96 research outputs found


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    Abstrak : Perlindungan terhadap sumber daya airtanah dapat dilakukan dengan membuat peta kerentanan pencemaran airtanah. Informasi yang didapat mengenai sebaran potensi kerentanan pencemaran airtanah di suatu wilayah dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan. Metode DRASTIC merupakan salah satu instrumen untuk mengevaluasi kerentanan pencemaran airtanah. Metode ini cukup popular dan banyak digunakan oleh para peneliti karena baik digunakan dalam skala regional. Akan tetapi tujuh parameter (kedalaman muka airtanah, curah hujan, media akuifer, media tanah, topografi, zone vadose, konduktivitas hidrolis) yang dijadikan dasar analisa tidak mempertimbangkan parameter penutup lahan. Berdasarkan dari hal tersebut pengembangan kriteria penilaian metode yang dimaksud yaitu dengan memasukan parameter penutup lahan. Selain itu penyesuaian mengenai parameter dan bobot yang dikaitkan dengan kondisi wilayah studi di kota Bandung. Pengembangan kriteria penilaian yang dilakukan mengunakan metode Analisis Hirarki Proses (AHP) dengan penyebaran kuesioner dilberikan kepada stakeholder (akademisi, pemerintahan dan masyarakat) berjumlah 30 sampel. Hasil analisa mengenai pengaruh penutup lahan terhadap kerentanan pencemaran mendapatkan bobot paling rendah yaitu sebesar 0,065 sementara yang tertinggi yaitu parameter media penyusun akuifer dengan bobot 0,208. Selain itu perubahan bobot juga terjadi pada beberapa parameter dan sub parameter yang dianalisa. Kata Kunci : Peta Kerentanan, DRASTIC, Penutup Lahan, AHP. Abstract:Protection of groundwater resources can be made by creating a vulnerability map of groundwater pollution. The information obtained regarding the potential distribution of groundwater pollution vulnerability in a region can be used as a reference in sustainable development. DRASTIC method is one of the instruments to evaluate the susceptibility of groundwater pollution. This method is quite popular and widely used by researchers because it is well used on a regional scale. However, seven parameters (groundwater depth, precipitation, aquifer media, soil media, topography, vadose zone, hydraulic conductivity) were used as the basis for the analysis did not add land cover parameters as aspects of human activities that could potentially increase vulnerability. Based on the above, the development of assessment criteria method is to include the land cover parameters. Also, adjustments on the parameters and weights associated with the condition of the study area in the city of Bandung. Development of assessment criteria conducted using Analytic hierarchy process(AHP) method with questionnaires distributed to stakeholders (academics, government and society) amounted to 30 samples. The result of analysis of the effect of land cover on the pollution susceptibility obtained the lowest weight that is equal to 0,065 while the highest is the parameter of media of aquifer constituent with weight 0,208. In addition weight changes also occur on some parameters and sub parameters that are analyzed. Keywords: Vulnerability Map, DRASTIC, Land Cover, AHP


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    Abstrak: Penyusunan model optimasi kinerja strategi pengendalian kerentanan air tanah merupakan studi eksploratif yang berorientasi pada penggalian fakta lapangan dan multi kriteria dalam memilih model atau strategi alternatif untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja strategi kerentanan air tanah. Sebagai kajian terapan, terlebih dahulu dilakukan mempelajari teori dan penelitian terdahulu kemudian dilakukan survey yaitu pengisian kuisoner untuk mengumpulkan data sampel pada suatu waktu tertentu dari beberapa responden ahli. Metode yang digunakan yaitu Analitycal Heirarchy Prosess(AHP) dan menggunakan software Expert Choice. Penghitungan secara global akhirnya didapat untuk penyusun model optimasi kinerja pengendalian air tanah adalah : (1) Pembatasan debit (16%) (2) peraturan kerapatan lokasi (9,7%)  (3) penentuan zona pengambilan (8,3%) (4) membuat peta bahaya (7,8%) (5) Penerapan amdal (7,4%). Kata kunci: kerentanan air tanah, strategi, AHP, Kota Cimahi Abstract: The preparation of performance optimization model of groundwater vulnerability control strategy is an explorative study that is oriented on field fact digging and multi criteria in choosing alternative model or strategy to optimize performance of groundwater susceptibility strategy. As an applied study, firstly studied the theory and previous research and then conducted a survey that is charging questionnaires to collect sample data at a certain time from some expert respondents. The method used is Analitycal Heirarchy Prosess(AHP) and using Expert Choice software. The global calculations finally obtained for the compilers of the optimization model of groundwater control performance are: (1) Limit debit (16%) (2) density regulation (9,7%) (3) determination of retrieval zone (8,3%) (4) make hazard map (7,8%) (5) Implementation of AMDAL (7.4%) Keywords: groundwater vulnerability, strategy, AHP, Cimahi Cit

