14 research outputs found

    Effect of method of tempering on single kernel moisture content and milling properties of hard red winter wheat

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    Molecular characterization of storage proteins for selected durum wheat varieties grown in different environments

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    International audienceThe variations of the amounts of individual high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS), of the ratios HMW-GSy to HMW-GSx and HMW-GS to low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) and of protein content were evaluated for eight durum wheat cultivars in two regions using four fertilizer combinations during two successive years. All measured parameters showed significant variation with genotypes (G), environments (E) and fertilizers (F). The interaction ExGxF was highly significant for glutenin amount variation. Amongst cultivars possessing HMW-GS 20, landraces seem to better valorize the N-fertilizer use for the accumulation of HMW-GSy than high yielding cultivars. Both HMW-GSy to HMW-GSx and HMW-GS to LMW-GS ratios were found to be positively correlated (p<0.05) with total protein content

    Relationship between physico-chemical and molecular grain quality parameters for Tunisian durum wheat varieties (triticum durum L.) in different environments

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    An experimentation using eight Tunisian durum wheat varieties (four landraces and four high yielding ones) was conducted in two different bioclimatic regions (semi-arid and sub-humid) during two growing years. Relationships between agronomic (grain yield), physico-chemical (total protein content, gluten content, gluten index) and molecular parameters (high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS), low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) and their ratios) were investigated. The variability of protein content was significant in relation to environment (E), while the gluten index, indicating the gluten strength, was mainly controlled by genotypic factors (G). The quantification in relative percentages of HMW-GS y and x by CE LabChip90 and the estimation of HMW-GSy/HMW-GSx and of HMW-GS/LMW-GS showed that these fractions have varied in relation to E, G and to their interaction (p<0.05). The correlation test showed significant associations between physico-chemical and molecular parameters, whereas these relationships varied significantly in relation to E and G. The Principle Component Analysis (PCA) has distinguished four different quality profiles, where a given variety produced very different qualities in different environments. These results highlight the importance of the evaluation of genotypes under different conditions and suggest that more investigations are requested to optimize the use and the recommendations of varieties

    Ring-shaped positive allergic patch test reactions to allergens in liquid vehicles.

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    In recent years, we have observed several "ring-shaped" positive allergic patch test reactions to allergens dissolved in a liquid vehicle, a more intense response at the periphery of the site of application than in the central part. The occurrence of such reactions was evaluated for formaldehyde, Kathon CG, hydrocortisone and hexamidine diisethionate. Possible explanations for such reactions include pressure and/or a capillary effect

    Etudes invasive et non invasive du pouvoir protecteur d'une crème siliconée et de son excipient vis-à-vis de l'irritation cutanée induite par le laurylsulfate de sodium.

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    The purpose of our study was to evaluate the protective effect of a new silicone-containing barrier-cream (Anthydro) and its vehicle (Anthydro without silicone) in the prevention of cutaneous irritation by detergents. We therefore planned a study in several stages, using an anionic surfactant well known for its irritant properties: sodium laurylsulphate (SLS) in aqueous solution. In a first series of experiments, the protective effect of the Anthydro cream against SLS was studied by invasive methods on guinea-pigs in order to determine histologically the protective effect of the cream when a 10 p. 100 SLS solution was applied on the skin under occlusion during 24 hours (Square chambers, Van der Bend). Typical and reproducible lesions were apparent, and the protected sites were compared with the unprotected sites. In parallel, we used non-invasive methods (conductivity, transepidermal water loss and cutaneous blood flow) to determine in humans the protective effect of Anthydro cream in comparison with unprotected sites after application during 24 hours of patches soaked with a 5 p. 100 SLS solution on the forearms of 13 adult and healthy volunteers (Silver patch tests, Van der Bend). In both experiments the Anthydro cream was effective in reducing the SLS-induced cutaneous irritation. In a second series of experiments, the Anthydro barrier-cream was compared with its "base" (Anthydro without silicone) in terms of effectiveness, following the same experimental procedure (invasive on guinea-pigs, and non-invasive on humans). The base was shown to be effective in protecting against irritation. However, the histological lesions were less intense when the skin was protected by Anthydro than by its vehicle. Concerning the non-invasive methods in humans, no significant statistical differences appeared in the measurement of various parameters between the sites protected by Anthydro and the sites protected by the vehicle. These results lead us to suggest the existence of an essentially mechanical protective effect in which the silicone plays a very small part in terms of effectiveness. These experimental results necessitates further investigations to be extrapolated to occupational conditions without tests performed in industries and well-conducted epidemiological investigations

    Post-traumatic Tietze syndrome as an occupational accident: A case report study

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    Tietze syndrome is an inflammatory arthropathy of costochondral junction characterized by chest pain, tenderness and swelling.We reported the case of a 35-year-old worker with post traumatic Tietze syndrome. He had a history of two occupational chest traumas. They both occurred in the third left costo-chondral joint. Chest computed tomography showed located osteolysis. Differential diagnoses were excluded. He was treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics. As for partial permanent disability, we suggested 17% given the importance of the pain and its impact on mobility.Tietze syndrome diagnosis was based on eliminating differential diagnoses. This study raises knowledge about post-traumatic etiology in Tietze syndrome. A better understanding of this pathology could help practitioners with patients facing chest wall pain