12 research outputs found

    Is There a Quadruple Fe-C Bond in FeC(CO)3?

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    A recent computational paper (Kalita et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2020, 22, 24178–24180) reports the existence of a quadruple bond between a carbon and an iron atom in the FeC(CO)3 molecule. In this communication, we perform several computations on the same system, using both density functional theory and post-Hartree–Fock methods and find that the results, and in particular the Fe-C bond length and stretching frequency depend strongly on the method used. We ascribe this behavior to a strong multireference character of the FeC(CO)3 ground state, which explains the non-conclusive results obtained with single-reference methods. We therefore conclude that, while the existence of a Fe-C quadruple bond is not disproved, further investigation is required before a conclusion can be drawn

    A Second-Order CASSCF Algorithm with the Cholesky Decomposition of the Two-Electron Integrals

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    In this contribution, we present the implementation of a second-order CASSCF algorithm in conjunction with the Cholesky decomposition of the two-electron repulsion integrals. The algorithm, called Norm-Extended Optimization, guarantees convergence of the optimization, but it involves the full Hessian of the wavefunction and is therefore computationally expensive. Coupling the second-order procedure with the Cholesky decomposition leads to a significant reduction in the computational cost, reduced memory requirements, and an improved parallel performance. As a result, CASSCF calculations of larger molecular systems become possible as a routine task. The performance of the new implementation is illustrated by means of benchmark calculations on molecules of increasing size, with up to about 3000 basis functions and 14 active orbitals

    The OpenMMPol Library for Polarizable QM/MM Calculations of Properties and Dynamics

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    We present a new library designed to provide a simple and straightforward way to implement QM/AMOEBA and other polarizable QM/MM methods based on induced point dipoles. The library, herein referred to as OpenMMPol, is free and open-sourced and is engineered to address the increasing demand for accurate and efficient QM/MM simulations. OpenMMPol is specifically designed to allow polarizable QM/MM calculations of ground state energies and gradients, and excitation properties. Key features of OpenMMPol include a modular architecture facilitating extensibility, parallel computing capabilities for enhanced performance on modern cluster architectures, and a user-friendly interface for intuitive implementation and a simple and flexible structure for providing input data. To show the capabilities of fered by the library we present an interface with PySCF to perform QM/AMOEBA molecular dynamics, geometry optimization and excited state calculation based on (TD)DFT

    A robust, open-source implementation of the locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient for large eigenvalue problems in quantum chemistry

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    We present two open-source implementations of the locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient (lobpcg) algorithm to find a few eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large, possibly sparse matrices. We then test lobpcg for various quantum chemistry problems, encompassing medium to large, dense to sparse, well-behaved to ill-conditioned ones, where the standard method typically used is Davidson’s diagonalization. Numerical tests show that while Davidson’s method remains the best choice for most applications in quantum chemistry, LOBPCG represents a competitive alternative, especially when memory is an issue, and can even outperform Davidson for ill-conditioned, non-diagonally dominant problems

    CASSCF response equations revisited: a simple and efficient iterative algorithm

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    We present an algorithm to solve the CASSCF linear response equations that is both simple and efficient. The algorithm makes use of the well established symmetric and antisymmetric combinations of trial vectors, but further orthogonalizes them with respect to the scalar product induced by the response matrix. This leads to a standard, symmetric, block eigenvalue problem in the expansion subspace that can be solved by diagonalizing a symmetric, positive definite matrix half the size of the expansion space. Preliminary numerical tests show that the algorithm is robust and stable

    Linear response equations revisited: a simple and efficient iterative algorithm

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    We present an algorithm to solve the linear response equations for Hartree-Fock, Density Functional Theory, and the Multiconfigurational Self-Consistent Field method that is both simple and efficient. The algorithm makes use of the well-established symmetric and antisymmetric combinations of trial vectors but further orthogonalizes them with respect to the scalar product induced by the response matrix. This leads to a standard, symmetric block eigenvalue problem in the expansion subspace that can be solved by diagonalizing a symmetric, positive definite matrix half the size of the expansion space. Numerical tests showed that the algorithm is robust and stable

    Implementation of a second-order CASSCF optimization algorithm based on the Cholesky Decomposition of the two-electron repulsion integral matrix

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    CASSCF calculations are often performed in order to get a qualitatively correct description of multi-reference systems. However, for large molecules with a small active space, the manipulation of the two-electron repulsion integral matrix elements represents the bottleneck of the method. For this reason, long computational times together with difficult convergence properties led to the search for efficient numerical techniques capable of speeding up the algorithm. In this thesis we implement a second-order CASSCF algorithm that exploits the Cholesky decomposition of the two-electron repulsion integral matrix. The Cholesky decomposition technique efficiently reduces the computational cost associated with integral tensor operations, allowing to perform ab initio calculations on extended systems. Numerical tests on aromatic molecules and on two biologically relevant chromophores show good overall performances that allow us to extend the applicability of the CASSCF method to larger systems

    The OpenMMPol library for polarizable QM/MM calculations of properties and dynamics

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    We present a new library designed to provide a simple and straightforward way to implement QM/AMOEBA (Atomic Multipole Optimized Energetics for Biomolecular Applications) and other polarizable QM/MM (Molecular Mechanics) methods based on induced point dipoles. The library, herein referred to as OpenMMPol, is free and open-sourced and is engineered to address the increasing demand for accurate and efficient QM/MM simulations. OpenMMPol is specifically designed to allow polarizable QM/MM calculations of ground state energies and gradients and excitation properties. Key features of OpenMMPol include a modular architecture facilitating extensibility, parallel computing capabilities for enhanced performance on modern cluster architectures, a user-friendly interface for intuitive implementation, and a simple and flexible structure for providing input data. To show the capabilities offered by the library, we present an interface with PySCF to perform QM/AMOEBA molecular dynamics, geometry optimization, and excited-state calculation based on (time-dependent) density functional theory

    A robust, open-source implementation of the locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient for large eigenvalue problems in quantum chemistry

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    We present two open-source implementations of the Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (LOBPCG) algorithm to find a few eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large, possibly sparse matrices. We then test LOBPCG for various quantum chemistry problems, encompassing medium to large, dense to sparse, wellbehaved to ill-conditioned ones, where the standard method typically used is Davidson's diagonalization. Numerical tests show that, while Davidson's method remains the best choice for most applications in quantum chemistry, LOBPCG represents a competitive alternative, especially when memory is an issue, and can even outperform Davidson for ill-conditioned, non diagonally dominant problems.Comment: Theoretical Chemistry Accounts: Theory, Computation, and Modeling, In pres