo del estudio se empleó la prueba de Chi Cuadrado de Mc Nemar al 95% y prueba de Fisher. El mayor grupo estuvo entre los 60 y 74 años, con predominio del sexo femenino y la DM tipo 2, con tiempo de evolución ± 15 años y el tratamiento fue hipoglicemiantes orales. Se detectó al inicio, que existían dificultades con los conocimientos sobre las pruebas de control y dieta, pero una vez concluida la intervención educativa; se obtuvieron cambios significativos relacionados con las respuestas correctas y desarrollo de destrezas. El curso mostró ser eficaz para lograr una mejor comprensión de la enfermedad y desarrollar habilidades para afrontar el cuidado diario. Palabras Clave: Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/ Prevención y Control, Anciano, Educación Médica. ABSTRACT The educative study is aimed at showing the results of an educative action in the diabetic aged and to increase the knowledge about them in "Raúl Sanchez Policlinic" during year 2007. Universe was comprised of 98 diabetic old patients from the Family Medical Office in the "Cuba Libre "Popular Council in Pinar del Río. Sample coincides with the Universe excluding those meeting the exclusion criteria and having 73 diabetic patients and 25 were excluded by multiple reasons. The intervention process was developed with an initial cut for determining the knowledge the patient have on the disease; an educative intervention on the training over the initially diagnosed where a program of educative activities is given as well as a final cut for determining and validating the action of the intervention. The Mc Nemar Chi square test (95%) and the Fischer test were used for the comparative analysis. The greater group was in the 60 and 74 Age Group predominating the feminine sex and type 2 MD with a natural history of ±15 years and oral hypoglycaemic drugs. Initially, difficulties with the knowledge on control and diet tests were found, but when the educative intervention finished, significantly changes related to right answers and development of the skills were also obtained. It was obtained a great knowledge on the disease and it was possible to develop skills for the daily care. Key words: Diabetes Mellitus Type 2/Prevention And Control, The Aged, Medical Educatio

    The Teleost Retina as a Model for Developmental and Regeneration Biology

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    Retinal development in teleosts can broadly be divided into three epochs. The first is the specification of cellular domains in the larval forebrain that give rise to the retinal primordia and undergo early morphogenetic movements. The second is the neurogenic events within the retina proper—proliferation, cell fate determination, and pattern formation—that establish neuronal identities and form retinal laminae and cellular mosaics. The third, which is unique to teleosts and occurs in the functioning eye, is stretching of the retina and persistent neurogenesis that allows the growth of the retina to keep pace with the growth of the eye and other tissues. The first two events are rapid, complete by about 3 days postfertilization in the zebrafish embryo. The third is life-long and accounts for the bulk of retinal growth and the vast majority of adult retinal neurons. In addition, but clearly related to the retina's developmental history, lesions that kill retinal neurons elicit robust neuronal regeneration that originates from cells intrinsic to the retina. This paper reviews recent studies of retinal development in teleosts, focusing on those that shed light on the genetic and molecular regulation of retinal specification and morphogenesis in the embryo, retinal neurogenesis in larvae and adults, and injury-induced neuronal regeneration.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/63365/1/zeb.2004.1.257.pd