    Risk Assessment and Fractionation of Cadmium Contamination in Sediment of Saguling Lake in West Java Indonesia

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    This research focused on the speciation and distribution patterns of cadmium in surface sediment from Saguling Lake, which is located in the Upper Citarum River. Organic compounds and heavy metals from anthropogenic activities in the watershed have contaminated the river. Sample from the upper layer of the sediment from Saguling Lake were taken from 12 locations, representing the dry and the rainy seasons in the period 2015-2018. Sediment cadmium (Cd) classification was conducted through a sequential extraction technique to determine Cd’s bioavailability and its risk to the water environment. During the rainy season, the total Cd concentration in the upper layer of the sediment was higher than during the dry season. The average dry and rainy season concentrations were 11.12 ± 2.16 mg/kg and 14.82 ± 1.48 mg/kgm in the sampling locations, distributed differently with the following order of the largest to the smallest concentration: 10B > 1A > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1B > 10A > 7 > 9 > 5 > 6 > 8 for the dry season, and 4 > 1A > 1B > 2 > 7 > 5 > 9 > 3 > 6 > 10A > 8 > 10B for the rainy season. All sampling locations (>60%) showed Cd in the resistant fraction, indicating no significant anthropogenic input of Cd into the surface sediment but more geological input due to high erosion. The values of RAC, ICF, and GFC indicate that the Cd in the surface sediment can be categorized as low risk


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    Abstrak: Limbah cair industri tekstil menjadi permasalahan karena kualitas dan kuantitasnya sehingga memerlukan pengolahan khusus, terutama untuk kandungan zat warnanya. Salah satu metode pengolahan yang umum digunakan adalah dengan proses fotokatalitik. Proses fotokatalitik heterogen dengan TiO2 yang diiradiasi UV memberikan efisiensi penyisihan zat warna Reactive Black 5 (RB 5) yang sangat baik, dimana zat warna ini merupakan pewarna tekstil yang banyak digunakan pada industri pencelupan. Percobaan ini dilakukan untuk menentukan kondisi untuk proses fotokatalitik RB 5 yang memiliki efisiensi penyisihan terbaik (dengan mengetahui pH optimum, dosis optimum dan kombinasi katalis) serta mengetahui pengaruh kandungan anion anorganik, yang umum terdapat dalam limbah cair industri tekstil, terhadap proses penyisihan tersebut. Efisiensi degradasi RB 5 diketahui melalui pengukuran absorbansi dengan spektrofotometer dimana hasil tersebut akan dikalibrasi sehingga diperoleh konsentrasi zat warna dalam sampel larutan RB 5. Dengan mengetahui orde reaksi dan nilai laju reaksi (k) maka dapat ditentukan proses yang memberikan efisiensi penyisihan terbaik. Untuk membandingkan efisiensi katalis TiO2 dengan ZnO maka dilakukan percobaan dengan kedua katalis pada kondisi yang sama (pH, dosis). Pengaruh kandungan anion anorganik diketahui dengan membandingkan hasil penyisihan sampel dengan masing-masing jenis anion anorganik (2,5mM). Proses fotokatalitik memberikan hasil penyisihan RB 5 terbaik dengan menggunakan kombinasi ZnO-UV (0,5 g/L ZnO) pada pH 11, sedangkan anion anorganik yang paling menghambat proses fotokatalitik RB 5 dengan TiO2-UV adalah ion CO32- dan ion NO3- untuk proses dengan ZnO-UV.Kata kunci: anion anorganik, fotokatalitik, Reactive Black 5, Titanium Dioksida, Zinc Oksida Abstract : Textile industry wastewater become a problem due to its quality and quantity, thus needs a special treatment, especially for the dyes content. One of the commonly used treatment methods is photocatalytic process. Heterogenous photocatalytic process with UV irradiated TiO2 has a very good efficiency in elimination of Reactive Black 5(RB 5), which is a commonly used textile dyes. This study was conducted to determine the condition for photocatalytic process of RB 5 with the best efficiency (by knowing optimum pH, optimum dosage and combination of catalyst) and discover the effect of inorganic anion content, which is commonly found in textile industry effluent, towards the elimination process. Degradation efficiency of RB 5 identified by measuring absorbance with a spectrophotometer in which will be calibrated to obtain the dye concentration in RB 5 sample solution. By knowing the reaction order and the reaction rate (k), we can determine the best efficiency process. To compare the TiO2 and ZnO catalyst efficiency, both catalysts experiment conducted in same condition (such as pH, dosage). Effect of inorganic anion identified by comparing the degradation results of sample with each inorganic anion content (2.5mM). Photocatalytic process with ZnO-UV combination (0,5 g/L ZnO) give the best degradation result at pH 11, whereas the most inhibit inorganic anion for photocatalytic process RB 5 with TiO2-UV is CO32- ion and for ZnO-UV process is NO3- ion.  Key words: Inorganic anion, photocatalytic, Reactive Black 5, Titanium Dioxide, Zinc Oxide

