283 research outputs found
Ispitivanje uticaja mase pre klanja na rezultate vrednosti randmana klanja muških tovnih junadi domaće Simenatalske rase
For the purpose of investigation of factors important for slaughter yield results, a trial with three groups of young cattle of Domestic Simmental breed of different body masses was carried out. Young cattle in the first group (G1) (n=6) had average body mass of 509,00 kg (475-525), in the second group (G2) of young cattle (n=7) average body mass of 554,29 kg (530 - 575) was recorded and in the third group of young cattle (G3) (n=8) 591,13kg (580-615). Subsequent to slaughtering warm carcass sides were measured individually, with and without kidney fat, mass of internal organs was measured (kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, spleen) and mass of other secondary slaughter products (head, tongue, tail, muscle part of diaphragm). After cooling carcass sides were cut into main parts. Based on obtained results of research it was established that male cattle of group (G2) of Domestic Simmental breed of average body mass of 554,29 kg have realized higher slaughter yield compared to groups G1 and G3, whereas the share of kidney fat was the same in all three groups of young cattle. Share of mass of internal organs was the lowest in young cattle of group G2 (2,47%) whereas in other two groups it was the same. Share of mass of other secondary slaughter products (head, tongue, tail, muscle part of diaphragm) in all three groups of young cattle was the same. Share of mass of round (I category part of the carcass) was the highest in young cattle of group G3 (29,86), and statistically significantly (P (lt) 0.05) lower in group G1 (28,39). Share of carcass parts of II category (loin, back, shoulder) was the lowest in young cattle of group G3 (23,655), and of carcass parts of category III (second thigh, second fore thigh, neck, breasts, ribs, belly) in young cattle of group G2 (44,45%).U cilju ispitivanja faktora značajnih za rezultate vrednosti randmana klanja, izveden je ogled sa tri grupe junadi domaće simentalske rase različite telesne mase. Prva grupa (G1) junadi (n=6) bila je prosečne mase 509,00 kg (475-525), druga grupa (G2) junadi (n=7) bila je prosečne mase 554,29 kg (530-575) i treća grupa (G3) junadi (n=8) bila je prosečne mase 591,13 kg (580-615). Posle klanja izvršeno je pojedinačno merenje toplih polutki sa i bez bubrežnog loja, merenje mase unutrašnjih organa (bubrezi, jetra, pluća, srce, slezina) i merenje mase ostalih pratećih proizvoda klanja (glava, jezik, rep, mišićni deo dijafragme). Posle hlađenja polutke su rasečene u osnovne delove. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata istraživanja utvrđeno je da su muška junad druge grupe (G2) domaće simentalske rase prosečne mase 554,29 kg, ostvarila veći randman u poređenju sa grupama G1 i G3, dok je učešće bubrežnog loja bilo isto kod sve tri grupe junadi. Učešće mase unutrašnjih organa najmanje je kod junadi grupe G2 (2,47%) dok je kod je kod ostale dve grupe bilo isto. Učešće mase ostalih pratećih proizvoda klanja (glava, jezik, rep, mišićni deo dijafragme) u sve tri grupe junadi je isto. Učešće mase buta (deo trupa I kategorije) najveće je u junadi grupe G3 (29,86), a statistički značajno (P (lt) 0.05) manji u grupe G1 (28,39).Udeo delova trupa II kategorije (slabine, leđa, plećka) najmanji je u junadi grupe G3 (23,655), a delova trupa III kategorije (potkolenica, podlaktica, vrat, grudi, rebra, potrbušina) u junadi grupe G2 (44,45%)
Važnija eksterijerna i reproduktivna svojstva populacije engleskog punokrvnog konja gajenog na ergeli 'Ljubičevo', Srbija
The investigation included 5 stallions (average age of 10.40 years) and 33 mares (average age of 10.33 years) with pedigree of the English Thoroughbred horse breed that are used for breeding on the Stud Farm Ljubicevo - Serbia. The investigation of some significant properties relating to the exterior (at stallions) and reproductive ones (at mares) were carried out in the year 2009. The following average exterior (body) measures of the stallions: the body mass (474.80 kg), withers height (160.46 cm), trunk or body length (161.88 cm), breast circumference (187.96 cm) and tibia circumference (19.22 cm) were within the standards of this horse breed of the age. The gestation period at mares, regardless the sex of