4,368 research outputs found
Symmetry characterization of the collective modes of the phase diagram of the quantum Hall state in graphene: Mean-field and spontaneously broken symmetries
We devote this work to the study of the mean-field phase diagram of the
quantum Hall state in bilayer graphene and the computation of the
corresponding neutral collective modes, extending the results of recent works
in the literature. Specifically, we provide a detailed classification of the
complete orbital-valley-spin structure of the collective modes and show that
phase transitions are characterized by singlet modes in orbital pseudospin,
which are independent of the Coulomb strength and suffer strong many-body
corrections from short-range interactions at low momentum. We describe the
symmetry breaking mechanism for phase transitions in terms of the valley-spin
structure of the Goldstone modes. For the remaining phase boundaries, we prove
that the associated exact symmetry existing at zero Zeeman energy and
interlayer voltage survives as a weaker mean-field symmetry of the Hartree-Fock
equations. We extend the previous results for bilayer graphene to the monolayer
scenario. Finally, we show that taking into account Landau level mixing through
screening does not modify the physical picture explained above.Comment: 44 pages, 10 figure
Violation of Cauchy-Schwarz inequalities by spontaneous Hawking radiation in resonant boson structures
The violation of a classical Cauchy-Schwarz (CS) inequality is identified as
an unequivocal signature of spontaneous Hawking radiation in sonic black holes.
This violation can be particularly large near the peaks in the radiation
spectrum emitted from a resonant boson structure forming a sonic horizon. As a
function of the frequency-dependent Hawking radiation intensity, we analyze the
degree of CS violation and the maximum violation temperature for a double
barrier structure separating two regions of subsonic and supersonic condensate
flow. We also consider the case where the resonant sonic horizon is produced by
a space-dependent contact interaction. In some cases, CS violation can be
observed by direct atom counting in a time-of-flight experiment. We show that
near the conventional zero-frequency radiation peak, the decisive CS violation
cannot occur.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
Entanglement and violation of classical inequalities in the Hawking radiation of flowing atom condensates
We consider a sonic black-hole scenario where an atom condensate flows
through a subsonic-supersonic interface. We discuss several criteria that
reveal the existence of nonclassical correlations resulting from the quantum
character of the spontaneous Hawking radiation. We unify previous general work
as applied to Hawking radiation analogs. We investigate the measurability of
the various indicators and conclude that, within a class of detection schemes,
only the violation of quadratic Cauchy-Schwarz inequalities can be discerned.
We show numerical results that further support the viability of measuring deep
quantum correlations in concrete scenarios.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure
A Comparison Of Art Education Practices In Bangladesh And In The United States
The intent of this study is to provide a comparison study of art education philosophies, methods, and practices in Bangladeshi schools to schools in the United States. This is a descriptive study with an intensive examination of curriculum materials and textbooks from the education system in Bangladesh as well as narrative based on my past experiences as a student in Bangladeshi primary schools. After translating and analyzing Bangladeshi middle school curriculum, I compared and contrasted art education philosophies, objectives and practices in Bangladesh with those in the United States
Pengembangan E-Modul Pembelajaran Agama Kristen Menggunakan Scaffolding untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Metakognitif Komunitas Remaja Kristen Sumba
Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan modul elektronik menggunakan scaffolding dalam pembelajaran agama Kristen bagi komunitas remaja Kristen Sumba, serta menguji kelayakannya. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE yang mencakup langkah Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation dan Evaluation. Produk E-modul menggunakan scaffolding ini memiliki tingkat kelayakan materi 97,5%, kelayakan desain pembelajaran 96,25%, dan kelayakan media pembelajaran 95%. Sedangkan tingkat kelayakannya berdasarkan uji coba perorangan adalah 99,16 %, berdasarkan uji coba kelompok kecil adalah 96,67% dan berdasarkan uji coba lapangan 94,71% dengan kualifikasi sangat layak dan tidak perlu direvisi. Selain itu, hasil uji efektivitas penggunaan e-modul masuk kualifikasi efektif berdasarkan pre test dan post test.Abstract: The aim of this research is to produce an electronic module that uses scaffolding in Christian Instructional for Sumba Christian Adolescence Community, as well as examining the feasibility. The Development Model used is the ADDIE model which completes the steps of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This product has a material level of 97,5%, the feasibility of instructional design 96,25%, and feasibility of instructional media expert 95%. Additionally, the trial rate based on individual trials is 99,16%, based on small group trials is 96,67%, and based on field trials 94,71% with very decent qualifications and do not need to be revised. In addition, the result of the effectiveness of the use of e-modules into effective qualifications based on pre-test and post-test