    Penurunan Zat Organik dan Kekeruhan Menggunakan Teknologi Membran Ultrafiltrasi dengan Sistem Aliran Dead-End (Studi Kasus : Waduk Saguling, Padalarang)

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    A laboratory scale experiment to study the aplicability of ultrafiltration membrane technology to treat the water of Saguling Reservoir has been done. The main parameters in this study are flux, organic content, and turbidity. The membranes used are cellulose accetate based membrane, composed of 11, 13, 15 percent cellulose accetate respectively. Chemical analysis of Saguling Reservoir water shows that, color, organic content, and turbidity are the parameters exceeding the standard. In this study, treated water by using Poly Alummunium Chloride (PAC) as feeding solution was also been used. The results shows that CA-15, membrane has 15 % content of cellulose accetate, performed best. The permeability of the membrane was 5-12 l/m2.hr.bar, and rejects up to 90 % of organic content, 90-100% rejection of Total Suspended Solid and 90% turbidity


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    Abstrak: Arsen adalah elemen jejak bersifat toksik dan dapat menyebabkan berbagai dampak negatif terhadap kesehatan manusia. Salah satu sumber paparan arsen untuk manusia adalah melalui air tanah. Air tanah yang terindikasi memiliki kandungan arsen tinggi salah satunya adalah air tanah yang berada pada lokasi yang terpengaruh oleh sistem panas bumi. Kontaminasi arsen pada air tanah merupakan suatu permasalahan global yang cukup serius dan  telah didapati kontaminasi arsen pada air tanah terjadi di Taiwan, Chile, Bangladesh, Argentina, Meksiko, China, dan India. Sub-DAS Ciwidey merupakan area di salah satu lereng Gunung Patuha yang terletak di selatan Cekungan Bandung memiliki banyak manifestasi panas bumi yang merupakan salah satu sumber polutan alami yang merupakan polutan vulkanogenik. Penelitian yang dilakukan pada sampel air tanah dangkal di Sub-DAS Ciwidey menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi arsen berkisar 0.001 mg/l sampai dengan 3.25 mg/l, melebihi batas aman yang telah ditetapkan oleh WHO dan Indonesia yaitu 0.01 mg/l. Metode geostatistik dengan Simple Kriging tanpa transformasi memberikan hasil prediksi yang paling akurat. Interpretasi kehadiran arsen berdasarkan analisa geokimia air tanah menggunakan Diagram Schoeller menunjukkan hasil bahwa air tanah di lokasi studi berasal dari sumber yang sama, dan terpengaruh oleh sistem panas bumi. Dengan demikian, maka diperkirakan sebanyak 430,600 jiwa berisiko terpapar oleh kontaminasi arsen di air tanah dangkal yang melebihi batas aman yang telah ditetapkan WHO. Kata kunci: arsen, panas bumi, air tanah dangkal, Sub-DAS Ciwidey, metode kriging Abstract: Arsenic is a toxic trace element that can cause various negative impacts on human health. One of arsenic exposure source for humans is through groundwater. One of groundwater indicated with high arsenic content, is groundwater in a location affected by geothermal systems. Arsenic contamination in groundwater is a serious global problem and arsenic contamination in groundwater has occurred in Taiwan, Chile, Bangladesh, Argentina, Mexico, China and India. Ciwidey Sub-watershed is an area on Mount Patuha slope located in the south of Bandung Basin has many geothermal manifestations which is one source of volcanogenic pollutant, including arsenic. A study conducted on shallow groundwater samples in Ciwidey Sub-watershed showed that arsenic concentrations ranged from 0.001 mg/L to 3.25 mg/L, exceeded the safe limits established by WHO and Indonesia. Geostatistical methods with Simple Kriging without transformation provide the most accurate prediction results. Interpretation of arsenic presence based on groundwater geochemical analysis using Schoeller Diagram shows the result that groundwater at the study site comes from the same source, which is influenced by geothermal system. Thus, an estimated 430,600 people are at risk of exposure to arsenic contamination in shallow groundwater beyond the safe limits established by WHO. Keywords: arsenic, geothermal, shallow groundwater, Ciwidey Sub-watershed, kriging metho

