4 research outputs found


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    Trichomoniasis is one of the sexually transmitted diseases with worldwide prevalence. It is a public health problem and associated with adverse outcomes of pregnancy and increased risk of HIV transmission. This analytic cross sectional study aimed to assess the epidemiological and clinical parameters concerning trichomoniasis in women attended Maternity Teaching Hospital in Erbil over the period from September 2012 till July 2013. Vaginal discharge swabs were collected from 440 women their ages ranged between 16-60 years using randomized sampling method. Out of 440 women, 14 (3.18%) and 12(2.73%) revealed positive results for trichomoniasis using culture technique and direct wet mount, respectively. The infection rate was non-significantly higher among women from rural settings (4.9%) than urban setting people (3.2%) and in housewives (3.8%) more than employed women (1%). Furthermore, Non- pregnant (3.4%) women were more susceptible to infection than pregnant group (0%), and there were no significant differences among married (3.1%), widow (7.7%) and divorced women (0%). Trichomoniasis was comparably higher in illiterate women (4.1%) than those with school and University qualifications (2.44%). A significant proportion of infected women experienced gray colored (50%) vaginal discharge and followed by green colored (16.7%) discharge. The infection rate was 4%, 3.3% and 3.1% among women with age groups of 16-26 years, 27-37 years and 38-48 years, respectively. Furthermore, trichomoniasis was non-significantly associated with number of parity and neonate abnormality. However, it’s significantly (P = 0.016) associated with history of abortion. Moreover, Women who were immediately post menstruation (9.3%) had significantly (P<0.05) higher infection rate than those were at pre- (3.2%), immediately pre- (5.7%) and menses women (0%)

    Effect of gamma radiation on different stages of Indian meal moth Plodia interpunctella Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

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    Indian meal moth Plodia interpunctella Hübner is one of the most important stored products pests in the world. In this research, the effect of gamma irradiation was studied on different developmental stages of this pest and the doses required to prevent each of these developmental stages was investigated. From the results, required dose to prevent larval emergence from irradiated 1 to 24 h eggs was 400 Gray (Gy), and 400 Gy was required to prevent pupae from 15 days old larvae. Also, the dose of radiation required to prevent adult emergence from irradiated 5 days old pupa was 650 Gy. According to the results, dose of 650 Gy is adequate to control all immature stages of this pest. In addition, the effect of gamma ray was studied on developmental stage period of each irradiated existence stage till adult eclosion. The results revealed that there was a dose-dependent increase in the developmental periods, and the growth index of the adults was significantly decreased with increasing dose of radiation administered to the eggs, larvae and pupae too. It is concluded that irradiation can be used as a safe method to control stored pests.Key words: Gamma irradiation, prevention dose, developmental period, growth index, Plodia interpunctella