a colt, averagely lasted 337.70 days. With the mares having had a male colt, the gestation lasted a little bit longer (338.92 days) than with the mares having had female colts (336.90 days). The difference in the gestation duration (2.02 days) was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Between the age of the mares and the gestation duration (regardless the sex of a colt) it was found a positive slight correlation (rp=0.320). Furthermore, between the age of the mares and the gestation duration it was found medium (rp=0.453) correlation at male colts, and quite poor correlation (rp=0.202) at female colts. Found coefficients of the phenotype correlation were not statistically confirmed (P>0.05).Istraživanjima je obuhvaćeno 5 pastuva (prosečne starosti 10,40 godina) i 33 kobile (prosečne starosti 10,33 godina) sa poznatim poreklom (pedigreom) engleske punokrvne rase konja koja se na ergeli Ljubičevo - Srbija aktivno koriste u priplodu. Utvrđivanja važnijih eksterijernih (pastuvi), odnosno reproduktivnih svojstava (kobile) sprovedena su u 2009. godini. Utvrđene prosečne eksterijerne (telesne) mere pastuva: telesna masa (474,80 kg), visina grebena (160,46 cm), dužina trupa - tela (161,88 cm), obim grudi (187,96 cm) i obim cevanice (19,22 cm) su bile u okviru standarda ove rase konja u odgovarajućoj starosnoj dobi. Bremenitost (gestacija) kobila, bez obzira na pol ždrebeta, u proseku je trajala 337,70 dana. Kod kobila koje su oždrebile mušku ždrebad bremenitost je trajala nešto duže (338,92 dana), nego kod kobila koje su oždrebile žensku ždrebad (336,90 dana). Razlika u trajanju bremenitosti (2,02 dana) nije bila statistički signifikantna (P>0,05). Između starosti kobila i trajanja bremenitosti (bez obzira na pol ždrebeta) utvrđena je pozitivna slaba korelaciona povezanost (rp=0,320). Zatim, između starosti kobila i trajanja bremenitosti utvrđena je srednja (rp=0,453) korelaciona povezanost kod muške ždrebadi, odnosno jako slaba (rp=0,202) kod ženske ždrebadi. Utvrđeni koeficijenti fenotipske korelacije nisu bili statistički potvrđeni (P>0,05)
Efekti pinacidila - otvarača kalijumovih kanala na kontrakcije izolovanog negravidnog uterusa pacova izazvane kalijum hloridom
The effects of K+ channel opener, pinacidil on contractions provoked by contraction-stimulating KCl were investigated on isolated uterus of non-pregnant rats in oestrus. Pinacidil produced a more potent inhibition of 20 mM KCl-elicited contractions (pD2 = 6.57 μM) than of 40 or 80mMKCl-elicited contractions (pD2=5.11 and 5.19 μM, respectively). Glibenclamide, a selective blocker of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels, antagonized the pinacidil-induced inhibition of contractions elicited by 20 mM KCl in a competitive manner. However, the pinacidil-induced inhibition of contractions provoked by 40 and 80 mM KCl glibenclamide was unable to prevent them. Pinacidil ability to completely relax the non-pregnant uterus pre-contracted with K+-rich solution suggests that K+ channelindependent mechanism(s) also plays a part in its relaxant effect.U ovom radu su prikazani efekti pinacidila, koji ima osobinu da otvara kalijumove kanale, na kontrakcije izazvane kalijum hloridom na modelu izolovanog negravidnog uterusa ženki pacova tokom estrusa. Pinacidil dovodi do snažnije inhibicije kontrakcija izazvanih sa 20mM KCl (pD2= 6.57 μM) u poređenju sa kontrakcijama izazvanim sa 40 ili 80 mM KCl (pD2 = 5.11 i 5.19 μM). Poznato je da je glibenclamid selektivni blokator adenozin-3-fosfat senzitivnih K+ (KATP) kanala antagonizuje pinacidilom indukovanu kompetitivnu inhibiciju kontrakcija izazvanih pomoću 20 mM KCl-a. Međutim, pinacidilom indukovana inhibicija kontrakcija, izazvanih sa 40 i 80 mM KCl-a nije se mogla prevenirati glibenclamidom. Sposobnost pinacidila da dovede do potpune relaksacije negravidnog uterusa ženki pacova pre kontrakcije izazvane rastvorom kalijuma ukazuje na to da u relaksaciji učestvuje i mehanizam nezavisan od kalijumovih kanala
Permanently neutral states in Europe in the post-cold war period : (1989-2011)
Предмет разматрања докторске дисертације је анализа промене статуса сталне неутралности у Европи у постхладноратовском периоду, односно деконструкција и објашњење елемената овог статуса, те разматрање како се они тумаче у одређеним временским периодима и одређеним системима међународних односа.
