110 research outputs found

    Дистанционное образование: герменевтический модус

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    In the article research task solution, connected with Russian higher education system reformation on the basis of education content revision; individual culture mastering as cognitive trainings synthesis, having new theoretical concepts development as final product; participation in innovational transformations in remote education format are presented.В статье представлено решении исследовательской задачи, связанной с реформированием российской системы высшего образования на основе ревизии содержания образования; освоения личностью культуры как синтеза когнитивных практик, имеющих конечным продуктом разработку новых теоретических концепций; участия в инновационных преобразованиях в формате дистанционного образования

    Connection between learning motivation and school anxiety in adolescents

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    The purpose of the study is to reveal the relationship of conscious learning motives and school anxiety factors in adolescents.Цель исследования – выявить взаимосвязь осознаваемых учебных мотивов и факторов школьной тревожности у детей в подростковом возрасте

    Relating to the profession and evaluation of quality of education specialty "Clinical psychology": survey results of students

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    The results of the survey of students majoring in «clinical psychology» on the attitude to the profession and assessing the quality of instruction in the specialty.Представлены результаты опроса студентов специальности «Клиническая психология» об отношении к профессии и оценке качества обучения по специальности

    Art-therapy techniques: psycho-pedagogical innovations in education of future healthcare specialists

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    The article describes psycho-pedagogical innovations in education of future healthcare specialists at the Chair of psychology and pedagogy at the Ural State Medical University (Yekaterinburg). The article shows the practice of integration of innovational and interactive technologies with elements of art-therapy techniques during practical classes of «Psychology and pedagogy». The technologies are focused on developing students', who study enforced group of «Healthcare» specialties, general cultural and professional competence.В статье охарактеризованы психолого-педагогические инновации в обучении будущих специалистов здравоохранения на кафедре психологии и педагогики Уральского государственного медицинского университета (г. Екатеринбург). Представлена практика внедрения в учебные занятия дисциплины «Психология и педагогика» инновационных и интерактивных технологий с элементами арт-терапевтических техник, направленных на формирование общекультурных и профессиональных компетенций обучающихся по укрепленной группе специальностей «Здравоохранение»

    Innovative pedagogical forms of medical education of students of a medical university: the experience of the department of psychology and pedagogy

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    An experiment of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Ural State Medical University on realization of innovative pedagogical forms of education of students of a medical school is exposed in this article. Such innovative pedagogical forms as story-role modelling of situations, art-therapeutic classes, mediation techniques of conflict management and project activities are presented and described. These pedagogical forms are relevant in the conditions of medical education and are focused on formation of common cultural and professional competences.В статье показан опыт кафедры психологии и педагогики УГМУ по реализации инновационных педагогических форм обучения студентов медицинского вуза. Представлено краткое описание таких форм практических занятий как сюжетно-ролевое моделирование ситуаций, арт-терапевтические занятия, медиативные формы управления конфликтами, проектная деятельность. Эти педагогические формы доказали эффективность при реализации концепции практико-ориентированного медицинского образования и нацелены на формирование как общекультурных, так и общепрофессиональных компетенций будущих медицинских работников

    Mechanical Characteristics of Myosin in Different Heart Chambers of Rats

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    The sliding velocity of the reconstituted thin filaments over atrial and ventricular myosin was measured using an in vitro motility assay. Mechanical characteristics of the actin-myosin interaction depends on heart chamber. Rats of the same breed, but of different origin, may have a different ratio.Работа выполнена на оборудовании ЦКП ИИФ УрО РАН в рамках госзадания ИИФ Уро РАН №122022200089-4

    Features of developing SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein population-based seroprevalence during the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in the Russian Federation

