11 research outputs found

    Analyse De La Politique Agricole Au Cameroun Et Securite Alimentaire : Le Role De Lagro- Ecologie

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the evolution of agricultural policy in Cameroon in search of food security Since its independence Cameroon has experienced four major turning points in its agricultural policy It appears that today its so-called second generation policy adopts some agro-ecological requirements without however respecting its basic principles including restrictions on chemical inputs and improved seeds To feed the future generation the agroecological transition seems inevitable and its success will gradually require substantial investments the promotion of organic fertilizers and adapted local crops priority for small family farms a system of positive discrimination between conventional and agro-ecological agricultural products and increased support from public authoritie

    Microfinance Access and Women Empowerment in the far North Region of Cameroon

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    The objective of our paper is to analyze the effects of Microfinance access to women empowerment The work aims to measure the contribution of Microfinance on women entrepreneurship in the Diamare Division of the Far North Region in Cameroon To achieve these results we used data collected from the population established data from Ecam 4 Using the stata 14 to captured the induced effects of this instrument we used the binary logistic regression model to determine female access to Microfinance on the results we recommend that the state through different political can put in place different instruments to encourage financial services by providing a regulatory system assistance with paying salaries and utility bills Microfinance is a way forward for women empowerment in Cameroon and particular the Far North region considered as an economically depressed region by the Cameroonian state But to achieve this the government should create an enabling environment in which banks are free to pursue the innovations necessary to reach low-income consumers while realizing profit


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    This article aims to assess the impact of oil rent on fiscal performance in Sub-saharan Africa during the period 1995 to 2016. To achieve this objective, we have recourse to the fixed-effect model of Bird et al. (2008), in order to assess the effects of the oil rent on the tax effort on the one hand and on the other hand on the Pooled Mean Group (PMG) estimator and of the Var model of Toda and Yamamoto (1995) based on the model of Haldenwang and Ivanyna (2018), in order to examine the effects of rent on the vulnerability of tax revenues. The results show that: (i) Oil rent improves the tax effort by 0,2101996 units per 1% threshold. (ii) In addition, the oil rent does not cause the vulnerability of tax revenues to 0,9311 unit and tax revenues are insensitive to  the long-term oil rent at 0,7843424 units at the 1% threshold. The estimation of our results was carried out first using the 2SLS model (for fiscal effort) and the Mean Group estimator (for vulnearbility) shows that these results are robust

    Les Effets Des Transferts De Fonds Des Migrants Internationaux Sur Le Capital Humain Au Cameroun

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    Les transferts de fonds des migrants internationaux de plus en plus intenses fournissent aux pays en d veloppement de sources de revenus extr mement importants Ces flux massifs et croissants sont dus principalement la migration internationale qui ne cesse de s accroitre et aux progr s technologiques qui facilitent l envoi des fonds du migrant vers son pays d origine Afin de mieux tirer parti de ces fonds il est important de comprendre leurs effets sur le d veloppement des pays b n ficiaires travers leurs apports aux diff rents m nages Notre travail aborde alors la question des effets de ces fonds sur le capital humain au Cameroun Nous appliquons la m thode IV-2SLS sur les donn es de la quatri me Enqu te Camerounaise Aupr s des M nages travers le mod le des choix du consommateur de Becker 1965 adapt l conomie de la famille De cette analyse il r sulte de mani re g n rale un effet positif des transferts de fonds des migrants internationaux sur le capital humain au Cameroun La r ception des fonds augmenterait le niveau de capital humain beaucoup plus chez les hommes par rapport aux femmes et uniquement dans les m nages pauvres et moyen


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    The study is interested in examining the effects of natural resources on public spending in the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, in the presence of the quality of institutions. In order to reach our objective, we used the threshold effect model of Seo and Shin (2016) and implemented by Seo et al. (2019) on stata. Thus, the estimates are made on the data of the dynamic panel on 24 countries rich in natural resources during the period 1996 to 2016. At the end of various estimates carried out, the results obtained  showed that when the quality of the institutions acts positively on the publics spending, the effects of natural resources on public spending under the first regime are negative. However, in the presence of the quality of negative institutions on public spending are attenuated in the second regime at threshold of 0,2973347. Our results are solid through the various robustness tests obtained in this regard

    Transition Demographique Et Croissance Economique: Quels Enseignements Des Pays dAfrique Subsaharienne?

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    L objectif de ce papier est d valuer l effet de la transition d mographique sur la croissance conomique dans les pays d Afrique subsaharienne Pour y parvenir nous utilisons un mod le de croissance conomique n oclassique dans lequel nous valuons l effet empirique de la transition de la natalit et celui de la mortalit sur la croissance du PIB r el par habitant de 22 pays sur la p riode 1990-2017 Apr s avoir utilis la m thode des moments g n ralis s GMM en syst me nous aboutissons la conclusion que la transition d mographique des pays d Afrique subsaharienne a une influence ambigu sur leur croissance conomique car tandis que la transition de la natalit exerce une influence positive sur la croissance conomique celle de la mortalit n a pas d effet

    Can Mastitis ‘Contaminate’ Poultry? Evidence on the Transmission of Volatility between Poultry and Other Commodity Prices

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    This paper analyzes the volatility transmission between poultry and other commodity prices. The main question it addresses is as follows: Is there any commonality in the volatility processes of poultry and other agricultural food commodities’ prices? Using standard dispersion indicators to measure the degree of poultry prices volatility and the GARCH-type models to specify poultry international price volatility at time ‘t’ as a function of lagged shocks, we obtain the following results: poultry prices experienced less volatility in recent years relatively to other commodity prices; and the transmission of price volatility from other commodities to poultry prices is rather weak. These results could help to design better risk management tools in agribusiness

    Dépenses en recherche et développement agricole et insécurité alimentaire en Afrique Subsaharienne : le rôle de l’idéologie politique

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    La faiblesse des dépenses en recherche et développement agricole à endiguer l’insécurité alimentaire qui prévaut en Afrique Subsaharienne a suscité une littérature abondante au sein de laquelle les auteurs ont abouti à des résultats non consensuels. La prise en compte de l'idéologie politique dans cet article permettra d’améliorer la compréhension de cette relation, car elle façonne la trajectoire de ces dépenses sur les outputs socioéconomiques. Pour un échantillon de 27 pays d’Afrique Subsaharienne sur la période 1990-2017, un modèle est spécifié et estimé par la méthode des Moindres Carrés Généralisés. Les résultats montrent que l’idéologie politique affecte significativement la relation entre dépenses de recherche et développement agricoles et insécurité alimentaire des enfants, mais n’a pas d’effet significatif sur la relation avec l’insécurité alimentaire des adultes. Nous suggérons un assainissement des cadres institutionnel et règlementaire propices à l’acquisition des technologies et connaissances favorables au développement agricole et à la sécurité alimentaire