Suatu pengalaman hidup baik atau buruk selalu kita ingat dan selalu kita jadikan sebuah pembelajaran, hal inilah yang mendorong penata untuk berkarya dan mewujudkan tari kreasi JanmĂŁntara. Kata janmĂŁntara itu sendiri barasal dari bahasa sensekerta yang dapat dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) suku kata yaitu Janma atau jatma yang berarti manusia dan Antara berarti kelahiran yang berbeda, jadi kata JanmĂŁntara dapat diartikan manusia yang terlahir berbeda atau kelahiran yang lain (Mardiwarsito:1981:249), berbeda yang dimaksudkan disini adalah lahirnya seekor kodok yang hidup dan memiliki kelebihan melebihi kemampuan manusia. Dibalik karya seni ini menyiratkan suatu pesan, nilai moral, etika dan estetika yang mendalam. Selain itu secara kebetulan JanmĂŁntara yang penata angkat memiliki kesamaan suku kata pada nama penata yaitu, antara.
Pengalaman yang paling berkesan dalam hidup ini biasanya adalah pengalaman yang paling menyenangkan atau pengalaman yang paling menyakitkan, sama halnya dengan kisah Prabhu Jenggala, yang menceritakan tentang terlahirnya keturunan Jenggala ke dunia, sebagai godogan yang menyesali nasibnya, karena terlahir berupa binatang. Perasaan malu selalu menghantui hidupnya, secara diam-diam ia pergi ketengah hutan untuk bertapa meminta anugrah kepada Hyang Maha Kuasa. Setelah lama ia melakukan pertapaan, akhirnya muncul Dewa Siwa memberikannya anugrah yaitu merubah wujudnya menjadi manusia yang berwajah tampan, serta memberitahukan bahwa ia sebenarnya adalah keturunan Jenggala. Mengingat pengalaman hidupnya yang begitu tragis, Prabhu Jenggala selalu ingat akan jalan kehidupannya, dan selalu mengenang kebesaran Dewa Siwa yang memberikannya anugrah hingga saat ini Prabhu Jenggala dapat menjelma sebagai manusia yang tampan dan memiliki kekuasaan di kerajaan Jenggal
Interaksi Sosial Masyarakat Dalam Penciptaan Karya Lukis
This script is a description of the creation of a description of the painting,
entitled "Social Interaction in the Creation of Public Works Painting". Departing from
the creator of the daily interaction with the surrounding community, where the
association is the creator of mutual aid activities. The creators feel that people need
each other in life. Associated with it, to represent the diversity of human identity, the
creator of batik cloth as a medium of collage, as it also in the line of batik are the
meek that inspired the creation of the creator. The objectives and benefits to remind
people that life is interdependent, in order to show that the batik cloth representing a
person's identity, and in order to bring more information about the creators of social
life in this world.
Through the aesthetic language with various symbols, the creator of
combining ideas, ideas, and the preparation of elements to be realized work of art
with collage techniques. Format as well as painting the human form as the expansion
of the medium on human collage. In the process of work using a method that is a long
phase of exploration on a variety of human interaction, improvisation stage by
conducting experiments on the material used, and the stage of forming is a process of
realization of a work of art.
At the end of fifteen realization associated with the work of the appointed title
of "Social Interaction in the Creation of Public Works Painting" among others, must
Can, Stairs of Life, indiscriminately, Wall Unity, Harmony Chain, Pain and Painful,
Keeping Green, Shaping the Mountain, Life in Land, disharmony, Penetrating,
Followers, Living Together, Toward the Top, as well as dancing and the achievement
of this work is expected to be useful for the audience and give awareness about
human relationships that need each other.
Key word : Interaction of social, Community, Batik, Paintin
This study is aimed to reveal the type of compliments and the compliment responses produced by the main female character that is superior and on the responses produced by the main male character that is subordinate in the movie What Women Want. Finally, the research came up with the result that social status and gender did not always influence the way the main female superior character gave compliments toward the main male subordinate character and vice versa
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