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    The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, dubbed COVID-19, has become one of the most serious challenges for human populations in the vast majority of countries worldwide. Rapid spreading and increased mortality related to it required new approaches to manage epidemic processes on a global scale. One of such approaches was based on analyzing SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence associated with COVID-19. Our aim was to summarize the results on assessing seroprevalence to the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antigen (Nc) in residents from 26 regions of the Russian Federation, carried out during the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic.Materials and methods. Seroprevalence distribution was examined in 26 model regions of the Russian Federation according to the unified method developed by the Rospotrebnadzor with the participation of the Federal State Institution Saint Petersburg Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. Such approach implied formation of a group of volunteer subjects in model geographic region who were tested by ELISA for anti-Nc serum antibody level in peripheral blood. Analyzed primary data obtained in separate regions were either accepted for publication or released.Results. The current paper finalizes the data obtained in all 26 regions of the Russian Federation. The total SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence was 19.5 (10.0–25.6)% with the maximum and minimum value found in the Kaliningrad Region and the Republic of Crimea, respectively (50.2% vs. 4.3%). A pattern of age-related seroprevalence distribution indicates insignificant predominance of seroprevalence among subjects of 1–17 years old: 22.1 (13.1–31.8)%. Among COVID-19 convalescents positive for SARS-CoV Nc antibodies it reached 60.0 (40.0–73.3)%. The number of contact persons comprised 6285 subjects or 8.5% of total volunteer cohort, with the level of seroprevalence reaching up to 25.3 (17.95–35.8)%. A direct correlation was revealed between levels of seroprevalence in convalescent and contact volunteers. In addition, the reproductive number for SARS-CoV was calculated comprising 5.8 (4.3–8.5) suggesting that one convalescent subject can infect at least 4 healthy individuals. A high level of asymptomatic forms of COVID-19 among seropositive subjects was confirmed empirically comprising up to 93.6 (87.1–94.9)%.Conclusion. A single cross-sectional study performed during 2020 June–August timeframe allowed to assess pattern of sex- and agerelated COVID-19 seroprevalence for general population in 26 Russian Federation regions. The data obtained may serve as a basis for the longitudinal cohort investigation with serial subject sampling. The timing and duration of study will be determined by dynamics of ongoing COVID-19 epidemic

    Hsp40 Couples with the CSPα Chaperone Complex upon Induction of the Heat Shock Response

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    In response to a conditioning stress, the expression of a set of molecular chaperones called heat shock proteins is increased. In neurons, stress-induced and constitutively expressed molecular chaperones protect against damage induced by ischemia and neurodegenerative diseases, however the molecular basis of this protection is not known. Here we have investigated the crosstalk between stress-induced chaperones and cysteine string protein (CSPα). CSPα is a constitutively expressed synaptic vesicle protein bearing a J domain and a cysteine rich “string” region that has been implicated in the long term functional integrity of synaptic transmission and the defense against neurodegeneration. We have shown previously that the CSPα chaperone complex increases isoproterenol-mediated signaling by stimulating GDP/GTP exchange of Gαs. In this report we demonstrate that in response to heat shock or treatment with the Hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin, the J protein Hsp40 becomes a major component of the CSPα complex. Association of Hsp40 with CSPα decreases CSPα-CSPα dimerization and enhances the CSPα-induced increase in steady state GTP hydrolysis of Gαs. This newly identified CSPα-Hsp40 association reveals a previously undescribed coupling of J proteins. In view of the crucial importance of stress-induced chaperones in the protection against cell death, our data attribute a role for Hsp40 crosstalk with CSPα in neuroprotection

    Conditioned Pain Modulation Is Associated with Common Polymorphisms in the Serotonin Transporter Gene

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    BACKGROUND: Variation in the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene (SLC6A4) has been shown to influence a wide range of affective processes. Low 5-HTT gene-expression has also been suggested to increase the risk of chronic pain. Conditioned pain modulation (CPM)--i.e. 'pain inhibits pain'--is impaired in chronic pain states and, reciprocally, aberrations of CPM may predict the development of chronic pain. Therefore we hypothesized that a common variation in the SLC6A4 is associated with inter-individual variation in CPM. Forty-five healthy subjects recruited on the basis of tri-allelic 5-HTTLPR genotype, with inferred high or low 5-HTT-expression, were included in a double-blind study. A submaximal-effort tourniquet test was used to provide a standardized degree of conditioning ischemic pain. Individualized noxious heat and pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) were used as subjective test-modalities and the nociceptive flexion reflex (NFR) was used to provide an objective neurophysiological window into spinal processing. RESULTS: The low, as compared to the high, 5-HTT-expressing group exhibited significantly reduced CPM-mediated pain inhibition for PPTs (p = 0.02) and heat-pain (p = 0.02). The CPM-mediated inhibition of the NFR, gauged by increases in NFR-threshold, did not differ significantly between groups (p = 0.75). Inhibition of PPTs and heat-pain were correlated (Spearman's rho = 0.35, p = 0.02), whereas the NFR-threshold increase was not significantly correlated with degree of inhibition of these subjectively reported modalities. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate the involvement of the tri-allelic 5-HTTLPR genotype in explaining clinically relevant inter-individual differences in pain perception and regulation. Our results also illustrate that shifts in NFR-thresholds do not necessarily correlate to the modulation of experienced pain. We discuss various possible mechanisms underlying these findings and suggest a role of regulation of 5-HT receptors along the neuraxis as a function of differential 5-HTT-expression