Дисертација указује на кључне елементе који се тичу статуса сталне неутралности из мултидисциплинарне перспективе, а ради потпунијег сагледавања ове проблематике у оквиру Уводних разматрања, образложени су предмет и садржај истраживања, научни и друштвени циљеви, основне хипотезе, методи који су примењени у истраживању, ограничења тезе, као и очекивани резултати и научни допринос.
Потом се износи појмовна диференцијација термина који су у вези са неутралношћу у односу на конкретни оружани сукоб и сталну неутралност, као и историјски контекст неутралности као спољнополитичког и безбедносног концепта. Изложена је генеза концепта неутралности од античког периода до данас, са специфичним фокусом на ХХ век као кључним периодом у коме су се формирала схватања шта статус сталне неутралности представља данас. Затим је дат преглед приступа неутралности из домена међународног права, као основе на којој почивају политички аспекти овог статуса. Обрађена је генеза статуса неутралности у односу на конкретни оружани сукоб и сталне неутралности у међународном праву, а потом и дебата која се водила о компатибилности статуса сталне неутралности са глобалним организацијама колективне безбедности, Друштвом народа и Уједињеним нацијама. Доминантна перспектива је била да систем колективне безбедности који функционише „у потпуности“ не може бити компатибилан са сталном неутралношћу, пошто је могућност за рат, односно оружани сукоб, сведена на минимум. Ипак, и Друштво народа и Уједињене нације биле су плод политичког компромиса оснивача, те су и даље постојале могућности за сталну неутралност, па се у дисертацији разматрају аспекти под којима су егзистенција, па чак и чланство стално неутралних држава у глобалним организацијама колективне безбедности могући. Посебна
пажња је дата дебати о могућностима приступања придруживања, односно приступања ових држава Европској заједници, односно Европској унији, а која се водила између стално неутралних држава и држава контролора...The objective of the doctoral dissertation is to analyze the change in the status of permanent neutrality in Europe in the post-Cold War period, and to deconstruct and explain the elements of this status, and to examine how they are interpreted in certain periods and certain systems of international relations.
The dissertation examines the key elements of the status of permanent neutrality from the multi-disciplinary perspective. The subject and content of research, scientific and social objectives, the main hypotheses, methods applied in the study, limitations of the dissertation, as well as expected results and scientific contribution are explainedin the Introductory Remarks,for the purpose of a more comprehensive perception of this issue.
After the Introductory Remarks thesis portrays a conceptual differentiation of terms related to regular neutrality (in relation to a particular armed conflict) and permanent neutrality, and the historical context of neutrality as a foreign policy and security concepts.The paper also presents genesis of the concept of neutrality from the antiquity period to the present, with a specific attention paid to the twentieth century as a crucial period when an understanding of what the status of permanent neutrality represents today was formed. An overview of approaches to neutrality in international law, as well as a debate on the compatibility status of permanent neutrality of the global collective security organizations, the League of Nations and the United Nations have been presented. The dominant perspective was that a “fully” functioning system of collective security may not be compatible with permanent neutrality, because the possibility of war or armed conflict had been reduced to a minimum.However, the League of Nations and the United Nations were the result of a political compromise made by the founders, and there were still opportunities for permanent neutrality. Hence the dissertation examines conditions under which the co-existence, or even permanent membership of the neutral countries in global organizations of collective security integration were deemed possible. Special attention is paid to the debate between permanently neutral countries and the controller countries, about the possibility for neutral countries to obtain an associate status or even to join the European Community / the European Union..