    Studi Mekanisme Degradasi Fotokatalitik Zat Warna Azo Acid Red 4 Menggunakan Katalis Mikropartikel Tio2

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    Dalam penelitian ini dipelajari mekanisme degradasi fotokatalitik air limbah tekstil simulasi mengandung zat warna azo Acid Red 4 (AR4) menggunakan katalis mikropartikel TiO2.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran tahapan degradasi fotokatalitik berupa pemutusan struktur molekul zat warna AR4. Mekanisme degradasi dianalisis melalui pengukuran terhadap TOC, pH dan spektra absorbansi warna seiring interval waktu proses fotokatalitik, dilanjutkan dengan identifikasi produk degradasi menggunakan GC-MS. Setelah irradiasi UV selama 5 jam terjadi penurunan TOC hingga 90%, mengindikasikan terjadinya proses mineralisasi terhadap AR4. Penurunan puncak spektra absorbansi pada rentang panjang gelombang 300-320 nm dan 490-510 nm menunjukkan adanya pemutusan struktur molekul AR4 menjadi senyawa yang lebih sederhana, terdiri dari pemutusan kromofor warna (ikatan azo) dan pemutusan cincin-cincin senyawa amina aromatik (cincin benzen dan naftalen). Lebih lanjut, identifikasi produk degradasi dengan GC-MS seiring interval waktu proses fotokatalitik menunjukkan bahwa proses degradasi diawali dengan tahapan pemutusan molekul zat warna menjadi senyawa antara dilanjutkan dengan tahapan destruksi senyawa antara menjadi asam-asam organik sederhana yang mendekati tingkat mineralisasi

    Risk Assessment and Fractionation of Cadmium Contamination in Sediment of Saguling Lake in West Java Indonesia

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    This research focused on the speciation and distribution patterns of cadmium in surface sediment from Saguling Lake, which is located in the Upper Citarum River. Organic compounds and heavy metals from anthropogenic activities in the watershed have contaminated the river. Sample from the upper layer of the sediment from Saguling Lake were taken from 12 locations, representing the dry and the rainy seasons in the period 2015-2018. Sediment cadmium (Cd) classification was conducted through a sequential extraction technique to determine Cd’s bioavailability and its risk to the water environment. During the rainy season, the total Cd concentration in the upper layer of the sediment was higher than during the dry season. The average dry and rainy season concentrations were 11.12 ± 2.16 mg/kg and 14.82 ± 1.48 mg/kgm in the sampling locations, distributed differently with the following order of the largest to the smallest concentration: 10B > 1A > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1B > 10A > 7 > 9 > 5 > 6 > 8 for the dry season, and 4 > 1A > 1B > 2 > 7 > 5 > 9 > 3 > 6 > 10A > 8 > 10B for the rainy season. All sampling locations (>60%) showed Cd in the resistant fraction, indicating no significant anthropogenic input of Cd into the surface sediment but more geological input due to high erosion. The values of RAC, ICF, and GFC indicate that the Cd in the surface sediment can be categorized as low risk