Transition metal complexes with Girard reagents and their hydrazones
This is the first review dealing with the coordination chemistry of metal complexes with Girard's reagents and their hydrazones. The short introduction points out to chemical properties and significance of these organic compounds. The next section briefly describes synthetic methods for preparing complexes with Girard's reagents, as well as modes of coordination of these ligands. The last two extensive sections review the preparation, stereochemistry and structural characteristics of metal complexes with Girard's hydrazones, including some newer non-hydrazonic derivatives of Girard's reagents, also.[Acknowledgments. Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172014
Antimicrobial Activity and Docking Study of Synthesized Xanthen-3-on Derivatives
Twelve previously synthesized biologically active 2,6,7-trihydroxy-9-aryl-3H-xanthen-3-one derivatives (1-12) were evaluated in vitro for their antimicrobial activity against four bacteria, S. aureus, B. subtilis P. aeruginosa and E. coli, and two fungi strains, C. albicans and S. cerevisiae. The most potent compound were derivatives 1 which possess hydroxyl group and bromine as substituent and 11 with bromine as substituent on phenyl ring. The results indicate that bromine increase antimicrobial activity of 2,6,7-trihydroxy-9-aryl-3-Hxanthen-3-one derivatives. Compound 7 with ethoxy substituent on phenyl ring showed the least activity against tested bacteria and fungi strains, which is in line with an earlier observation that ethoxy substitution decreases antimicrobial activity. The most and the least potent compounds were subjected to molecular docking simulations to preliminary find out the potential molecular target and at the same moment further support the experimental antimicrobial test of xanthen derivatives
Ocena telesne kondicije visokomlečnih krava
Problems which relate to production, health and reproduction in herds of high yielding cows very often occur due to insufficient knowledge and monitoring of energy reserves in cow organisms. Many researches and practical experiences in this field indicate significant relation between body condition and achieved results in production. Body condition of heads of cattle in certain stages of production cycle is important parameter of applied nutrition, but also entire technological procedure. In countries with developed cattle production, evaluation of body condition has for several years been main component of production practice on farms. It is considered that condition is very reliable indicator of the nutrition status and energy balance in the organism. Body condition score is subjective and practical method which enables precise assessment of deposited fat in the cow organism by observing and touching previously determined body regions and fields. There is considerable variability of the condition of cows in different stages of production cycle. Body condition of high yielding cows often comes out of the frame of optimal values for certain stage of production cycle. Decrease of production, disorders in health condition and fertility of cows indicate the nature of relation between inadequate body condition and stated problems. Shape and strength of the relation between production results and body condition score confirms its reliability. This is all indication of the need for wider application of this evaluation system. Based on body condition score, beside other important factors in the production cycle, there is realistic possibility to achieve more efficient production of milk from the aspect of energy. Main purpose of this paper was to present how the application of methods for body condition score and its significance for production practice can be functional.Postojeći problemi u proizvodnji mleka, rezultatima reprodukcije i zdravstvenom stanju visokoproizvodnih krava mogu da se dovedu u vezu sa primenjenom tehnologijom ishrane. Važno pitanje u tehnologiji ishrane visokomlečnih krava predstavlja količina raspoložive energije (hrana, depoi masti, mišići) u ključnim fazama proizvodnog ciklusa (period zasušenja i rane laktacije). Deficit energije u kritičnim periodima proizvodnog procesa može da dovede do ozbiljnih poremećaja u proizvodnji, zdravlju i reprodukciji U početnoj fazi proizvodnje mleka najkritičniji je period maksimalne dnevne proizvodnje. Negativan bilans energije najizraženiji je u vrhu laktacije. Visok gubitak energije na račun telesnih rezervi predstavlja veliko opterećenje za metabolizam krava. Obezbeđenje adekvatne količine energije je složen uslov za svaku fazu proizvodnog ciklusa. OTK je subjektivan metod koji vizuelno i opipavanjem vrednuje količinu potkožne telesne masti. OTK je koristan alat za upravljanje mlečnim stadom. Idealna telesna kondicija je rang koji je u funkciji toka i faze laktacije. Procena rezervi energije u organizmu utvrđena preko OTK u osnovi predstavlja hranidbeni status grla vrednovan preko deponovanog masnog tkiva, pri čemu telesni okvir i masa grla imaju sekundaran značaj. Jedan od sistema za OTK krava koji je značajan za praksu je američki Virdžinija sistem modifikovan po Edmodsonu. Sistem za OTK kreiran je u obliku mape (karte) za ocenu visokomlečnih krava. Mapa je precizno pripremljena za svaki telesni region i polje koji se može smatrati važnim u dodeli ukupne OTK krave. Tri velika telesna regiona (slabine, karlica i koren repa) podeljena su osam polja na telu krave (slabine imaju četiri polja; karlica ima tri polja; koren repa ima jedno polje). Svako telesno polje se posebno ocenjuje i koristi kao pokazatelj telesne kondicije. Svako grlo ocenjeno je individualno za promene nivoa ocene duž skale od 1 do 5. Kontinuirano se koristi povećanje od 0,25 delova poena. Ceo sistem OTK funkcioniše sa 17 nivoa u okviru ukupne skale ocena posmatrane u intervalu od minimalne ocene u iznosu 1 i maksimalne u iznosu 5. Ocena 1 pokazuje mršavu kondiciju. Ocena 5 pokazuje izrazito tovnu kondiciju. Svaka faza proizvodnog ciklusa ima svoju optimalnu ocenu. Pod normalnim uslovima krave treba da gube telesnu kondiciju najviše od 4 do 6 nedelja. U skromnim vrednostima telesna kondicija postepeno se vraća u periodu od 7 do 12 nedelje. Krave u prvih od 100 do 120 dana laktacije treba da imaju ocenu između od 2,50 do 3,25. Ocena telesne kondicije od 200 dana laktacije do perioda zasušenja treba da je između 2,75 i 3,50. Ishrana u periodu zasušenja treba da osigura ocenu između 3,25 i 3,50. Mogućnost vrednovanja energetskog (hranidbenog) statusa i efikasnosti ishrane visokomlečnih krava pomoću OTK preporučuje ovaj sistem za praktičnu primenu u tehnološkim programima na govedarskim farmama
Antimicrobial Activity and Docking Study of Synthesized Xanthen-3-on Derivatives
Twelve previously synthesized biologically active 2,6,7-trihydroxy-9-aryl-3H-xanthen-3-one derivatives (1-12) were evaluated in vitro for their antimicrobial activity against four bacteria, S. aureus, B. subtilis P. aeruginosa and E. coli, and two fungi strains, C. albicans and S. cerevisiae. The most potent compound were derivatives 1 which possess hydroxyl group and bromine as substituent and 11 with bromine as substituent on phenyl ring. The results indicate that bromine increase antimicrobial activity of 2,6,7-trihydroxy-9-aryl-3-Hxanthen-3-one derivatives. Compound 7 with ethoxy substituent on phenyl ring showed the least activity against tested bacteria and fungi strains, which is in line with an earlier observation that ethoxy substitution decreases antimicrobial activity. The most and the least potent compounds were subjected to molecular docking simulations to preliminary find out the potential molecular target and at the same moment further support the experimental antimicrobial test of xanthen derivatives
A GPU-based hyperbolic SVD algorithm
A one-sided Jacobi hyperbolic singular value decomposition (HSVD) algorithm,
using a massively parallel graphics processing unit (GPU), is developed. The
algorithm also serves as the final stage of solving a symmetric indefinite
eigenvalue problem. Numerical testing demonstrates the gains in speed and
accuracy over sequential and MPI-parallelized variants of similar Jacobi-type
HSVD algorithms. Finally, possibilities of hybrid CPU--GPU parallelism are
discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in BIT Numerical Mathematic
Uzrast visokomlečnih krava kod prve oplodnje
Black and White low land dairy cattle have very pronounced ability for high production of milk. Fertility is the major trait of cattle and key factor in successful milk production. Fertility traits have pronounced variability and low heritability value. Fertility is regularly limiting factor in attempts to increase the milk yield. Age of dairy cattle at first conception is one of the major reproduction properties. Age of calves at first calving depends mainly on age at first conception. Previous researches have indicated what would be the optimum age at first conception of Black and White heifers. Age at first conception is determined by the date of birth and date of first conception. Knowledge of the strength of the environment factors on age at first conception in high yielding cows is important from the aspect of their inclusion into the model. According to the significance of individual systematic factors, their objective assessment was carried out for the purpose of accurate evaluation of obtained results. Objective of this paper is to study the age at first conception of high yielding Black and white cows through major systematic influences, by applying adequate methodology. Cows comprising the studied sample (n=331) belong to European type of Black and White dairy cattle in final stage of improving of this breed with Holstein-Friesian breed. Average age of dairy cattle at first conception was 491.19±9.36 days or 16.15±0.31 months. According to cows' the values were following: 479.31 days (> 73% HF), 486.12 days (58-73%HF) and 508.14 days ( (lt) 58% HF).Osobine plodnosti imaju izuzetno veliki ekonomski značaj koji se ispoljava kroz normalan tok proizvodnog ciklusa. Jedna od njihovih vrlo važnih specifičnosti je veoma izražena varijabilnost i niska naslednost. Uzrast grla kod prve oplodnje/teljenja je važna osobina plodnosti goveda. Crno-bela nizijska goveda imaju izraženu genetsku sposobnost za visoku proizvodnju mleka. Visokoproizvodne krave crno-bele rase izložene su tokom produktivnog veka velikom broju složenih uticaja. Uslovi proizvodnje vrlo često nisu u saglasnosti sa visokim potrebama ove rase. Problemi u reprodukciji često predstavljaju ograničavajući faktor za povećanje proizvodnje mleka. Unošenjem gena holštajn-frizijske rase u okviru programa oplemenjivanja evropskih crno-belih goveda došlo je do tendencije povećanja prinosa mleka i smanjenja plodnosti. Dosadašnja istraživanja ukazuju na prihvatljiv uzrast pri prvoj oplodnji kod junica crno-bele rase. Poznavanje jačine uticaja sredine na uzrast pri prvoj oplodnji kod visokomlečnih krava važno zbog njihovog uključivanja u model. U skladu sa pojedinačnim značajem sistematskih faktora, obavljena je njihova objektivna procena radi što tačnijeg vrednovanja ostvarenih rezultata. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se primenom odgovarajuće metodologije ispita uzrast kod prve oplodnje visokomlečnih crno-belih krava preko najvažnijih sistematskih uticaja. Krave u okviru ispitanog uzorka (n=331) pripadaju evropskim crno-belim nizijskim govedima u završnoj fazi oplemenjivanja holštajn-frizijskom rasom. Prosečna starost grla pri prvoj oplodnji iznosila je 491.19±9.36 dana ili 16.15±0.31 meseci. Posmatrano po genotipovima krava iznosio je 479.31 dana (> 73%HF), 486.12 dana (58-73%HF) i 508.14 dana ( (lt) 58%HF). Na utvrđene razlike u pogledu uzrasta pri prvoj oplodnji značajan uticaj (p≤0.05) pokazali su bikoviočevi, klasa HF gena krava nije imala značajan uticaj (p>0.05), godina teljenja pokazala je visoko značajan uticaj (p≤0.01), dok je sezona teljenja ispoljila značajan uticaj (p≤0.05)
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